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Thread: The Quest of Heaven and Earth

  1. #121
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    Back at my homeland


    Another chapter to make up for shortness. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">

    Chapter 21
    The Sun-Moon Cult

    Character List (not in any particular order):
    Tian Xin-er (Vivian Leung Siu Bing)
    Shu Qiuyang (Deric Wan Siu Lan)
    Shu Xiayue (Maggie Siu Mei Kei)

    Tian Xin-er found herself in an unfamiliar room with a middle-aged woman dressed in strange clothes observing her anxiously. The older woman cried with delight when her patient came to. “Good, you have woken up. Mistress would be glad to hear this.” She turned toward the door and called out. “Hongmei, go fetch Mistress immediately. Miss Tian is awake.”

    A young maiden clad in similar outfit although her skirt was red, whereas that of the other’s was blue appeared at the doorway and nodded then ran off speedily. Five minutes later, Shu Xiayue rushed into the room to greet her friend.

    “I am so glad! We were beginning to thing that you would not live. You have passed out for three days and three nights, and we have been taking turns looking after you. Qiuyang has just gone to bed an hour ago because I insisted so. He was very worried about you.”

    Shu Xiayue chatted then turned to the tribal doctor. “How is she, Grandmother?” She called the older woman intimately for she had learned basic arts of healing from the other before.

    The healer nodded encouragingly. “She will live for the time being anyway. She is strong and young, and she had taken our thousand-years ginseng, so the snake poison would not affect her for some time.” She then lowered her voice as if afraid of being overheard. “This poison originates from the Widow Mansion, a mysterious clan of the desert. It is best not to cross their way.” She was hinting to her mistress that if the Widow Mansion had wanted this young lady dead, it was rather unwise for their tribe to shelter her.

    Shu Xiayue ignored the warning and turned to Tian Xin-er. “Don’t worry. We are now at the Sun-Moon Cult, my father’s tribe. My father is very knowledgeable; he will find out the whereabouts of the Widow Mansion soon and we will send someone there to ask for your antidote.”

    Tian Xin-er weakly thanked her and obediently drank the bitter medicine that the doctor presented to her. Then, she went back to bed.

    In the study on the other wing of the same building, a young man was heatedly arguing with an older man. “But Uncle, Yue-er and I are like siblings. We do not wish to marry each other. Besides,…”

    The old man interrupted with a scowl. “Besides, you are in love with the Tian girl, and Yue-er with a man from Sword South School.” He shook his head disapprovingly. “It was a mistake to give you this mission. I originally thought that by giving you two some time to be together, you would grow to like each other more.” He pointed his fingers at the youth.

    “Don’t think that you can get away from this wedding. If you won’t marry Xiayue, you will lose everything that I have given you. Think over it carefully whether you want to be the next leader of the Sun-Moon Cult or the son-in-law of Tian Fei.” His tone was sarcastic for he knew his nephew’s ambition too well.

    Shu Qiuyang hesitated. He knew his uncle too and realized that the other’s ultimatum was not merely an empty threat. His face betrayed his uncertainty, and his uncle saw an upper hand. The old man changed his tone and put forth a smile.

    “Ah Yang, you should know that I think highly of you. You are talented and ambitious. Under your leadership, our cult would surely prosper. All these years, I have saved my daughter for you. All these years, I have paved a way to greatness for you because I think you are capable of leading our tribe to glory. You can be the number one man here whereas at best you will only be the second son-in-law in the Tian family. A true man must put his future before his love. Tian Xin-er was but a common girl – could not be compared with my beautiful Xiayue. Don’t disappoint me.”

    Shu Qiuyang bit his lips. He voiced his doubt. “Even if I am willing to marry Yue-er, she might not want to, especially that she has exchanged daggers with Huang Yitao.”

    The old man was fuming lividly. “How dared she?” He roared. “She intentionally hid this fact from me so she could spill it out in front of our elders, didn’t she? The dagger exchange is our tribe custom, not including outsiders, so her self engagement is null.” He announced then turned to his nephew. “She is my daughter, and I will manage her. What I need from you now is yes or no.”

    He was waiting, and Shu Qiuyang weighed pros and cons with heavy heart. He had wanted Tian Xin-er enough to defy his uncle, but could he live as an outcast and without usual status? He thought of Tian Xin-er’s sweet smile then Shu Qiuyang’s merry eyes and sighed. Did he love Tian Xin-er enough to gamble everything he had for her? He reminded himself of Ke Jing and unconsciously made a fist. What if she chose the other instead of him? What would he have left then? An idea crossed his mind, and he made a decision. He slowly nodded, and the old man relaxed and opened a grin.

    “Wise move, my boy. You made the right choice.” He waved his hand, and Shu Qiuyang retired to his room. On the way, Hongmei came to inform him that the guest was out of coma, and he immediately went to visit Tian Xin-er.

    There, he met the heeler and learned from her that the patient was still weak. “Good thing that she had powerful internal energy. Her wound is not too serious, and it will heel in time. But if she doesn’t receive the right antidote, she can lose her kung fu and die eventually. Mistress wanted to find the Widow Mansion for her, but that is harder than to go to heaven in my opinion. You should talk to Mistress about this.” She gave him a friendly advice since she had seen both of them from childhood and knew that he would become the next leader some day.

    Shu Qiuyang’s heart pounded. “How long would she be living without her martial arts?” He asked.

    The older woman considered awhile than answered him. “Right now, she temporarily lost her kung fu. If she doesn’t get the antidote within a month, she will never be able to use her martial arts again. Then, she will slowly die.”

    “Will ginseng prolong her life?”

    “Hmm, maybe. She is a healthy young woman. If she doesn’t exert herself, she might live five to ten more years with help of herbal medicine, but she will turn an invalid.”

    Shu Qiuyang thanked her and left the room without waking the patient. Heaven must have wanted him to have both women for it was now offering him this great opportunity. Throughout the trip, he had been intimidated by Tian Xin-er’s martial arts. Now that she was unable to use her kung fu, she was only a mere chicken in his hand at his mercy.

    “Xin-er, you will live until I grow tired of you. I will give you life, and you will be mine in return.” He laughed gleefully. Greed blinded his conscience, and lust darkened his heart. Shu Qiuyang had lost his original thought of wooing Tian Xin-er in gentleman manner for he was not willing to lose her to any other men. “It doesn’t matter who you really likes now for you will have no choice.”

    An evil plot was planned, and it was executed the next day.

    Tian Xin-er felt better the following evening after another day’s rest. She got up and washed her face, intending to go for a walk to stretch her legs despite Shu Xiayue’s protests. At last, her friend gave in and consented to accompany her although grumbled a little.

    “Qiuyang would be disappointed for he has wanted to visit you.” She indicated a bowl of ginseng soup on the table. “He ordered this to be made especially for you, so you should take a sip.”

    Tian Xin-er wrinkled her nose. She smiled at Shu Xiayue and said that the soup was too hot at the moment. “We will take a short walk and when we are back, the soup would be just right.” She grabbed the other’s arm and asked the latter to lead the way. “How about a garden?” She suggested.

    Shu Xiayue rolled her eyes but decided to spoil the patient for a day. “Well, just for a short distance for I have to go see my father.” She conceded and took her friend to her private garden.

    A minute later, Hongmei entered the room. She saw the appetizing soup and was instantly hungry. “They said that ginseng can make a woman more beautiful. It is not fair that an outsider like Miss Tian get to drink all this good stuff. She is already beautiful, and the heeler said that she will die anyway.”

    She tiptoed to the door, opened it to see if anyone was around. Next, she closed the door and all windows and sat on the table in the dark. Then, she put the bowl to her lips and drank it all. “Hmm, it was good.” She licked her lips and stood up.

    Suddenly, the room seemed to whirl around her. She moved wobbly a few steps and toppled over. That was the last time she had opened her eyes.

    Shu Qiuyang entered the dark room with smiling face. He rubbed his hands with high anticipation when he discerned a woman form on the floor. Not bother to light a candle so not to draw an attention from the maids, he lifted the hapless girl to the bed and undressed her.

    “Tian Xin-er, once you are mine, we will see what you can do.”

    Some time later, he got up from the bed and rearranged his clothes, grinning blissfully. Finally, the moon was in his hands. He suddenly felt the urge to see her face. She must have looked ravishing in that state. He went to the table and lit a stub of candle then brought it to the bed. Hongmei’s face shocked him, and for one moment, he froze. Then, his surprise turned to anger. His disappointment was so great that he lost control of himself. Flicking the candle away, he bent down and grabbed the neck of the unconscious woman then squeezed it madly. “How dared you pretend to be her?” He asked repeatedly.

    The maiden lost her breath before she could regain her sense, and Shu Qiuyang let the dead woman go dazedly. He looked at his hands then at the limp form on the bed and dashed out of the room as if ghosts were after him.

    Unwittingly of the danger she had narrowly escaped, at that moment, Tian Xin-er was talking with a masked man in Shu Xiayue’s herb garden. He was her savior that day, and he had come to check on her. After listening to Shu Xiayue’s diagnosis, he proposed that Tian Xin-er had to go to the Widow Mansion right away. “I will take her there myself.” He spoke and Tian Xin-er looked at him intently.

    “You are brother Li, aren’t you?” She questioned then continued when he was silent. “Father always talks about you. He misses you a lot, and so does Xing-xing.”

    Li Renying (Tony Leung Chiu Wai) sighed and untied the dark cloth that covered his face. “I do not want you to know who I am, but you are too intelligent for me.” He bowed politely at Shu Xiayue. “Miss Shu,” he greeted.

    He was thinner and had grown beard on his face. His eyes were no longer lively but full of pain of the past. He seemed older and wiser, but kindness was still there as he looked at his teacher’s daughter.

    Tian Xin-er did not have to ask him about his wife, Zhan Feiyan, for his eyes told all. Almost four years ago, Li Renying had taken his wife to Tibet in order to search for the cure of black orchid poison. Nobody had heard of the couple until Tian Xin-er came across him some days ago.

    Li Renying ran his fingers through his long unkempt hair and spoke. “You probably wonder why I am here alone. Feiyan was dead.” His shoulders shook, and tears formed in his eyes.

    “She did not die from the black orchid poison but from some low bandits. I have left her to search for water, and when I came back, she was already a corpse. That night, I tracked down the gang and killed all of them to send them to apologize to her.” He could not help sobbing, and Tian Xin-er put her hand around his comfortingly.

    “Brother Li, everything was in the past. Please go back to Sword South School. Father is still waiting for you.”

    Li Renying shook his head. “No, that chapter of my life ended with Feiyan’s death. I used to think that we would go back there if Ah Yan were cured. Now, I only want to be alone, wandering aimlessly. I have wanted to take my own life, but Ah Yan had made me promise to live without her. I cannot break my promise to her, but I could not return to the old Li Renying. That boy had died with his wife, leaving only a living ghost in sorrow.”

    Shu Xiayue looked at the setting sun and exclaimed. “I am late! Father is going to scold me.” She turned to Li Renying and apologized to him before skipping away. “Please stay for a while. I want to make a proper thank to you for saving Qiuyang and my lives.”

    Tian Xin-er pulled the reluctant Li Renying toward her room. “Xiayue was right. You should at least stay for a few days to pay respect to the cult leader. Originally, I am supposed to do that, but I have been ill and have not yet met him.” She then told her martial brother of the story of Sword God.

    Li Renying frowned after she had finished. “Then, this place is not safe for you. Although Miss Shu is your friend, she won’t be able to help you physically. I think we should leave this place right away. The faster we can find the Widow Mansion, the better chance you will get the antidote.” He thought of his deceased wife and sighed sadly.

    Tian Xin-er was not unreasonable. She understood that the other thought only of her safety. She nodded. “All right, let me write a letter to Xiayue. Then, we will go.”

    They were in front of her room now, and Li Renying opened the door for her. He himself waited outside gentlemanly. Seconds later, he heard Tian Xin-er’s scream, so he ran inside and found a half-naked body of a young woman on the bed, strangled to death.

    Li Renying surveyed the scene with sharp eyes and caught a sight of the empty soup bowl. He lifted it up and smelled it. Then he informed to his martial sister. “There was large sleeping doze in this bowl. Someone must have drugged her before the rape. What a cruel act!”

    Tian Xin-er did not hear him as she collapsed from emotional fatigue. Li Renying grabbed her waist and decided that he had to take her away from here. His instinct told him that the intended victim must have been Tian Xin-er instead of this dead maiden.

    With his light kung fu, he carried her in his arms and traveled as fast as he could toward the south.

    Meanwhile, Shu Xiayue hurried to her father’s study to hear his conversation with someone inside. She was about to retreat when she recognized Shu Qiuyang’s voice.

    “You have no proof that I was there. For all I know, you are the suspect too since you were the one who found her.” Shu Xiayue’s curiosity arose, and she put her ears at the door, listening intently.

    Her father was shouting angrily. “You devil boy! I don’t know why I thought you were the right husband for my daughter.” Shu Xiayue heard a clank sound like a dagger dropped on the floor then some silence.

    Finally, Shu Qiuyang spoke. “Uncle, I admit my wrong. I was out of my mind for one second. I promise this would not happen again. I will also swear to you never to see Tian Xin-er forever.”

    Her father laughed coldly. “It is a bit late to repent now, isn’t it? If I had not shown you the dagger that you dropped on the bed, you would have never confessed your evil deed, would you? We have nothing to talk. If you are still a man, you’d better kill yourself now.”

    His laugh suddenly stopped. Shu Xiayue heard his groan then a thud. Without thinking, she opened the door and rushed inside. On the floor, her father was lying in a pool of blood. A dagger was sticking out of his heart. Shu Xiayue’s shaking hand went to the dagger and pulled it out. On the bloodstained blade, the name of Shu Qiuyang was written clearly.

    She screamed and turned to her father’s murderer. “How could you, Qiuyang? He was like a father to you.” In her rage, she launched at him with the sharp dagger in her hands. Shu Qiuyang easily evaded her stab and sealed her pressure points, rendering her motionless and speechless. Then, he put a pill in her mouth, while coaxing her with his soft voice.

    “Xiayue, it is unfortunate for you to witness this scene. I have only you left, and I cannot afford to lose everything. I am the next leader now, and I will take good care of you. Be my good wife and you will live.”

    He then took his dagger away from her and wiped it clean before putting it away. Next, he snatched Xiayue’s dagger from her waist and stabbed one more time at the dead man’s chest. Then, he put it back in her hands. He laughed uncomfortably at the murderous look from her.

    “That is not the way to stare at your future husband. Anyhow, you won’t be able to speak so soon. Let us marry first and then I will add Tian Xin-er into my collection. She can stay here and be your friend then. Won’t you like that?”

    The pill began to take effect and Shu Xiayue only heard her cousin calling for the guards before she went down. “The leader is dead. He has been murdered.”
    Intrigued about Shu Xiayue's fate? Stay tune. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0"> Thank you for reading. <IMG SRC="smilies/bow.gif" border="0">
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  2. #122
    Junior Member Sleepy's Avatar
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    Update soon... It's getting very good, I just can wait to see what happens. I feel sorry for Shu Xiayue, she know no martial arts and her evil evil cousin is probably going to do some evil things to her. O it's so unbearable. <IMG SRC="smilies/help.gif" border="0">

    Are you going to write about that weird childish old man anytime soon? I love that character, lol...
    How about that other hero who is in a coma? Lol, can't wait till he wakes up...

