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Thread: Legend of the Kilin (Mo-hup fan fic #1)

  1. #441
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    I'm going to add something else.
    Writing in Progress <IMG SRC="smilies/typin.gif" border="0">
    Read the Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud now. I swear that you won't regret meeting someone like Bartimaeus. Ever.

  2. #442
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    Crunch! Xiao Long Er swung around as she heard the noise of branches breaking, loud and crisp in the morning silence. Then there was a swish, the sound of someone walking through grass. She could not see anyone. Feeling slightly scared, she stood up and looked around, suddenly feeling cold despite the warmth of the sunlight upon her skin. She shivered as silence settled upon the precipice again and she stood still, listening for any further sound. Thud! Xiao Long Er jumped with fright before turning around. Behind her was only the steep slope of the hill and she could not see anything beyond a few metres in front of her. Gathering up her courage into one place, she took a few steps forward and peered over the edge. Her eyes widened in shock as she noticed that there was an injured person down there, by the looks of it a young man. He was lying face down upon the grass, just a few metres below her and a sword was by his side. It appeared that he had just passed out.

    Xiao Long Er’s sharp eyes noticed that there were red slashes upon his arms and feet, where a sharp weapon had sliced the material and had caused the man’s blood to stain his clothes. His clothes also appeared to be slightly brown as if the owner had been careless enough to allow something to burn them. Xiao Long Er was about to move towards him when her eyes caught the sound of someone approaching. Crouching down, she peered over to see a couple of figures dressed entirely in white clothes complete with white masks that covered their hair and their face. They wore a belt that was like a silver snake twisting. However, upon closer inspection, Xiao Long Er could see that the belt was really a flexible sword. The two figures were speaking to each other in low voices and scanning the area. Suddenly, one of them, by the look of it a male pointed towards the grassy place where the young man was still unconscious. They both made their way cautiously towards the grassy place and drew their swords as soon as they were about a metre away from it. The smaller of the two, probably a female carefully moved the grass out of the way with her sword and then gave a cry of delight as she spotted the young man on the floor. Her companion said something softly to her and she nodded excitedly. They both drew their swords and moved in for the kill.

    ‘Stop!’ Xiao Long Er voice rang out clearly as she stood up and jumped down in front of the couple who immediately moved backwards a couple of metres. She immediately moved in front of the unconscious man and looked at the couple with dislike in her eyes. ‘What sort of people are you to attack a severely injured man?’ She asked, looking at them straight in the eye. The presumably female stepped forward and spoke scornfully.

    ‘What is it to you that we kill this man?’ She asked. ‘The White Snake Clan does not need permission from anyone to kill.’ Xiao Long Er looked at her and at her companion and wrinkled her forehead. She had not much experience in the Mo Lam world and had never heard of the clan. However, it did not concern her for she could always inquire about the clan later.

    ‘I won’t let you kill him.’ She said flatly. The woman looked at her companion and muttered something to him. He grinned under his mask and nodded eagerly. She glanced at Xiao Long Er, a smirk in her eyes. Then, without taking her eyes off Xiao Long Er, she whistled a strange tune, which appeared at first to be slow and haunting. Xiao Long Er’s eyes widened with interest as the head of a beautiful white snake appeared from the folds of the women’s clothing and looked around with intelligent black eyes. It poked out its red forked tongue and hissed softly as the woman continued to whistle. The woman whistled faster and soon the whole snake appeared; it’s body coiling around the woman’s hand. It was pure white, save for a few silver markings upon its back, which looked like criss-crosses. Xiao Long Er took a step forward and looked at the beautiful creature in wonder before exclaiming in delight.

    ‘The White Star Snake! How wonderful! However did you manage to get one? They are extremely rare!’ She blurted out, forgetting who the two people in front of her were and taking a few more steps towards the woman. She immediately stepped back and looked at her companion whom was equally surprised.

    ‘You’ve heard of this type of snake?’ She asked at last. Xiao Long Er nodded eagerly, her eyes shining.

    ‘This snake is suppose to be one of the most poisonous snakes ever known and that their poison has no antidote. Trainers of the snake must train it from birth, when it’s poison has not been fully developed yet so that they will not risk having it bite them. It has been said that these snakes are very loyal to their trainers and have been known never ever to bite them.’ Xiao Long Er recited, her eyes bright as she looked at the snake. The woman looked at her in astonishment.

    ‘You are absolutely right.’ She managed to say at last. ‘However, knowing about this snake will not be enough to save you!’ She added as she whistled quickly causing the snake to spring from her arm towards Xiao Long Er. However, Xiao Long Er dodged swiftly and caught the snake just behind its head with her finger and thumb. The snake struggled and attempted to free itself by biting her, but it could not reach for she hand was right behind its head. Xiao Long Er sat down and stroked the neck of the snake softly, rubbing its scales in a rhythmic motion and coiling its tail around her hand. She stroked its scales with her other hand, still keeping her finger and thumb around the head of the snake. Then, she reached into her pouch and brought out a packet in which she undid clumsily with one hand. Inside was a silvery blue powder, which sparkled strangely. She tipped the powder on both of her hands and rubbed the most on her hand that held the snake. Then she took out a blue pill in which she swallowed. After a few minutes, she let the snake go. Immediately the woman whistled loudly, signalling for the snake to attack. However, the snake continued to bask lazily upon Xiao Long Er’s arm, not paying any attention to its master.

    ‘Hey! What did you do to my snake?’ The woman yelled, furious that Xiao Long Er appeared completely unharmed. Xiao Long Er smiled a winning smile at her and looked back down at the snake, which was curled contently on her arm.

    ‘Not many people know that the White Star Snake is related to the Green Frog Snake, which is completely harmless as it does not have a deadly poison. However, both of them are easy to deal with as they react the same to the mixture of herbs, animal teeth and certain flowers with a particularly strong scent. This mixture causes the snake to feel sleepy and therefore does not have the need to attack. To make sure this snake does not attack me I have swallowed this pill, which makes my skin feel colder on the surface. Surely you have realised that snakes do not like the cold and generally tend to hibernate?’ She asked. The man stepped forward.

    ‘How do you know so much on snakes?’ He asked curiously. Xiao Long Er smiled as she stroked the snake.

