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Thread: The Good Old Days

  1. #61
    Senior Member bubcas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
    Yes, I think Bong's mother once mentioned to Sau Hau that she should persuade her little sister (Sau Lai) to quit the entertainment business because it was not a good profession for a "girl not yet twenty" to be in. I think she was referring to backstage seduction of the actresses by the directors, etc. in order for the stars to land a good role. So Sau Lai must had been only 18 or 19 when she met Ho Man. I wonder how old Ho Man was, though. He was already a grown man at the beginning of the series, while Sau Lai was a 10 year old child.
    I would guess Ho Man is either 18 or 19 in the earlier eps so..... he could be in his late 20s or early 30s?
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  2. #62
    Senior Member bubcas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charbydis View Post
    And poor Maggie had zero chemistry with anyone cos her character was just so unlikeable.
    In a way I feel sorry for Maggie's character in this series especially the part when he finally wake up from his memory loss, Ho Sang rather be with Sau Hau while she was neglected. Even tho she ended up with Ho Sang's good friend Lok Ping, she still don't seem to have any chemistry with this actor (Taiwanese?). Not familiar with the actor.
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  3. #63
    Senior Member XWingSuki's Avatar
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    Who acts as who in this drama? Watched it as a kid, dont exactly remember
    not watching anything specific at the moment.

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  4. #64
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubcas View Post
    In a way I feel sorry for Maggie's character in this series especially the part when he finally wake up from his memory loss, Ho Sang rather be with Sau Hau while she was neglected. Even tho she ended up with Ho Sang's good friend Lok Ping, she still don't seem to have any chemistry with this actor (Taiwanese?). Not familiar with the actor.
    Let's put it this way. The character was written very sloppily on intention to make Sau hau look good. In fact every women in here is written with a serious flaw that makes Sau Hau look perfect. Maggie is wasted in here. Her acting skills is much better than what this character needs.

    Oh yeah, that taiwanese guy can't act too! Very boring character! Can't believe that he had a crush on Sau Hau!

    I think that Maggie looked better with the Jap guy anyway, though not many scenes together. Felt sorry for the jap guy at the end. He had his feelings cheated, lost the war, and committed suicide. He was actually quite a nice guy except for his occupation.

    BTW: I think Ho Mun's about 30. Judging from the age of Sau Lai, the age when she first appeared to when she reappeared appeared is around 8-9 years. So Ho-Mun was in his early twenties in teh beginning, so that makes him around 30 when he meets Sau lai again.
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  5. #65
    Senior Member Linh-e-Pooh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
    I think the main problem I have with Ho Sang is his abandonment of his family to go off to war. Sure, responsibility to his country is very important, but he can support the war effort in other ways. He has a family he needs to take care of first.

    I agree with charbydis and Linh-e-Pooh. Ho Man is the ideal man - very husband material. He is not without flaws, but his good characteristics make his flaws seem irrelevant. Besides, flaws make a person more human. What I do find amusing is that he seems to get into fights a lot, chasing after petty thieves, etc. He packs a pretty good punch, considering that he's a rich boy and probably doesn't spend his days getting into quarrels. So where does he learn how to punch and jab, or do fist fights come naturally for men?
    At first I did hated Ho Sang for abandoning his family; but you have to be reminded... SOMEONE HAS TO DO THE JOB! Yes, it was his idea and no one really liked the idea, but as a civilian it is his duty to save the country! If everyone was a coward and refuse to fight because he wanted to be with his family; then chances are, the country would've never stand. As Ho Sang had said; even one person counts!

    After hearing his side (his patriotic dedication to his country), everyone supported him anyways. Therefore, I don't bring Ho Sang to fault (it isn't his fault that Sau Hau lost her baby nor was it his fault that the family business was burnt down, etc.) - he did what he could and when he heard news about it; he can't just run home mend everything that was broken. If he did, he'd be SHOT and KILLED!

    Overall, it wasn't his fault. But I did hate that he had hurt so many women; and yet, the story with Sheren's character - he was into her (but for the wrong reason... her resembling his first love), then his neglience to Sau Hau (he was forced to marry her - but didn't he learn to love her afterwards?), then his marriage to Maggie's character (he lost his memory, and did try his best to pacify her needs after he regained his memory... Remember, he truly loves Sau Hau and clicks with her... Its hard to try to love another woman when you only truly love 1)!

