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Thread: Another Split: Vivian Chow and Joe Nieh

  1. #1
    Senior Member expression's Avatar
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    Default Another Split: Vivian Chow and Joe Nieh

    New Split on the Block:

    Vivian Chow and Joe Nieh (倪震) announce split after 19 years. The last straw appears to be news coverage on Nieh's latest affair with a young college student.

    Both blame outside pressure in their statements. Excerpts:
    ...一起走過將近二十個年頭,絕對不是在一般人的準則下相愛,但外人卻總愛把自己的一套價值觀去評價、批 判屬於我倆之間的愛情。

    今天我能夠成為自愛,懂得愛人,擁有著無比勇氣與承擔的女人,請不要小看這個精神伴侶在我背後為我付出過的 一切努力,包容,寵愛,照顧與扶持。都生活了這麼久,沒有倪震,成就不了今天的周慧敏。所以我敢大膽向各位 說一句:「我的伴侶絕對犯得起這個錯誤」,而這句說話,亦只我一人有資格去定論。看到伴侶事後為我做出的承 擔,我馬上就原諒了他,又怎會有某些媒體創作出來的痛哭,拍檯,大罵,這般無稽的謊言呢 ?不到一天,我看到了很多無比荒誕,狠毒,涼薄的炒作與咀咒,妖魔鬼怪都湧進來,愈炒作愈黑暗,致人於死地 。...
    ... 最近滿城風雨,矛頭都是我作為一個男朋友怎樣失敗。我多謝大家的意見和抨擊,事發後也承諾過深切反省和負責 。想了一星期,我再為我的錯誤向慧敏道歉,也多謝她再一次肯包容我的過失。但感情由兩個人的事,變成了所有 人的事,性質已起了改變。雨過天青不難,但可以保證暴風雨不再來嗎?我問了自己這個問題很久,意識到我這次 的錯誤並非如一些損友說是技術上不小心,而是結構上出現了明顯的中年危機。我會正視問題,完善自我,不排除 尋求專業輔助。在有信心改善之前,我明白到我在大家的心目中,不再是個稱職的男朋友,更不配做慧敏的男朋友 。為了令公眾安心,為了顯示我的後悔和承擔,我決定引疚分手,和慧敏結束情侶關係,做回知心的朋友。這無疑 是極大的損失,但我相信傳媒界,和慧敏的fans,都會歡迎我這個痛苦的決定。我不是個稱職的男朋友,但做 個稱職的好朋友,我很有信心。我和慧敏相識近二十年,一向互相支持和了解。今日因我的不撿點分手,也不會影 響我們繼續來往,處理合作的日常事務,和照顧愛貓。我做錯事,認了錯,向慧敏交待了,也得到慧敏的原諒。基 於問責分手,已是極刑。以前種種,我和慧敏不會再作回應。以後種種,請大家尊重我和慧敏只是朋友的關係,不 要再訂出情侶的標準。假如我們

    我已搬離跑馬地寓所,再一次多謝慧敏多年來的包容,和傳媒多年來的鞭撻。人頭落地了,退一步海闊天空,希望 事情可以告一段落。
    News suggest Nieh has his hands on 1/2 of Chow's properties.

    自古才子皆風流,倪震與周慧敏拍拖19年,歷盡風雨,正當女方默認要寄託終身之際,卻爆出偷啜事件,有指周 慧敏傷心欲絕,皆因這次擘面分手,周慧敏隨時人財兩失,據其閨中密友透露,周慧敏與倪震拍拖多年,一直堅持 財政獨立,手頭上兩個巿值逾千萬的物業均屬周氏母女持有,惟有人不斷甜言蜜語,06年女方終在39歲生日當 天讓他入股公司,變相分一半身家給男方,倪震果然有計。...
    Last edited by expression; 12-12-08 at 03:15 PM.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member i_fotted's Avatar
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    OMG, this is sad news but I can't help but be happy about it. Maybe we can see Vivian back in the entertainment industry again!

  3. #3
    Senior Member jiang bao's Avatar
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    Not sure how she looks now, but if she still looks reasonably close to the way she used to, there won’t be the shortage of suitors. Maybe she will give a regular guy a chance?

    Fat chance of that.

    No sympathy from me. You know in entertainment when two good looking people get together, it’s probably not gonna last. Temptation is just too high since they get to meet other good looking people regularly.

    I think the way to go for starlets is to marry some old fart close to death, then get his money when he croaks so you are set for life. Then you just make sure you protect that money and don’t let some good looking playboy steal it from ya.