  3. #123
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    Back at my homeland


    Sleepy, I am honored to receive your third post. <IMG SRC="smilies/clap.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/clap.gif" border="0">

    working hard on my story, but also kept busy with my cat. He has gone play crazy. He wants to play his toy all day and night with me. <IMG SRC="smilies/bang.gif" border="0">
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  4. #124
    Member Acidbeastonfire's Avatar
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    Hey Goofy!
    I'm still reading your fantastic story. Just hv been too busy to post any comments of late. In fact i'm reading at work with my boss sitting just opposite of me. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">
    I may just be the first of your fan to lose a job due to goofy's fiction addiction. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">

    Keep it up.

    ps: Li RenYing's kungfu seems to have improved.
    "Man is his own star; and the soul that can
    Render an honest and a perfect man,
    Commands all light, all influence, all fate;
    Nothing to him falls early or too late.
    Our acts our angels are, or good or ill,
    Our fatal shadows that walk by us still."

  5. #125
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    Back at my homeland


    Would any reader with good command of English grammar and spelling care to proof-read this story for me?

    It is not going to be very long and if you are reading it, maybe you know all the mistakes already. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">

    would be appreciate it very much.

    my email is not listed but my private message is open. <IMG SRC="smilies/bow.gif" border="0">

    Acidbeastonfire, hope you don't get in trouble. <IMG SRC="smilies/wave.gif" border="0">

    On the other hand, maybe your boss might become my other fan. he-he.. <IMG SRC="smilies/tongue.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/wink.gif" border="0">
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  6. #126
    Senior Member
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    Your story is getting even more and more interesting [and it was really interesting before]. I feel the events coming thicker and faster...I can't wait to see what happens. I hope Ke Jing doesn't fall in love with Carmen [sorry, forgot her name]. Despite the fact that Carmen is one of my fav actresses, i think Tian Xin Er is the only one for Ke Jing!

    I like the development in the Jia Ping and Ah Yu love story. It's so sweet of him to take responsibility for something he didn't do. They make a cute couple- but which actor plays Ah Yu?

    Anyway, i'm a little off track. Like i said, the suspense is building and it's great. Characterisation is at it's usual best- which means that no character does something i would not see them do [yup! that includes Shu Yang too! I didn't like the guy from the beginning for some reason, because of the way you portrayed him and it turned out that he was a bad guy in the end! Excellent work!]

    Keep it up, i'll keep on reading.
    Read the Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud now. I swear that you won't regret meeting someone like Bartimaeus. Ever.

  7. #127
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    Hi, Kara

    like your piece in kilin. hope you continue with long er's story. <IMG SRC="smilies/clap.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/clap.gif" border="0">

    I am writing one chapter and hope it would turn good.

    As to who plays ah Yu, his identity will be revealed at the end. <IMG SRC="smilies/wink.gif" border="0">

    if it were a real series, you probably can guess from his appearance.

    but in the book, it is fun to be mysterious while it lasts. <IMG SRC="smilies/evillaugh.gif" border="0">
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  8. #128
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    Back at my homeland


    <IMG SRC="smilies/love.gif" border="0"> Let me know if you think the story is getting too soapy. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">

    Chapter 22
    Friendship and Love (1)

    Character List (not in any particular order):
    De Pang (Liu Kai Chi)
    Ah Qing (Au Yeung Pui San)
    Ah Zhu (Yeung Pan Pan)
    Hua Bingzhu (Mariane Chan Miu Ying)
    Hua Wuxie (Angie Cheung Wai Yi)
    Hua Xue-she (Carmen Lee Yuek Tung)
    Ke Jing (Julian Cheung Chi Lam)
    Li Renying (Tony Leung Chiu Wai)
    Tian Xin-er (Vivian Leung Siu Bing)

    It had just stopped raining, leaving everything shiny and wet. Raindrops rolled on green leaves like precious diamond displaying on top of a sheet of green velvet. The garden at that moment was lively with activities of insects and plants; each busily worked away under the bright summer sun.

    De Pang was standing under a bamboo gazebo in a middle of the garden, observing butterflies fluttering in and out of red poppies without actually taking in the picturesque view. He had been in the Widow Mansion for over a month now and still was unable to rescue both Ah Zhu and Ah Qing. For some time now, he had felt that his inner energy had been restored; therefore, he secretly practiced his kung fu, while searching for an exit. At the same time, he was careful not to drink or eat the food that Ah Qing had given him. He looked down at a flower in his palm and smiled a little. It was fortunate that Ke Jing had taught him to eat flowers for food; otherwise, he would have starved to death by now. He put the flower in his mouth and chewed slowly, wondering about his martial brothers at Wu Dang.

    Whiff of perfume touched his nose, and seductive voice rang out. “Hmm, I don’t know that Hero De loves to eat flowers or else I would ask Ah Qing to bring them to you everyday.”

    De Pang turned around and faced Hua Wuxie. “Ah Qing would doubtless obey every command of yours.” His face betrayed no emotion, but Hua Wuxie realized that she had offended him.

    She lifted her painted eyebrows and laughed piercingly. “Hero De is peeved because your wife chose me over you. As I said, we women are loyal to family than friend. The Widow Mansion is Ah Qing’s family, so how could she betray us?”

    De Pang interpreted calmly. “Miss means that I could only be Ah Qing’s friend, not worthy to be her husband.”

    Hua Wuxie opened her ruby lips. “Not at all. On the contrary, she is very lucky to have your love. Hero De, You must not think too harshly of her. She is between you and me who are both her families. She doesn’t dare to offend me, but she also doesn’t want to harm you. She helped me drug you, but at the same time concealed your recovery from me. For every meal that you did not eat, she has eaten for you. If I really did poison you, she would have been the one who suffered.” An envious shadow flickered through her eyes for one second then it quickly disappeared. She mourned inwardly for the unthinkable love.

    De Pang was stunned. “I did not know that.” He murmured, feeling guilty. He felt hurt when he found that she had sided with her clan in spite of his trust for her. At first, he thought that she must have poisoned him under pressure, but she would not tell him her reason. She only repeated that it was women’s personal matters and he would never understand them.

    Then he frowned. So, Ah Qing did know about the return of his power and did not report to her mistress. Then, how did Hua Wuxie know of all his movements? How many servants that she employed to spy on him? While De Pang was pondering, all of a sudden, Hua Wuxie attacked him with her poisonous palms. De Pang moved his neck to the side, in time to avoid the other’s long red fingernails. Simultaneously, he shot out his right hand, grabbing the other’s right arm while his left hand met the coming left palm.

    Hua Wuxie gave a painful cry as her arms felt numb. Her poisonous energy was somehow neutralized by De Pang’s purer force. She was thrown back several steps and had to catch a pillar of the gazebo in order to keep her balance.

    She rebuffed crossly. “Is that a way to treat your only friend here?” Her face showed surprise. “How come you regained your energy this fast? I only gave you half of the antidote, so technically it should take you one more month to be this strong.” Then she smiled bitterly. “Oh! I understand now. Ah Qing must have given you the other half of antidote without my knowing. Seem that I am the one who lost out this time. Ah Qing considers you as her closer family than me.” She was no longer angry but a bit sad.

    De Pang stepped forward and bowed courteously to her. “I will never forget your kindness to me and Ah Qing. Please pardon my rudeness just now.”

    He offered to cure her injury but was waved away. Hua Wuxie smiled at him. “You’d better thank Ah Qing for everything. She has just shown me the meaning of love.” She suddenly felt tired. “Please go. I want to meditate here.” She sat down on a stone chair and closed her eyes.

    Propriety dictated De Pang to leave. He bowed quietly to her again and walked back to his room. Ah Qing was pacing the floor, waiting for him anxiously. She turned around when the door opened and smiled with relief. “You are back.” She cried, as her husband seemed unharmed.

    De Pang strode forward and gave her a hug. “Ah Qing, I am sorry. I have misunderstood you during these past weeks. Please forgive me.”

    Ah Qing almost sobbed. “I should be the one who asks for your pardon. I have poisoned you, and I have…”

    De Pang covered her mouth with his hand. “That is all right, dear. No need to talk about what has passed. I promise that I will not doubt you again.” He explained briefly that he has injured Hua Wuxie, so she knew now that his internal strength had returned to normal. “Therefore, we need to leave right away. Ah Qing, can you lead me to Ah Zhu and out of here?”

    He looked at her pleadingly. Before, he did not ask for her help because he did not trust her. Now, he was certain of her love for him. Ah Qing gazed back at him with tearful eyes and finally nodded. “I have been afraid that this day would come. Since the day that I gave you the antidote wine, I have decided to let you go whenever you are ready. There are many things I want to tell you, but I don’t know how to begin.” She murmured to herself. “Maybe, this is the best way for both of us.”

    She started and grabbed De Pang’s hand. “Let’s hurry. Mistress might change her mind and come for us instead.” Togeter, they ran through corridors and narrow halls and arrived in front of Ah Zhu’s room. There, she took out golden plaque in a shape of scorpion and showed it to the guards.

    “Mistress wants Madam Man.” She spoke and the guards bowed to her before unlocking the door and inviting her to go in. Ah Qing motioned De Pang to wait outside then entered the room. A moment later, she emerged with Ah Zhu whose face lit up at the sight of her martial brother-in-law. “Brother De,” she exclaimed gladly.

    Ah Qing quickly pushed the other ahead and ordered the latter and De Pang to march along with severe tone. De Pang made a sign to Ah Zhu to follow her command and walked obediently after his wife. Ah Zhu was at his side. When the three were out of the guards’ sight, Ah Qing exhaled with relief. Her hands were sweaty and cold from fear.

    “Huh!” She sighed. “Now, put these cloaks on and try to keep your head low and do what I tell you.” She opened a closet at one corner of the hallway and gave the two red cloaks with hoods of the same color.

    De Pang and Ah Zhu wrapped themselved with the cloaks and hurried along many twisting passageways, passing different gates that were heavily guarded by women in similar red cloaks. Ah Qing used the golden scorpion sign at every gate and successfully brought De Pang and Ah Zhu to the exit of the maze. Outside, the sun shone brightly and cheerfully to congratulate their freedom. Ah Qing pointed at a faraway point and told her husband that it was a village.

    “You can get some donkeys there to ride southward back to the Central Plains. Once you pass that village, you should be safe for the first Mistress is in a meditation room at the moment and won’t come out till next week. Good bye.” She turned around and was about to walk away when De Pang wrapped his arms around her.

    “Why wouldn’t you go with us? You are my wife, and I won’t desert you. I will not let you face the music alone.” He had presented at the clan meeting for a few times and realized the cruelty and strictness of the first sister, Hua Bingzhu. If he had let Ah Qing stay behind, it would be the same as he had killed her with his own hands. “If you insist to stay, I will go back with you.” He decided.

    Ah Qing protested in vain. Finally, she agreed to go with him and Ah Zhu for she did not wish to subject him under Hua Bingzhu’s wrath. With De Pang’s martial arts, he might be able to defeat her alone, but he could lose against the three sisters if they joined force. Ah Qing looked back at her home and silently bade it farewell. She knew that this was the last time she would see it.

    Another bird had flown away to find its own nest…

    At the bamboo gazebo in the garden, Hua Wuxie had just got up from her seat when her older sister marched in furiously. Hua Bingzhu narrowed her eyes and interogated the other.

    “Wuxie, my servants said that Ah Qing had taken our prisoners with her through your maze, using your personal sign as her pass. I want an explanation from you.”

    Hua Wuxie lifted her black eyebrows and ejaculated annoyingly. “Ah Qing must have stolen it from me then since I never permit her to use it. So, where are they now?” She feigned anger.

    Hua Bingzhu stared at her second sister suspiciously but replied in her usual tone. “They are probably outside the Widow Mansion now.” Cold smile appeared on her lips. “Since you have nothing to do with their escape, I want you to join me in a hunt. We will use the same rules except that De Pang’s head is worth double.”

    Hua Wuxie’s heart sank. Men hunt was her first sister’s favorite sport. Any hapless male that wandered to their area would be caught and released to a wide field. Then, Hua Bingzhu would go after them like a hunter stalking their preys, and she had always brought back her victims’s eyes as a sign of her victory.

    Although De Pang had high martial arts, he had two other women to take care of. Moreover, Hua Bingzhu had recently practiced some new kung fu, so naturally her martial arts should advance into another level. Hua Wuxie glanced at the other surreptitiously and met the other’s icy eyes. She realized then that she had no alternative but to go with her sister to prove her innocence. Maybe, she could find a way to help Ah Qing and De Pang somehow. She nodded to Hua Bingzhu and followed the latter to a secret passage behind a miniature waterfall in the garden. They went through an underground tunnel and came out at another exit of the Widow Mansion. Ahead of them was a large wasteland, a piece of endless desert.

    It was late in the afternoon, and Hua Bingzhu kicked at the hot sand on her feet with pleasure. “It is getting dark soon – just a right time for a night hunt. Ah Qing would surely take them to the village ahead, so it is not hard to track them down.”

    She turned to her sister who had gone pale. “Are you ill?” She caught the other’s wrist and checked the latter’s pulse. “You have been injured. By whom?” Then she shouted, “was it De Pang? Why didn’t you tell me, Wuxie?”

    Hua Wuxie’s face turned red then white again under her sister’s fierce stare. She clutched the other’s hands and begged her to let De Pang go. “Bingzhu, I have never asked you for anything. All these years, I have been your good follower. I have obeyed you without questions. This time, will you spare these three people as a return of my loyalty? I swear that I will never ask anything from you again. Please, Bingzhu.”

    Hua Bingzhu snorted with disgust. “Wuxie, you are in love with him, aren’t you? Did you forget that all men are swines, distrustful beasts? What do want to save him and his wife for? Do you think he will love you for that?” She was laughing at her younger sister.

    Hua Wuxie shook her head. “No, I don’t want anything from him. I only want him to be happy with Ah Qing. Bingzhu, you have married before, so you should understand about love. Just because you had one bad experience with a man, it doesn’t mean that every man is bad.”

    Hua Bingzhu was fuming. She screamed shrilly. “Love? I don’t know what love is because I live with hatred that was taught to me by my dirty husband. Wuxie, you were lucky that your husband died on the first night; otherwise, you would learn that hunny is actually bitter, and marriage is just a roundabout way to enslave women.” She lifted her head high with pride. “I killed my husband and joined this clan. Then I found you and Xue-she and brought both of you here, intending to shelter my sisters from harm of men. We are now at a verge of glory. Our Widow Mansion will be known throughout the martial realm, and every male will kneel to us three sisters. I will rule this man-dominated society and humiliate those fake gentlemen to revenge for the wives that they have bullied in the private.”

