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Thread: Interesting facebook post - JY characters that make best peers

  1. #1
    Senior Member yittz's Avatar
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    Default Interesting facebook post - JY characters that make best peers

    作为一个女人,正如林燕妍所说,找丈夫一定要找郭靖。虽然有点傻,却是拿来撒女儿脾气的好材料。既不要担心 有别的女人缠上他,也不要担心他会看上别的女人,他心中一心一意只有你一个。即使功成名就,成为“侠之大者 ”,也决不会在外面包情人养小蜜。这样的丈夫,可一百二十个放心。

    杨过是最理想的情人,这是女读者的共识。不要嫁给他!只和他生死缠绵一番,然后悄然远引,让他对你刻骨铭心 相思一生一世,虽然有些残酷,却能成就杨过独具美感的悲剧性格和气质。

    找萧峰做姐夫最妙不过,先是丐帮帮主,后为南院大王,傲视群雄,威风八面。就算是一介布衣吧,打起架来,战 无不胜,攻无不克。有这样威猛的姐夫做靠山,试问天下哪个敢来动你一根汗毛?何况铁汉柔情,爱屋及乌,对于 姨妹子,他肯定会关爱有加。

    把子只和韦小宝拜,这小子神通广大,上可通天,下可入地。白道黑道都能摆平。至于借万把两银子,开口就是, 不要担心无钱还债。最重要一点,韦小宝为人最讲义气,不管三教九流,贩夫走卒,拜了把子就是兄弟。官可丢, 钱可散,兄弟坚决不卖。这样令人放心的拜把子,现在很难找出几个。

    令狐冲是最好的朋友人选。洒脱的性情,会令每一个人觉得,和他在一起很轻松很舒适。就算不小心得罪了他吧, 他也会笑笑不加计较。至于他对生死的超然态度,视富贵如浮云的豁达心境,会使你学会怎样从纷争烦扰的俗世中 解脱出来。良师即益友,古人诚不我欺?

    张无忌做丈夫不如郭靖保险,做情人也缺一点味道,做上司最为合适。他的宽厚待人众所周知,虽贵为明教教主, 却几乎看不到他居高临下,气使颐指的场面。如果你野心膨胀,想要夺权,他也会毫无怨言,把一把手的位置拱手 相让。

    作为一个男人,娶妻当然要娶小昭。混血女孩最为漂亮,“高鼻雪肤,秋波流慧”,既有中土的古典气息,又有波 斯丽人的诱人之美。小昭侍候人的功夫不在双儿之下,会唱回肠荡气的波斯小曲。和双儿相比,“她更有血有肉, 有嗔有怒,对心上人情深款款,又黯然神伤;既有无言的怀恋,又有无尽的失落。”更令人感动的是她的牺牲精神 :为心上人不惜断送青春韶华远赴西土,做一辈子老处女。我以为她是金庸小说中最美的女人。

    至于“雪裹琼苞,冷浸溶溶月”的小龙女,艳如桃李,冷若冰霜。这种不食人间烟火的女子,只可远观不可亵玩, 不妨拿来做个顶礼膜拜的女神。千万不要娶她,否则一辈子厮守在活死人墓,活活闷煞人!宁愿做江湖上孤身落寞 的奇男子,也不和小龙女做一对寡味夫妻。

    谁做风情万种的情人呢?马夫人虽然柔媚入骨,却万万沾染不得,不小心会招来杀身之祸。金庸小说中真正具有情 人风味的没有几个,硬要找出一个合适的,看看只有阮星竹。书琴棋画样样精通不说,最大的优点是没有非份之想 ,不象秦红棉,王夫人,动不动就逼你杀元配。

    找妈妈找黄蓉好了,她最会为儿女着想。为了儿女的幸福,她可以以小人之心度杨过的君子之腹。即使是女儿砍掉 了别人的胳膊,平素在丐帮赏罚分明的她也要千方百计护短。更难得的是,她可以毫不犹豫去绝情谷用自己的头颅 换解药,别以为是为杨过,当初在敌人大举攻城时许下诺言,还不是为着丈夫女儿的安危。有这样的妈妈,真是三 生修来之福。

    如果一定要有个妹妹,那就找阿紫。作为保护神,她比萧峰更具威力。杀人不眨眼,害人不赔命,阴谋诡计群出不 穷,毒药暗器防不胜防。有这样一个古怪残忍的妹妹,别人只怕你找上他,还有谁敢来找你的晦气?