    Christine Ng went this route. She “only” got a “small” portion of the old husband’s money, but she’s still pretty well off.
    What are you fighting for? Just mix them into pissing beef balls, stupid.
    SOD Pt. 7 updated Jan. 6, '08

    Jiang Bao's Karaoke Corner

  4. #4
    Senior Member expression's Avatar
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    Well, from her statement, she is obviously mad not at Nieh, but at the public for "judging" him.

    Kinda like the loving mom of a spoiled rascal. A bit revolting to my taste.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member jiang bao's Avatar
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    Some guys just have that magic. They get gorgeous women to fall for them and can do anything and still have the women forgive them. I think it takes a certain lack of conscience to pull it off. Plus you gotta be charming looking too. They feign repetence and the women melt. No ugly guy is gonna pull that off.

    The real reason he broke up with her is so he now can sleep with whoever he wants without stigma. I don't buy the "I gotta break up with her to punish myself" crap. It's only punishment if no one else would date him. And we know that is far from the truth.
    What are you fighting for? Just mix them into pissing beef balls, stupid.
    SOD Pt. 7 updated Jan. 6, '08

    Jiang Bao's Karaoke Corner

  6. #6
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    joe nieh is a bastard, 1 vivian chow and its not enough i'll be happy with 1/2 a vivian chow! shes my favorite of all time
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  7. #7
    Senior Member expression's Avatar
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    Judging from their statements, I'm sure they'll get back together in no time. This "split" itself may well be merely a business trick to protect Chow's image and bankability. Nieh has been fooling around from Day 1 with Chow's consent.

    Sympathy for Chow? Nah, she was perfectly happy with her perfect boy... until you nosy people come along... HOW DARE YOU STRANGERS POINT YOUR DIRTY FINGERS AT MY HONEYJOE?!

    Funny how they totally victimized themselves. "Why must the public talk about us and put pressure on our love?" Let me guess, Chow, because... much of your 30 million comes from... them?

    If the opinion of the public doesn't matter, your PR won't advise you to pull this show. Love aside, you still need money to support yourself and your boy right? For instance, I heard Nieh's snooker center, which uses your name to attract customers, has had no business since his scandal?

    Of course, she can pet her honey and I could care less, it's just her public "keep your hands off my baby" statement makes me sick. Nieh really knows his trade.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    I really dislike Joe the first time I heard abotu Vuv and him being together years back. He slept with so many women back then and he is a jerk for writing rumors abotu Canti and ruining hsi career cos Canti liked Viv.

    Godd for Viv that she is splitting for Joe. Hope she realises that she is 100 times way better off without him.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member Guo Xiang's Avatar
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    Yeah, the Canti business was really ugly. Viv's announcement just sounded... well, off.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Trinie's Avatar
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    I heard about this a couple of days ago too and wasn't that shocked. I even told my mom and she was not shocked at all...She predicted this a long time ago since she claimed that it is not really healthy for a couple to be together for so long and NOT get officially married. IF you are not officially married, you can split apart in the blink of an eye. I know that marriage is not 100% secure either, however, it is still a more secure bond because divorce takes a lot more fuss and work. But if you are just together with no "paperwork" then you can just split whenever you want to very easily. It kind of bothered me when I heard Joe saying that he was ok with just living with Vivian chow and NOT officially marrying her. In my opinion, that shows me that he may not stay with her for the rest of his life and will not commit to her. Therefore, this split did not surprise me at all... Even married couples are divorcing like crazy so boyfriends and girlfriends splitting apart is nothing shocking at all.
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  11. #11
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trinie View Post
    It kind of bothered me when I heard Joe saying that he was ok with just living with Vivian chow and NOT officially marrying her. In my opinion, that shows me that he may not stay with her for the rest of his life and will not commit to her. Therefore, this split did not surprise me at all... Even married couples are divorcing like crazy so boyfriends and girlfriends splitting apart is nothing shocking at all.
    I heard that he didn't want to have kids with Vivian until they were married so Viv ended up with no kids at all cos he showed no commitment. So she spend most of her time on dogs instead. Poor Viv!
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  12. #12
    Moderator kidd's Avatar
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    Can anyone tell me the business between Joe, Vivian and Canti? I have absolutely know knowledge about. I only know Canti use to be quite popular. Then he moved to China or something. Then, now, no news. What is he doing now?
    什麼是朋友?朋友永遠是在你犯下不可原諒錯誤的時候,仍舊站在你那邊的笨蛋。~ 王亞瑟