    She glared at her sister. “Ah Qing knew too much of our plan, and it’s your fault to trust her too much, Wuxie. De Pang could not go back to Wu Dang just yet because the troop is not ready…” She bit her lips.

    “Anyhow, I cannot allow them to live.” She moved and Hua Wuxie buried her long fingernails in her sister’s flesh.

    Hua Bingzhu winced. She looked at her sister incredibly. “You are trying to poison me!” She shook away from the other’s clasp and slapped her sister’s face twice. Then she twisted the other’s arms to the back. Her face was stony. “I don’t tolerate traitors.” She put pressure on the arms and Hua Wuxie screamed, as her bones were broken.

    Just then, silvery objects flew toward Hua Bingzhu, and she had to let her second sister go before throwing several black threads at the coming silver snakes. Her black threads were actually thin strings dipped in three kinds of poison. When the threads touched their opponents, they shocked the latter and caused the other to fall down to the ground. Hua Bingzhu looke at the newcomer and barked. “Are you turning against me too, Xue-she?”

    The young maiden in white shook her head solemnly. She went to assist her second sister up and walked the other back to the tunnel. “I just can’t stand watching you hurt Wuxie. Did you forget that we are bloodsisters?”

    Hua Bingzhu’s eyes showed a pang of guilt then they sparked maliciously. “When did you learn to be warm and loving? Did your young man teach you that?” She mocked at her third sister.

    Hua Xue-she replied coldly. “It has nothing to do with Master Ke. Besides, he is here as our guest. He is the descendant of our benefactor. Please don’t forget that.” Tints of red streaked her white cheeks, and Hua Bingzhu snickered as if discovering something amusing.

    “My second sister betrayed me because of a married man, and my youngest sister would leave her tower to pick flowers for a stranger.” She noticed a basket full of white desert flowers that Hua Xue-she had dropped on the ground. “The story about our family’s savior is so old. Why do you still obsess in showing gratitude to a stranger who does not want to accept it?”

    Hua Xue-she was taken aback. “But if we don’t obey our ancestors, we will be unfilial children. I will take Wuxie back to my tower for healing. I don’t care what else you are doing.” Her tone warned her eldest sister to mind her own business too, and Hua Bingzhu took the hint.

    “All right. You can have her for now. I will sentence her when I am back.” Catching the prisoners was more important anyway. She bounded forth and gracefully moved away with swift speed.

    Hua Wuxie tried to call her eldest sister. “Bingzhu, come back. Don’t hurt him. Let them go…” She kept crying and pleaded her youngest sister to stop the other. Hua Xue-she shook her head. “It is no use. I can’t beat her and don’t want to fight her either.”

    She softly patted her second sister’s hands. “Let everything follow its course. Only the heaven knows what lies ahead of us.” She seized her basket in one hand, while the other held her older sister and slowly returned to the Widow Mansion.

    Hua Wuxie forgot her pains; only her heart throbbed with fear for De Pang and others. She muttered silence prayer for them all the way back and let tears bathe her face when she was left alone. She recalled De Pang sipping tea in the garden with her, talking about his martial brothers. He was unlike the other men she knew or heard of for he was a gentleman and caring friend. He never stayed with her alone for long and always kept proper distance from her. He never batted his eyes at her revealing dress and daring manners, but also did not look down at her for that. To her, he gave a pure and sincere friendship that she could not help feeling impressed and secretly turning it to love.

    She hid her feeling well though for she did not wish to lose a friend like him. Many a time, she thought of ridding of Ah Qing so that De Pang could be hers alone. However, she came to realize that it would be useless for his heart had already belonged to his wife and would never change.

    Physical illness could be healed, but lovesick had no cure but time to delete painful memory.

    Ah Qing was hastening De Pang and Ah Zhu along for she sensed danger. The three traveled without stopping for the night toward the village that would be their haven. Ah Qing had explained that the village was under protection of the Widow Mansion; therefore, its residence would not be harmed.

    “We protect the village from Mongol and Manchu’s soldiers, and they give us food and information in return.”

    Around midnight, the group paused briefly for a moment, and Hua Bingzhu decided to strike then. She cast down a strong net attached with numerous poisonous projectiles from a tree where she was hiding. De Pang heard a faint rustling sound with his sensitive ears and automatically pushed the two women away in time. As a result, the net came down on him instead. In that second, he sent out energy through his palms and blast the lethal net into pieces. The tree shook, and Hua Bingzhu flew down from it.

    Right away, she attacked. With skeins of black string in her hand, she shot them at her opponent. De Pang felt cold force emerge from the threads and ducked to the side. The strings hit at the tree trunk behind him, and its leaves immediately turned black and withered in a space of seconds. The tree itself was encased in a thin sheet of ice that spread rapidly about its trunk and branches. In one short moment, a living tree had become frozen. Life was like this – unpredictable, changing all the time.

    Ah Qing exclaimed frighteningly; her hands were cold and clammy. “Ice Spider Energy!” This was the top technique that Hua Bingzhu had been practiced. The tree was the evidence of her achievement.

    De Pang dodged another coming lash and retaliated with his Buddha Palm series. His warm force met the other’s cold energy, creating small whirlwind in the middle. Hua Bingzhu frowned and struck again with all her might. Her whips went forth and were lost in empty energy field. Suddenly, they felt hot in her hand and she had to drop them for fear of being burned. Then as the warm energy from the other receded, she felt coldness ran through her body and realized that her own poisons were about to enter her system. Swiftly, she sealed a couple of her pressure points and leaped backward.

    In icy tone, she said to her three prisoners, covering her injury well. “Wu Dang’s martial arts are very extraordinary. You may go.”

    De Pang cupped his hands, bowed to her politely, and led his two fellowers away silently. Despite his victory from this encounter, he was anxious to be as far from the Widow Mansion as possible. Hua Bingzhu had proved to be a formiddable opponent and only because she did not expect that his energy would be restored so soon that he came out the winner this time.

    The three stopped briefly at the village and bought three camels for transportation. Days and nights, they lurched on top of the desert beast; their destiny was the Great Walls, the gate to China. One day, they reached a large village near the border where foreign merchants and traders gathered to barter on market day. De Pang asked one of the locals for direction of an inn and happened to see a familiar figure leaving medicine store.

    “Li Renying,” he thought and immediately went after the other man, motioning Ah Zhu and Ah Qing to follow him.

    Li Renying left the market and went straight to an abandoned temple at the village’s outskirts. De Pang was right behind him but hesitated to greet the former right away for he remembered that Madam Li was once the member of the Love Palace and the destroyer of Emei Sect. Although three years had passed and all debts were considered forgiven, De Pang was still worried that Ah Zhu might lose temper and act rudely toward the Li couple.

    Ah Zhu was the former Emei master’s third disciple and was somewhat a rash person. If she still could not forget about Madam Li’s past crimes and insisted on vengeance, both De Pang and Li Renying would be in uncomfortable situation indeed. For this reason, De Pang stopped outside the temple and waited to hear what was afoot.

    De Pang heard the conversation in low voice then Li Renying walked outside. He looked around and called the newcomers to appear in clear voice. “Enemies or friends, please show yourself.” His clothes were dirty and he looked tired, but his face was bold, showing courageous and rightousness.

    De Pang walked out of his hiding slowly and cupped his hands. Ah Zhu and Ah Qing did likewise. “Master Li, it has been a long time.” He spoke and bowed to the younger man.

    Li Renying cupped his hands and bowed back. He smiled gladly. “Hero De, you are a heaven sent. Xin-er may live after all.” He invited his guests inside while explaining to them that Tian Xin-er had been poisoned by a strange poison.

    “I intended to look for the Widow Mansion to demand for her antidote, but she becomes weaker everyday that I don’t dare to move her any further. I have just gone to the medicine store to buy some ginseng for her. Many doctors said that ginseng would help prolong her life. Hero De has strong internal energy. Maybe you can purge the poison from her system.”

    De Pang listened to the other thoughtfully while examining the sick maiden. Then he remarked. “Hmm, if this is the poison from the Widow Mansion, then it must be fatal indeed. I can try transferring energy to her.”

    Ah Qing who had also been watching her husband’s movement instantly interjected. “No, don’t! The poison Miss Tian received was from snow snake, my third mistress’pet. This snake’s venom reacts with its victim’s inner power. The more energy a person has, the more dangerous the poison would become.” She took out a knife and opened a wound at Tian Xin-er’s left palm. Then she sucked out the black blood that came out. Next, she bandaged the cut and gave Li Renying a small jaded bottle

    “Here are the all purpose antidote we use at the Widow Mansion. She has to take one pill everyday for a whole month. The pills will lessen the amount of venom in her body so that someone with high inner power can safely extract poison from her after that.” She sighed. “However, I am not sure that there are enough pills here for her. The alternative is to go to the Widow Mansion for the right antidote.”

    Li Renying took the stopper out of the bottle and poured out its contents. He counted and informed the other gravely. “Only twenty-seven pills in all. I have to go to the Widow Mansion.”

    De Pang solemnly replied. “You are not going. I will go instead since I know where it is.” He continued when the other man was about to argue. “The best plan for us at the moment is to take Miss Tian to see her brother, Doctor Tian, at the Medicine Forest. He might find a way to cure her there while I go to the Widow Mansion to obtain the antidote. Besides, I have a favor to ask of you. Ah Zhu here needs to be escorted to Wu Dang along with my wife, Ah Qing, after Miss Tian is taken care of. Man He and I would greatly be in your debts if you help us out.” He cupped his hands and bowed to Li Renying who respectfully returned the bow.

    “Not at all. You are offering to risk your life for Xin-er while I have such an easy job.” Li Renying said and pledged his life to protect the two ladies to Wu Dang.

    Both women protested fervently. De Pang was relentless at first but finally had to agree that he needed Ah Qing to guide him through many traps and mazes of the Widow Mansion. She reasoned that the path that they had taken earlier must have been closed or heavily guarded by now and she was the only one that could help him in this matter. De Pang had to give up to his wife’s argument and allow her to go with him although he was unyielding when it came to Ah Zhu’s case.

    “Sister-in-law, I have come all the way to find you for Man He. If you were to be caught again, then it would defeat the purpose of this trip. Man He misses you, and your son needs you. I will write a letter to Man He and Mu Zhen warning them about the coming danger. Please tell them to notify Emei and Sword South School too.” He did not forget his friends even in this crisis.

    Ah Zhu reluctantly agreed to his decision with tears. That evening, Tian Xin-er’s condition was better due to the first antidote she had taken. By the next morning, she was strong enough that Li Renying decided to take off for the Medicine Forest. De Pang had already left with Ah Qing earlier at the first dawn, racing against time back to the Widow Mansion.

    Hence the group had splitted, and the courses of their destinies again altered.
    Thank you for reading. <IMG SRC="smilies/bow.gif" border="0">

    [ November 13, 2002: Message edited by: Goofy ]
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  9. #129
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    Nov 2001
    Back at my homeland


    Hopefully, someone continues reading this while I keep posting it. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/wave.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/twirl.gif" border="0">

    Chapter 23
    Friendship and Love (2)

    Character List (not in any particular order):
    Hua Bingzhu (Mariane Chan Miu Ying)
    Hua Wuxie (Angie Cheung Wai Yi)
    Hua Xue-she (Carmen Lee Yuek Tung)
    Ke Jing (Julian Cheung Chi Lam)
    De Pang (Liu Kai Chi)
    Ah Qing (Au Yeung Pui San)
    Huang Yitao (Felix Wong Yat Wah)
    Shu Xiayue (Maggie Siu Mei Kei)
    Shu Qiuyang (Deric Wan Siu Lan)
    Bai Chang (Joey Man Yi Man)
    Jiaping (Fiona Leung Ngai Ling)

    Back at the Widow Mansion, Hua Bingzhu lividly stormed into her second sister’s bedroom and ordered the latter to be arrested.

    “You have betrayed me by giving De Pang the antidote. Also, if you had obeyed me and had fed him the energy reducing potion every day, I would not have lost my face today.” She lashed out furiously, and Hua Wuxie listened resignedly. She serenely admitted her crimes and did not refuse that she intentionally let Ah Qing take the prisoners away.

    Even Hua Xue-she could not protect her second sister this time. Rules had been broken, and the punishment was unavoidable. The rule offender was to be chained and prisoned in an ice pool for forty-nine days and forty-nine nights. So far, nobody had yet survived in that cold water for such length of time.

    Hua Xue-she watched her sister being taken away with a helpless sigh. She knew her two older sisters well and realized that her eldest one loved Wuxie and her more than everything else. Therefore, she was certain that Hua Bingzhu would not be heartless enough to let her sister die in the deadly ice pond. For now, she had to give time to Hua Bingzhu to cool down before asking the latter to pardon Hua Wuxie.

    She went to visit Ke Jing who was living between the worlds of dream and reality. At the moment, he was absentmindedly munching the white flowers she had picked for him from the desert. His blank eyes lit up as Hua Xue-she entered his chamber then the light flickered out. Unexplainably, it was as if he was waiting for a different person but tried as hard as he might, he could not remember her face.

    Hua Xue-she sat next to him and smiled sweetly. Ke Jing gazed at her unblinkingly and spoke without thinking. “You are so beautiful.”

    Hua Xue-she turned pink. She asked shyly. “Do you think I am the most beautiful girl you have ever met?”

    Ke Jing nodded slowly. A flash of image went through his brain and he shook his head confusingly. “You are as pretty as the morning lotus in the pond at my tomb. You remind me of the painting of my ancester, Little Dragon Girl Xiao Long Nu.”

    Hua Xue-she was flooded with gladness. “It is my honor to be compared to the great hero Yang Guo’s wife. Maybe, I am probably her reincarnation, and you his. Otherwise, we would not have known each other in this lifetime.” She leaned against him, and Ke Jing touched her lustrous long hair gently. When did he see another head with this beautiful black hair? He reached inside his shirt and brought out an ivory hairpin carved exquisitively. He looked at it puzzledly. When did he have it? Whom was it for?

    Hua Xue-she smiled with delight at the object in his hand. “How lovely!” She reached for it, and he automatically withdrew his hand. She frowned. “Isn’t that for me? Am I not your only love?” She lit incense and several candles and let their fragrant smoke invade the room.

    Thick aroma entered Ke Jing’s head, so he was unable to think clearly. The face of Tian Xin-er again slipped away from his mind. His heart ached without reason as if a part of him had been torn away. Sweats formed on his forehead as he tried to struggle to call back the lost memory. He pressed the hairpin, and its sharp end pierced his palm. He startled and suddenly realized who he was.

    Physical pain woke him up from endless dream. He looked at the woman close to him and pushed her away. Then he jumped out of the bed. “Who are you? You are not my Xin-er.” He murmured, still dazed though his head was clearing up. The spell had broken.

    Hua Xue-she was whiter than her white gown. She was disappointed but kept calm. “I’m your only love. I am your Xin-er.” If he wanted to call her Xin-er, then so be it. She had fallen in love with this man that she was ready to adopt this new name. “Tonight is our wedding.” She lied for fear started to creep into her heart. She was afraid of losing him.

    Ke Jing shook his head vigorously. “No, it can’t be. I have chosen my bride, and she is Tian Xin-er. You are not she.”

