A Chinese Ghost Story Member Reviews

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10-21-2009 05:46 AM


PLEASE anyone know the soundtrack in the 14 episode in the half when Hongye is practicing in her room and remembers Caichien?


03-06-2008 02:37 PM


is this movie good?


09-14-2007 06:57 AM


A Chinese Ghost Story 倩女幽魂
Tear factor: 2/5
Romance factor: 4/5
Laugh factor: 1/5
Horror factor: 3/5
Fresh factor: 2/5
Star appeal: 3/5
Acting: 2/5
Storyline: 3/5
Memorable: 2/5
Inspiration factor: 1/5
OVERALL Rating: 7/10

Note: This series is not the original making of Chinese Ghost Story. The best will forever be the classic Leslie Cheung version who plays a forever youthful and charming young tax collector who falls in love with a girl of the other realm played by Joey Wang. If you ever watch other makings of this story, you will learn to appreciate how much better this first making is. The theme song, sung by the talented Leslie Cheung is also one that will stick in your head for a long time.


02-06-2007 12:00 AM


this series was okay. though there are too many episodes. i got impatient and just watched the ending. my favorite character is Qi Ye...and i would have choosen him if i were Xiao Qian.


11-06-2006 12:00 AM


This production had made the movie a chinese ghost story really great.... I like the acting of the characters, its great.... you guys keep up the excellent work!!


12-30-2004 12:00 AM


I watched this tv soap from the beginning till the end. I also like all the subplots involve in the series I am not familiar with all the actors but I think all the actresses in the cast did a wonderful job in bringing life to their character. Daniel Chan gave an average acting but Barbie Xu Xi Yuan gave a splendid performance not to overact her character potrayal. I also believe that the two leads have a good chemistry which is potentially bankable.

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