    ‘Actually I don’t study snakes. However, I am a healer at heart and love anything to do with medicine. My hobby is to find antidotes to poisons, which are produced in this world. Naturally therefore I have heard of the poison of the White Star Snake, which caused to be have the wish to be able to formulate an antidote to its deadly poison. However, I have never actually been able to obtain a sample of it. So I had to find as much information on the snake as possible so that if I actually see the snake one day I may be able to find a cure.’ She replied.
    ************************************************** *****************

    Wait! There's more to add but it's my brother's turn to go online now. I'll be back later! Don't add anything please! Gotta continue my idea later! Thanks
    Read the Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud now. I swear that you won't regret meeting someone like Bartimaeus. Ever.

  3. #443
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    The man and the woman looked at each other and back at Xiao Long Er, whom was still stroking the snake lovingly. Her eyes were bright as she looked down upon the creature as though it was a treasure. Finally she had been able to actually see a White Star Snake, maybe she could now experiment to find out an antidote for it’s lethal poison. No one had ever done this before and this made Xiao Long Er more eager to try, for like all strong characters she did not get deterred by the possibility of defeat but became more determined at the sight of it. Antidotes were her one passion and she loved the challenge of producing one. At home, every known poison that the Dragon Clan had been struck with had been cured with one of her antidotes. When she did not have to invent a new antidote, she perfected the old one so that the person would heal faster and often be stronger than they were originally. Now, faced with the possibility of finding a cure for the poison of the White Star Snake, her heart began to beat with excitement. She stared at the man and woman eagerly and spoke.

    ‘May I borrow him for a while? I’m sure if you give me at the most a year I could definitely find an antidote for the poison of this snake.’ She asked with a smile. The young woman stepped forward and opened her mouth angrily, but her companion placed a warning hand on her arm and pulled her back. She looked at him furiously but he silenced her with a frown in his eyes. He stepped forward and bowed. Xiao Long Er nodded back, surprised at his behaviour. His companion was sulking, her arms akimbo and her face turned in a different direction.

    ‘Gu Niang [Miss] my martial arts sister would certainly be happy to lend you the snake, if it was for such a good cause. We would be very pleased if you discover the antidote to the snake’s poison.’ He said politely. Xiao Long Er’s face transformed into a radiant smile and her eyes sparkled with pleasure.

    ‘Thank you.’ She state politely, before stepping backwards. Unfortunately, she did not watch where she was going and stumbled over the unconscious body of the young man that the two had been chasing. Remembering, that he was injured, she knelt down to examine him. Turning him over, she brushed off the messy hair that covered his face and suddenly gasped.

    ‘Cheng Yuen Jin! Cheng Dai Ge[Big brother] how could it be you!?’ She exclaimed, shocked. How on earth could he have been injured so badly? She left him only several hours ago and he was perfectly fine. What could have happened? Looking at the burnt patches on his clothing, her face became even more concerned. What had happened? Immediately, she took his pulse and then paled, before turning angrily towards the two people standing a few metres away from her.

    ‘How could you do this to him? If not for his knowledge of martial arts and reasonably good internal energy, he would have perished by now.’ Xiao Long Er rolled up his sleeves and winced as she saw the deep gashes in his arms. With out thinking, she began to rip the edge of her dress into need strips and lay them on the floor. Delving into her pouch, she withdrew the same bright yellow pill that she had given to Jun Fong to revive his strength and popped it in Yuen Jin’s mouth. Although it would not cure him totally, for he would need the same sort of concoction that she had brewed for Tian Bo, it would be able to make him a bit stronger so that he would not die from the injuries. Then, still ignoring the couple, she took out a white bottle of medicine in which she opened and poured a green powder upon each of his wounds and wrapped the blue material of her dress around each of them. After she finished, she stood up and turning around caught sight of the two people in front of her.

    ‘What are you still doing here?’ She asked. ‘I wasn’t going to let you kill him before and now I definitely will not let you touch him.’ She declared looking at them with intense dislike in her round eyes. To think that they had the heart to kill so unmercifully made her blood run cold. What if Cheng Dai Ge had not been able to stagger here, where she found him? Her shivered and then turned to the two members of the White Snake Clan.

    ‘Well?’ She asked. The man stepped forward and bowed.

    ‘I assure you Gu Niang, we were not the ones whom harmed your Cheng Dai Ge. We mistook him for someone else when we tried to kill him.’ He lied smoothly. Xiao Long Er’s face turned red with anger.

    ‘How can you stand there and look me in the eye and lie without blinking? Do you possess no conscience? It is obvious that he was the person you were intending to kill.’ She rebutted, disliking the man even more for his open attempt to deceive her. He blinked and took a step back, so he was aligned with his martial arts sister. He whispered in her ear softly and she nodded. Xiao Long Er watched them, not liking their soft voices and intense stares. She knelt down and lifted Yuen Jin up, supporting him with her shoulder so that she could move him up to the top of the precipice. Like lightning, the couple drew their swords and attacked. Xiao Long Er gave loud yell as she saw the sword head for Yuen Jin, causing her to drop him. Twin swords danced dangerously in her direction, intending to strike her. Easily, she somersaulted backwards and stood in a defence stance as she surveyed the two glittering weapons. The two people attacked again, their swords in perfect tune with one another. One attacked while the other defended, leaving no gap for Xiao Long Er to attack and no gap for her to escape. She closed her eyes and silently said goodbye when clang! Xiao Long Er opened her eyes and gave a cheered with delight as she saw Tian Bo in front of her.

    ‘Thank you!’ She said breathlessly. ‘I owe you my life.’ She added. He smiled at her.

    ‘I owe you mine and my sworn brother’s.’ He replied.

    ‘Do you feel better now?’ She asked as she looked at him curiously. He nodded.

    ‘I feel much better. In another few days I’ll be fine.’ He commented happily. The two members of the White Snake Clan moved backwards a few steps as they watched Tian Bo, seizing him up. Then, without warning they attacked again, their swords without mercy and their moves swift and lethal. To Xiao Long Er’s immense surprise, Tian Bo’s kung fu was very familiar as if she had seen it before. He easily dodged the swords and made his attack. Her eyes widened as she recognised the Leung’s Family kick. It was a move that she herself had been trying to learn for a long time.
    ‘How did he know that move?’ She asked herself. Before she had time to ponder and observe any more of his moves, the two sides sprang apart. Obviously, Tian Bo was more than a match for the man and woman and they were now huddled together, obviously discussing their next move. Tian Bo watched them, his eyes never leaving his opponents and they in turn watched him, smart enough to know that they should never take their eyes off such a highly skilled opponent. In an instant, the man attacked Tian Bo, whom easily unbalanced him with one of his famous Leung Family stances. However, as he moved in to attack his fallen opponent, he felt that something was not right. Turning around, he realised his folly as the woman now had Xiao Long Er under the blade of her sword. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the man get up and walk towards his companion, a smirk on his face. Tian Bo clenched his fists as the man cocked his head on the side regarded him with an air of triumph.