    The maiden in white looked at him sadly. “But, am I not beautiful enough? What do I lack that you want?” She pleaded.

    Ke Jing replied earnestly. “Miss is very gorgeous, but Miss can never be my Xin-er even if Miss has her look. There is only one Xin-er for me and she is my only love.”

    Hua Xue-she was filled with jealousy the first time in her life. “Then I will kill her so that you will be mine forever.”

    Ke Jing replied calmly; he felt peaceful. “If Xin-er dies, then I will not live. Without her, my life is worthless.” He looked straight at her with clear eyes. “Please release me. I need to go back to Xin-er. If I don’t see her, you might as well kill me now.” The other could see that he was determined and meant what he announced.

    Hua Xue-she realized then that she had been beaten. How could she let this gentleman waste his life in front of her? If he died, then she would be the ungrateful child and would not able to look into her forefathers’ eyes in the Underworld.

    Controling her sobs, she held his hand gently and silently led him to the secret tunnel behind the waterfall in the garden. Every step of hers filled her heart with agony. Her feet were like lead, but her head felt so light and empty. Was love always like this – sweet yet painful, bitter yet memorable? She had tried so hard to gain Ke Jing’s affection, but in the end, she lost to the embedded shadow in his heart. She was neither angry or bitter, only sad. She understood now why Hua Wuxie had let De Pang go. Love was sacrifrice and love was giving. Love had taught her to be unselfish and to let go despite the heartbroken as the outcome.

    She glanced swiftly at the man next to her and let her tears flow inwardly. Why fate was so cruel to cross his life with hers? She knew at that moment that this would be her first and last love. She quickened her paces, and Ke Jing followed her, also deeply in his thought. He was recalling the past weeks that he had been spending in this mysterious place and realized the love that this maiden in white had wholeheartedly given to him for he could relate to her feeling. After all, he had entirely devoted himself to Tian Xin-er the same way as she had too. Ke Jing wanted to console her but had no adequate words to express what were on his mind at the present. Wise men said that thousand words could not be compared to an action. So, Ke Jing could only press his palm against hers, sending his gratitude and apology to her for although he did not love her, she had looked afer him well and he had rather grown fond of her. She reminded him very much of his childhood home. He let out a soft sigh. Maybe, she might be the reincarnation of his ancestor, but he was not lucky enough to be Hero Yang’s reborn.

    Fate dictated that they would not be the couple in this lifetime.

    Hua Xue-she seemed to receive his thought for she breathed in sharply and quickened her speed. The two stopped at the exit of the tunnel, and she put an oval box ornated neatly with small mother-of-pearls in his hand. “This is to remind you of me. One day, you might love me a little because of it.” She turned back and walked away gracefully. Ke Jing’s heart skipped and almost called for her to stop, but Tian Xin-er was waiting for him, so he departed the Widow Mansion without looking back.

    Two days later, he came across De Pang and Ah Qing and learned that Tian Xin-er was gravely injured. He immediately wanted to go back to the Widow Mansion with the couple but was made to rest for a while first. Unable to sleep although he was exhausted, Ke Jing brought out Hua Xue-she’s souvenir and looked at it minutely, thinking of its previous owner with mixed emotions. He should be angry with Hua Xue-she for hurting Tian Xin-er and could possibly cause her death but he somehow couldn’t. Hua Xue-she had been hurt enough alredy by Tian Xin-er and him. How was it possible to trod on the already beaten soul?

    He only hoped that she would give up the antidote to him. Otherwise, he would go back to Tian Xin-er and die beside her. Ke Jing let out a choke at the idea of her being sick near death. He dropped the box and its lid opened, revealing a golden pill inside.

    Ah Qing exclaimed with delight at the sight of it. She cried, “that is the antidote! We don’t need to go to the Widow Mansion.” Until now, De Pang had not realized how scared she was to face her three mistresses. Throughout this new leg of journey, she had constantly reassured him that she was ready to live and die with him and that she knew that everything would turn out all right. So, Ah Qing was not certained of the success of this mission at all. Nevertheless, she was willing to risk everything for him. De Pang could not help but was overwhelmed by her selflessness and consideration for him.

    ‘I will not disappoint your love, Ah Qing.’ He promised silently to himself.

    Ke Jing smiled. He suddenly understood Hua Xue-she’s farewell. She had given him the antidote by way of blessing Tian Xin-er and him. He kneeled down and kowtowed in the direction of the Widow Mansion. “Thank you, Miss.”

    His weariness had left, and he was ready to go to Tian Xin-er to rescue her.

    The three people changed direction and went southward with new hope.

    Meanwhile, Huang Yitao had arrived at the Sun-Moon Cult quietly. The first thing he had done after leaving the Mud Island was to find Tian Xin-er and the rest. He had a hunch that they would be at the capital but after getting there, he discovered that she had left with other people. Tian Xin-er was an attractive lady and the members of her group were good-looking people, so naturally waiters and local traders would remember them vividly. Thus, Huang Yitao was informed that they had gone northward toward the border and realized that the group’s destination must be the Sun-Moon Cult. Consequently, he followed their steps and was at the tribe on the wedding day of the new cult leader, Shu Qiuyang. The bride was the former leader’s daughter, Shu Xiayue.

    Huang Yitao would have gone straight to congratulate the bride and groom if not for the rumor he had heard from local people. The gossip was about the strange circumstance of the former cult leader’s death. Many believed that he was killed by his own daughter and now they were displeased that she should become their new leader’s wife.

    Huang Yitao could not believe that Shu Xiayue would do such unfilial act and determined to find out the truth before appearing before them. His cautious was also due to the fact that the honor guest named Tian Xin-er was also listed as Shu Xiayue’s aids in committing the crime. So far, nobody knew where she was at the present although Shu Qiuyang had declared a bounty for her capture alive.

    While the whole tribe was merrily celebrating this auspicious occasion, Huang Yitao moved furtively and quietly through lines of guards that rather slacked off from the influence of the strong wine. His light kung fu had improved tremedously thanked to No Name’s training. His intention was to seek a private audience with Shu Xiayue to find out the truth about Tian Xin-er’s disappearance and the crime that the former was supposed to commit.

    Huang Yitao leaped lightly from one rooftop to others and finally landed on top of the bride’s room. There, he kept still, waiting for the servants to clear out. At that point, he heard Shu Qiuyang’s low voice.

    “Xiayue, you are a very stubborn girl. Do you prefer to be your father’s murderer and be burned alive rather to be my wife? Remember that the tribe elders are under my thumbs and will believe what I tell them. I have so far given them vague excuses concerning your dagger on Uncle’s body but I also could present to them the evidence that you killed your father premeditatingly.” He sneered. “Oh, should I mention that your dagger was intially given to you by your Han lover, Huang Yitao? Tian Xin-er is Huang Yitao’s sworn sister and her father’s teacher, Sword God, was our family’s lifetime enemy. It would be logical to assume that Huang Yitao has entered our house secretly and raped Hongmei to death while his sworn sister stole your dagger and killed Uncle. This would be the story I give the elders tomorrow after our wedding. However, if you don’t behave yourself in the ceremony, I will add you as another accomplice.”

    There was no answer, and Shu Qiuyang laughed. “How would you prove your innocence without your voice? If you are a good bride, I will cure you little by little. When we have a few children, you will realize that you are in love with me.” The other must have done something for Huang Yitao heard a slap and angry voice. “Xiayue, you have changed and that is because of Huang Yitao. Don’t worry. I will make sure that you will never see him again.” A chair was turned and some scruffle sound was heard.

    Huang Yitao could not listen anymore. He could not let a defenseless woman be bullied, especially when there were three lives at stakes. He jumped through the roof into the upheaval room where Shu Qiuyang was trying to force a bridal gown on the reluctant bride.

    Shu Xiayue’s eyes were lit with hope at the sight of the newcomer, and Shu Qiuyang roared an arrogant laughter. “Are you trying to be a hero and save the damsel in distress? Did you forget that you have lost to me before?”

    He was too sure of himself, and his carelessness brought about the change of his future. Shu Qiuyang brandished his sword and launched at the other man who intercepted with his own sword. Immediately, he could feel his opponent’s powerful energy and was surprised at the other’s vast improvement from the last time they had met. Although the other’s sword techniques were the same, they became more refined due to Huang Yitao’s higher force, hence the more effective stances. Not only his kung fu was stronger, but his movement was also quicker, making the attack more deadly and harder to avoid.

    Shu Qiuyang could not conceal his surprise. He was also annoyed for he was evidently losing. At that moment, while his left arm was at the level of the other’s chest, he released his secret weapon – a knife hidden under his sleeve. The short blade flew out, and Huang Yitao twisted his torso aside to avoid the coming dagger. Shu Qiuyang saw a good opportunity and instantaneously stabbed forth. The sword glazed at Huang Yitao’s upper arm and Shu Qiuyang was about to strike again when the former captured the coming sword by pushing his sword on top of the other. Shu Qiuyang added his force and tried to pull his weapon back but the other was stronger than he was. His hand that held the sword shook and he had to release it, reeling back a few steps.

    Enraged, he dashed forward with his palms, and Huang Yitao adeptly encountered them. Few more moves showed that the latter was having an upper hand. Just when Huang Yitao was about to hit the other, a piece of long white cloth from out of nowhere slithered in and caught his hand tightly. In that situation, Huang Yitao unconsciously used a new technique that No Name had forced him to learn, ‘One Finger Making a Hole in the Sky’. He passed his energy to his index finger and punched a hole through the fabric to free his imprisoned hand. Next, he seized the cloth end and spoke to its owner.

    “Miss, we don’t know each other. This man Shu Qiuyang is a bully and possible a murderer. Please let me punish him.”

    The young maiden at the other end of white cloth laughed. “I can do what I am pleased. I have some questions to ask this Shu guy, so I can’t let you bully him in front of me. Hmm, you seem more violent than he does. I should believe that you are the villain one.”

    With that, she put her bamboo pipe to her lips and blew. Small darts dashed from it toward Huang Yitao, and he had to let go of her cloth and somersaulted back to evade the projectiles. While he was busily dodging the newcomer’s darts, Shu Qiuyang who staggered to the side with relief saw an opening and picked up his sword to renew the attack.

    With two opponents on hand, Huang Yitao realized that he might not withstand very long and decided to retreat for now. His priority was to rescue Shu Xiayue anyway. Thus, he avoided another darts and grabbed the cowering bride from the corner of the room and leaped upward to the roof, using his excellent light kung fu to get away from the other’s pursuing.

    Shu Qiuyang was livid. He was about to rush after the pair, but the young maiden quickly moved in front of him, standing on his way. “Aren’t you a bit ungrateful? I have chased that man for you and did not hear even a single word of thank you. I did not help you just out of kindness, you know.”

    Shu Qiuyang controlled his temper with all his will. He recognized her as the one who was with the masked man in blue robe back at the inn outside the capital. After witnessing her martial skills, he did not want to cause troubles unnecessarily, so he forced a polite smile and cupped his hands to her.

    “Please pardon my rudeness. I was too agitated that my bride has just been stolen. Thank you, Miss for saving my life.”

    The maiden waved her hands conceitedly. She sat down and poured herself a cup of tea. “I want you to answer some questions, and I will leave you alone.”

    Shu Qiuyang stole a glance at her and concluded that she was quite pretty. He gravely bowed again. “What does Miss want to know? I will answer you truthfully.”

    Bai Chang nodded satisfactorily. She sipped tea and asked him. “Where are your friends who were with you at Beiping?”

    Shu Qiuyang gave a thought and replied courteously. “Miss Tian was here for a while and left with Master Ke. Master Miao was still at the inn in Beiping when we took leaves from one another.”

    Bai Chang frowned. “Then, did you meet any masked man clad in blue robe at all?”

    Shu Qiuyang shook his head slowly then thought of something. “Not really. However, I think Miss Tian did. In fact, she was injured by one masked man and was rescued by another.” He hid a grin when the other looked angry. “Maybe your martial brother decided to befriend Miss Tian after all.” He added and Bai Chang slapped the table furiously. She also assumed that her martial brother was the one who had helped Tian Xin-er against Ah Yu. She never doubted that the slow-witted Ah Yu would disobey her grandfather’s order. On the other hand, jealousy blinded her reasoning and she was willing to believe that Miao Li had changed his mind because of Tian Xin-er.

    She shouted at Shu Qiuyang. “Nosy man, what do you know about my martial brother? I am going to teach you to be more careful with your mouth.” She lifted her hand and suddenly felt weak. Panic, she yelled but ended up whispered softly. “What was in the tea?” Then, the world turned upside down and she lurched into the other’s arms.

    Shu Qiuyang chuckled. He touched her pulse to make sure that his drug had worked. Then he rubbed his hands gleefully. “Heaven surely did not intend me to be brideless today.” He murmured to Bai Chang. “Don’t blame me, my dear. I meant to drug Xiayue not you. Although you are not as beautiful as Xin-er or as charming as Yue-er, you will do.” He knitted his eyebrows, considering Bai Chang’s words. “Her face changed when I mentioned Miao Li. Could he be…?” He pondered and felt that he possessed some vital information. “If that is true, then I am very lucky indeed.”

    He looked up and chortled; his brain had already worked out a new plan.

    Huang Yitao released Shu Xiayue from his arms when he was sure that they were safe. He asked her how she was then remembered that Shu Qiuyang had mentioned that she had been poisoned and was unable to speak. So, he checked her pulse but found nothing significantly enough to tell him about her condition. Embarrassingly, he apologized to her that his medical knowledge was too limited and could not help her. Then he thought of Tian Bao and told the other that he knew a great doctor who could find her voice again.

    “It is rather late, so we should rest for a long journey tomorrow.” He decided not to subject her under too many questions. ‘Maybe we can communicate by writing tomorrow.’ He hoped and started building campfire to prevent disturbance from night beasts.

    Shu Xiayue had been stunned from the rapid change of events up to now. She returned to herself when she noticed blood tickling from Huang Yitao’s upper arm. Quickly, she tore her sleeve and made him a bandage. Huang Yitao muttered a thank you then silence reigned over the awkward couple.

    Right then, Huang Yitao had just shockingly realized the seriousness of the situation. To outsiders’s eyes, he had kidnapped somebody’s bride regardless of the actual reason. Whatever it was, Shu Xiayue’s name now was tarred by his thoughtless action. A solution came to his mind, and he immediately disregarded it. How could he think of such idea when Lu Tingli still was in his heart? He felt confused, not sure how to solve this problem. Somehow, he had to be responsible to this pity lady’s reputation, but how could he do something that was against his feeling?

    He glanced at Shu Xiayue and met her trusting gaze that he had to turn away guiltily. He could read admiration from her eyes and did not know how he should behave toward her. Tongue-tied, he made a bed for her and moved away at proper distant to sleep. Long after Shu Xiayue had slept, he was still awake, arguing with himself about Shu Xiayue issue.

