SHE, the ULTIMATE WEAPON: Another Love Song


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2006-09-18 00:00:00
Chise is a cute and delicate teenage girl who was transformed into the ultimate weapon. even though she wants nothing more than to be a normale girl in love. as the war escalates, we see more of the fearsom destruction inflicted by her on both enemy and friend alike, and we meet the coldhearted Commander Mizuki, an earlier, less powerful version of the weapon Chise has become.this movie shows the audience another love story that wasn't shown in the whole collection. This anime is mainly about love but does have action(war) it is awsome to see how the girls transform into a weapon with wings but on the other hand it is also very sad..i really enjoyed this anime and i already have the whole collection. i encourage you to watch it.. i would give it 5 stars. there is a collection of this anime which consist of 4 disc and and is called 'SHE,the ULTIMATE WEAPON:Last Love Song On This Little Planet'

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