    HAHA, Let's just say, after all the hardship that Ho Man has to go through (bankrupancy, rebuilding the business, pulling carts, fighting for food, experiencing a bandit pointing a gun as point blank, etc.) he better have learned to fight and defend himself a bit better. Truthfully, Ho Man didn't appear as much of a fighter until after they became poor - he kind of looked like a 'little sissy' at first with his suits and pretty-boy looks. ^_^ But afterwards, you can see his manliness that is to died for!

    MEN AREN'T ALL BORN WITH A 'FIST FOR FIGHTING' - but they are all born with a stubborn attitude!
    Amy Chan Sau Man and Maggie Cheung Ho Yee 4ever!

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  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubcas View Post
    I am so glad that this subject is still very much alive! Never get tired of giving reviews in one of my fav. series.

    I totally agree with Linh..... on the click between Amy & Gilbert in TGOD... I mean especially in this series and their characters.....both can only remain as sister & brother in-law. Just look at the pairing & characters on Sheren Tang & Maggie Siu with Ho Sang.... I don't see any chemistry at all either!!

    NOPE, NO CHEMISTRY... NONE AT ALL b/w Sheren & Steven and Maggie & Steven...
    Amy Chan Sau Man and Maggie Cheung Ho Yee 4ever!

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  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubcas View Post
    Somehow IMO, ATV pick the right actress (Sau Lai) to pair with Ho Nam in this series. Not sure what is the name of this actress. But then again, it is not realistic on how fast Sau Lai grown into a beautiful & tall girl in 6 years! When Sau Hau marries Ho Sang, she was still like 10? Later of the episodes, she was almost sold to Nam Yang and 6 years later, Ho Sang went MIA and Sau Hau still waiting for his return from the war. Does it mean Sau Lai is 16 and Ho Nam is much older?

    I personally thought that actress that plays Sau Lai was the most ill-fitted actress. She was stiff, her emotion was annoying, and so much more I could say. But luckily, she was paired with Gilbert, which made her scenes more bearable! GOOD GOD, there would've been so many more who fits that role!

    YEAH, it was unrealistic that a 10 year old girl would grow into such a tall and 'mature-looking' lady in such short number of years - but again, THIS IS TV!

    Lets Evaluate...

    - When Sau Hau married Ho Sang - Sau Lai was about 10 years of age.
    - When Sau Hau got pregnant with her first child that was like 3 months onto their marriage, then when she got the miscarriage that was 7 months after her pregnancy notice... Let's just round that up to a year (so Sau Lai is about 11).
    - After the miscarriage, they lived for about 2 years until the fammiyl went bankrupt. (so Sau Lai is about 13)
    - After the bankrupcy, Sau Hau, Ho Man, etc went to the city to rebuild their family name, which took about another year - then they bought a place, etc. (so sau lai is about 14)
    - After hearing of Ho Sang's death, they said he went missing for 6 years (so Sau Lai is about 20 - less, accoring to what her mother said about her being an actress under the age of 20)
    - Then when Ho Sang came back, they lived together for about 2-4 years before Sau Lai and Ho Man got married... (so Sau Lai is about 22-24 when she married Ho Man)

    Ho Man is probably 10 years older than Sau Lai... But it doesn't really matter!
    Amy Chan Sau Man and Maggie Cheung Ho Yee 4ever!

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  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by charbydis View Post
    I don't think Sheren and Steve's Ho Sang were supoosed to have chemistry. After all, he only was intersted in her cos she was a doppelganger of his dead girlfriend, and she stayed with him because he seemed to care about her when no one else would. there wasn't really a love story there at all. But she and Lam Wai who played Bong looked very compatible and comfortable together though Steve's Ho Sang much more good looking.

    And poor Maggie had zero chemistry with anyone cos her character was just so unlikeable.

    I seem to think that Sau Lai was around 18 when she married Ho Mun. Cos she was10 when Sau Hau got married, but then she left a few years later after Sau Hau's miscarriage which was like one or two years into the marriage when teh bandits attacked.

    So she was12 or 13 when she left and got caught in the flood, became a prositute at 15 then I think it was 5 or 6 years later that they met up so she shoudl be 18 when she met Ho Man.