    The next morning, Shu Xiayue and he took off. By the next day, they were at a village outside the Great Walls. There, he briefly left Shu Xiayue at a local restaurant to buy some dry food for the trip. When he was back, he found her was with Jiaping. After initial greeting, he learned that Ah Yu was with her. Accordingly, after the meal, the three went to meet Ah Yu who seemed glad to see Shu Xiayue.

    “We can use Miss Shu’s disguise skill.” Ah Yu said, and Jiaping explained to Shu Xiayue that they were unable to pass the border. “At first, I thought it was because of me, but later we learned that Ah Yu was also the target. Seem that there was a masked killer about, and the soldiers at the gate mistook Ah Yu to be him. Xiayue, can you think up something for Ah Yu too?”

    Shu Xiayue nodded. She could not speak, yet she felt so happy and carefree. If she could be with Huang Yitao and received such tender care from him like this always, she would be ready to sacrifrice even her ears or her eyes. She thought for a moment then decided to dress Ah Yu up as a widow. Jiaping was to lay inside a coffin as the husband’s corpse. Shu Xiayue would be the mute maid, and Huang Yitao would be the servant who pushed the cart carrying the coffin.

    The widow would bring her husband who died from chicken pox back to his family. If the soldiers ask questions, Ah Yu supposed to pretend that he was also sick with the same disease, and Huang Yitao would open the coffin to show Jiaping’s face that were full of ugly pox marks.

    Jiaping was satisfied with the plan and everyone went about doing his/her task.

    Everything went well, and as expected, the guards at the gate were so afraid of the deadly disease that they did not attempt to look too closely at Ah Yu or the corpse. After they entered the Central Plains, the dead man came to life and became Jiaping again while the widow took off her black veil and returned to himself.

    Ah Yu thanked Shu Xiayue with hearfelt gratitude and wished her a discovery of her voice. However, he turned down Huang Yitao’s invitation to the Medicine Forest. He said that Jiaping and he were eager to return to his cottage. Besides, soldiers could still come after them anytime, and he did not want to endanger both Huang Yitao and Shu Xiayue.

    The two pairs then separated to their own roads.

    Ah Yu arrived at his old cottage with eagerness, intending to remain there all his life with Jiaping. However, fate would not let him off so easily for the young couple found someone waiting for them there. Ah Yu greeted the stranger reverently who immediately ordered him to search for Bai Chang.

    Ah Yu turned pale at the thought of Chang-er in danger and Jiaping could not help feeling sad at his concerning expression. Would the happiness these past days just a dream to her? She tried to be brave and generous, however, for she realized that he had no choice but to follow his mentor.

    The stranger, an old man with silver beard and dignified manner, paid no attention to her. His concern at the present was about his disappearing granddaughter. Thus, Ah Yu said good-bye to Jiaping with a promise to come back very soon.

    Jiaping felt like she was the homeless bird again.
    thank you for reading.
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  10. #130
    Senior Member jeh's Avatar
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    Goofy, on chapter 22. There was a sentence that said" Ah Zhu gazed back at him with tearful eyes and finally nodded". Shouldn't that be Ah Quing instead of Ah Zhu? Anyway, the 2 chapter that you just posted is good.I wonder what will happen to Bai Chang.

  11. #131
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    Goofy, can you tell me what did Shu Qiuyang experience that had made him turn so evil in such a short time? And why does he need to marry Shu Xiayue anyway if he has already got the tribe elders under his thumbs?
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
    Cyril Connolly

  12. #132
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    Back at my homeland


    he had to marry Shu Xiayue to ensure his position as the next leader. He befriended a lot of elders but the leader was still the top man.

    As to his evilness, he was just desperate. He wanted to be somebody and wanted his love.

    He decided to settle on Xiayue after Xin-er was gone, so he could not stand being disappointed again. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">

    Hope that answer your questions.
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  13. #133
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    Back at my homeland


    Warning: This chapter can have some adult contents.

    Chapter 24

    Character List (not in any particular order):
    Shu Qiuyang (Deric Wan Siu Lan)
    Bai Chang (Joey Man Yi Man)
    Miao Li (Jackie Lui Chung Yin)
    Ke Jing (Julian Cheung Chi Lam)
    De Pang (Liu Kai Chi)
    Ah Qing (Au Yeung Pui San)
    Huang Yitao (Felix Wong Yat Wah)
    Shu Xiayue (Maggie Siu Mei Kei)
    Li Renying (Tony Leung Chiu Wai)
    Tian Xin-er (Vivian Leung Siu Bing)
    Ah Zhu (Yeung Pan Pan)
    Jiaping (Fiona Leung Ngai Ling)

    Ah Yu and his mentor took separate trails to seek the missing Bai Chang. Ah Yu covered west area, while his mentor went northward.

    Few days later, the latter met up with his martial nephew who directed him to the Sun-Moon Cult for that was where she had been sighted recently. Accordingly, they went to the cult leader’s residence and unexpectedly found Bai Chang with Shu Qiuyang as the new mistress. Needless to say, both visitors were furious enough to massacre the whole tribe had it not been Bai Chang’s pleas for behalf of her husband. Miao Li could hardly believe the words that came from her own mouth, confessing that she had fallen in love with Shu Qiuyang at first sight and decided to marry him.

    “But that’s impossible! The bride should have been his cousin, Shu Xiayue. What happened to her? Chang-er, what did he do to you? Did he threaten you or poison you? Tell your grandfather, and he will give justice to you.” Miao Li roared. Although he did not love her, she was his first woman, and it was hurt to see other man took her away. He was in usual blue outfit with leather mask. If eyes could kill a person, Shu Qiuyang would have died long time ago.

    Bai Chang glanced at her martial brother; there was no recognition of their love. She replied lazily. “Ah! Miss Shu was in love with someone else and decided to elope with him. I arrived here just in time to witness the scene. Qiuyang was generous enough to let them go unharmed, and I felt impressed with his kindness that I offered to go through the ceremony with him to keep his face. He was every inch a gentleman and behaved properly. He wanted to escort me back to Grandpa and explained everything, but I was the one who changed my mind. I saw that he was a good man and caring husband, so I started to like him.” She hugged Shu Qiuyang’s arm intimately and her grandfather could only frown.

    “Chang-er, marriage is the most important thing in a woman’s life. You should have consulted me first before acting so rashly.” He sighed heavily. His castle in the air disappeared in that second, but what choice did he have? He was not pleased with his granddaughter’s hasty decision, but he did not wish her to become the widow so young. A woman could only marry once in her life, and now that Chang-er had become someone else’s bride, it was too late to think of the beautiful future he had planned for her. He surveyed his new grandson-in-law sharply and could not find the fault. Shu Qiuyang was young and handsome. Although he was not the prince, he was the leader of the Sun-Moon Cult. With some support from him, this young man could go far in the future.

    Any grandparent would wish for the best of their grandchildren. Bai Chang was known for impulsiveness and stubbornness; therefore, it was not out of her character to wed in that style. The old man sighed again and prevented his martial nephew from striking at Shu Qiuyang.

    “It is no use.” He said tiredly and Miao Li understood what he implied. The older man decided to put Shu Qiuyang under his wings, and if the latter would get hurt, he, Miao Li, had to answer for it.

    Shu Qiuyang beamed with pleasure. He knew he won this round. Accordingly, he presented a cup of tea to the elder as way of apology. Then he invited both men to stay at his house for awhile. The old man grunted but followed his granddaughter to the guest room. Miao Li was about to leave the hall too when Shu Qiuyang called his name. “Brother Miao, it has been some time that we met. How about a chat?”

    Miao Li paused and turned around. He looked at the other with unconcealed disgust. “Chang-er must have told you all about me.” It was true after all that women changed their hearts so easily.

    Shu Qiuyang shook his head. “Chang-er is a good wife and faithful granddaughter. I just guessed the truth the same way that Tian Xin-er and Ke Jing must have arrived at their conclusions.” He sneered at the other’s flushing face. “Those two are clever than you thought, brother Miao. Otherwise, why did they never tell you anything?” He understood his opponent’s weakness and taunted the other relentlessly.

    Miao Li was angry beyond words but could do nothing against his martial uncle’s wish. He still needed help from the old man, and he could not let his future be destroyed because of one woman. He hit a table next to him, and it burst into dust. Shu Qiuyang turned pale, and Miao Li forced a laugh. “Remember, brother Shu. You might become like this table one day.” He then stormed after the servants to his quarter.

    Shu Qiuyang licked his dry lips nervously but determined to carry through his plan. He was now riding on top of a tiger and unable to get down without being eaten first. He had to go on.

    That night, he went to see his only relative, the tribe healer. “Aunt, I need more dozes of the potion.” He begged her, using his suave voice.

    The older woman hesitated. She refused at first then relented when he told her that his future and the whole tribe’s fate depended on her. With a regretful sigh, she handed him a glass vial with a solemn warning.

    “Be careful about it. If you use it too much, her brain might stop functioning and she could lose her sense. If you weren’t my dear sister’s only child, I would not have concocted this sinful medicine for you.” Blood was thicker than water. Family ties were put ahead of righteousness.

    Shu Qiuyang smiled and thanked his aunt charmingly. Then he departed to his room where Bai Chang was waiting for him. There, he poured a few drops of clear liquid from the vial into a cup of wine and gave it to his wife who drank it all in one sip.

    “Good girl,” he whispered in her ears and caressed her gently. “Chang-er, do you love me?”

    Bai Chang nodded. Her head was clouded, and she only knew that she needed to obey her husband’s wishes. “I love you more than my life.” She announced and wrapped her arms around him.

    Shu Qiuyang responded to her and sighed. “Ah! I am afraid that I have offended your martial brother. I want to apologize to him in private but he probably wouldn’t come if I ask him. Chang-er, can you write to him for me?”

    Of course, Bai Chang was eager to comply to his demand, so he gave her writing implements and waited till she was done with the letter. Then he had it sent to Miao Li and waited for the climax of the play.

    Miao Li opened Bai Chang’s letter and read it with deep thought. She said that she had something to tell him. He recalled the time that they had played music together in a bamboo forest and decided to go. Probably, she had been threatened by Shu Qiuyang earlier and wanted to appeal for his help now.

    When he entered her room, he was taken aback by the sight of Shu Qiuyang. He was about to turn back when Bai Chang caught his hand. “Martial brother, Qiuyang wanted to ask your pardon for being rude to you this afternoon.” She pushed him to the chair and poured him a cup of wine.

    “I ordered this wine especially for you.” Miao Li smelled the wine and recognized it as his favorite kind. He smiled bitterly and sat down, waiting to hear what Shu Qiuyang had up in his sleeves.

    Shu Qiuyang kowtowed three times and politely apologized to the other man. Then he presented the wine to Miao Li. Bai Chang followed suit and gave her martial brother another cup of wine.

    Miao Li did not trust Shu Qiuyang, so he accepted his martial sister’s cup instead. He put the cup to his lips and drank it. Then, he poured himself another cup of wine.

    Shu Qiuyang cried with disappointment. “If brother Miao would not accept my wine, then I will drink it for you to show my earnestness.” He drank the wine and showed the empty cup to the other.

    Miao Li knitted his eyebrows together. Was he too cynical? Could Shu Qiuyang mean well and really love Bai Chang? Was there such love at first sight? Instantly, he answered himself. Yes, there was. He also loved Tian Xin-er from the first time he saw her at Dr. Ma’s cottage.

    Tian Xin-er, how was she now? He wondered as he recalled having wounded her several places. His heart wrenched, and for the moment, he felt uncontrolled desire to see her and confess to her his love. He stood up and saw her. So, there she was now with the villain Shu Qiuyang. He shook his head. No, he could not let anything happen to his Xin-er. She had to be his, not Shu Qiuyang’s.

    He grabbed Shu Qiuyang’s shoulders and threw the other to the corner of the room. Then he picked up the panic maiden and carried her to the bed. “Don’t worry. I will take care of you.” He stepped on Shu Qiuyang’s stomach and kicked the other’s face scornfully. Then he sealed the other’s pressure points.

    “Shu Qiuyang, you have stolen Bai Chang from me. Now, I will let you watch what I will do with Xin-er.” He laughed madly amid the screaming from the maiden on the bed. “Martial brother, I am not…” Bai Chang did not have a chance to speak anymore as her lips were sealed with his.

    In the mist of his bliss, someone entered the room and yelled shockingly. “Miao Li, how could you?” He was snatched from the bed and mercilessly hurled to the floor. A tall figure towered above him, and two hands reached down for his neck, choking him with rage.

    Bai Chang weakly got up from the bed and called out. “Grandpa, don’t kill him.” She pleaded and the old man released his grip a little. “You dog! I have never imagined seeing you behave so lowly. Even if you are the Jade Emperor himself, you have no right to hurt my little Chang-er.” He growled and dragged the half-dressed man outside.

    The cloud in his head started to clear, and Miao Li had just realized what he had done. “Oh, no!” He groaned and tried to explain to his elder that it was all Shu Qiuyang’s trick, but who would believe him? Who would expect a husband to stage his own wife’s rape scene? The older man was beside himself. The sight of his only granddaughter on the bed with his martial nephew was too much to bear. He kicked the other furiously, and Miao Li did not dare to counter back.

    “I, Light Shadow, have eyes but without sight to encourage my martial brother to teach you martial arts. I should have let you fall off the cliff years ago.” His eyes were red, and his silver beard shook in the wind with indignation.

    Light Shadow (Kenneth Tsang Kong) pointed his fingers at Miao Li. “If there is royal blood in you as you have claimed, you should know what to do.”

    Miao Li kowtowed to the older man three times. “Martial Uncle, you and my mentor are like the father to me. I have always thought that once I obtain the throne, I can have Chang-er as my queen and you as my minister. Alas, everything is only the dream. Thank you for everything you have done for me.”

    He took out a dagger from his belt and stabbed at himself. Bai Chang screamed and rushed to stop her martial brother. She held his bloody hand and begged to her grandfather to spare the other. Miao Li’s touch did stir some forgotten memories and hidden love in her heart. Shu Qiuyang’s drug prevented her from declaring outright the entire truth, but on the other hand, it could not totally obliterate her love for Miao Li. Bai Chang wept and pleaded until her grandfather changed his mind.

    He sighed sadly. “Maybe this is your sin from the past lives.” He glowered at the younger man on the ground contemptuously. “You are not fit to be the king. Go and never bother my Chang-er again.”

    Miao Li was stunned. “But what about our plan? How about your wish?”

    Light Shadow laughed coldly. “You are not the only legitimate prince, Miao Li.”

    Miao Li’s heart turned cold. He stammered, “you mean…” His face lost color, and his eyes were flashed with hatred.

    Light Shadow continued laughing and pulled his reluctant granddaughter back into the building, leaving the miserable young man with no future on the ground.

    Although one wished time to stay still and wind to stop blowing, life went on; the sun still rose, and the moon still shone. The past could not be altered, but the future was not unvarying. The past caused the present, and the present dictated the future. Such was the way of life.

    Miao Li lost the time that he had been kneeling there, paying no attention to his wound. His world had just tumbled down, so how could he concern over minor matter such as his injury? He thought back of his childhood – the period that he long-sufferingly practiced his martial arts from Black Devil, waiting for the day that he would announce his rights as a crowned prince. He recalled his loneliness and bitterness of living in a loveless surrounding and unconsciously thought of another man who had everything that he lacked. Would he lose out to the other in the end?

