Stardust Dreams

Chapter 1: The Accident

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2003-04-07 00:00:00
In a large record store in Hong Kong, a pop singer is preparing for an autograph session. Posters line the front of the store and down the street. Fans are queuing for miles - girls are screaming and guys are sweltering in the heat. Security guards call for restraint as shouts of "RAYMOND!!" rise from time to time and the minutes tick away towards the allotted time. Dedicated followers have travelled from far and wide to see their favourite star in person and they are not going to be disappointed. At 10 o'clock sharp, the doors are opened and the line of eager people clutching photos and posters are ushered through and emerge with wide smiles and scribbles on CD's as Raymond works hard to satisfy everyone. The atmosphere is livid and a great sight to see in a high pressure city still suffering from the aftermath of the economic slump.
Across the road, there is a smaller record store which is also holding a signing session, but here the mood is more indicative of the times. Louis and Steven sit beside their posters on screens, clutching a silver marker with a pile of their debut albums to their side. Two girls walk past, looking vaguely interested, but puzzled looks on their faces confirm that they barely recognise the stars and are desperately trying to recall who they are. One of the girl suddenly looks enlightened and whispers something to her friend. They laugh and walk off shaking their heads. The record company has chosen the wrong day to release these records and disappointment sets in amongst the newcomers.

"Seven years hard work and this is what we get!" mutters Louis bitterly.

"You and I of all people should be used to this by now." Steven consoles. "How many times have you been laughed at for being the extra; the supporting role; the nobody who is looking for fame?"

"I thought that signing a record deal would be the start of better things, but this is pathetic." continues Louis.
"Looks like I'll always be stuck with doing secondary roles and charity showsI don't know why I didn't go and do something different. I'll never make anything out of this career."

"Hey, but you've landed that starring role in the new major production. At least you'll get some publicity that way. Maybe our next autograph session won't be on the same day as Raymond's and we'll get a few more people. I'm sure we must be getting some sales through in other shops." Steven always was the more positive out of the two friends.

"Seems hard to believe anyone is going to come. I'm going home, I've had enough."

Louis storms off and Steven heads to stop him, but is called back by someone who has recognised him and wants an autograph after all.


In yet another record store not far away, a pretty young girl around 20 years old called Eva has finally awaited the release of her idol's debut album. As she walks down the street, like a child skipping out to play, she spots the poster in the window and with a squeal of joy, rushes into the store and points to the CD she wants.

As she counts out her money, Eva recounts her admiration for the star to the bewildered sales assistant: "I've been following him since he started acting on TV since I was 12 years old! I had to save all my pocket money to rent his tapes and my wall back home in the UK is plastered with his posters! Don't tell my auntie but I came to Hong Kong to look for work because I have a bigger chance of meeting him here!"

"I hope you get your wish!" replies the sales assistant politely.

Full of excitement and with her mind a million miles away, Eva walks out onto the street and steps straight into the road. She is totally oblivious to the traffic on the road until a van suddenly screeches to a halt as the driver notices her at the last moment. With the sight of a front windscreen hurtling towards her, in a moment of terror, Eva finally realises where she is and what is happening - the shock is too much and she faints.

The CD that Eva has been clutching falls to the ground and out of the plastic bag, revealing that the record she has bought is that of Louis'.

With passers-by seeing what has happened, a crowd gathers and as she drifts in and out of consciousness, Eva sees faces of people smothering around her, people getting out of their cars to help and in the midst of these faces, she thinks she sees a glimpse of Louis - is she dreaming?


In the sterile surroundings of the hospital with doctors and nurses rushing around and the occasional rumbling of a trolley being pushed down the corridor and moaning of a neighbouring patient, Eva stirs from a serene sleep: she has a smile on her face from what seems to be a sweet sweet dream. She opens her eyes a little and the bright light shuts them again. Finally, she focuses on the face of the woman beside her.
"Auntie!" she whispers. "Where am I?"

"Thank goodness you're awake Eva!" exclaims Auntie Sin. "You've been unconscious for a day. We're in the hospital. Do you remember your accident?"

"No. my CD!"
The only thing Eva is thinking about is her memory of seeing Louis.

"Never mind your CD, do you realise that I promised your mother I would look after you. What will she think when you come to Hong Kong to work and you end up in hospital within a month?" Auntie bursts into nag mode.
"Auntie, can you get me some water please?" gasps Eva in an attempt to send her aunt away.

"Okay, I'll go and get some. Don't go moving around too much, you hit your head when you fainted and have to get some rest. It's a good job that the van stopped in time and you weren't injured. You really have to be more careful!" Auntie means well, but she does ramble on.

With Auntie out of the room, Eva pulls herself up in bed and looks around. There are a few other patients in the room but they are either asleep or reading. Flowers from well-wishers adorn the tables and cabinets. Eva turns to her own cabinet and sees her handbag, a pile of clothes and a small plastic bag. She hurriedly reaches over and pulls out the CD.