    Maggie definitely had better chemistry with Zhong Ho (something like that) the guy who played Lok Bang (Ho Sang's mate from the army)! Otherwise, I agree, her character isn't very likable - such a cry baby and really can't compare to Sau Hau, who is the modeled wife and mother!

    HAHA, I'm thinking Sai Lai was around 19 almost 20 when Sau Hau found her, and she was possible around 22-24 or maybe older when she married Ho Man...

    When Sau Hau married Ho Sang, she was 24... And Ho Man is definitely older than her, possibly 24 or 25 (not much)... So doing the math, Ho Man is about 14 years older than Sau Lai...

    But you must remember, men in that period are used to marrying women 10, 20, 30 years their junior...

    Take for example Ho Sang's father, marrying Sau Hau's friend, played by Kiki... She's even younger than Ho Sang (and he's like 26 or older)... ^_^
    Amy Chan Sau Man and Maggie Cheung Ho Yee 4ever!

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  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubcas View Post
    In a way I feel sorry for Maggie's character in this series especially the part when he finally wake up from his memory loss, Ho Sang rather be with Sau Hau while she was neglected. Even tho she ended up with Ho Sang's good friend Lok Ping, she still don't seem to have any chemistry with this actor (Taiwanese?). Not familiar with the actor.

    Lok Ping is a singer and actor; more famous in the 90s for both talents... There are quite a number of fans... You'd be surprise. Personally I don't enjoy his acting too much; as I think its too overdone... But his singing isn't too bad... He sung a duet with Amy for one of the sub-themes (which there are a handful for TGOD part 2)!
    Amy Chan Sau Man and Maggie Cheung Ho Yee 4ever!

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  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by charbydis View Post
    Let's put it this way. The character was written very sloppily on intention to make Sau hau look good. In fact every women in here is written with a serious flaw that makes Sau Hau look perfect. Maggie is wasted in here. Her acting skills is much better than what this character needs.

    Oh yeah, that taiwanese guy can't act too! Very boring character! Can't believe that he had a crush on Sau Hau!

    I think that Maggie looked better with the Jap guy anyway, though not many scenes together. Felt sorry for the jap guy at the end. He had his feelings cheated, lost the war, and committed suicide. He was actually quite a nice guy except for his occupation.

    BTW: I think Ho Mun's about 30. Judging from the age of Sau Lai, the age when she first appeared to when she reappeared appeared is around 8-9 years. So Ho-Mun was in his early twenties in teh beginning, so that makes him around 30 when he meets Sau lai again.

    HAHAHA, everyone female in the series, their story was written to illustrate feminine flaws; even Sau Hau has her 'jealous' moments (though not many)! But regarding those who aren't in the TSE family, then I think the scriptwriters do make them appear more FLAWED; therefore it strenghten our likeness towards Sau Hau - no?! Seriously now, Sheren's character can be so stubborn and unlikable sometimes (though I do like her character, she annoys the hell out of me so much sometimes), Maggie's character... Lets just say, its hard to like her selfishness!

    Anyways... I didn't think Maggie did such a great job here; her character was unlikable so I can't say she was horrible. But she was a lot more experienced here, so I expected more. But that was then, Maggie had a number of impressive series; so I respect her in that area!

    I say, Maggie does have more chemistry with the jap guy. And I've always pitied the Jap guy, such a sad story!
    Amy Chan Sau Man and Maggie Cheung Ho Yee 4ever!

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  11. #71
    Senior Member Melanie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Linh-e-Pooh View Post
    I personally thought that actress that plays Sau Lai was the most ill-fitted actress. She was stiff, her emotion was annoying, and so much more I could say. But luckily, she was paired with Gilbert, which made her scenes more bearable! GOOD GOD, there would've been so many more who fits that role!

    Ho Man is probably 10 years older than Sau Lai... But it doesn't really matter!
    Yes! I think Sau Lai's role could have been brought to greater heights by a more experienced actress! I keep remembering this one scene... Sau Lai was in Ho Man's fabric shop/clothing store helping out. This ill mannered male customer walked in with no intention of purchasing anything. All he wanted was to harass Sau Lai. He told her he was purchasing a dress for his girlfriend and wanted Sau Lai to model the dress for him. In reality, he just wanted to hit on her. Anyway, Ho Man rushed over, angry as ever, and wanted to beat the man to a pulp, but the troublemaker left quickly. And Sau Lai had the weirdest expression on her face. It was kind of a grimace. I wasn't exactly sure what emotion she was trying to portray. Was she upset that Ho Man was making a scene? Was she pleased that he was jealous? Was she just worried that he was angry with her for playing a part in the ruckus? I had no clue! I can't help but compare the actress who plays Sau Lai to Amy Chan and Sheren Tang. What a big difference. Ho Man is quite a pivotal character in the series. If they are going to give him a happy ending with a girl of his own, then at least choose an actress who can shine beside him. And you're right. I will tolerate any amount of bad acting from any actress as long as I can watch Gilbert Lam.