    He got up and aimlessly wandered about. His feet brought him to the place he used to come. There, he was spent and lay down exhaustingly.

    When he woke up, he was on a clean bed inside a small cottage. On the wall were two sabers whose scabbards decked with shiny precious stones. A lovely maiden was hovering above him, cleaning his wound with tender touch. She smiled at him. “Ah Yu, you scared me out last night. I thought you were dead.” She did not ask him what happened to him but went to fetch a bowl of congee.

    “I have been training myself to be a housewife. I can cook now.” She said proudly and fed him the food spoon by spoon.

    Miao Li noticed her bandaged fingers and asked her curiously. “Did you hurt yourself?”

    Jiaping flushed. “I cut myself during work.” She quickly continued. “But, I am getting better everyday. I did not even burn anything today.” She turned crimson at her confession. “Sorry, Ah Yu.”

    Miao Li could laugh for the first time. He held her hands and kissed lightly at those fingers. “You are good enough for me.” He got up, took the sabers from the wall, and slung them on his back. “Jiaping, an enemy is after me. We need to leave right away.”

    Jiaping startled then quickly packed some dry food as their provision for the trip. “Where will we go?” She asked, and the other replied carelessly, “to where we can find help.”

    A new path had opened for him at last.

    Light Shadow was saying farewell to his granddaughter and her husband. Before he departed, he had given Shu Qiuyang a martial art manual. “In case the villain Miao Li returns, you can protect Bai Chang with this kung fu.” He turned to his tearful granddaughter. “A girl has to grow up and get married one day. I have planned a grand future for you, but fate has been playing a cruel game with you.” He let go a sign.

    “From now, your husband is your new protector. He is an understanding man. As long as he is good to you, I will support him in every way.” His tone hinted a threat, and Shu Qiuyang immediately reassured the elder that he would love and take care of Bai Chang as best as he could.

    He glanced at Bai Chang and recalled the scene she was with Miao Li, and fire of jealousy started to consume him. At least, she was his wife, and although it had been his plan all along, he discovered that it was hard to handle this humiliation. That night, he increased the potion given to Bai Chang before abusing her with words and physical force. He swore at her and reproached her for being a lose woman.

    “You did not even struggle when he embraced you. I saw you having good time with him on the bed, and I realized then that you still love him, didn’t you?” He slapped her face and pushed her down. “Your desire cannot be filled. You are always hungry for men, aren’t you? Tonight, I will erase Miao Li from your heart and body.” He poured the rest of potion in her mouth without thinking and sneered condescendingly as she pulled him to her with burning passion.

    Jiaping could not understand the change in Ah Yu although it pleased her to see that he wanted her. “I thought you want to wait until our wedding night.” She whispered shyly as the other wrapped his arms around her.

    He replied with a chuckle. “I did not think with clear head then. I have always regarded you as my wife since that night, so what the need of the ceremony?” Jiaping melted under his kisses and sighed happily. “Ah Yu, I am glad to be your wife.” The other’s arms tightened, and he muttered. “I am honored to have you too.”

    After fruitless search, Ah Yu decided to come home to notify Jiaping before setting off again. He was worried that she might not able to take care of herself, being used to servants catering to her whims. However, he found an empty cottage instead. The sabers on the wall also disappeared. Ah Yu looked around, discovered trace of blood, and began to fear for Jiaping’s safety.

    “Where could she go?” He uttered agitatedly. At that moment, a slim form lurched into his cottage and collapsed. He went to the unconscious body eagerly, thinking that it could be Jiaping. To his surprise, she was the maiden he had been looking for, Bai Chang.

    Bai Chang was having a nightmare. She dreamed of her martial brother who slowly vanished from her arms then there was a monster in her head that told her to do things against her wills. In her dream, she felt so hot that she wanted to take a bath, so she walked to the river and jumped in. Water filled her mouth and her lung, and she realized then that she was drowning…

    “Help me!” She shouted and found that someone was holding her gently. “You are safe now, Chang-er.”

    The voice was familiar, and Bai Chang sobbed on the other’s chest. “Martial brother, I missed you.” She hugged the other tightly. “Don’t leave me. Don’t leave me.” She repeated, and the voice assured her that he would be there for her. The monster seemed to fade away for the time being, and Bai Chang felt serene. She closed her eyes and drifted into the dreamless sleep.

    Ah Yu sat next to her all night, watching over her carefully. Something terrible must have happened to her for she seemed ill and not herself anymore. He sighed with pity and decided that he would take her back to his mentor when she was strong enough. However, Bai Chang could not even bear to hear her grandfather’s name. Somehow, she associated him with some horrible accident, thus refused to return to her home. Ah Yu tried to reason with her but found that she had become half crazy. Not wanting to oppose her wish, he reconsidered and decided that the first thing was to cure Bai Chang from this strange sickness. But how? Then he thought of Huang Yitao and Shu Xiayue. Huang Yitao had told him that there was a wonderful doctor in a place in the west called the Medicine Forest who could cure everything.

    Ah Yu made up his mind and set off with Bai Chang to the Medicine Forest.

    At the Sun-Moon Cult, Shu Qiuyang was ordering everyone to search for Bai Chang’s corpse in the river but met with failure. Then, someone reported that she was sighted at the later time, heading to the south. Afraid that she would turn up at her grandfather’s cave, Shu Qiuyang lost no time in tracking her down.

    Meanwhile, Jiaping and her partner came upon the group of De Pang. Glad to see someone she knew, Jiaping greeted the other happily while her Ah Yu reluctantly got up. After some introduction, the couple decided to travel with De Pang and Ke Jing to the Medicine Forest for Ah Yu would be safe from his enemy there.

    Bai Chang would not let Ah Yu out of her sight like a child holding on with her toy. She often went into a fit and had delusions. Her monster had returned, and she was having splitting headache.

    “Martial brother, did you remember our first night under the plum tree? You said that I was beautiful and would be the charming queen.” She cried in tears. “Then, didn’t we spend countless hours playing music together? I am sorry. I did not mean to betray you.” She started hitting herself madly, and Ah Yu had to seal her pressure points to calm her down.

    “Ah, Chang-er!” He knew now that he was not the martial brother she was talking to. “Poor Chang-er.” He felt all the more sorry for her present state. He could only think of how to heal her back to normal.

    He put her on his shoulder and flew in high speed. He intended to catch up with Huang Yitao so that the latter could lead him to the great doctor. However, Huang Yitao was also in a hurry and had already gone too far ahead. Ah Yu did not meet Huang Yitao, but he ran into Tian Xin-er and Li Renying instead. Because of Tian Xin-er’s condition, the group was unable to go far at a time, hence the meeting between Ah Yu and her.

    Li Renying stopped at the sight of the masked man in blue robe and brandished his sword, ready to defend with his life, but Tian Xin-er called out. “Brother Li, don’t be hasty. He could be the friend instead.” She looked at the pair and recognized Bai Chang.

    “Do you intend to take my life today?” She asked Ah Yu, staring unblinkingly at him.

    Ah Yu bowed to her and announced himself. “Miss Tian, I am Ah Yu, Jiaping’s friend.” He turned to Bai Chang and introduced her to the others. “She is my mentor’s granddaughter.” He then was silent, not knowing whether he should say anything further.

    Tian Xin-er looked at the other cautiously then at the maiden and recognized her symptoms. “She has high brain fever due to some poison.” In the past, her aunt, Yue Ling, also suffered from the similar illness. Although Tian Xin-er did not witness Yue Ling’s sickness at the time, she had heard about it in details from her brother, Tian Bao.

    Ah Yu paled and asked the other if there was a cure. Tian Xin-er nodded and mentioned that her brother in the Medicine Forest might be able to help the sickly. Ah Yu inwardly thanked the heaven and begged to join the party. Tian Xin-er gave him permission, and the group moved forth westward.

    In private, she explained her reasons to the displeased Li Renying. “I was almost sure that he was Ah Yu, but because he was with that girl in white, he might as well be the other masked man in disguise. Since your identity was known, and I am still sick, as of now, I am not certain that we can defeat him. He seems eager to go to the Medicine Forest, and I think the best way is to go along with him. We can take time finding his real purpose and whether he is Ah Yu or not. The forest has a lot of traps, so it will not be too late if we are to capture him then.”

    Li Renying nodded, approving of her plan. “Xin-er, you are very clever. Teacher must be regret now to let you go to Emei.” He joked and Tian Xin-er was glad to see his rare smile.

    “Not at all. I am just a cunning street girl, unrefined and unladylike.” She felt a little sad, thinking of her past. “Even Xing-xing complains that I cannot be trained.” She mused, covering her emotion.

    Li Renying’s eyes sparkled upon the mentioning of his junior martial sister then grew dull. “Xing-xing has always been serious over minor things. You are all right as it is.” Sadness loomed over him again.

    Tian Xin-er rubbed her nose disappointedly. She was a total failure as a matchmaker.

    Unbeknown to one another, each person was traveling to the same destination with different purposes.

    Their destinies were about to collide, and a new drama would begin.
    Please keep in tune with my crazy imaginations. <IMG SRC="smilies/evillaugh.gif" border="0">
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  14. #134
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    Back at my homeland


    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><table border="0" width="80%" bgcolor="#dcdcdc" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"><tr><td width="100%"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" bgcolor="#DCDCDC"><tr><td width="100%" bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="1">Originally posted by jeh:
    <STRONG>Goofy, on chapter 22. There was a sentence that said" Ah Zhu gazed back at him with tearful eyes and finally nodded". Shouldn't that be Ah Quing instead of Ah Zhu? Anyway, the 2 chapter that you just posted is good.I wonder what will happen to Bai Chang.</STRONG></font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></BLOCKQUOTE>

    thanks jeh for catching me on that. edited accordingly...

    <IMG SRC="smilies/bow.gif" border="0">

    Glad to know that you paid attention to it enough to see the mistakes. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  15. #135
    Member Acidbeastonfire's Avatar
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    Aug 2002


    Its getting really exciting. Keep it up Goofy!! It'll be really interesting if Ah Yu duels with Miao Li. Since you are the creator of the story, am i right to say currently Ke Jing is the best fighter?
    "Man is his own star; and the soul that can
    Render an honest and a perfect man,
    Commands all light, all influence, all fate;
    Nothing to him falls early or too late.
    Our acts our angels are, or good or ill,
    Our fatal shadows that walk by us still."

  16. #136
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    Back at my homeland


    I would say aside from Di Yi and Tian Xiang-er, Ke Jing was about the same level with Tian Xin-er.

    De Pang would come after and Miao Li should be somewhat almost at that level, following with Huang Yitao then Shu Qiuyang.

    Ah Yu should be almost on par with Tian Xin-er too when possessed by his saber but maybe somewhat the same level with Miao Li since their mentors were martial brothers.

    As for No Name and Light Shadow, they should be formiddable. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  17. #137
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    Back at my homeland


    Chapter 25
    The Contests

    Character List (not in any particular order):
    Ke Jing (Julian Cheung Chi Lam)
    Tian Xin-er (Vivian Leung Siu Bing)
    De Pang (Liu Kai Chi)
    Ah Qing (Au Yeung Pui San)
    Huang Yitao (Felix Wong Yat Wah)
    Shu Xiayue (Maggie Siu Mei Kei)
    Bai Chang (Joey Man Yi Man)
    Miao Li (Jackie Lui Chung Yin)
    Jiaping (Fiona Leung Ngai Ling)
    Li Renying (Tony Leung Chiu Wai)
    Ah Zhu (Yeung Pan Pan)
    No Name (Chun Wong)
    Tian Xing-xing (Kitty Lai Mei Han)
    Shu Qiuyang (Deric Wan Siu Lan)

    Tian Xin-er, Li Renying, and Ah Zhu arrived at the edge of the Medicine Forest with their guests. However, at its entrance, Tian Xin-er told Ah Yu that he had to wait outside for his identity was still dubious to her and others. She was almost certain that he was the real Ah Yu but due to several reasons, she could not make up her mind on this problem. Hence, she decided to be straightforward to see his reactions as a test at the same time.

    Ah Yu glanced at Bai Chang then at Tian Xin-er with despair. “I am really Ah Yu, not the masked man that wanted to kill you. Please let me enter the forest with Chang-er.” He pleaded, and Tian Xin-er softened.

    However, Li Renying intervened. “Don’t blame Xin-er in this matter because I asked her to do so. The Medicine Forest is the residence of the great doctor and haven for many people. We cannot risk bringing in an unknown man inside to cause troubles. Even if you were Ah Yu, you still have dubious background that you refuse to reveal to us. You are begging us to help your martial sister, but you would not explain the relationship between her and you. To be fair, you should understand our position too.”

    Ah Yu sighed at difficult choice. He considered telling others about his mentor Light Shadow and explaining everything then stopped himself. He could not betray his mentor no matter what. On the other hand, Bai Chang needed to see the doctor. He kneeled down and kowtowed to the group.

    “Then, I will wait here until Bai Chang is all right. Please send my regards to the doctor.” He looked trustingly at Tian Xin-er, and she nodded. “I will look after her well.” She promised.

    Ah Yu got up and watched Bai Chang left with the rest. Then, he looked for a shelter to sit and wait.

    De Pang, Ke Jing, Ah Qing, and their guests turned up some days later. They stopped outside the forest to send signal to Tian Bao, announcing their coming for neither of them knew the way in. Miao Li saw a chance to depart and excused himself for private business. Then, he jumped up and hid himself in a tree.

    At first, he was delighted to know that Ke Jing was heading toward the Medicine Forest to meet Tian Xin-er. He had planned to be Ah Yu and destroyed the Tian family there one by one. However, he had to reconsider when he had time to think things over. As far as he knew, the masked man that he had met earlier could be Di Yi and by now would have been there with Tian Xin-er. He also remembered that Black Devil had told him that the Medicine Forest was full of traps and mazes, hard to get in and out. Once he was inside, if he were to get caught, he would not be able to escape then. Di Yi aside, Ke Jing and De Pang would prove dangerous opponents to face. To go to the Medicine Forest alone without any backup would be fatal decision indeed. He suddenly thought of Shu Qiuyang and was hit with a new idea. It was the right time to use this foxy villain. By getting Shu Qiuyang here, he would shoot two birds with one stone. He could extract vengeance without having to shed his own sweats by watching two tigers fighting for prey – Ke Jing and Shu Qiuyang competed for Tian Xin-er. Then, he could reap the victorious fruit at the end.

    “If Ke Jing would not fight you, I will find a way to make him want to kill you, brother Shu.” He murmured contentedly. At that moment, he sighted a figure in blue robe leaning against a big boulder. “Hmm, that is Ah Yu. What is he doing here?” He noticed then that the other seemed to be waiting for someone anxiously.