    ‘Cowards!’ He spat, his dark eyes not leaving them. Xiao Long Er whimpered as the woman pulled the blade closer to her neck, cutting it in some places where red drops of blood appeared. The snake had disappeared into the folding of the woman’s pure white clothes once more. The man laughed.

    ‘We were not cowardly but clever. You were foolish enough to leave your friend her unguarded and naturally you paid the price.’ He lectured.

    ‘Let her go.’ Tian Bo said quietly, his fists still clenched. Xiao Long Er spoke.

    ‘Don’t worry about me. Save Cheng Dai Ge!’ She called. Tian Bo looked at her in confusion before seeing the slumped body on the grass. He moved forward but stopped as the man placed his sword on the tip of Yuen Jin’s neck.

    ‘Let him go! You can kill me if you want. Isn’t one person enough?’ She asked angrily. The man turned towards her and smiled.

    ‘We are not going to kill you Gu Niang. You are very special. Only a selected few can handle the White Star Snake as smoothly as you can. Why even I myself cannot do that to any other White Star Snake but my own. Yet, you handled my martial arts sister’s bad tempered snake with ease. You even displayed astonishing knowledge of the snake, which only a few of the people in our entire sect actually know. Furthermore, you speak of creating an antidote for the poison of the White Star Snake, something that you seem to have utmost confidence in. We definitely have to show you to our mentor. She will be very pleased to meet someone as beautiful and talented as yourself.’ He praised, bowing to her. Xiao Long Er struggled and then looked at him with a confused expression on her face.

    ‘Then why must you kill Cheng Dai Ge?’ She asked, pointing to Yuen Jin. The man laughed and shook his head.

    ‘Gu Niang, once again you are mistaken. We no longer want to kill your Cheng Dai Ge. However, we must detain him as well just in case you feel the need to disobey us.’ He answered politely. Xiao Long Er looked at him incredulously.

    ‘You! Are you blackmailing me?’ She asked angrily. ‘Do you know who I am? My name is Xiao Long Er, the heir to the throne of the Dragon Clan. Leung Mo Kin is my godfather!’ She announced proudly. ‘He will never let you get away with this.’ She added threateningly, hoping to frighten them into letting her go. Her neck was beginning to sting. There were three simultaneous gasps. The members of the White Snake Clan looked at each other and then at Xiao Long Er, unable to believe that this young woman was the heir to the throne of the mighty Dragon Clan. Tian Bo took a step backwards. She was the goddaughter of his uncle, which meant that she was in some sense his own cousin. His need to save her increased ten folds as he tried to think up of a way to save her. However, the two white clad couple was not allowing the name of the Dragon Clan to frighten them as the woman tightened her grip on Xiao Long Er and the man moved forward and lift Yuen Jin upon his shoulder. Then, in a blink of an eye, the man removed from his belt a round, silver ball and threw it upon the ground. Tian Bo opened his eyes only to find the thin remains of a white mist without a single trace of the whereabouts of the four people. He cursed as he looked around and finally went back to the precipice to wake Jun Fong up to tell him the story. Little did he know that he would soon gain more than just the knowledge that Xiao Long Er was his god-cousin.
    ************************************************** *****************
    A few days later…

    The sun shone brightly through the open doors of the abandoned temple, flooding it with light. The light reflected off the yellow hay that adorned the temple in various places, including the sides of the green bronze statue of Buddha making the room seem golden. The whole temple smelt of hay, bird poo, burnt wood and a trace of cooked meat. Upon the dirty grey tiles that lay on the floor were four rough beds made from hay and in front of the beds was a small fireplace in which the remains of a cooked chicken lay, all but a pile of meatless bones. Soft chirps of birdsong could be heard in the temple, coupled with a beautiful, harmonious tune emitted from a leaf. Upon one of the beds sat a woman clad completely in white, sitting in a meditating position, her eyes closed. Her white mask covered her face and hair completely, saved for her closed eyes. On the bed beside her was a young women dressed in a blue outfit, which had shortened and frayed edges and white boots, she was the leaf player. Beside her was a young man, still asleep and his face peaceful.

    For the past few days, Xiao Long Er had been forced to follow the white couple as they lead her back to the White Snake Clan. They had almost travelled non-stop, only occasionally resting when they felt hungry and not before. According to one of them, they were nearly there. Yuen Jin had still been unconscious, despite Xiao Long Er’s expert and gentle care. She had been brewing him the type of potion that she had given to Tian Bo and had given it to him for three consecutive days. After she checked his pulse, it had appeared that he was a lot better, though he still didn’t wake. The trip had thoroughly bored her, for the two people from the White Snake Clan had a habit of talking amongst themselves and not bothering to answer her questions when they felt like it. The woman had not taken her white snake out again, in fear that Xiao Long Er would charm it once more. So, left friendless and snakeless, she resolved in placing all her energy into curing Yuen Jin so that when he awoke, she would have a friendly face to talk to. Meanwhile, all she could do was to play the only instrument she had ever been taught; the leaf. Her godfather had tried to teach her the art of playing the qin and flute, but Xiao Long Er had found the art of leaf playing the easiest and had adapted that to be her instrument. She could play as many tunes on a leaf as her god-father could play on a flute and enjoyed making up tunes to go with her mood. Hence, most of her tunes where bright and cheerful. However, during the time she had been captured for the two members of the White Snake Clan, she had created a song that spoke of her boredom and her eagerness of fun and excitement. Unknowingly, parts of the song had incorporated her feelings about Li Yu Mei’s betrayal and though it was a sorrowful piece, it was poignant and a beautiful piece of music. Yuen Jin awoke to the sound of the sad music and opened his eyes groggily. He looked over to the source of the sound and his face broke into a surprised smile as he laid his eyes upon Xiao Long Er.