"Thank goodness!" sighs Eva as she inspects the damage.
The case has a crack on one side and the hinge is half broken, but she doesn't care. Then she turns the box over and finds to her surprise there is an autograph on the insert from Louis.
"That's strange." Eva thinks to herself. "I'm sure I didn't buy a signed copy in the store, so how did this happen? Unless.. my dream.."

"So you've finally finished dreaming then?" Vanessa appears with a jug of water. "I ran into your aunt outside and she passed this to me. How are you feeling?"

"I am ok, just a bit of a headache." moans Eva.

"You really ought to snap out of it you know you get so crazy about Louis and it isn't good for your health. You got away quite lightly this time." warns Vanessa.

"You're beginning to sound like my auntie!" snaps Eva.
"Oh, do you know who brought me in here?"

"Dunno!" shrugs Vanessa. "Here's a nurse ask her."

Eva asks the nurse if she knows who brought her in.

"The name on the registration documents says someone called Chiu Wai Lok. He was a witness and accompanied you here. He says he was a friend, but left in a bit of a hurry." reports the nurse.

"Chiu Wai Lok.." Eva turns the name over and over in her mind and smiles. It obviously means something to her, but leaves Vanessa very confused.


After a short stay in hospital, Eva is given the all clear by the doctor and goes home to her auntie's house where she has been staying since arriving in Hong Kong. Her Uncle Wing and cousin Gigi join her auntie in collecting her from the hospital. Once she is settled back at home, Vanessa calls to say that she is coming over.

On her way, Vanessa decides to go shopping and is approached by a smart-looking man in the shopping centre. He stops her and hands her his card.

"You are just the type of girl I am looking for. Are you interested in becoming a model?" he asks.

As it happens, Vanessa is very much interested in becoming a model, but she has been approached by many bogus talent-spotters in the past, so she is a little wary of this stranger.

"I must say I haven't seen anyone as outstanding as you. Your height, your looks just perfect!" the man continues. "Believe me, I work for a real agency I can make you a star!"

He had said the magic words that every pretty girl wants to hear. Vanessa's naivety takes over as she revels at every compliment this man offers and she begins to believe his story. He pulls out pictures of his models from his briefcase and shows them to her and she starts dreaming about how she could look like that too. Vanessa is every bit a dreamer as her friend, Eva.

Just as Vanessa is about to give this man her number, he receives a tap on his shoulder.

"Conman Shing! I thought I'd told you I didn't want you speaking to any more girls!" came the firm scolding from the owner of the hand on the man's arm.

An expression of fear overcomes the man's face and he turns to run away.
"I'm sorry Officer Wai. I'll be off now."

"Don't let me see you around here again!" shouts the CID policeman as Shing disappears into the crowd.

"Thank you!" says Vanessa with a sigh of relief.

"You're welcome." replies the policeman. "Hey, aren't you a friend of Eva's?"

"Yes, I think you and I have met briefly when Eva and I first arrived in Hong Kong." explains Vanessa.

"Oh, I'm Eddie. I'm her godbrother. Where are you heading? I was going to see Eva."

Vanessa explains that she was on her way over too and Eddie offers to accompany her. On the way there, Vanessa explains that she really wants to get some modelling or acting work in Hong Kong and Eddie warns of the perils of the modelling and media industry as the two get to know each other.


Louis and his friend Michael are relaxing in a secluded corner of a trendy bar in downtown Kowloon. While the people around drown their sorrows or celebrate their successes with rounds of drinks and a dabble on the dancefloor, the two reflect on their recent experiences.

"So you're going to be working on the Anniversary Special show then?" asks Michael rhetorically. "They're promoting that starlet what's her name? oh yeah, Tina Hui. I've heard she's a bit of a flirt!"

"She's not the first and she won't be the last that I have to work with. Just have to go with the flow I guess." Louis doesn't seem interested.

"I heard you walked out on your own autograph session. Are you ok?" Michael continues to ask the questions.

"Yeah, I was just a little peeved. Not that anyone was interested anyway."
Suddenly, Louis eyes spark up a little as though he has just remembered something exciting.
"Oh, something a bit weird happened that day though."

"Oh? What was that?" A nosey Michael pushes for more information.

"I found a fan!" says Louis proudly.

"Really!?" Michael is very intrigued. "So what did you do with your fan then?"

"Well, I think she was a fan she had bought my CD. She'd been knocked over so I took her to hospital."

"So was she eternally grateful? Did she pledge her life to you?" retorts Michael sarcastically?

"Erm I didn't stick around long enough to find out. I guess I got a bit embarrassed."

"You aren't really cut out for this fame thing are you? Maybe you should come behind the cameras like me!" taunts Michael.

"Thing is, I can't stop thinking about her for some reason. I keep wondering how she iswhy she had my CD whether she really does like me or you believe in fate? Do you think that we will meet again?"

Michael shrugs and gestures to the barman for another drink. "I'm not a fortune teller. Stop acting like a little kid and concentrate on your career, my friend. You've got a big project coming up and it's make or break time for you. Just think, when you get really famous then one fan isn't going to have any effect on you at all."

Louis is forced to agree as their drinks arrive.

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