Infernal Affairs Member Reviews

Member Ratings


11-04-2009 12:03 AM


Infernal Affairs was an intense drama highlighting how intense it can be for undercover cops. There was great acting and chemistry throughout the movie. I wish it was slightly longer as they could've gone much further in depth into the situations. That said, this is still a great movie.


07-08-2009 08:12 AM


can't w watch from this site like plis if anyone got a code send it for me for thaknsa alot guys and mail is [email protected]


03-11-2008 12:53 PM


Tony =LOVE


07-24-2007 08:21 PM


A thriller that packs an emotional punch at the end.


08-31-2006 12:00 AM


Love it. A Hollywood blockbuster standard film. It's not the average violent gangster movie with double crosses and betrayal. Rather it's a more carefully planned process, raising the bar of sophication to what it means to be a gangster. It's one of the best films HK has produced in recent times and one that should not be missed, although its two sequels are not worth watching.


04-02-2005 12:00 AM


This is by far the best HK movie I've seen!! Its so mind boggling at acting was superb! I felt so sorry for Tony Leung...*sigh* I loved Andy Lau..even thoguht he was a triad...Anyone who hasn't seen sure to!! You don't wanan miss it!

Cherie Maybe

03-18-2005 12:00 AM


Oh Internal Affairs was one of my all time best was sooooo fantastic....... I didn't lyk it wen Anthony Wong died by falling off some flats on a taxi in front of Tony Leung dat was scary...Andy Lau is such a good actor.....go go go

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