    ‘Xiao Long Er!’ He exclaimed, his eyes bright upon seeing her face. The woman in white opened her eyes. The music stopped as Xiao Long Er turned and smiled at him, her face radiant.

    ‘Cheng Dai Ge! Thank goodness you are awake. I was beginning to doubt my own medical skills. How are you? What happened to you?’ She asked looking at him. His smile suddenly faded as he remembered what had happened at the Cheung Manor. He opened his mouth and was about to tell her when his eyes caught sight of the woman in white.

    ‘What on earth are you doing here?’ He asked, glaring the young woman whom simply ignored him. Xiao Long Er pulled at his arm, causing him to look into her round eyes.

    ‘She and her martial arts brother captured us. She has really good martial arts so I don’t think you should attack her.’ She replied.

    ‘But she was one of the ones whom attacked the Cheung Manor!’ He exclaimed. Xiao Long Er nodded.

    ‘I guessed as much. What happened to you?’ She asked concernedly. ‘Your injuries were quite serious.’ His eyes softened as he saw her concern and he attempted a small smile at her. However, before he opened his mouth to explain, the man in white stepped into the temple and motioned at the woman. She immediately tied Xiao Long Er up while her partner tied up Yuen Jin, whom did not attempt to struggle upon seeing Xiao Long Er in the woman’s hands. They were bundled into the carriage that the young man had hired a few days before and almost at once the horse began to canter at top sped. Inside the carriage was the woman in white and before Xiao Long Er or Yuen Jin could open their mouths she stuffed a ball of white cloth in each one of their mouths and then closed her eyes and meditated. Xiao Long Er and Yuen Jin rolled their eyes at each other and spent the next hour or so annoying the woman in white by banging the carriage with their elbows or tied feet. Suddenly, the carriage stopped and Xiao Long Er and Yuen Jin were dragged out of it, to face the dark forest in front of them descending all the way into the valley. Near their feet they could see a silver stream that bubbled solemnly into the dark forest, where the leaves on the trees seem to rustle a warning. Although the day was quite warm, both Xiao Long Er and Yuen Jin shivered unintentionally. The woman sliced the ropes that bounded their feet and immediately took hold of Xiao Long Er while her companion took hold of Yuen Jin. Then, they began to make their way into the dark forest, where the gnarled branches beckoned and the birdsong did not exist.
    ************************************************** *****************
    The inside of the White Snake Clan was a white marble room in which at the back stood a raised platform which could be reached by the small set of stairs. Upon the platform was rested a beautifully sculptured chair that had white snakeskin draped upon it. White silk curtains hung from pillars everywhere and behind the chair was a large picture of a white star snake curled around a gleaming white sword. A woman dressed in a white snake-skin dress was lounging upon the chair, staring at the rows of white clad people, whom were dressed the same as the man and woman whom had captured Xiao Long Er and Yuen Jin. The woman had a silver circlet upon her head of long flowing hair and seemed to be around thirty-five years old. She had a flimsy white mask that covered the lower half of her face. As Xiao Long Er stepped into the room, she absentmindedly looked down at her dirty clothes and then back at the white silk curtains and the white clad people and wandered how on earth could they stand just to look at one colour every single day. She always wandered how someone could keep their white clothes so clean and neat, for white was the hardest of colours to keep clean. The man and the woman pushed down Xiao Long Er and Yuen Jin’s head as they came nearer to the chair on the platform and they too bowed their heads. The woman surveyed them with an imperial air before speaking.

    ‘Kang Er, Qing Er why have you come back so late after the others on the mission to the Cheung Manor?’ She asked sternly. The man stepped forward.

    ‘Mentor, we apologise for our lateness. However, we have brought someone whom will definitely be of interest to you.’ He explained. The women glanced at the bowed heads of Xiao Long Er and Yuen Jin and then back at the man.

    ‘Kang Er, explain.’ She commanded. He bowed.

    ‘The young woman we have captured was capable of handling Qing Er’s white star snake and even tamed it so that it would not attack her.’ He announced, creating a chorus of gasps as the people of the sect stared at the bent head of Xiao Long Er. Though she looked like a demure little thing, with her head bent in respect, inside she was fuming for she hated rules and regulations of this sort and had never been forced to follow them back at the Dragon Clan. The woman glanced at Xiao Long Er in astonishment and then back at Kang Er.

    ‘Are you sure?’ She asked. He nodded.

    ‘Qing Er unleashed her snake at this young woman whom simply caught the snake behind the head. Then she rubbed some powder onto her arms and ate a pill, which lowers her body temperature on the surface, causing the snake to feel sleepy and therefore not attack her. She has also been looking for a species of the White Star Snake for a long time so that she could experiment with it and to find an antidote to its poison. Her knowledge of this snake is immense, she even knows that the White Star Snake is related to the Green Frog Snake, something that only a quarter of this sect probably knows.’ He informed. The mentor looked taken back and then turned her attention to Yuen Jin.

    ‘What is he here for?’ She asked. Qing Er bowed.

    ‘Mentor, he is this young woman’s friend. We captured him so that she would have to obey us.’ She explained. The woman nodded thoughtfully and then turned towards Xiao Long Er.

    ‘Lift your head and tell me your name.’ She ordered. Xiao Long Er immediately seized the chance and looked up, her round eyes penetrating the woman’s eyes. The woman upon the chair gasped loudly and stood up and walked a few stumbling steps towards the top of the stairs, looking down at Xiao Long Er in great astonishment.

    ‘Xing Mei [Little Sister Xing], how can you be alive? I saw him kill you and your baby sixteen years ago.’ She murmured softly, though it was still loud enough to reach the first three front rows including Kang Er, Qing Er, Xiao Long Er and Yuen Jin. Xiao Long Er looked at her in amazement as Yuen Jin lifted his head and gazed at the women, his eyes thoughtful as he took in the expression on her face and replayed the words she said in her head.
    ************************************************** *****************
    Phew, my arm really hurts, sometimes I really hate having a big burst of inspiration. I’ve always wondered what Xiao Long Er’s true identity was. =D Well, how is this woman related to Xiao Long Er's identity? What actually happened at the Cheung Manor? Where is the adorable Lau Hong? Will Jun Fong tell Tian Bo about Li Yu Mei? Will he believe him?
    I hope this is a big enough twist in the story to encourage all you great writers out there to contribute. After adding this post, i'm dying to sit back and read what you all have to offer.
    Read the Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud now. I swear that you won't regret meeting someone like Bartimaeus. Ever.

