waters's Reviews

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waters's Ratings

The Prince Who Turns Into A Frog
The Prince Who Turns Into A Frog 2005

I really enjoy this romantic drama, I agree, this is the best taiwan drama i ever watch. believe me I have watched alots of dramas! The reason I enjoyed this drama so much because it is a light, fun, home loving,unpredictable things occurs. Not to mentions the main characters are so cute and good looking! The music and soundtrack are so romantic too. So people believe is drama is base on the korean drama, 'save the last dance for me' I truelly disagree. the only thing that boths drama have common is the main actor hit by a car and lost his memory. 'Save the last dance for me' is a very serie and little sad, but I did not think the main couple 'gel' well together. With this taiwan drama, JH and TY look very much a couple and the acting is so realistic.

The Mischievous Princess
The Mischievous Princess 2005

I really enjoy this drama, found it very entertaining. The story line was pretty light and very charming. Again Jang nara play another cute role, but this is the first time I watch her in a historical drama. I think it suit her very well. Alec Su was brilliant, is acting was alot better in this drama than in Princess Pearl 1 and 2.

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