    令人印象深刻的程灵素,是最合适的秘书人选。精明能干,任劳任怨,心底默默爱着你,却不在言语上表露一分一 毫。直到为你献出生命,你才会恍然大悟,原来其貌不扬的女孩也有一颗炽热燃烧的心!

    李文秀最好是儿时的玩伴,情窦初开时两小无猜,长大后仍固执地爱着你,即使你已将她遗忘。还记得小说最后那 段话吗?“……汉人中有的是英俊勇武的的少年,倜傥潇洒的少年……但这个美丽的姑娘就像高昌人那样固执:‘ 那都是很好很好的,可我偏不喜欢。’”我认为这是金庸小说中最好的结尾了!

    Found the above in a facebook post. I mostly agree with her reasons. Here's a brief summary:

    Best Husband: GJ
    Best Lover (m): YG
    Best Brother in Law: XF
    Best Ji Bai Brother: WXB
    Best Friend: LHC
    Best Boss: ZWJ
    Best Wife: XZ
    Best Look from afar, but don't touch: XLN
    Best Lover (f): Wan Xing Zhou (Ah zi/zhu's mum)
    Best Mum: HR
    Best Sister: Ah Zi
    Best Secretary: Cheng Yin
    Best Childhood playmate: Li Wen Xiu

  2. #2
    Senior Member PJ's Avatar
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    Best Person Who Has Reached the Peak Of Perfection in Timing: FAST SABRE Qi Liu.
    忽见柳荫下两个小孩子在哀哀痛哭,瞧模样正是武敦儒、武修文兄弟。郭芙大声叫道:「喂,你们在干甚麽?」武 修文回头见是郭芙,哭道:「我们在哭,你不见麽?」

  3. #3
    Moderator Ken Cheng's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yittz View Post
    Best Mum: HR
    Best Sister: Ah Zi

    Whoever made these picks has been smoking a little too much funny weed.

  4. #4
    Senior Member yittz's Avatar
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    Yeah Ah Zi is wtf to me too. She can hurt you real bad and bring on so much trouble. I mean who didn't she piss off in TLBB?

    HR can be accepted in that it's not saying she's a capable mum, but a protective mum. Like Guo Fu got away with everything. If we ignore the fact that Guo Fu turned out to be a joke, HR is a pretty awesome mum.

  5. #5
    Senior Member remember_Cedric's Avatar
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    So, where should Zhao Min be slot into? She makes a spicy wife?

    Who are in these names of acronyms?

    Best Ji Bai Brother: WXB
    Best Friend: LHC
    What can I say? I'm still standing! No weapon against me shall prosper! I am more than a conqueror!!!

    I don't care to sit by the window on an airplane. If I can't control it, why look?

  6. #6
    Senior Member Extremer88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yittz View Post
    Yeah Ah Zi is wtf to me too. She can hurt you real bad and bring on so much trouble. I mean who didn't she piss off in TLBB?

    HR can be accepted in that it's not saying she's a capable mum, but a protective mum. Like Guo Fu got away with everything. If we ignore the fact that Guo Fu turned out to be a joke, HR is a pretty awesome mum.
    HR as a (childhood days) mum is pretty good. Awesome as she is as a mum, not for the long term though - with Guo Fu being a very good example.

    But overall, the choices in the articles are pretty good. With the best of the picks being - GJ (best husband), LHC (best friend) and ZWJ (best boss)!

    XZ (best wife) was also a good choice, but there could be a couple of JY ladies that might give XZ a good challenge for the title.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Extremer88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by remember_Cedric View Post
    Who are in these names of acronyms?

    Best Ji Bai Brother: WXB
    Best Friend: LHC
    The characters Wei Xiaobao and Linghu Chong.

  8. #8
    Moderator Ren Wo Xing's Avatar
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    I translated it for anyone who's interested

    作为一个女人,正如林燕妍所说,找丈夫一定要找郭靖。虽然有点傻,却是拿来撒女儿脾气的好材料。既不要担心 有别的女人缠上他,也不要担心他会看上别的女人,他心中一心一意只有你一个。即使功成名就,成为“侠之大者 ”,也决不会在外面包情人养小蜜。这样的丈夫,可一百二十个放心。

    As a female, it is just as Lin Yanyan said; if one is looking for a husband, one should marry Guo Jing. Although he is a bit stupid, he's perfect for any girl who throws tantrums. You neither need to worry about other girls falling for him, nor worry about him falling for other girls; in his heart, there is only you and none other. Even after he becomes famous and a 'hero amongst heroes', he definitely will not cheat on you or have another woman outside of marriage. You can have 120% faith in this sort of husband.

