Review Submission FAQ

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In order to submit a review, you must be a registered member and logged in.

Is Registration free?
Why do I need to register?
What is a review?
How do I submit a review?
How do I edit a review after I have submitted it?
Can I add HTML tags in my review?
When will my review be up on the site?
Can I submit my review to another site?
Still have a question? Send us an email

Is registration free?
Registration is free.

Why do I need to register?
Only registered members may submit reviews and send messages to the reviewers under our current system. In the future, as new member features are added, they will be available only to registered members. However, you do not need to register to read reviews or read most of our content on the site.

What is a review?
There has been some confusion regarding what kind of reviews we are accepting.
The definition of review in this site's context is used as a "critical evaluation". Critical, as in analyzing the good and bad points of a tv series. All reviews are based on personal opinion, so a review is an opinion by the respective writer. A review on this site is not meant to be just a summation or plot synopsis of a tv series so please do not send reviews without your own thoughts and analysis on the series. Reviews should also be at least a modest length, such as 250 words or more. We will no longer accept any reviews without at least 3 mid-sized paragraphs on personal opinions/analysis.

We reserve the right not to publish any reviews submitted due to its content. Due to the large number of reviews this site is now getting, we will no longer accept reviews that are riddled at every paragraph with grammatical errors, poor structure, and undeveloped writing. This is also to ensure that reviews maintain a certain degree of quality standard for readers.

How do I submit a review?

  1. Log in.
  2. Click on "Submit a Review" in the box in the left hand side.
  3. Fill in all information necessary and hit the Submit button.
  4. You can edit your review at any time again if it has not been edited yet by an editor.

*Note: There will be no more need to hit extra paragraph breaks in your review. Just type it out as how you would want it to appear.

How do I edit a review after I have submitted it?

  1. Click on "My Reviews" in the box in the left hand side to get a list of all reviews you submitted.
  2. Click on the review you want to edit. Note: If your review has already been edited by an editor, you can not edit the review anymore. To make changes, send a message to the editor.

Can I add HTML tags in my review?
Yes, however, you may only add display formatting tags such as bold, italics, and listing. Please do not use different font colors or sizes (unless highlighting a certain part of your review that you find necessary) or add image links.

When will my review be up on the site?
We try to update 5-10 reviews every 1-2 weeks. When your review is up on the site depends on when you submitted it. Reviews submitted earlier will be queued up to be edited and updated first. If a certain review type or section is being promoted, then your review might be expedited and put at higher priority. Currently, the following sections receive highest priority: Anime, Singapore, China, Movie. Recent serials, movies and other productions will also have a higher chance of getting updated quicker.

Can I submit my review to another site?
Because reviews are edited by our editors, we reserve the full copyrights to any writings that are hosted at You can submit your review to another website, but please submit your original, unedited version. All spelling and grammatical changes to the review by our editors should only be featured at

Still have a question?
Send us an email

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