    Regarding the age difference between Ho Man and Sau Lai, I suppose 10+ years age difference is not a big deal. I'd swoon over Ho Man in a second if he'd glance in my direction.

    I know you liked Sau Hau with Ho Sang, but I actually enjoyed the Sau Hau parts in the very beginning of the series when she was just a poor girl struggling to put bread on the table. Excellent actress! Then, later on, I very much enjoyed the parts between Sau Hau and Ho Man. If I had to support any couple in the series, it would be Ho Man and Sau Hau. I saw understated chemistry there that could have been a big hit if it were developed. I think the audience would have loved Sau Hau just as much if she were to end up with Ho Man rather than Ho Sang.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
    Yes! I think Sau Lai's role could have been brought to greater heights by a more experienced actress! I keep remembering this one scene... Sau Lai was in Ho Man's fabric shop/clothing store helping out. This ill mannered male customer walked in with no intention of purchasing anything. All he wanted was to harass Sau Lai. He told her he was purchasing a dress for his girlfriend and wanted Sau Lai to model the dress for him. In reality, he just wanted to hit on her. Anyway, Ho Man rushed over, angry as ever, and wanted to beat the man to a pulp, but the troublemaker left quickly. And Sau Lai had the weirdest expression on her face. It was kind of a grimace. I wasn't exactly sure what emotion she was trying to portray. Was she upset that Ho Man was making a scene? Was she pleased that he was jealous? Was she just worried that he was angry with her for playing a part in the ruckus? I had no clue! I can't help but compare the actress who plays Sau Lai to Amy Chan and Sheren Tang. What a big difference. Ho Man is quite a pivotal character in the series. If they are going to give him a happy ending with a girl of his own, then at least choose an actress who can shine beside him. And you're right. I will tolerate any amount of bad acting from any actress as long as I can watch Gilbert Lam.

    Regarding the age difference between Ho Man and Sau Lai, I suppose 10+ years age difference is not a big deal. I'd swoon over Ho Man in a second if he'd glance in my direction.

    I know you liked Sau Hau with Ho Sang, but I actually enjoyed the Sau Hau parts in the very beginning of the series when she was just a poor girl struggling to put bread on the table. Excellent actress! Then, later on, I very much enjoyed the parts between Sau Hau and Ho Man. If I had to support any couple in the series, it would be Ho Man and Sau Hau. I saw understated chemistry there that could have been a big hit if it were developed. I think the audience would have loved Sau Hau just as much if she were to end up with Ho Man rather than Ho Sang.
    There are many actresses in ATV that I think could've pulled of the character of Sau Lai to a higher level... DEFINITELY!

    I remember the scene you're talking about; I can see the expression on Sau Lai's face, clear, front and centered... HAHAHA, that's hilarious... It's no wonder it sticks with you; the expression is indeed 'ahhhh, hedious and confused' - I wonder what that expression means to her?! o.O

    I mean, seriously now... The actress who played Sau Lai is nothing compared to Amy and Sharon, they are heavens and shoulders (infinitely) greater than her in talents and skills as an actress. THERE'S NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!

    I guess I do pity her; I mean, she's starring in a series with 2 extra ordinary actresses; one being Amy and the other Sharon... Its hard to outshine any which one of the two actresses... Just being in the same room as those two; its hard to compete! Even if she did a little better, her performance would still be seen as 'nothing compared to the other two' - AGREED? I do pity her!

    HAHAHA, I loved Sau Hau's parts, ALL OF IT! Whether it was at the beginning where she's tending the fields, whether it is when she's marrying in Ho Sang's family, whether she's struggling to make Ho Sang accept her, whether she's working hard to feed her new family, any scenes... Whenever you see her happy, you laugh with her... Whenever you see her cry, you cry with her... Whenever she's feeling anything, that's how you'd feel too! Yes, Sau Hau's character is extremely lovable, but Amy as an actress was who made the character so REAL and all that much more interesting to watch! She's PHENOMINAL!