    杨过是最理想的情人,这是女读者的共识。不要嫁给他!只和他生死缠绵一番,然后悄然远引,让他对你刻骨铭心 相思一生一世,虽然有些残酷,却能成就杨过独具美感的悲剧性格和气质。

    Yang Guo is the most ideal lover of all; this is generally agreed upon by female readers. But do not marry him! Just enjoy a period of time with him where the two of you share life and death experiences, then sorrowfully disappear to some faraway place. In this way, his memories and impressions of you will be written deep within his bones, and accompany him for the rest of his life in the world. Although this is a bit cruel, it will satisfy his aesthetic disposition towards melodramatic tragedy.

    找萧峰做姐夫最妙不过,先是丐帮帮主,后为南院大王,傲视群雄,威风八面。就算是一介布衣吧,打起架来,战 无不胜,攻无不克。有这样威猛的姐夫做靠山,试问天下哪个敢来动你一根汗毛?何况铁汉柔情,爱屋及乌,对于 姨妹子,他肯定会关爱有加。

    There is no better choice for a brother-in-law than Xiao Feng. At first, he was the leader of the Beggar's Clan; then, he became the Lord of the Southern Court. He disdains following the flock and his power and prestige shakes the eight directions. When he gets into a fight, even over something as petty as a piece of clothing, he is all-conquering and invincible. With such an impressive and mighty brother-in-law as your support, who in all of the world would dare to so much as touch a single strand of your hair? Not to mention, despite being a man of steel, he is also very tender and is a person who, when he loves someone, loves everyone related to them. He would certainly show extreme caring and affection towards his sister-in-law.

    把子只和韦小宝拜,这小子神通广大,上可通天,下可入地。白道黑道都能摆平。至于借万把两银子,开口就是, 不要担心无钱还债。最重要一点,韦小宝为人最讲义气,不管三教九流,贩夫走卒,拜了把子就是兄弟。官可丢, 钱可散,兄弟坚决不卖。这样令人放心的拜把子,现在很难找出几个。

    If you're going to swear brotherhood with someone, do it with Wei Xiaobao. This punk is an absolute genius, understanding the ways of both heaven and hell. He knows how to deal with both the good guys and the bad guys. And if you need to borrow tens of thousands of dollars, all you have to do is open your mouth; you don't even need to worry about not having money to repay him. The most important thing is that Wei Xiaobao is extremely loyal to his friends. He doesn't care about people's backgrounds; so long as he's sworn brotherhood with you, then you are his brother. He can lose his official position, and he can lose all of his money, but he definitely will not sell out his brothers. You can be totally confident when you swear brotherhood with this man; there are very few such people in the world these days.

    令狐冲是最好的朋友人选。洒脱的性情,会令每一个人觉得,和他在一起很轻松很舒适。就算不小心得罪了他吧, 他也会笑笑不加计较。至于他对生死的超然态度,视富贵如浮云的豁达心境,会使你学会怎样从纷争烦扰的俗世中 解脱出来。良师即益友,古人诚不我欺?

    Linghu Chong is the best friend a person could make. He has a free and easygoing disposition. He will make every single person feel as though hanging out with him is a very carefree, comfortable experience. Even if you accidentally offended him somehow, he'll just laugh it off and not nitpick. With regards to his disposition regarding life and death, he possesses a open-minded understanding and considers riches and glory to be nothing more than passing clouds in the sky. He will teach you how to escape from the pressures and annoyances of the world. To make an excellent teacher your friend, isn't that taking advantage of the ancients? [Not sure what that last sentence meant, it was in relatively formal Chinese.]

    张无忌做丈夫不如郭靖保险,做情人也缺一点味道,做上司最为合适。他的宽厚待人众所周知,虽贵为明教教主, 却几乎看不到他居高临下,气使颐指的场面。如果你野心膨胀,想要夺权,他也会毫无怨言,把一把手的位置拱手 相让。

    Zhang Wuji isn't as safe a choice for a husband as Guo Jing is, and yet he's not quite a good choice for being a lover either. He's best as your boss. Everyone knows how generous he is in taking care of his subordinates. Although he is the leader of the Ming cult, one can't detect a shred of arrogance or a sense of him being high and mighty. If you are an ambitious person who wants to fight for power, he won't grumble at all and give you everything he has on a silver platter. [LOL!]