    According to Ah Yu’s personalities and habits, he should not have been here without purpose. Miao Li wondered if Ah Yu was waiting for Jiaping. But how could he predict that she would be here? Or was it Bai Chang that he expected to see? Miao Li’s heart instantly beat faster; he had an urge to see his martial sister again. He did not know what for, but at least, he wanted to ask her whom she really loved. Pros and cons raced inside his head, and he was in two minds – one was to enter the Medicine Forest and find out about Bai Chang, and another was to wait.

    Just then, he heard Jiaping’s calling for Ah Yu. He was about to come out from his hiding when Ah Yu beat him to it.

    Ah Yu was praying that Bai Chang would get healed when he heard Jiaping’s voice shouting his name. He was surprised and came forth, appearing before her. He was more baffled when she grabbed his arms and admonished him for disappearing for so long. “I thought you have met with some danger.” She seemed jumpy while Ah Yu tried to answer her truthfully.

    “I know that I should come back to you soon, but I…” Jiaping would not listen to him, however. She pushed him along back to Ke Jing and De Pang. “You should apologize to them for making them wait.” She suggested and Ah Yu politely cupped his hands in daze. “Greetings to you. I’m Ah Yu.”

    Ke Jing lifted his eyebrows and thought that it was odd for Ah Yu to act as if they had just met. Could it be that the other was just joking? He cupped his hands and smiled good-naturedly. “We are still waiting for our guide, so it is all right to take your time.” He sensed something different in Ah Yu. Was it the other’s eyes or was it his shy interaction with Jiaping?

    Jiaping also sensed that Ah Yu had changed. He seemed to be more reserved with her and less animated. However, his voice sounded gentler and his eyes were kinder. She felt safer with him yet missed his playful manner.

    A stranger interrupted her train of thought. A woman of late twenties approached De Pang and greeted him courteously. Jiaping heard him called the other Madam Huang and realized that she must be Huang Yitao’s sister-in-law, Ruyu (Rain Lau Yuk Chui).

    Ruyu took a quick look at the company in front and led everyone through hidden trail, passing bamboo grove and peach garden to a clearing with many reed cottages scattered about. She chatted pleasantly all the way and informed her guests that Huang Yitao and Tian Xin-er had arrived with their friends. However, she became gloomy when her husband, Huang Jiwen, was mentioned.

    “He has been missing for over a week now that I am certain that spirits had kidnapped him. So far, Ah Bao has sent his eagle to the White Pearl Island for help. I want to leave the forest to look for Jiwen but Ah Bao didn’t want me too. Besides, my son needs me.” She let out a sob, and her eyes were clouded with tears.

    Jiaping reached for the other’s hands quietly and patted them gently. Ruyu murmured a thank you and dried her tears. “Ah Bao is with Xin-er at the moment. He has been busy with several patients.”

    Ke Jing quickened his steps when he heard Tian Xin-er’s name. Ruyu came to stop in front of one cottage and called out, “Ah Bao, more guests but no patient this time.”

    A young man of early twenties emerged from inside. He had clear and compassionate eyes that seemed to see through other people’s heart. This was Tian Bao (Roger Kwok Chun On), Tian Xin-er’s twin brother.

    He nodded at Ruyu and greeted everyone with friendliness. Then he invited Ke Jing to visit his sister. “She has been calling for you in her sleep.” He smiled relaxingly when the other announced that he had the antidote with him. “Heaven is still kind to her.”

    Tian Xin-er was alone in the room. Her eyes shone with joy when she saw Ke Jing. “I am so glad that you are safe.”

    Ke Jing rushed to her side; his feeling overwhelmed his words. He could only look at her caringly. “You have suffered because of me. It’s my fault.” He quickly gave her the antidote. “Madam De said that you need to rest for three days after taking this pill, and you will be all right.” His voice was soft and full with love. Tian Bao smiled upon witnessing the scene. Master Ke seemed a good man, and he was happy for his twin to meet a soul mate at last. He silently retreated to tend other patients and came out to find himself in a melee.

    Li Renying was fighting with Ah Yu, or in fact it should be Li Renying was attacking Ah Yu who tried to avoid the strikes. Huang Yitao was in the middle, trying to protect Ah Yu from Li Renying and at the same time calling his former martial brother to be calm. On the other hand, Tian Xing-xing tried to keep Huang Yitao from Li Renying, but because her martial arts were not as strong, she was pushed out from the ring with the others’ force. Jiaping had been inside Bai Chang’s cottage but came out upon hearing the commotion. De Pang was the observer for he did not wish to interfere in Sword South School’s affairs. Anyhow, he saw that Ah Yu had good command of light kung fu and should be able to guard himself against Li Renying. He caught Tian Xing-xing and told her to stand aside.

    “They are not going to hurt one another.” He assured her.

    Li Renying shouted. “Yitao, this masked man was the one who tried to kill Xin-er.” He assumed that if the man they left outside was the real Ah Yu, then the masked man who was with De Pang must have been the villain one.

    Huang Yitao tried to explain. “No, this is Ah Yu who is my friend. He is a nice man, never hurt anyone.” Of course, he had never met the other masked man, so he could not doubt his friend’s identity.

    Ah Yu was never good with words, and in this situation, he was at a lost. He kept repeating that he was Ah Yu, but his awkwardness further convinced Li Renying that he was lying.

    Li Renying stabbed forth, and Huang Yitao intercepted the weapon with his finger. Unconsciously, he punched a hole through the steel, and Li Renying paused with surprise. “What kind of technique is that?”

    Ruyu exclaimed almost the same time. “How did you know this skill?”

    A voice chuckled and replied to both youths. “It is called One Finger technique and I taught it to him myself.”

    A fat old man (Chun Wong) covered from head to toe with mud seemed to appear out of nowhere. In his hand was a man of late twenties with pale face. Ruyu cried with delight. “Jiwen!” The rest of people also exclaimed differently.

    Tian Xing-xing recognized the old man as the monster that had kidnapped Huang Jiwen, and Tian Bao called out, “Mentor!” Despite the thick mud, he could discern that the newcomer had Medicine Man’s face. Ruyu squinted her eyes and squealed, astonishing. “Are you my grandpa’s ghost?”

    The fat man grunted displeasingly. “Hmm, I am not dead yet, so how could I be a spirit?” He walked toward Ruyu and scrutinized her solemnly. His bizarre appearance stunned everyone for the moment. Finally, he remarked. “You look a bit like me but a lot like my sister-in-law, so I bet you must be somewhat as evil as she was.” He shook his head vigorously, splashing wet mud from his body at the surrounding audience.

    Ruyu widened her eyes. “Are you…are you?” She was lost with words, and the old man replied. “Yes, I am your second grandpa. I am Medicine Man’s twin brother.” His eyes were red at the thought of his deceased sibling.

    Haung Jiwen (Howie Wong Man Ho) reaffirmed the other’s statement. “He is really your grandfather, Ruyu. He was the one who cured me.”

    Ruyu laughed with tearful face. She ran to receive her husband from the old man, and Huang Yitao was about to help her take his younger brother inside when No Name stopped him.

    “My apprentice, it is a coincidence that we meet each other again. That means the heaven wants you to follow me.”

    Inside Tian Xin-er’s cottage, Ke Jing was gathering his courage to confess his love to the young maiden when she called his attention to the argument outside. “Someone was claiming Yitao as his apprentice.” She mused, recalling her sworn brother’s tale. “Is the elder from the mud island here?”

    Huang Yitao was talking. “Elder, I am sorry that I have used the skill you taught me, but I do not wish to change teacher.” He must be kneeling for an angry voice told him to get up.

    “No, it is not fair. I saw that my technique has just saved your life just now. Could you deny that?” The voice wailed, and its owner stomped his feet, sending another splatter of mud to people around him.

    Huang Yitao’s knees were still on the ground. “Your technique did save my life once, but I cannot change my school. I have pledged my life and soul to Sword South School. Please forgive me, Elder.” Tian Xin-er heard his head knocking the ground and immediately called out. “One technique more or less is no big deal. No need to think about it.”

    The old man was livid. “Who is in there? Show yourself.”

    Tian Xin-er replied with laughter. “I am your elder, so you should be a bit more polite, young man.”

    No Name was almost ninety years old, and he always considered himself the oldest man and dignified elder who deserved all due respects. After he had learned of his brother and sister-in-law’s deaths from Huang Jiwen’s own mouth, he felt free enough to appear in the Medicine Forest. Who would have thought that there was another elder who was his senior. Could Huang Jiwen lie to him, and his evil sister-in-law still existed? He turned slightly pale and greeted the other with respectful tone.

    “Pardon me, Elder. I did not know you were here. I am No Name, and I came to visit my brother’s grave.”

    Tian Xin-er closed her mouth, tried hard not to let her giggle out. She beckoned Ke Jing and wrote a few words for him to follow. Ke Jing nodded and went outside. He coughed a few times and announced with clear voice.

    “My grandmother wishes to come out and meet Elder, but she needs a maid to help her.” He motioned to Shu Xiayue and brought her inside.

    No Name could feel Ke Jing’s powerful energy and was rather apprehensive on his grandmother’s prowess. Then, he was more relieved when he heard that the other could not get up by herself. ‘She is probably a frail woman, after all. I will give her some face then politely take leave and get out of here with my apprentice.’ He thought inwardly and beamed at the muddy youngsters.

    “Sorry to dirty your clothes, but mud is good for your skin – make it youthful.” He rambled on, feeling somewhat self-conscious in amid of so many people, especially with women.

    Tian Bao looked at Li Renying then Huang Yitao, and each shook his head. Tian Xin-er was up to something for sure, but at least, she was able to manage this strange old man.

    Tian Bao’s wife, Zhan Zhiying (Sheren Tang Siu Mun) realized what Tian Xin-er meant to do and tried to keep a straight face. She had befriended Shu Xiayue and learned about the other’s special skill on disguise. Jiaping caught Ah Yu’s arm protectively. She was only concerned of him. Tian Xing-xing about Li Renying for a moment, as she curiously waited for her younger sister’s appearance.

    Finally, an old woman with beautiful silver hair and wise face emerged on Ke Jing’s back. Tian Xin-er’s friends and families gasped with surprise upon the change. They would have believed that this was another person if they had not noticed merry twinkles in corner of her eyes. Tian Bao smiled gladly. ‘That means the antidote has worked. She is back to herself.’ He had been worried over his twin sister for days now, as she seemed to waste away for he could not yet find an antidote for her. Now, he was only happy that she was alive. As for her pranks, he was used to them and had learned to take them quietly on stride long ago.

    Huang Yitao was about to open his mouth, but Li Renying poked him on the ribs, and he kept mum. Tian Xing-xing noticed a smile on Li Renying’s lips, and her heart skipped. The past flooded in, and Li Renying turned to her as if he sensed her current thought. His smile faded and he awkwardly turned away. Tian Xing-xing bit her lips and silently left.

    No Name inhaled sharply; he seemed to lose himself in a sea of wonder. “Madam, I am honor to meet you today.” He bowed as gracefully as he could.

    Tian Xin-er almost laughed at his comical pose but kept serious face. “Hmm, Huang Yitao is my great-grandnephew. He needs my permission for this big decision, and I won’t permit him to leave his school.” She stared at the old man. “Are you trying to bully my little boy?”

    Huang Yitao choked, and Li Renying stifled a snicker. Even De Pang hid his smile. Tian Xin-er was surely full of surprises every time he met her.

    No Name straightened his back proudly. “I did not mean to disturb you, Madam. It’s just that I have found this young man and took a liking on him. I have taught him a few things and he admitted to me that he has been using my kung fu. So, isn’t it appropriate that he would have to call me his mentor?” He was certain that he would win.

    Tian Xin-er considered carefully and slowly nodded. “Of course, one should always find the best teacher. My question is aside from a few tricks, what else can you do?” Her tone implied that the other was not worthy as Huang Yitao’s teacher, and No Name flushed.

    “I would be glad to challenge anyone here.”

    Tian Xin-er smiled. “These youngsters are in different generation. Even if you win, it would not add to your honor. If you don’t mind, I would like to propose three rounds of duel between us. If you win, Huang Yitao will call you his mentor and follow you to the mud island. If not, you will have to leave him alone.”

    No Name could not back up now. He nodded. “All right.”

    Tian Xin-er coughed a few times and continued weekly. “Huh, when one is aged, diseases seem to visit endlessly. I have been bedridden all these years but today have to appear for the sakes of my naughty great grandnephew, so would Elder mind if I am the one who specifies the rules?” Her eyes danced merrily, and No Name blushed red. He thought she was winking at him.

    “Not at all. You are older than I am, so of course, you should get that honor.” He swiftly answered, and Tian Xin-er sent a smile at him. “Thank you.”

    She coughed a few more and spoke. “I also don’t want to sound unfair. While I dictate the condition of the duels, you may call out the type of our contests.”

    No Name beamed. He was confident that he would win without doubt. “My expertise are light kung fu, One Finger Technique, inner power, and knowledge of traps.”

    Tian Xin-er pondered then clapped her hands. “Good, then we will compete those skills. I will begin first then.” She pointed at a large rock ahead. “For inner power, I can destroy that rock from here.”

    No Name chuckled. “That is just a child’s play. I can do that too.”

    Tian Xin-er shook her head. “I doubt that you can do it with only a shake of fingers.”

    No Name could not hold back his pride. “You are wrong, Madam. I will show you.” He aimed his index finger at the rock and concentrated energy through it. The force shot out and blasted its target to pieces. Everyone acclaimed with awe, and No Name could not stop smiling.

    Tian Xin-er applauded. “Good show but too bad, you have just lost to me.” She showed her index finger to the surprising old man. “I did state that I would begin first, and I said that I could destroy the rock with my finger. I did shook my finger, and the rock was destroyed, and it is not your turn yet, so I have won this race.”

    No Name scratched his head, confusing. “But I was the one who burst the rock.” He argued, yet saw the other’s reason. He suddenly smiled. “If I can explode another rock, then we can tie this round.”

    Tian Xin-er nodded calmly. “Of course, by all means.”

    No Name lost no time in getting himself tied with the old lady. Somehow, she proved to be tricky. “Are you any relations to my sister-in-law?” He asked her carefully.

    Tian Xin-er asked him. “Who is your sister-in-law?”

    “Dragon Lady. I am Medicine Man’s brother.” He replied truthfully, and Tian Xin-er told him that she was not. No Name released his sigh with relief. At least, he did not have to fear of being poisoned.

    Tian Xin-er went on. “Let’s try your skill in traps. For this purpose, I have to use all these youngsters, hope you would allow me.” She asked her opponent for the permission and he nodded.

    “Whatever formation you create, I will be able to solve it.” He bragged and sat down, waiting for the next round of contest.

    Tian Xin-er winked to her friends and asked for volunteers. Huang Yitao, Li Renying, Zhan Zhiying, Ah Zhu, and De Pang stepped forth. They had no idea what she was doing, but they trusted that she had already had a good plan. Ah Yu was about to offer himself but received a glare from Li Renying, so he excused himself to see Bai Chang. Li Renying almost spoke up and decided to let him go for the time being. Jiaping also followed Ah Yu.

    Tian Xin-er counted heads and said that she needed more people. She then called her twin brother and Ruyu who was talking in low voice with Huang Jiwen.

