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Thread: Meet the scientist couple who invented the Covid-19 vaccine

  1. #1

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2017


    Oh how I hope their vaccine can be distributed now around the globe. The post-effects/symptoms of covid-19 are really scary.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Brilliant people. Their names would be remembered for a long time as the people who found a solution for a global struggle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    U guys been had. I currently know nobody who contracted so called Covid-19. Not a single one. It's a scamdemic designed to achieve 2 things:

    1. Manipulate the stock market. Anyone noticed the day US went into lockdown in March was the day the stock market bottomed? They wanted to scare everyone into selling their holdings at rock bottom prices. OMG, it's a lock down, stocks will crash to the abyss, sell all your shares and TYVM says the US bankers back in March.

    2. Make China seem like the superstar going into 2022 Olympics. By the time Beijing hosts the Winter olympics in 2022, everyone already knew how well China handled Covid-19 and came out on top. Let's all invest in stocks, says every commoner after watching the Olympics. You guys remember how US gave the world markets a whopping (aka financial crisis) after China hosted the 2008 Summer olympics. They're gonna repeat it again. Make China seem like the Covid-19 superstar just to sucker everyone into investing at the market top in 2022 just like back in 2008! Then watch out another nasty stock market crash like in late 2008 to make the recent Covid-19 crash seem like a small joke in comparison.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Nan Ling's Avatar
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    Jan 2015


    Would you guys take the vaccine if it was available?

  6. #6
    Moderator Ken Cheng's Avatar
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    Sep 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by Nan Ling View Post
    Would you guys take the vaccine if it was available?
    I'm ready. I'll roll the dice on the vaccine as opposed to living in quarantine forever.

  7. #7
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    Oct 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Nan Ling View Post
    Would you guys take the vaccine if it was available?
    Given the current results of Pfizer Vaccine, I'll gladly volunteer if it ever comes down here. Not sure about other vaccines being made though.

  8. #8
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    Feb 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Nan Ling View Post
    Would you guys take the vaccine if it was available?
    No. You guys know that vaccines take a couple of years to produce right? This Covid-19 one only took a few months, has a higher efficacy rate than most vaccines, requires way below freezing temp to store (I never heard of a friggin "medicine" that required such specialized treatment)... Sounds bogus to me. For all intents n purposes they could be storing sterilized water/serum in little vials to administer to everyone!

  9. #9
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    Feb 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by hirobo2 View Post
    No. You guys know that vaccines take a couple of years to produce right? This Covid-19 one only took a few months, has a higher efficacy rate than most vaccines, requires way below freezing temp to store (I never heard of a friggin "medicine" that required such specialized treatment)... Sounds bogus to me. For all intents n purposes they could be storing sterilized water/serum in little vials to administer to everyone!
    U guys know why they're rushing to clear Covid-19? It's all propaganda. After using it to kill the stock market earlier this year, they want it to be done with. There should b no more talks of this by 2022 Winter Olympics. Could u guys imagine what ppl thought when China was hosting the 2008 Olympics and there was some kind of flu rampant? Nobody would b confident enough to invest in stocks b4 US fooked it up afterwards.

    The goal is to build confidence in the markets leading up to 2022 Beijing Olympics. They want to sell the story, "China will save the world economy" in 2022 b4 giving stocks another fooking. Having the scamdemic still lingering around goes contrary to this plan...

  10. #10
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    Feb 2014


    2008 - George Bush attending Bejing Summer Olympics: "You just watch all those gullible ppl thinking just coz China put on a little show, world economy will steam ahead! Ha ha ha ha? We're gonna fook up the world economy afterwards".

    2022 - Biden attending Beijing Winter Olympics: "You just watch all those gullible ppl thinking just coz China put on a little show, world economy will steam ahead! Ha ha ha ha? We're gonna fook up the world economy afterwards".

    Nothing will have changed!

  11. #11
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    Oct 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by hirobo2 View Post
    No. You guys know that vaccines take a couple of years to produce right? This Covid-19 one only took a few months, has a higher efficacy rate than most vaccines, requires way below freezing temp to store (I never heard of a friggin "medicine" that required such specialized treatment)... Sounds bogus to me. For all intents n purposes they could be storing sterilized water/serum in little vials to administer to everyone!
    This is true for vaccines made in the past, but how about now, where innovation is more advanced? I'm still hoping what the scientist are cooking up now is the answer even if it's temporarily with this on-going pandemic.

  12. #12
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    Feb 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by kmoley View Post
    This is true for vaccines made in the past, but how about now, where innovation is more advanced? I'm still hoping what the scientist are cooking up now is the answer even if it's temporarily with this on-going pandemic.
    Ppl are missing the point. Thousands of ppl die of the flu every year. But this year, they all got reported as having died of Covid-19. I've been saying Covid-19 is a scam. So the vaccine to it can only be a scam. Just think, the only reason the vaccine needs special storage is to keep ppl away from it... from finding out the truth. Say, you decided to sneak out a vaccine to analyze its contents and found nothing. They could say since you took it out of storage, the virus broke down and you wouldn't find anything when analyzing it in a lab.

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