  4. #444
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Kara: Great twists amd addition to the fanfic. Incredible description. You know I think you and I think alike at some parts. I have planned...that the Bak(White) family in my fanfic, be the ruler of the White Fox Clan. Funny you should write about a White Snake CLAN....anyways very well written...I believe you're probably the one person...whose still writing in this fanfic.

    My White Fox far in my latest chapter...that I've yet to finish typing it...(dunno if that made sense) well..they too wear only white...well I thought of changing the name because you've already got a White snake Clan fraid someone would say a copied but all my thats why I said you and I think alike...except a little bit addition has really spark some ideas for me to add something but....I don't think I'll have time to sit down and write anything intricate as you've written...besides...I'm stuck with a research paper for my class...perhaps someone will pick up where you left off....
    I just love how you Captivate My Mind

    Self reminder - Update blog more often and continue editing/writing for TOV fanfic.

  5. #445
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    White Krane: No! definately leave your clan name unchanged. That way people can say i think like a great writer. I'm sure no one will think you copied.
    Read the Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud now. I swear that you won't regret meeting someone like Bartimaeus. Ever.

  6. #446
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
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    Kara: Na li! Na Li! (You Flatter me!) <IMG SRC="smilies/blush.gif" border="0"> Actually, I can tell you we also have the same ideal heroine. I have a leaf playing herbalist too, and most of her herbal and medical skills are learnt from her auntie. Yet it's a good thing my character has somethings slightly different from your Xiao Long Er. Well, we won't see a grown up Wai Ming until a chapter after this one that I'm working then you'll see the difference that my character and your character has. But again..It be funny to see my character and your character interact and have a contest of who can play the best song on a leaf! "Art of Leaf" <IMG SRC="smilies/clap.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/laugh2.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/naughty.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/rofl.gif" border="0">

    Anyways, you've written very well the last two chapters. I hope someone else will pick up soon. I'm so busy with this research paper, I have to put my latest chapter aside and I was almost almost done with writing the chapter. <IMG SRC="smilies/frown.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/mad.gif" border="0">

    Ah the end of this month I'll probably have the research paper done and turned in.. <IMG SRC="smilies/azzangel.gif" border="0"> Well...Kara keep up the great job...Thanks for keeping this LOK fanfic alive...
    I just love how you Captivate My Mind

    Self reminder - Update blog more often and continue editing/writing for TOV fanfic.

  7. #447
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    White Krane: Hey! I'm glad that we have the same ideal heroine. Actually Xiao Long Er was the main character in one of my fanfictions that i never had the chance to really start. The same with the Whistling Wanderer. Since i couldn't be bothered to write a whole story on them i placed them inside this fanfic.

    Anyways, i hope you get a good grade for your research paper. I'll be waiting for your latest chapter.

    Btw, i think i'll add a little to the story
    Writing in Progress
    Read the Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud now. I swear that you won't regret meeting someone like Bartimaeus. Ever.

  8. #448
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    Goofy: Sorry about the last entry i posted, i just realised that once again i used '' for speech instead of "". I remembered this in the middle of typing this post so this time i did it correctly.
    ************************************************** *****
    Xiao Long Er stepped forward and bent her head, looking at the Leader of the White Snake Clan in confusion. She waved her tightly tied wrist furiously, in an attempt to catch the woman’s attention.

    “Excuse me? What did you say before?” She asked as her eyes continued to stare straight at the woman. Suddenly the woman seemed to snap out of her trance as she blinked and looked back down at Xiao Long Er. No, the girl wasn’t Xing Mei. She was far too young. Xing Mei would have been thirty-four by now, not the amusing and innocent figure that stood before her, waving her tied wrists frantically. The girl looked no older than fifteen or sixteen at the most. Sixteen! Could it be? Ignoring the surprised looks on the other members of the clan’s faces, the woman descended the steps smoothly, as if she was gliding. She reached Xiao Long Er in a few seconds and raised her slender arm, extending her tapered fingers and touched Xiao Long Er’s cheek. Her eyes continued to look into Xiao Long Er’s as if searching for something. Xiao Long Er continued to stare at the women’s eyes, puzzled by the intent look that she was getting.

    The room was silent, so silent that the slight breathing from every person seemed enormously loud in the white room. The silk curtains fluttered slightly as a small breeze came through the door. The clan seemed to hold its breath as its leader took a step backwards and reached up and touched the silver circlet that encircled her brow. A beautiful round crystal in the middle of the circlet, resting in the centre of her forehead, sparkled under the light as she moved. Then she suddenly plucked the crystal right from her circlet, leaving a gaping hole. The room sighed with appreciation as the woman held the round crystal high in the air. It was beautiful. It was not a fully round circle, but was rather a polygon with numerous sides, cut so that from afar it looked like a round gem. The several flat sides caught the light as the woman raised it up causing the crystal to look like a small ball of luminosity.

    “The White Snake Eye.” Kang Er dared to whisper in awe. Surprisingly the crystal did not seem so bright whilst it was in the circlet. Xiao Long Er watched with fascinated eyes as the women lowered the crystal and flung it at her and high velocity. There was not even time to gasp as the room watched the crystal with well-trained eyes. The woman’s internal energy was amazing and the crystal was travelling with neck breaking speed. To add to that, Xiao Long Er was barely a metre away from her and before the room could even blink, it was over. The crystal had surprisingly stopped, barely a centimetre from Xiao Long Er’s forehead, hovering in the air and emitting a white glow of reflected sunlight. Yuen Jin let out a breath he didn’t even know he had been holding and staggered slightly as the full impact of what had happened hit him. It had happened so quickly that his heart had barely time to scream before it was over. Now, the after effects were just as bad, as his knees shook in relief and his brow was wet with perspiration. Meanwhile, the woman looked at Xiao Long Er with the expression of one whom has just witnessed the confirmation of an outrageous idea. She nodded slightly to herself as she a smile formed on her lips. Xiao Long Er’s face was no longer scared as she was staring at the gem with a curious look in her round eyes. Her face wore a gentle smile, the kind of smile that radiated fascination and wonder. The woman stepped forward and plucked the crystal from the air and with one smooth motion replaced it back inside her circlet. Xiao Long Er blinked in disappointment as the white light disappeared and the crystal became but an ordinary gem inside the circlet. The room was still coated in silence as the woman made her way up the stairs and sat back down on the seat. Clap! Half of the members of the White Snake Clan jumped as they swerved their heads away from their Leader and faced Xiao Long Er. She grinned and looked at the woman.

