Love Grows, Ours Blooms


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Created on:
2008-06-26 21:49:15

Hi, this is my first time writing a story on winglin and actually I've written stories in real life when I'm extremely bored, so one day like during spring break and after I finished watching The Seventh Day (featuring Kevin Cheng and Niki Chow) I got into my room and laid on my bed, then I thought, maybe I should write a story about The Seventh Day? So I started to write a mini story about Kevin and Niki's storyline in the Seventh Day. But after I watched the ending of The Seventh Day, I got so sad so I decided to write a whole other story based on Kevin and Niki, sooooooooo I ended up with writing this, The Love of 2 People.
Some of the names in this story are from my family members or I searched the names on the internet (but that was little help)and some of the names aren't really good so don't blame me lol I just made em up.

Kevin Cheng as Yang Fu Wing
Niki Chow as Chan Lei Yan
Chan Ka Yin, Niki's dad
Chan Yinjing, Niki's aunt
Chan Mei Lai (May) Niki's cousin
Chris Chang (Chris)
Wong Sou Yi (Ashley)
Yang Si Ching (Karen)
Dr. Mumbleau (From my student teacher in RL)
Sophie Cheung (Sophie)
Dr. Rey (From the person who created Curious George)

P.S. In this story it'll kinda be like the 7th Day because I wanted it to be similar to it. And just so you know Wing has the same job and Yan too. ^_^


Chan Lei Yan
25 years old
Pet Groomer

Yang Fu Wing
28 years old


© Mandy (A.K.A. Koolzgirlz) 2008

Here's the actual url to the completed story:

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