    和諧唔係一百個人講同一番話,係一百個人有一百句唔同嘅說話,而又互相尊重 ~ - 葉梓恩

  13. #13
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidd View Post
    Can anyone tell me the business between Joe, Vivian and Canti? I have absolutely know knowledge about. I only know Canti use to be quite popular. Then he moved to China or something. Then, now, no news. What is he doing now?
    Apparently, it also started when Joe and Viv were dating and Canti and Viv were doing a series together for TVB. In an intreview, some reporter asked Canti what he thought of Viv and if he would ever go and pursue Viv. So Canti honstly said Viv was very pretty and he might pursue the same type of girl as her. So expectedly, the reporters flamed up this rumour about Canti secretly in lovewith Viv, which got Joe jealous.

    Now, Joe was one of the founder of the [YES] magazine in HK at teh time, which was very popular with the teens in the 90's. He also writes this column weekly in the magazine and he chose to focus his columns on Canti Lau. He made up all kind of stuff like Canti loved to go and visit cheap prostitutes, then not pay the prostitutes, steal stuff, be a peeing tom, etccc.... So as guillable as HK teens are, they believed those stuff abotu Canti and started boycotting his work and wrote letters to harass him in the YES magazine. Joe actually nicknamed him "Tumour Ming" (Duk Lau Ming) cos of a character he played had a family history of tumour in the heart of something.

    So, Canti's short lived career ended in 1994 and he moved to Taiwan. He was living very dismally for a while as no one dared to sign contracts with him cos the YES magazine influenced eventually moved to China. But Canti's doing average now. Not very popular yet he still gets roles. But haven;t seen him in the last few years. He has a wife and kids now. Happily married.

    Joe is such a cheap jerk. Yes, Joe is talented and handsome, but what a thing to do to someone who just started out their career? Canti wasn't even pursuing Viv. He just admitted that he wouln;t midn to marry a girl like Viv. Can't believe Viv still stuck by Joe after Joe did that to her friend. I mean Canti is so nice, If I was him, I would have sued Joe for slander and libel.

    I have to question Viv's judgement and intelligence. Take in to mind that during that time, Joe was two-timing her with Monica Chan.

    So angry now!
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  14. #14
    Moderator kidd's Avatar
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    Thanks charbydis, for the summary of the event. Now I have lost all respect for Vivian Chow for staying with such a despicable man.
    Last edited by kidd; 12-14-08 at 11:48 AM.
    什麼是朋友?朋友永遠是在你犯下不可原諒錯誤的時候,仍舊站在你那邊的笨蛋。~ 王亞瑟

    和諧唔係一百個人講同一番話,係一百個人有一百句唔同嘅說話,而又互相尊重 ~ - 葉梓恩

  15. #15
    Senior Member remember_Cedric's Avatar
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    Gosh! This Joe is so revengeful! He actually crashed someone's ricebowl? *shakes head* What an A-hole! A-hole Joe!
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  16. #16
    Senior Member 999roses's Avatar
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    You guys think he's handsome? No way....

  17. #17
    Senior Member blueberry's Avatar
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    Dang, I used to like Canti Lau when I was a kid (I watched him in a TVB series). I kept looking for his other series, but found very very little about him, specially since I can't read chinese.

    Who's this Joe anyway? I know Vivian Chow, and she was pretty back then....but I don't think I know Joe at all....was he an actor too?

    I don't have respect for women that choose to stay with unfaithful/abusive boyfriend when they actually have power to free themselves.
    Last edited by blueberry; 12-14-08 at 12:11 PM.

  18. #18
    Senior Member 999roses's Avatar
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    Meh in the end, I think we shoudn't judge other people's lives. Personally, I could care less. If she was asking for sympathy, then yea, I wouldn't give her any. But if she's happy in a messed up relationship for 20 years (or even if she's not happy), it's her life to mess up with.

    The Canti Lau thing is kinda bad though...he should've sued, but I guess he was too poor back then to do anything about it.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by blueberry View Post
    Who's this Joe anyway? I know Vivian Chow, and she was pretty back then....but I don't think I know Joe at all....was he an actor too?
    Joe is the son of sci-fi novelist and scriptwriter Ni Kuang (倪匡), he of the Wisely novels. Joe is apparently a publisher and DJ.


  20. #20
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 999roses View Post
    You guys think he's handsome? No way....
    Well, he was never crash hot, but he was handsome in away 20 years ago. But he was too much of a brat for me to like him in anyway. Apparently, he dated Michelle Reis as well. I think he looks horribel now.
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