    “Wow! That was a great trick. How did you make it stop in front of my face just at the last minute?” She asked, her voice overflowing with curiosity. The woman smiled at her naivety, knowing that no one in the world could do that to a crystal unless they were the ancestors of the Whistling Wanderer himself. The art had been lost over a century ago.

    “Tell me, what is your name?” She asked kindly, her eyes shining with a warm light. Upon seeing the warmth, Xiao Long Er smiled again and stepped forward proudly.

    “My name is Xiao Long Er, goddaughter of the current Leader of the Dragon Clan, Leung Mo Kin.’ She announced. The woman’s eyes flashed with anger as she heard the news and she immediately snapped at the girl.

    “Nonsense! How dare you call that scoundrel your godfather?” She roared, her hand banging on the arm of her chair. Xiao Long Er’s eyes flashed with the same degree of anger and stared at her defiantly.

    “My godfather is a great hero! How dare you call him a scoundrel? Either you don’t have eyes or you are simply evil.” She retorted. The woman stood up and her whole body seemed rigid with a fiery rage as she beheld the stubborn maiden before her. Without warning she raised her arms and sent two identical White Star Snakes at Xiao Long Er, whistling a long, sharp call. Xiao Long Er, defenceless with her hands tied, immediately tried to dodge the snakes, thankful that her two captors had untied her feet before they had entered the building. The snakes landed on the floor and hissed threateningly as Xiao Long Er tried to move out of their way. The woman on the platform was grim as she looked down at Xiao Long Er.

    ‘If that has what you have grown up to be, I have no choice but to rid the world of you. No member of the White Snake Clan will ever be on friendly terms with a member of either the Dragon Clan or the Sword Lake Manor.’ She declared.

    ‘But she is the member of the Dragon Clan. What are you talking about?’ Yuen Jin immediately countered. The woman’s eyes flashed as she looked at the young man standing beside Xiao Long Er and she took a deep breath and tried to think rationally. Xiao Long Er did not know who she really was. It wasn’t her fault that she and her rightful clan were separated when she was at such a young age. A whistle escaped the woman’s lips and she called for the snakes to come back. They slithered slowly up the stairs and then leapt at her like lightning.

    “Ling Xin.” A person from the long line of white clad people stepped out from the front of the line and bowed. Like the rest of the clan, she was dressed in white clothes and a white mask. However, unlike the rest of the clan, her clothes were made from white silk and flowed around her body in the form of an elegant robe instead of a fighting outfit made from white cotton. Her mask was made of thin, diaphanous material and covered the lower half of her face and was also draped over the head of raven coloured hair. Upon the left side of her hair was a hairpin that had a string of minute crystals dangling from it, snaking down pass her left ear.

    ‘Yes, Mentor?’ She asked softly.

    ‘Take the girl into your room and clean her up. Also let her wear one of your dresses.’ She commanded. Ling Xin looked up in surprised but bowed again.

    ‘As you wish mentor.’ She replied before reaching over and tugging at Xiao Long Er’s tied wrists. Xiao Long Er had no choice but to follow and as she left the room, she turned back and mouthed ‘stay well’ to Yuen Jin. Yuen Jin nodded and mouthed back ‘I will’ before watching her being lead away. Unknown to him, the leader of the clan had caught the exchange and was sitting upon her chair, smiling to herself. She looked at Yuen Jin and took in his tall build and gentlemanly face. The way he stood told her that he practised martial arts and was quite reasonable at it, it also meant that he was a brave person, whom was unafraid of what was going to happen next. She gave a quick satisfied nod.

    ‘Kang Er.’ The masked man immediately stepped forward and bowed.

    ‘Mentor.’ He intoned politely.

    ‘Take that man to your room and clean him up. Dress him in some of your clothes.’ She ordered. If he was surprised, Kang Er certainly did not show it.

    ‘As you wish.’ He replied before tugging forcefully at Yuen Jin’s tied hands. The woman smiled and then stood up and left the room, via a door at the end of the platform. As she was leaving the entire clan knelt down, forming a sea of white.

    ‘Long live the clan leader!’ They chorused until she completely disappeared from view.
    ************************************************** *****************
    An hour later…

    It was a white marble room, in which were drilled two windows on the east and north walls. The bed was a mass of white sheets and white diaphanous curtains that were draped around it and attached to the ceiling above the bed. There were a few chairs and tables, probably made out of wood that had white cloths draped over them. Xiao Long Er’s first thought had been:

    ‘White certainly is their favourite colour.’ The room was nice but far too white to be cheerful and bright like Xiao Long Er’s own room. However, currently the thoughts of her room were forgotten as she looked into the mirror in horror. Earlier, Ling Xin had silently taken her to a hollowed out bath in the marble manor and had roughly pushed her into the warm water. After untying Xiao Long Er’s hands, Ling Xin had walked out, leaving the girl to bath by herself. Xiao Long Er had then been forced to change into the white robe that Ling Xin had given her and after half an hour of torture, she was sitting in Ling Xin’s room, staring at her reflection with astute astonishment. The maiden in the mirror was exquisitely beautiful. A pair of large, thick lash framed eyes sparkled in the mirror above a ruby red mouth that was parted slightly in surprise. Her skin, normally pale, with a pink tinge at the cheeks, was glowing and tingled continuously. Her silky black hair had been brushed expertly by Ling Xin and then styled so that it mostly fell down her back, save for the symmetrical bow-like hair formations that were on either side of her head. Her fringe, normally brushed back had been brushed forward. On either side of her hung a few long thin plaits that had a white band around them, framing her face. Around each bow-like hair formation was a long, thin white ribbon and where the ribbon was tied, there was a small clear bead. Ling Xin’s dress fitted Xiao Long Er perfectly although it felt too big and clumsy on Xiao Long Er, whom was use to her comfortable blue outfit and not layers of white silk upon her body. Her white boots had been replaced with elegant white slippers and gave her overall appearance an elegant and refined look. Xiao Long Er fidgeted as Ling Xin placed a light, white cloth over her mouth, covering the lower half of her face. She sighed loudly.

    “I don’t feel like Xiao Long Er anymore.” She complained.

