Strand Catcher


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2005-11-30 00:00:00
The past and present are all just moments/instants, never lost even when we are gone. It is there, preserved, it floats in the universeĀ…forever existent.

Tavia Yeung

Raymond Lam

Love can be illogical yet we see it as a form of happiness even tho there are other things to look forward in life...we live...we learn...we thrive...

A young man condemns himself to the lowest state of existence when he succumbs to his own weaknesses. Those were the lost years of his life as he created no new strands of image, thought, and meaning for himself. Through internal and external motivation, he is able to give himself another chance at living and at the same time, he is determined to search for his wife, whose presence, he believed, held his happiness. He, by pursuing her, creates for himself trials that he must endure but the gain turns out to be something entirely different from his intention.

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