You Were The One That Taught Me How To Love


Written by:
Jay Lien
Created on:
2005-12-15 00:00:00

Xiao Mei, aka Kelly , had everything that a girl could have: a stylish car, a good looking figure, a rich family, and a B.F.F.L. (best friend for life) that she loves to death to match. She was happy with her life, spending thousands of dollars on clothes with her also rich best friend, Rainie, and a totally lovable family living with her. Yet she had one thing missing: love. She always felt something missing before she went to sleep, and in the morning when she had awoken. She could never be certain that it was love is was missing, so Kelly always pushed the subject away. But when a stranger and his friends walk into her life uninvited, she has no choice and can do nothing but watch absently as her protective walls she built to protect herself from love emotions slowly crumble and Kelly finds herself realizing that there is such a thing as love, and will have to fight for her love til the end.

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