Forever? (Habambuhay?)

Chapter 1: forever 1

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Last updated:
2007-03-14 02:20:39
oh yeah. the sun's blazing hot. but the wind didn't stop from brushing my long black hair. it almost covered my face that was masked by utter sadness that time. sadness i've only felt that time since the day i met him. there's no such thing as forever. you lied, jess. ironically, you were the one who taught me the meaning of that word.

“Duh? Jess, there is no such thing as ‘forever’!” i shouted at him while we sit inside the cafeteria of our school. “Every beginning has an end.”

“How will you explain a circle? Does it have a beginning or an end? It doesn't, right?” He answered back.

“Of course it does! you draw a circle, the point where you started drawing it also serves as its ‘end’. Its like 'love'. you like a person cuz he or she is attractive, that’s when you begin to like the person. But when the time comes that his or her beauty fades, the end of your love is nearing.”

“So if that’s your assessment of the words ‘love and ‘forever’, you do believe that our friendship has an end?” jess asked.

I contemplated. I don't want to answer his question cuz I ain't have the right words. I just blurted out words: “Let’s just change the topic! In my vocabulary, there is no forever! you can't change that!"

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