A Chinese Ghost Story



Genre:Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Period

Language: Chinese (Cantonese)

Average Rating:       (out of 2 ratings)


Featured Critics Reviews

A Chinese Ghost Story

Reviewed by: sukting August 18, 2010

Rating: 3.0 out of 5

How long 1.5 hours Foreword A Chinese Ghost Story means is a romantic comedy but is also a horror film. It is directed by Ching Siu Tung and produced by Tsui Hark. Why is this movie so well received? How did Cheung Kok Wing and Wong Jo Yin shoot to stardom due to it? You may wish to find out why. Story/Introduction on characters Ning Cai Chen (Cheung Kok Wing) is a timid tax collector whose job requires him to...

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A Chinese Ghost Story

Reviewed by: yin March 22, 2004

Rating: 5.0 out of 5

Leslie Cheung as Ning Cai-Chen Joey Wang as Nie Xiaoqian Wu Ma as Yan Chi-Xia From an oh-so debonair thespian to a hatred-filled professional gigolo, it seems that Leslie Cheung always had flair for romance whether it was in his music or films. Directed by Ching Siu-Tung and with Tsui Hark as the producer, A Chinese Ghost Story I was one of his most well-received films that aided and paved his career as a celebrated romantic leading...

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Member Ratings


09-14-2007 07:44 AM


A Chinese Ghost Story (1987) 倩女幽魂
Director : Ching Siu Tung
Starring : Leslie Cheung, Joey Wang, Wu Ma
Tear factor: 3/5
Romance factor: 5/5
Laugh factor: 3/5
Horror factor: 4/5
Fresh factor: 5/5
Star appeal: 5/5
Acting: 5/5
Storyline: 5/5
Memorable: 5/5
Inspiration factor: 5/5
OVERALL Rating: 9.5/10
Note: This original making of Chinese Ghost Story will forever be the classic and the best. Leslie Cheung plays a forever youthful and charming young tax collector who falls in love with a girl of the other realm played by Joey Wang. If you ever watch other makings of this story, you will learn to appreciate how much better this first making is. The theme song, sung by the talented Leslie Cheung is also one that will stick in your head for a long time.

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