Mission Against Corruption

Reviewed by: Tammy

April 15, 2008

Rating: three

Synopsis Review: Spoiler Alert!

Cast: Tong Zhen Chung, Irene Wan Bik Ha, Lau Mei Kuen, Tong Zhen Yip

Genre: Cops, special police operation (similar to "Nothing to Declare")

This was a series I watched on cable. On the first day I saw it, it was pretty good. But when they got to Tong Zhen Yip's cases, it started to get BORING. Brothers Tong Zhen Chung and Tong Zhen Yip were against each other in law and in love. Tong Zhen Yip (TZY) was some sort of a rich man and Tong Zhen Chung(TZC) was a Chinese cop. Former TVB actress Lau Mei Kuen, is also a Chinese cop. The story starts off with TZC's love story. He was dating Irene Wan one time and he had to leave her because he was going in training school. For a couple of years, she thought that he left her for someone else and had forgotton her. So one day, this mysterious person (Irene) calls TZC and his team to help out. However, she doesn't know that TZC was the cop she called. So when he sees her, he gets kinda crazy because he hasn't seen her for a long time and misses her very much. On the other hand, she doesn't want to see him. She's currently working for TZY, her mentor. For some reason, cops arrest Irene. She's in jail and during that period, Lau Mei Kuen, tells her that TZC had to leave for training and for a secret mission. She shows Irene all the letters he wrote to her. Mei Kuen also likes TZC because he saved her father and she promised herself that he'll be the only man she'll love. But unfortunately for her, TZC treats her like a friend only.

Meanwhile, TZY is up to something bad and he is too arrogant to give up on it. Irene is released and she becomes best friends with Mei Kuen. TZY ends up being arrested. He sorta freaks out because he likes Irene and she ends up with his "love" enemy. Mei Kuen ends up as TZC and Irene's friend.

Comments: I didn't like it. Clothes, story, etc etc was BAD. Just BAD. The fashion was dull. No bright colors, just dark colors like brown.

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