    作为一个男人,娶妻当然要娶小昭。混血女孩最为漂亮,“高鼻雪肤,秋波流慧”,既有中土的古典气息,又有波 斯丽人的诱人之美。小昭侍候人的功夫不在双儿之下,会唱回肠荡气的波斯小曲。和双儿相比,“她更有血有肉, 有嗔有怒,对心上人情深款款,又黯然神伤;既有无言的怀恋,又有无尽的失落。”更令人感动的是她的牺牲精神 :为心上人不惜断送青春韶华远赴西土,做一辈子老处女。我以为她是金庸小说中最美的女人。

    As a man, the best wife would naturally be Xiao Zhao. Girls of mixed blood are the most beautiful of all [LOL again]: "A high nose, snow-white complexion, beautiful eyes, and a quick mind." She has the classical feel of Chinese girls, but possesses the seductive beauty of Persian girls. Xiao Zhao's skill at taking care of a man is not inferior at all to Shuang'er, and she can sing soul-stirring Persian songs. Compared to Shuang'er, "She is a more vivid and lifelike character, who can be unhappy or angry, who possesses a deep and true love for the person in her heart, but who also possesses a hidden melancholy; in her heart is hidden unspoken nostalgia, but also boundless loss." She causes people to feel as though she sacrificed her vitality and energy for the person she loved; for him, she was willing to sacrifice her youth and her future and head off to the distant east and be an old maid [lit. 'old virgin'] for the rest of her life. I believe she is the most beautiful girl in all of Jinyong's novels.

    至于“雪裹琼苞,冷浸溶溶月”的小龙女,艳如桃李,冷若冰霜。这种不食人间烟火的女子,只可远观不可亵玩, 不妨拿来做个顶礼膜拜的女神。千万不要娶她,否则一辈子厮守在活死人墓,活活闷煞人!宁愿做江湖上孤身落寞 的奇男子,也不和小龙女做一对寡味夫妻。

    As for "Snowy white like precious jade, as cold as the moon" Xiao Longnu, who is as beautiful as peaches and plums, as icy as frost and snow, she does not belong to this mortal world. You can gaze at her from afar, but you can't fool around with her. It might be best to treat her as a goddess to be worshipped. For God's sake, do not take her as your wife! Otherwise, you'd have to spend the rest of your life at the Ancient Tomb, and die of boredom and stuffiness! Better to be a lonely bachelor in the jianghu than to be joined in such dull matrimony with Xiao Longnu.

    谁做风情万种的情人呢?马夫人虽然柔媚入骨,却万万沾染不得,不小心会招来杀身之祸。金庸小说中真正具有情 人风味的没有几个,硬要找出一个合适的,看看只有阮星竹。书琴棋画样样精通不说,最大的优点是没有非份之想 ,不象秦红棉,王夫人,动不动就逼你杀元配。

    Who would be your best lover and paramour? Although Madame Ma is gentle and lovely, no matter what, you'd best not get involved with her! Otherwise, if you aren't careful, you just might meet with a fatal disaster! In Jingyong's novels, there actually aren't a lot of women that are suitable as paramours. If one absolutely insists on finding one, the best choice would probably be Ruan Xingzhu. Not only is she an expert in chess, literature, the zither, and and painting, she doesn't overstep her bounds, which is her biggest strength. She's not like Qin Hongmian or Madame Wang, who would try and make you murder your first wife at random.

    找妈妈找黄蓉好了,她最会为儿女着想。为了儿女的幸福,她可以以小人之心度杨过的君子之腹。即使是女儿砍掉 了别人的胳膊,平素在丐帮赏罚分明的她也要千方百计护短。更难得的是,她可以毫不犹豫去绝情谷用自己的头颅 换解药,别以为是为杨过,当初在敌人大举攻城时许下诺言,还不是为着丈夫女儿的安危。有这样的妈妈,真是三 生修来之福。

    The best mother would be Huang Rong, as she is very good at thinking of how to best provide for her children. For the sake of her children, she could use a scoundrel's heart to pierce the belly of a gentleman, Yang Guo [this is a Chinese saying which means for a scoundrel to interpret/predict a gentleman's actions through his/her own wicked lens]. Even after her daughter cut off someone's arm, she, who normally is impartial and strict in administering the matters of the Beggar clan, would exert all possible efforts to protect her daughter. What's even more admirable is that she could fearlessly head to the Passionless Valley to use her own head as a bargaining chip in exchange for the antidote to the passion pill venom. Don't think she did it for Yang Guo! When she made that promise during the enemy incursion at Xiang Yang, she did so to help ensure the safety of her husband and her children. For a person to have a mother like this can only be the result of good karma accumulated over three lifetimes.