    SORRY FOR MY GLOATING, I couldn't refrain myself! Mind me, this was the series that made me fall in love with Amy... ^_^

    As I've said, I love the chemistry between Sau Hau and Ho Man... Whether as brother-in-law and sister-in-laws or friends... They excelled in their performances. Amy and Gilbert looks stunning together; a possible GREAT PAIRING! AGREE?

    But as I've said, because of who Sau Hau is and how she grew to the audience... I know many (especially in the 90s) could only picture her with Ho Sang, never Ho Man... Because no matter what, Ho Man is her brother-in-law and can't be seen as anything else. THAT'S JUST WHAT TRADITIONAL WOMAN DO, they stay a widow!

    Yes, Ho Man and Sau Hau are very caring towards each other, but that IMO can only be because they are in-laws... NOTHING MORE! I'm totally devote the Ho Sang and Sau Hau (despite IMO, in this day and age, I'd definitely fall for Ho Man - not including just because Gilbert is hott, I'd go for him on a heartbeat!)...

    HAHAHA, its so hard not to want Sau Hau to be with Ho Sang, but its even harder to convince myself that Ho Man isn't the better man! Because, HO MAN IS THE BEST MAN!

    My philosophy here is; for a traditional woman like Sau Hau, once she loves a man, she will love him even in death! And that's the reason I fell for her character... She's 100% devote and 100% giving! LOVE SAU HAU 4EVER!

    Sau Hau and Ho Man would've been a dreamy pair, for sure, if they were developed... But its hard to create such an image in my mind; because Sau Hau is forever Ho Sang's, IMO! ^_^

    Mnd my rambling... HAHA... It's hard to focus my words if I can't even seem to clearly agree with my brain's work... The thoughts are so conflicting!

    I love Ho Sang & Sau Hau, but I love the chemistry between Sau Hau & Ho Man, LIKE NONE OTHERS! *SIGH*

    This series still gets me thinking, even till this day...

    There are so many "WHAT IFs?"
    Amy Chan Sau Man and Maggie Cheung Ho Yee 4ever!

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  13. #73
    Senior Member MetalAZNWarrior's Avatar
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    I just finished watching this extraordinary series. Loved it.

    I have a quick question. Did they cut out the scene (shown in the themevideo) in which Ho Sang escapes from his execution by the Japanese? They showed him at the execution site and then the next scene was "1945" and the characters stopped talking about him in order to not make Sau Hau sad. I assumed he died since everyone was telling her to "move on".

    Then, in the last 4 minutes, he came back and she just smiled. The final minutes of the show are just about them at the age of 90's in modern times talking. They did not mention or explain how he survived and came back. Were we supposed to just assume that Ho Sang has really good luck and manages to escape death time and time again? Can someone please clarify for me? Thanks!
    Last edited by MetalAZNWarrior; 07-08-08 at 03:59 PM.
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  14. #74
    Senior Member jadebunny9's Avatar
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    I remember watching this series when I was very young. I was never a big fan of Steve Ma but I could actually stand him in here.....perhaps because he was paired with Amy Chan who really outshone him so it was easier to neglect him. Overall it was an excellent series.

    When I watched the beginning (didn't see the theme video), I always thought that Sau Hau would end up with Ho Man.......until Ho Sang stepped into the picture.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by MetalAZNWarrior View Post
    I just finished watching this extraordinary series. Loved it.

    I have a quick question. Did they cut out the scene (shown in the themevideo) in which Ho Sang escapes from his execution by the Japanese? They showed him at the execution site and then the next scene was "1945" and the characters stopped talking about him in order to not make Sau Hau sad. I assumed he died since everyone was telling her to "move on".

    Then, in the last 4 minutes, he came back and she just smiled. The final minutes of the show are just about them at the age of 90's in modern times talking. They did not mention or explain how he survived and came back. Were we supposed to just assume that Ho Sang has really good luck and manages to escape death time and time again? Can someone please clarify for me? Thanks!
    Hmmm, execution site from the themevideo? I don't recall such a scene! There's a scene with an explosion, but that was when Ho Sang lost his memory (the reason of his injury)!