    “That’s because you aren’t.” A voice stated as a matter of factly. The leader of the White Snake Clan stepped into the room, carrying a small white box and looked at Xiao Long Er in approval. “That’s more like it. You look a lot prettier now.” Xiao Long Er sighed. The woman walked over and gently tugged at her mask, removing it. Then, she placed the white box on the table and opened it. She took out a mask that was made entirely of stringed beads and gestured at Ling Xin, whom was staring at the beads with an envious look on her face.

    “Put this on her.” She ordered. Xiao Long Er had no time to protest before the mask of beads were placed on her. The woman reached into the box again and took out what looked like a necklace. It had a pair of delicate silver chains that joined to a sparkling crystal. The chains were connected so that it looked as if the crystal was caught between two silver necklaces, one at the top and one at the bottom. The woman walked over and placed the chains and crystal around Xiao Long Er’s forehead. Then she smiled.

    “You look just like your mother.” She commented. “Beautiful, innocent and sweet. Xing Mei all over.” Xiao Long Er stared at her in confusion.

    “What are you talking about? How do you know who my mother is? Even I don’t know who my mother is.” She stated. The woman smiled.

    “Do you remember how the crystal did not penetrate your forehead and kill you?” She asked. Xiao Long Er nodded. “It had nothing to do with me.” She added.

    “Then how did it stop?” Xiao Long Er asked.

    “The crystal is one of the two eyes of the legendary founder of this clan. She was thought to be a snake goddess whom had the form of a white snake. When she died, she gave her two eyes, the most powerful objects that she possessed to her only daughter and warned her to keep them safe. The crystal is known as the White Snake Eye and it has one very special power. It would never attack anyone whom has even one drop of the Snake goddess’s blood in their veins.”

    “But that still doesn’t prove whether I am my mother’s daughter.” Xiao Long Er rebutted, then blushing when she realised that her sentence did not make any sense. The woman smiled.

    “Your mother’s name was Bai Xue Xing. My name is Bai Yue Xing. Your name is Bai Xiang Yin. Your mother was my fraternal twin. You look exactly like her. What more proof do you want?” She asked. Xiao Long Er stared at her, dumbfounded. The woman appeared to be telling the truth, then if it was true…

    “I’m your Aunt.” She finished. Xiao Long Er shook her head.

    “No! If you are my Aunt, why did you not raise me up but left me in the wild for my godfather to find?” She challenged. The woman’s eyes flashed as she heard Xiao Long Er mention Leung Mo Kin but then she spoke.

    “Xiang Yin, I thought you were dead. I saw you and your mother fall off a cliff with my own eyes.” She answered, turning away. Xiao Long Er was surprised to see the sunlight reflect off the tears that formed in her eyes. She felt so dizzy. It seemed so dreamlike, to have someone suddenly claim her as their niece. Yue Xing got up and reached over into the box and pulled out a white pouch that was made from silk and was embroidered with silver thread. She handed it over to Xiao Long Er, whom felt a tingle in her fingers as soon as it touched her skin.

    “This was your mother’s medicine pouch. She was a great healer.” Yue Xing informed, before gesturing at Ling Xin and sweeping out of the room. Inside the room, Xiao Long Er turned the pouch over in her hands and tried to comprehend the unexplainable feelings that were welling up inside of her. The pouch felt strange and yet in some way it was comfortingly familiar. Could it have really been her mother’s? Was she really the daughter of Bai Xue Ying? Xiao Long Er’s mind suddenly flashed back to what Yue Xing had said.

    ‘Your name is Bai Xiang Yin.’ What did this mean? Why was her last name the same as her mother’s then? If so, who was her father? Then again, was she really a member of the White Snake Clan. Questions ran furiously through her head, leaving her no time to ponder the answers and only being left with a constant pounding inside her head. Xiao Long Er buried her head into her arms and tried to get rid of the throbbing that had accompanied the thousands of questions and uncertainties.

    “Who am I?” She whispered to herself.
    ************************************************** *****************
    Read the Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud now. I swear that you won't regret meeting someone like Bartimaeus. Ever.

  9. #449
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
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    Kara: Great Addition! <IMG SRC="smilies/thumbsup.gif" border="0"> I think I'll be completing my latest chapter Friday. Okay! WILL SOMEONE WRITE ABOUT LAU HONG and the other people. I think Kara really likes her character but anyways...I think this is a good part to end Xiao Long Er's part and talk about other characters like Lau Hong, Ah Lan and Ah Yee and Tian Bo.
    I just love how you Captivate My Mind

    Self reminder - Update blog more often and continue editing/writing for TOV fanfic.

  10. #450
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    Whitekrane: the reason i don't write about Lau Hong and the others is because i know that you and goofy really love him. I think you guys will write way better Lau Hong chapters than i will.

    P.S. Remember that Lau Hong was suffering from a poison attack the last time we saw him in the Cheung Manor, which since then has been attacked!
    Read the Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud now. I swear that you won't regret meeting someone like Bartimaeus. Ever.

  11. #451
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    Lau Hong was fleeing for his life. The unknown enemy was right behind him, and he did not know where to turn. Adding to that, his daily attack seized upon him. He gritted his teeth and staggered about, sweat broke out and he collapsed, writhing on the ground from pain.

    Lau Hong rolled about on the ground when suddenly he fell into a deep pit. It was an old hole hunters dug to trap big animals. For a while, he laid on the dry ground, too exhausted to move, waiting for the attack to pass.

    Later he heard footsteps thundering above him. Voices were calling to one another, requiring about their search for escapers. After a moment, noises died down. His pursuers had given up and gone back to their beseiged Cheung Manor.

    Lau Hong still didn't dare to move lest his noise alerted some enemy guards that might be lurking nearby. Hot tears ran down his dirt-filled face when he recalled the raid of the Sword Lake Clan an hour ago.

    His master, Fong Zheng, had gone to White Crane Mountains in search for some herbs for his junior disciple. Master Cheung and his son were also gone on business errand at another city, leaving only Housekeeper Fok and his disciples to guard the house.

    Actually, from the mouth of Cheng Yuen Jin, Lau Hong realized that the head of Cheung family only created a pretext to take his son away from home in order to keep peace between Sword Lake Clan and Qing Tong Clan.

    Fong Zheng also realized that and would have taken leave from the Cheung house immediately if not for the unstable health of his second disciple, Lau Hong. He was still hoping that Dr. Ma would return and help his disciple; therefore, he consented to strong entreating from Master Cheung into staying there a little longer.