    如果一定要有个妹妹,那就找阿紫。作为保护神,她比萧峰更具威力。杀人不眨眼,害人不赔命,阴谋诡计群出不 穷,毒药暗器防不胜防。有这样一个古怪残忍的妹妹,别人只怕你找上他,还有谁敢来找你的晦气?

    If you really want to have a little sister for some reason, Ah Zi is your best bet. As a guardian spirit, she's even more ferocious than Xiao Feng! She kills without blinking and takes the lives of others without recompense. She's filled with innumerable schemes and plots, and it's impossible to defend against her poisons and her hidden weapons. With such a freaky and ruthless little sister as this, others will be terrified of you going to look for them; who would dare make trouble for you?

    令人印象深刻的程灵素,是最合适的秘书人选。精明能干,任劳任怨,心底默默爱着你,却不在言语上表露一分一 毫。直到为你献出生命,你才会恍然大悟,原来其貌不扬的女孩也有一颗炽热燃烧的心!

    The impressive Cheng Lingsu would your best choice for a secretary. She's smart and capable, and hard-working and able to take criticism. She will quietly love you in her heart, but won't reveal the slightest hint through her words. Only at the very end, when she lays down her life for you, will you suddenly realize that such a quiet, unassuming girl had such a red-hot, passionate heart!

    李文秀最好是儿时的玩伴,情窦初开时两小无猜,长大后仍固执地爱着你,即使你已将她遗忘。还记得小说最后那 段话吗?“……汉人中有的是英俊勇武的的少年,倜傥潇洒的少年……但这个美丽的姑娘就像高昌人那样固执:‘ 那都是很好很好的,可我偏不喜欢。’”我认为这是金庸小说中最好的结尾了!

    Li Wenxiu would be best as your childhood friend, your innocent playmate just as she, a young girl, is first beginning to awaken into love. After she grows up, she will obstinately remain in love with you and none other, even if by then you had long since forgotten her. Do you remember the last words of that novel? "...Amongst the Han people, there are plenty of handsome, valiant, and talented youths, plenty of energetic and carefree youths...but this beautiful girl was a stubborn as the people of Gaochang [Xinjiang]: 'That's very good and all, but I just don't like'm.'" I think this was the best ending in all of Jinyong's novels! [Li Wenxiu is the only female primary protagonist in Jinyong; the novel was 'White Horse Neighing at the West Wind'.]
    Last edited by Ren Wo Xing; 01-01-09 at 12:24 AM.
    Read the latest chapters of Coiling Dragon at Wuxia World!

  9. #9
    Senior Member Han Solo's Avatar
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    I still say that the best wife ought to be ZM or RYY.

    Han Solo

    Quote Originally Posted by bliss
    I think they're probably at the same level as or one level below Ah Qing, which is about the level of a 2nd or 3rd generation Quan Zhen disciple.
    Troll Control

  10. #10
    Senior Member remember_Cedric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Extremer88 View Post
    The characters Wei Xiaobao and Linghu Chong.
    Thanks, Extremer88!

    Go Zhao Min! The ZM in the China series is good!

    What can I say? I'm still standing! No weapon against me shall prosper! I am more than a conqueror!!!

    I don't care to sit by the window on an airplane. If I can't control it, why look?

  11. #11
    Senior Member Extremer88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Han Solo View Post
    I still say that the best wife ought to be ZM or RYY.

    Han Solo
    The fact is, XZ is willing to do anything wholeheartedly (without any whinings) for her husband. Not 100% sure about ZM or RYY, though.

    Maybe "best lover" is more suitable for both ZM and RYY.

  12. #12
    Moderator Ren Wo Xing's Avatar
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    Huh? RYY was a total prude. No way she's on the best lover/paramour list.
    Read the latest chapters of Coiling Dragon at Wuxia World!

  13. #13
    Senior Member Han Solo's Avatar
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    RYY is so shy etc that she will only have one lover i.e. her husband.

    The thing about a good wife is that you want a marriage of equals not someone just subjugating themselves for you. Someone like Xiao Zhao are more like servants than wife.

