Survivor's Law II

Reviewed by: juphelia

April 01, 2009

Rating: three

Being in the legal profession myself, I tend to be more interested in shows with a legal angle. And TVB has proved that they can produce pretty good quality legal shows, judging from the File of Justice series. So when Survivor's Law came out, I watched the series.

Then when the sequel came out, I bought the TV series. The sequel is like a spin off from the first series as most of the leading characters have changed, save for Sammul Chan (Vincent). The other characters have changed - Raymond Lam had been taken over by Kenneth Ma (who make a rather good "gangster" lawyer), Myolie Wu had been taken over by Ella Koon (who started off as a rich brat but later mellowed to a nice caring girl and a good wife to Kenneth Ma), and

Bernice Liu's character had evolved to Selina Li, who is not even a lawyer, and only wants a simple life with Vincent. Thus when he sacrificed her family in order to climb and make a comeback, she was not able to accept it and broke off with him, until he lost his memory at the end before she went back to him with their son.

Still, the show is not too bad. Instead of murder cases, most of the cases involve layman and normal people like you and I - the petty tiffs between couples or ex couples, corporate fraud, life of a solicitor, the on goings of a normal solicitor's firm.

Of course, besides all these, there are also the love stories of the main characters and the sub-characters. Love in TVB is over rated at times, that I must say, because in real life, it is never that easy. In real life, you often fall for someone only to have it unrequited, or to have someone not willing to be committed. Whereas in Survivor's Law II, the characters marry each other after a whirlwind romance or not even any romance at all!

Overall, the show is not too bad spin off from the previous one. It still touches on the ups and downs of young aspiring lawyers, on the petty things people can sue others for. A good mix of humour, legal, romance and drama.

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