    Just when Lau Hong and Cheng Yuen Jin were about to retire for the night, they heard the commotion from the reception hall. Cheng Yuen Jin ran out to investigate after order his junior brother to stay put in the room. However, Lau Hong was not the one to be idle. He grabbed a sword and stealthily moved toward the hall. He stopped outside the hall and poked his finger through a papered window and peeked through the hole.

    Inside, he saw many dead bodies laying about. Many white snakes slithering across those corpses. Not far away, the housekeeper was fighting white-masked invaders with all his might. Suddenly, a white snake leaped up from one masked figure and landed on the shoulder of Housekeeper Fok. It bit once at his neck and its hapless victim immediately fell down, dead on the spot.

    Lau Hong looked for his senior brother and found Yuen Jin was fighting with another masked figure. He had been severely wounded. With a loud shout, Lau Hong ran into the hall to help his brother. At that moment, a silver white shadow leaped up from the hands of Yuen Jin's opponent and was about to land on Yuen Jin's shoulder when Lau Hong intervened in time. Without thinking Lau Hong put himself between the snake and his senior brother. As a result, the snake landed instead on his shoulder. It quickly bit his neck.

    Surprisingly, instead of him dropping death, the snake was the one to fall down dead. Its owner was stunned for a moment, and Lau Hong used this opportunity to grab the wounded Yuen Jin and escaped from the Cheung House.

    However, soon their pursuers were pursuing them relentlessly. Lau Hong looked at his half conscious senior brother and told himself that he would protect Yuen Jin at all cost. 'After all, I have no future with deadly poison in my body, but brother cheng still have Xiao Lung Er to look forward to.' He made a decision and whispered to Yuen Jin. "Senior brother, I'll lure them to another direction, while you will run away as quick as you can. Find our master and Master Cheung and tell them what happened. Do as I say if you think I am your brother. Don't worry, those snakes cannot hurt me. If fate is willing, we will meet again." Without waiting for an answer, he hugged his senior brother briefly before running back to face his pursuers.

    "I am here, you white ghosts. Your faces must be very ugly to wear those masks. You are cowards to attack people like this. Wait till my master Fong Zheng come, and he will slaughter you all till your white outfits turn red. Your white snakes are merely nothing; one has alreay died in my hands. Starving Skeleton! Come and catch me if you dare." He challenged the group dressed in white, while hurling abuses and all insults he could think of to them.

    The ruse worked, and the whole group turned to hunt him instead, forgetting about Yuen Jin. Lau Hong used all his strength and concentrated on running, luring his hunters as far away from Yuen Jin as possible.

    Now laying in a dark hole, unable to move at the moment, Lau Hong prayed that his senior brother could get away in time. He himself awaited the coming morning where his pursuers would no doubt re-search the again, and no miracles would save him this time.

    'Nothing to do now but wait. At least, my attack has passed. I probably should just fill my time meditating so that my entering the land of death shall be peaceful'. With that thought, Lau Hong closed his eyes and tried to meditate. Somehow, he could think of nothing but the content that he had read from the 9 yang manual that Dr. Ma had given to him.

    During the time he spent in the Cheung Manor, he didn't have much chance to really practice the manaul. Firstly, he was very concerned of the disappearance of Yuen Jin, then he was puzzling over strange behaviors of Housekeeper Fok and the young Cheung master. The other reason was that he simply had no faith in the mere dirty leather scroll. He had resigned to his death a long time ago, and in spite of what Dr. Ma had boasted to him about the power of the 9 yang manual, he had doubt on the weird doctor's statement.

    He saw through Dr. Ma in that the weird doctor wanted him as a new apprentice without really a definite mean to heal him. Therefore, he had determined inwardly that he would never call this weird couple masters how ever hard they made him to.

    A whole manual he had read and memorized, however, he found that it was only a buddhist cannon; nothing that would indicate it as a kung fu manual. 'Dr. Ma said that the better I am, the more severe the attack will be. What a crazy statement is that? He wants me to be his apprentice so much that he claimed any of my improvements due to his merit. If I have to choose, I should at least call Mrs. Ma my master instead since she evidently put herself into hard labor searching for rare herbs for me.' Lau Hong mused and tried to forget the 9 yang manual he had been reading in his boring hours.

    He did not succeed, however. So giving up at last, he turned to recite each verse from the 9 yang manual instead. 'Maybe it is my fate to goto heaven upon reciting buddhist verses on my deathbed.' He laughed to himself.
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  12. #452
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
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    Goofy: Nice addition. But how did the Sword Lake Sect turn into a clan? There's a difference between a clan and a sect you know. Just like the Beggar's different...clan isn't a synonym for Sect...
    I just love how you Captivate My Mind

    Self reminder - Update blog more often and continue editing/writing for TOV fanfic.

  13. #453
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    <IMG SRC="smilies/hmph.gif" border="0"> Actually, I should start a new trade for this fanfic.
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  14. #454
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
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    Not only Sword Lake Sect is turned into Clan....theres also...Qing Tong Sect that's turn into a clan.

    I guess..Kara's White Snake Clan had an effect on Goofy's thinking! <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/rofl.gif" border="0">
    I just love how you Captivate My Mind

    Self reminder - Update blog more often and continue editing/writing for TOV fanfic.

  15. #455
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    Sect = Jiao (Gao)
    Clan = Pai
    School = Men (Moon)
    Society = Bang, Hui (Bong, Wui)

    That's what i found in the dictionary! <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
    Cyril Connolly

  16. #456
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    It's been a while since i've been writing and i think i write some now. Don't worry, i will leave Xiao Long Er, Yuen Jin alone because i've focused too much on them. I also can't write on Lau Hong because i don't know much about the 9 yang manual to elaborate. Maybe i'll write about Tian Bo. Anyways, we'll see.

    Writing in Progress
    Read the Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud now. I swear that you won't regret meeting someone like Bartimaeus. Ever.

  17. #457
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
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    KARA! Please stop right now....Spcnet told us to start another topic once the fanfic goes beyond ten pages. So please find the topic "Legend of Kilin (Continued)". <IMG SRC="smilies/tongue.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">
    I just love how you Captivate My Mind

    Self reminder - Update blog more often and continue editing/writing for TOV fanfic.

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