    Tian Bao was astonished. “But I don’t…” He was about to remind his sister that he had no kung fu, but she cut him short. “You will be the strongest part of my formation.” She stressed, intentionally letting the old man know.

    She then remarked. “I need one more person.” She considered using Shu Xiayue, but that could danger her formation since there would be two people with no martial skills. Too bad that Huang Jiwen was still weak and could not help, and Tian Xing-xing was absent. Just then, Ah Qing spoke up.

    “If I can be of any use, I would be gladly to help.” Tian Xin-er glanced at De Pang questioningly, and he nodded. “This is Ah Qing. She is my wife, and she can help you.”

    Tian Xin-er smiled at Ah Qing. “Thank you, Madam De.” She then whispered instructions to each of them with serene face. Her tone was grave. “You need to strictly follow my instructions to help Yitao this time.”

    Eight people carefully listened to her and were amazed at her cunning. They felt as if they had returned their childhood and played a pretend game. She then told Ke Jing to get some orange branches for each of them. Ke Jing nodded and leaped up lightly with her still on his back, gathering small branches with fresh green leaves and tiny orange fruits then distributed them to the eight people.

    No Name praised out. “Excellent light kung fu.” He began to feel unsure in the light kung fu race. ‘So I have to win this round so that at least if I lose in light kung fu, I can be tied with her.’ He determined.

    Ruyu took out a jade bottle and poured its content at the tip of each orange branch. She shook her head at Tian Bao, cautioning him not to speak out and ruin Tian Xin-er’s plan.

    No Name had a fit when he saw what she was doing. “That is not fair. You are putting poison on the weapons.”

    Tian Xin-er immediately argued that the orange branches could hardly be considered ‘weapon’. “Also, that powder is not to harm you but to protect you from being injured too badly.” She buffed, trying to scare him. No Name hesitated. Should he believe her? But women were so sly and wicked. He decided then not to risk unnecessarily.

    Eight people then went to their assigned post and stationed there with an orange tree branch in their hand. When all was ready, Tian Xin-er invited No Name to break her formation. She and Ke Jing stood under the orange tree, watching the outcome.

    No Name walked into a ring made up of eight people and attempted to think of any formation similar to this setup. He thought that if he could understand the formation, it would be an easy task to destroy it. At that time of the year, the Medicine Forest was at the height of its summer. Flowers were blooming everywhere, and fruits were coming out. The air was pervaded with thick scents of nature, and the wind blew gently, cooling down the summer heat.

    No Name started to feel suffocated and tired. He could smell orange fragrance around him and mistook that he had been poisoned. Immediately, he sat down to meditate and purge out the poison, while his head was wondering about this strange formation. It seemed so harmless, yet appearance usually deceived the eyes.

    ‘Eight people could mean Eight-Gates formation, but I don’t recall any orange tree with it. How about Eight Diaphragm? But that was not a circle shape.’ He kept thinking and tried harder to block the smell of orange branches.

    “What is it?” He murmured. Suddenly, showers of pebbles went past him from several directions. No Name opened his eyes, and everything was quiet again. He stared at each of eight people and came to stop in front of Tian Bao. “Boy, you are my brother’s apprentice, so you are my apprentice nephew. Now tell me what is this formation called.” He chose Tian Bao because the other looked honest.

    Tian Bao innocently said that he did not know. “It is my sister’s idea.” He could not lie, but his reply only convinced No Name that this maze was something extraordinary.

    Ruyu who was the closest person to Tian Bao giggled and flung white powder toward the old man who sprang up to avoid what he believed to be poison. “Wicked girl, you are as bad as your grandmother.” He scolded her and circulated energy through his body to rid of any possible toxin.

    In the warm air and thickness of heat, No Name difficulty controlled his breath. He needed to break this formation before he would lose his sense. He paced around the ring crazily, muttering to himself. “Seven Stars Formation? No, no – only seven are used then. How about other variations? No, there are no formations with eight people forming a circle, holding orange branches with poison at their tips and doing nothing. It is not possible. No, no!”

    He looked both pitiful and funny. He was right in the sense that this formation could not have existed because it is not a real formation. It was in fact Tian Xin-er’s trick to fool this childish old man. She intended to confuse him to giving up but did not expect that he would be so engrossed in a puzzle with no answer. Therefore, she was apprehensive as the old man stopped walking and collapsed on the ground.

    “Ah Bao, he is having fire deviation. Help him.” She shouted and her brother rushed to No Name to check the other’s condition.

    Then, he reassured her. “That is all right. He was just too tired.” He took out a pill from his pouch and gave it to the old man. “Elder, please take this. It will help you feel better.”

    No Name opened his eyes and breathed weakly. “What has you just given me, boy?”

    Tian Bao explained. “This is the medicine my mentor had prepared for you for a long time. It would rid of all the side affects of the poison you have received years ago. I never expected to meet Elder, but I am glad to be able to fulfill my mentor’s wish.”

    No Name closed his eyes, thinking of his twin brother. “You did not forget me.” Tears dropped on his cheeks.

    Tian Xin-er called out. “Elder, let’s up stop the contests. You should rest.”

    No Name waved his hands. “No, I am fine now.” He said to her in humiliation. “Madam, I admit my defeat.” He continued. “In addition, I have witnessed your grandson’s light kung fu and would like to call that contest a tie.” At least, he would not have to embarrass himself in another round. “However, I don’t believe that you can beat me at my One Finger technique.”

    Tian Xin-er laughed. “Of course, this skill was unequaled in healing the sick. I would like to place my nephew in this last race with you. There are two patients here with strange illness. Whoever can cure them first will win.” She saw an excellent chance to help Shu Xiayue and Bai Chang.

    No Name nodded. This sounded fair and on the surface enough. He asked where the patients were and Tian Bao brought Shu Xiayue to him. “The other is inside the cottage.”

    The old man checked the mute maiden’s pulse thoughtfully and immediately remarked. “You have given her three types of herbs and treated her with acupuncture.”

    Tian Bao bowed his head. “Elder is right. I did treat her twice, and she should recover within five days.”

    No Name shook his head. “It is not necessary. I can make her speak tomorrow.” He pressed at the patient’s several pressure points on her neck, back, and wrist. Then, he asked for needles and put them on various acupuncture points, adding his internal energy along.

    An hour passed, and he took off the needles and unsealed her pressure points. Shu Xiayue fell in Huang Yitao’s arms and vomited black blood. No Name was proud at his success. “What do you think?”

    Tian Bao praised him from his heart, and Haung Yitao kowtowed to him. “Elder, you have saved my younger brother then this friend of mine. I have only my life to repay you.”

    No Name frowned. “You are willing to die but not calling me your mentor. I just don’t understand your thinking.”

    He turned to Tian Bao. “Now take me to your other patient and see if I can’t beat my brother’s apprentice on healing skill.”

    Tian Xin-er nodded to her twin brother, and he led the old man to Bai Chang’s cottage.

    Zhan Zhiying caught her sister-in-law’s hands. “Well done, Xin-er. Your disguise looks so perfect.”

    Li Renying walked to Tian Xin-er. “That was a risk, Xin-er. How do you know that you would win?”

    Tian Xin-er chuckled. “True is false, and false is true. I heard Yitao say that this old man was extremely childish and strange. Other than my plans, how else could we help Yitao and cure the two ladies this quickly.”

    De Pang shook his head. “I am pity at the man who marries you.” He glanced at Ke Jing and sighed. “Well, I am sure that he won’t mind anyway.”

    Tian Xin-er followed his eyes and turned crimson. She had just realized that Ke Jing had been carrying her all these times. She did not think much of it at first in order to make the disguise more convincing, but now, she suddenly felt shy. However, she didn’t dare to tell Ke Jing to put her down in front of others.

    Li Renying looked at Ke Jing, and the latter awkwardly placed the maiden on his back on a stone seat. “Xin-er, are you all right?” He was blushing too under the watchful eyes of his two elders.

    Li Renying grunted. In an absence of Tian Fei, he regarded himself as this maiden’s guardian. This young man seemed to infatuate with his teacher’s daughter, and she seemed to be his close friend. He signaled to De Pang, and they walked away.

    Tian Xin-er looked at the ground. “Thank you brother Ke for helping.”

    Ke Jing gazed at her with drumming heart. “I did not do anything. You are the one who should be praised.” He suddenly took out the hairpin from his shirt. “I bought this for you.” He almost did not breathe as Tian Xin-er took it from him. “A beautiful work.” She smiled sweetly, and he stammered. “May I put it on your hair for you?”

    Tian Xin-er hesitated then nodded almost imperceptibly. Ke Jing smiled happily and gently placed his hairpin on the other’s silver wig. “You look very pretty.” He spoke from the bottom of his heart, and color heightened the other’s cheeks. “I must have looked old and ugly.” She argued.

    Ke Jing shook his head. “For me, even you are a hundred years old, you are still the most beautiful woman on earth.”

    Li Renying and De Pang observed the young couple and discussed about them in low voice. The former wanted to know Ke Jing’s background, and De Pang answered as well as he could. Li Renying attentively listened to the other and thought, “if Xin-er becomes Master Ke’s wife, then she will have to live in an old tomb with him. Will she be happy with that arrangement?” He kept the concern to himself though.

    Hours passed, and finally No Name came out of the cottage with the young doctor. Tian Bao went to his sister with smiling face and announced that he was once again lost to the old man. “Because the drug still remained in Miss Bai’s blood system, it was a matter of purging out all the drug. Compared to Lulu’s, this is only a small case. I could have healed her within a month, but Elder said she would return to herself within a week. He was truly the great healer.” Lulu was Tian Bao’s pet name for his aunt, Yue Ling.

    Tian Xin-er nodded. She had expected the outcome. She pretended to grunt. “Hmm, so now we are tied, right?”

    No Name counted the results. “You and I were tied the first round, then you won. For light kung fu competition, we agreed not to race. Then, I beat your nephew this time. Yes, there is no winner yet.”

    Tian Xin-er then suggested. “Since we have competed all of your skills and still could not come up with the victor yet, how about we try my skill?”

    No Name looked at the other dubiously. “What is that?” He asked cautiously.

    Tian Xin-er beamed at him. “Just an insignificant technique. All my life, I have practiced special martial art for which I can turn youthful again at the peak of my training. Could you do that?” She dared him.

    No Name scratched his head. “I don’t know if there is such skill.” He gazed at her slyly. “I don’t believe you. If you can turn yourself into a young girl right now, I will swear not to bother my apprentice again and will never come back to Central Plains again.”

    Tian Xin-er suppressed her laugh. She gravely replied. “I don’t have bad intention for Elder – only wish you to give some face to me by letting Huang Yitao alone. You don’t need to give so harsh promises.” She then ordered her brother to bring out a tub of water.

    “I will meditate inside the tub. When I come out, we will know the final result.” She stepped inside the tub filled with water and sat down.

    She secretly winked at her brother who put a big sheet of cloth around the tub. Zhan Zhiying came forth to help her husband, and the rest of men stepped back in propriety.

    Behind the makeshift curtain, Tian Xin-er quickly washed her makeup and took off her wig. Then she came out of the tub as the young woman. Tian Bao let go off the cloth, and Zhan Zhiying quickly wrapped it around the wet maiden. Standing there with her long lustrous hair flowing freely and her thick black eyelashes decorating with tiny drops of water, Tian Xin-er looked like a water goddess coming up to greet the earthlings.

    No Name was stunned beyond words. He silently turned around and slowly walked away. Then, suddenly he turned to face his adversary. “When will you return to the old woman form again?”

    Tian Xin-er answered truthfully. “In forty, fifty years or so.”

    No Name sighed disappointedly. “I guess I have to live that long to meet you again. Oh, well! At least I can spend that time solving your formation.” He smiled affectionately at her, and Tian Xin-er called out. “Elder, wait. That formation is in fact…”

    However, No Name had already disappeared.

    Li Renying could not hold up his laughter anymore. He burst up laughing, and the rest followed suit. Tian Xin-er laughed the hardest until tears came to her eyes. “Ha-ha. I feel bad deceiving him like this, but it is necessary, and it was rather fun.”

    Li Renying said thoughtfully. “I believe that the old man was in love with you.”

    Tian Xin-er blushed then giggled. “You mean he likes my great grandmother.” She sighed. “I would have loved to know him better, but too bad he is too eccentric and dangerous. His light kung fu is superb, and his inner power is unequaled. If we are all to fight against him fairly, the most we can manage is a tie.”

    She turned to Huang Yitao and bowed. “Yitao, I know you don’t like deception, but it was an emergency. I hope you would forgive this naughty sister of yours.” She understood her sworn brother’s nature and knew that he would feel bad afterward. Accordingly, she apologized to him.

    Huang Yitao returned her bow. “Xin-er, you did everything because of me. How could I blame you? I am actually the one who committed those sins, not you.” He seriously meant what he said.

    Tian Xin-er rolled her eyes. “I did everything myself. You have done nothing. Although I am not a man, I know enough to stand up for what I have done.”

    De Pang good-naturedly stopped the argument. “I am the oldest person here, and I let this fiasco happen. So, if there is any blame, I will accept it gladly. In my opinion, No Name did not come out the worse at all. He has done some good deeds by helping two people, which should be merits for his next life. Besides, his coming here caused him to be cured of his suffering symptom. I am sure that even if the Elder were to know all the truth afterward, he would not have blamed anyone of us.”

    Ruyu supported him. “I think so too. If this old man is really my grandpa’s twin brother, then I can say that my grandpa would definitely enjoy Xin-er’s tricks today. And if my grandpa didn’t mind, his twin brother should not have minded either.”

    Tian Bao patted his sister’s wet head with love. “You did well, Xin-er. Now, let’s get you inside before I will have to take care of your cold.”

    Tian Xin-er smiled at him gratefully. “Ah Bao, you always understand me.”

    Outside the Medicine Forest, Miao Li had gone to send a message to the Sun-Moon Cult, calling Shu Qiuyang’s attention to the place. Then, he returned to his post to observe the situation.
    The longest chapter so far. Thank you for reading. <IMG SRC="smilies/read.gif" border="0">
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  18. #138
    Member Zhen Yu Cao's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Wandering Jiang Hu


    Way to go Goofy! Excellent as always <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">
    I cant wait to see how this turns out.
    Wandering the world,
    Sword in hand,
    Searching for a challenge,
    Begging for a loss...

  19. #139
    Senior Member Bubeng's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002


    I think your writing is getting better by the minute. It's amazing how you can crank the story so quickly. Do you have a little kungfu troll helping you create and type the story? <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">. If you do I want one too.
    The maze doesn't make sense to me. (The kungfu books in Indonesian doesn't have much say about mazes.) Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoy the humour, you're just too funny <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">
    I have deep sympathy for "No Name" and a bond with him since he has my name <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">
    I hope that he will popped in and out often in your story and maybe someday outwitted Xin-er <IMG SRC="smilies/wink.gif" border="0">

    [ November 19, 2002: Message edited by: Bubeng ]
    There's a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

  20. #140
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2001


    Read the Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud now. I swear that you won't regret meeting someone like Bartimaeus. Ever.

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