    Anh Thanh, the reason they didn't clarify and gave every detail of Ho Sang's return was because they ran out of time... LOLZ, if you recall... When the series was coming to a close, they said that Japan has lost and retrieved and all its prisoners (if alive) where released. Because the troops are nomadic (so to say), they change their base often... Because their base changes, the prisoners (who does forced labor) also move with the troops - therefore during his imprisonment he was also living a nomadic life, moving from city to city!

    At the end, I don't remember the exact scene... They told her that Ho Sang has been removed from their base and moved to another one... And he is expected to be release then... Then she waited and waited and he finally comes back...

    I really need to watch it over again... HAHAHA, I can't believe I don't remember the details. *SIGH*
    Amy Chan Sau Man and Maggie Cheung Ho Yee 4ever!

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  16. #76
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
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    Hey guys!

    I'm just now starting to watch The Good Old Days. Woah, such an interesting cast of people! Gilbert Lam *nosebleed* He's so handsome!

    The themesong is sung by Amy Chan right? The song is really nice.

    When did this series come out? If it came out during the time, I only watch ancient/wuxia series then ok. But if it came out and I didn't know anything about it then I seriously missed out in watching it.

    Well now is not too late.
    I just love how you Captivate My Mind

    Self reminder - Update blog more often and continue editing/writing for TOV fanfic.

  17. #77
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
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    I think I see Sheren Tang in this series. Does anyone know how old Amy Chan was when she starred in this series?

    There seems to be a lot of big names for this series. I see Paul Chun, Kiki Sheung, Steve Ma Jing Tao, Gilbert Lam, Amy Chan, and others. Can someone post the cast list?
    I just love how you Captivate My Mind

    Self reminder - Update blog more often and continue editing/writing for TOV fanfic.

  18. #78
    Senior Member remember_Cedric's Avatar
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    Here you go, the main casts:

    Steven Ma Jing-Tao
    Amy Chan Sau-Man
    Sheren Tang Shui-Man
    Maggie Siu Mei-Kei
    Gilbert Lam Wai-San

    Now upon reading the chinese title, I remember this show! Good old days, indeed. Amy Chan should be in her early to mid 30s back in that show. I vaguely remember there are many other minor casts who were also familiar faces.

    Amy and Sheren are one pair of veteran actresses.
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  19. #79
    Senior Member Linh-e-Pooh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suet Seung View Post
    Hey guys!

    I'm just now starting to watch The Good Old Days. Woah, such an interesting cast of people! Gilbert Lam *nosebleed* He's so handsome!

    The themesong is sung by Amy Chan right? The song is really nice.

    When did this series come out? If it came out during the time, I only watch ancient/wuxia series then ok. But if it came out and I didn't know anything about it then I seriously missed out in watching it.

    Well now is not too late.

    Yeah, Gilbert was so handsome in TGOD, but for the most part, he always look very handsome and gentlemen-like with a suit on!

    Yeah, again, you are right... Amy sung the theme song of TGOD, as well as the Sub-Theme song.

    The series came out during 1997-ish, but the series run so long, I totally don't remember its exact date!

    I've seen the series about half a dozen times already, so trust me, I do love it! Its my favorite!
    Amy Chan Sau Man and Maggie Cheung Ho Yee 4ever!

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  20. #80
    Senior Member Linh-e-Pooh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suet Seung View Post
    I think I see Sheren Tang in this series. Does anyone know how old Amy Chan was when she starred in this series?

    There seems to be a lot of big names for this series. I see Paul Chun, Kiki Sheung, Steve Ma Jing Tao, Gilbert Lam, Amy Chan, and others. Can someone post the cast list?
    Yes, Sheren Tang is in this series; she played a very beautiful character (one you would love to hate)... She's a charmer, really! But of course, Amy reigns champion in here; its impossible not to love her!

    Considering this series was a bit over a decade ago (around 12 years), and Amy is currently 46... I would say that Amy was between 35-37 years old when she was filming this series! She started filming this series almost immediately after leaving TVB in 1995.

    There were a lot of veteran actors in this series; the only big name you're missing in that list would be Maggie Siu. But she doesn't appear until the second part of the series!
    Amy Chan Sau Man and Maggie Cheung Ho Yee 4ever!

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  2. What matters more to you - Good Service or Good Food?
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  3. 240 Days retention
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  4. FORUM was down for about 2 days..what happenend?
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