The King of Yesterday and Tomorrow Member Reviews

Member Ratings


04-08-2011 05:02 AM


This drama overall is good but I found it was totally wrong from the beginning according to the history. If anyone who learn about Chinese history, you would see it clearly. Also, that was the most hateful part for I could not tolerate. No matter what the script is, everything must be true as it was in the history.


04-08-2011 05:02 AM


This drama overall is good but I found it was totally wrong from the beginning according to the history. If anyone who learn about Chinese history, you would see it clearly. Also, that was the most hateful part for I could not tolerate. No matter what the script is, everything must be true as it was in the history.


02-22-2008 09:56 PM


i think it's pretty good compare to other stupid movies

Sarah P

09-16-2006 12:00 AM


i haven't seen this movie but i think its good!!!!!!!!!!!


01-11-2005 12:00 AM


oh i saw this show! I didn't think it made a lot of sence... because how can someone from the past get used to the present so quickly?


12-09-2004 12:00 AM


I am sorely disappointed with the ending. This is a good show that is fresh, at least the part whereby that emperor goes forward in time, and the acting is good.
But the ending is badly done. It is as if the producers or scriptwriters had run out of ideas or time.
By making Rili become mad was just trying ot end things fast and Daxia and Siniang joining a tribe is just so wrong.
A good show has a good start good body and good ending, a pity that a bad ending ruined it all.

Cherie Maybe

03-18-2005 12:00 AM


I liked this was funny and witty but it was mostly oldeies in it

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