Born Rich Member Reviews

Member Ratings


08-15-2012 12:38 PM


I like the staring of the show but across midway it get less interesting


01-11-2010 07:40 PM


Definately nothing worthwhile about the script. It did started out with potential, but fail to deliver. However the acting from the actors really make it worth watching.


12-17-2009 08:51 PM


I'm surprised some viewers bashed the ending of this drama for letting the villain go unpunished when Beyond the Realm of Conscience did the same thing. The drama did get pretty draggy and somehow lacked excitement.


12-06-2009 06:17 AM


Interesting to start, draggy and silly towards the end. The female artistes make it bearable - Jamie's acting is still great, Anita is OK and Sit is funny. The males are passable - Gallen is better in comical series, Ray delivers as the protected rich man's son but somehow lacks oomph.
The plot and storyline potrayed everyone except Gallen's character as stupid. A tighter and faster paced plot would have helped made it more suspenseful and watchable.


11-29-2009 11:14 PM


Strong drama with Ray Liu, Jamie Chik, and Anita Yuen back on the small screen.


10-20-2009 08:41 PM


omg it's the monopoly 1!!! can't wait


10-10-2009 12:46 AM


I can't wait until this show comes out. It looks awesome. =D

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