    Han Solo

    Quote Originally Posted by bliss
    I think they're probably at the same level as or one level below Ah Qing, which is about the level of a 2nd or 3rd generation Quan Zhen disciple.
    Troll Control

  14. #14
    Senior Member yittz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ren Wo Xing View Post
    I translated it for anyone who's interested
    Thanks! I am a lazy bum.

    XZ was put into a servants role from the moment she was introduced. It doesn't mean she won't have equal say in a relationship. Unlike many female leads, instead of saying openly what she wants, she does it more subtlely, in a discussion manner. She does speak her mind and can give orders. We can only assume she was successful as a Persian cult leader too.

  15. #15
    Senior Member jadebunny9's Avatar
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    HR as a great mum? was her spoiling that helped destroy Guo Fu.

  16. #16
    Moderator kidd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ren Wo Xing View Post
    杨过是最理想的情人,这是女读者的共识。不要嫁给他!只和他生死缠绵一番,然后悄然远引,让他对你刻骨铭心 相思一生一世,虽然有些残酷,却能成就杨过独具美感的悲剧性格和气质。

    Yang Guo is the most ideal lover of all; this is generally agreed upon by female readers. But do not marry him! Just enjoy a period of time with him where the two of you share life and death experiences, then sorrowfully disappear to some faraway place. In this way, his memories and impressions of you will be written deep within his bones, and accompany him for the rest of his life in the world. Although this is a bit cruel, it will satisfy his aesthetic disposition towards melodramatic tragedy.

    李文秀最好是儿时的玩伴,情窦初开时两小无猜,长大后仍固执地爱着你,即使你已将她遗忘。还记得小说最后那 段话吗?“……汉人中有的是英俊勇武的的少年,倜傥潇洒的少年……但这个美丽的姑娘就像高昌人那样固执:‘ 那都是很好很好的,可我偏不喜欢。’”我认为这是金庸小说中最好的结尾了!

    Li Wenxiu would be best as your childhood friend, your innocent playmate just as she, a young girl, is first beginning to awaken into love. After she grows up, she will obstinately remain in love with you and none other, even if by then you had long since forgotten her. Do you remember the last words of that novel? "...Amongst the Han people, there are plenty of handsome, valiant, and talented youths, plenty of energetic and carefree youths...but this beautiful girl was a stubborn as the people of Gaochang [Xinjiang]: 'That's very good and all, but I just don't like'm.'" I think this was the best ending in all of Jinyong's novels! [Li Wenxiu is the only female primary protagonist in Jinyong; the novel was 'White Horse Neighing at the West Wind'.]
    This is totally stroking one's ego. Having that one person remembering and pining for you until his/her death and beyond while you go on your happy merry live with another person. That's very cruel.
    什麼是朋友?朋友永遠是在你犯下不可原諒錯誤的時候,仍舊站在你那邊的笨蛋。~ 王亞瑟

    和諧唔係一百個人講同一番話,係一百個人有一百句唔同嘅說話,而又互相尊重 ~ - 葉梓恩

  17. #17
    Senior Member Guo Xiang's Avatar
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    Thanks to RWX. I was just wondering which novel Li Wenxiu was from.

    如果一定要有个妹妹,那就找阿紫。作为保护神,她比萧峰更具威力。杀人不眨眼,害人不赔命,阴 谋诡计群出不 穷,毒药暗器防不胜防。有这样一个古怪残忍的妹妹,别人只怕你找上他,还有谁敢来找你的晦气?
    This is funny, though.

  18. #18
    Senior Member flamer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by remember_Cedric View Post
    Thanks, Extremer88!

    Go Zhao Min! The ZM in the China series is good!

    You know your stuff. Hi-5!

  19. #19
    Moderator Ren Wo Xing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guo Xiang View Post
    Thanks to RWX. I was just wondering which novel Li Wenxiu was from.

    This is funny, though.
    I didn't know either! Google is your friend
    Read the latest chapters of Coiling Dragon at Wuxia World!

  20. #20
    Moderator kidd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guo Xiang View Post
    Thanks to RWX. I was just wondering which novel Li Wenxiu was from.
    Please refer to the last sentence in post #8.
    什麼是朋友?朋友永遠是在你犯下不可原諒錯誤的時候,仍舊站在你那邊的笨蛋。~ 王亞瑟

    和諧唔係一百個人講同一番話,係一百個人有一百句唔同嘅說話,而又互相尊重 ~ - 葉梓恩

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