I know most of us hate it when a director takes an author's novel and puts it onscreen. People complain they butcher up the series, how dare they insult JY like that.

Let's say JY decided to direct his own series. If he made changes to it to fit what he thinks how the series should be, will you guys complain? It is after all his work, and since he wrote it, any changes he make to the series, it would be definitely ok right? I mean, his work, so his vision of the series, even if there are changes that seem kind of dumb, do we accept it. Or will he be judged just like other directors?

I know many people thinks 3rd edition change of JY is stupid. Well, anyways, he is the one who wrote it himself, so are we allowed to judge him for what he writes? His 3rd edition changes is how he sees his novels should be. Whether we like it or not, we have to agree with it don't we?

So if JY butchered his own novels when directing his series, is that ok? Or will we all be blasting JY as well for being a Sh*tty director?