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Thread: Princess Returning Pearl 2011 《新还珠格格》 - Li Sheng, Hai Lu, Zhang Rui, Li Jia Hang

  1. #201
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    I watched ep 1 on youtube out of curiosity and Xiao Yan Zi is very cute! Everyone is still overacting too much for me to take them seriously. The Emperor looks more like an elder brother than a dad. It is not terrible but I don't think I would is thru 100 eps of this.
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
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  2. #202
    Senior Member xiaolong's Avatar
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    Agree it has been good, fun, entertainment (my expectations were rock bottom anyway). But I don't think I can sit through 98 episodes either. They really should have divided it up into 3 different seasons. Too much at one go.

  3. #203
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    Need to stop being lazy...

  4. #204
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    It's great to hear that the series is pretty good despite the cheesy trailer! ^_^ I'll definitely check it out after I finish JCSS (by then there should be enough eps out that I can marathon through most of the first part, since I hate waiting for new eps to come out).

    Edit: Just checked out the opening and ending themes...while I like the "look" of them, the songs themselves are pretty forgettable and generic to me so far...maybe I'm just biased towards the old songs, but I love them so much I'm still not sick of them today...
    Last edited by mango_cake; 07-19-11 at 12:17 AM.

  5. #205
    Member pookagege's Avatar
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    I'm looking for ost, but I think it hasn't been released yet.

  6. #206
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    So far, it's pretty entertaining. I definitely wouldn't say it's anything near the old series, but at the same time, I also had really low expectations. I like how colorful and bright the cinematography is, and the girl who plays XYZ is pretty enough. In some shots, she looks a helluva lot like Vicky (which is undoubtedly on purpose, considering that even her voice was made similar). I actually do like the music in this, and hope they'll release an OST as well. I'll continue to watch it to pass time.

  7. #207
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    The new XYZ can pass...she does look a lot like Vicki, even the wat she acts is similar with Vicki back then but as for the new ZW, somehow she doesn't have that gentleness that Ruby had. Hailu acts too fast..dunno...

  8. #208
    Moderator kidd's Avatar
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    I read that Qiong Yao rewrite the story. So, the story should be different from the original.

    Got this from Asianfanatics.

    featuring Qiong Yao: Why Remake "Huan Zhu Ge Ge"

    More than ten years ago, when I set out to write my first "Huan Zhu Ge Ge", I made a decision to change from writing sad script to happier comedy type script. The reason for it was because I wanted to become happier. Secondly, I find that the road in life is always changing, and many young people can't seem to find their way. I just wanted to bring happiness to everyone, as well as to myself.

    My husband has been ill these last couple of years. Many different tv networks seek me out during this time with great persistence to collaborate with me on my next tv project. I had to turn them all down. Until my husband's health improve will I be able to find "myself" again. I know, I can't expect to find and hold onto strong health again since it tends to deteriorate as we get older. But if I'm still alive another day, if I could live happier another day, that in itself is a beautiful thing. I don't wish for anything else right now; I just want to be happy!

    But, happiness....where are you? I knocked at your door, did you hear me?

    Nowadays, a lot of tv networks still haven't given up on me. They still want to work with me again, trying to convince me to remake one of my past films. How about "Huan Zhu Ge Ge"? I haven't thought about it before, but if I remake "Huan Zhu Ge Ge", what happens if it's not as good as the original? Wouldn't that be troublesome? However, my husband's illness has convinced me otherwise. It made me think of the happy Xiao Yan Zi. Also made me think of that "Huang Ah Ma" character I made up from a historical figure. It especially reminded me of those happy times I experienced when I wrote my very first "Huan Zhu Ge Ge". It then occurred to me...!! What if I could write a better story this time, make the characters more alive, and at the same time change the mistake I made the first time (i.e shouldn't have killed off the Fifth's Prince's mother so early on). Or..better yet, if I could find that happiness for myself again, perhaps I can share that happiness with my younger fans and audiences!

    I started writing "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" again in June of last year. My entire family lives once again. These last couple of years that were filled with boredom and sadness finally ended when I started writing "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" again. Everyday, everyone was involved with this project, providing feedbacks and all the while laughing and having such a great wonderful time together. The script burned like fire and tea. An old friend, the president of Hunan tv network, knew that I was working again and wouldn't cease to call me. One day he said, "Everyone now knows that you''ve decided to work again and everybody is delighted to hear that. Many tv networks are fighting for the chance to collaborate with you. I suppose that you will reminisce on old times and not forsake our long-running collaboration by choosing some other network over ours, am I right?" I replied yes.

    ---Qiong Yao, August, 20, 2010.
    Last edited by kidd; 07-19-11 at 08:55 PM.
    什麼是朋友?朋友永遠是在你犯下不可原諒錯誤的時候,仍舊站在你那邊的笨蛋。~ 王亞瑟

    和諧唔係一百個人講同一番話,係一百個人有一百句唔同嘅說話,而又互相尊重 ~ - 葉梓恩

  9. #209
    Member charm101's Avatar
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    Download links: (pretty mkv file)

    Ep 1:
    Ep 2:

    Credit: AliceChen's World

    kidd, i read a different article that said she changed the part 3 story while tune up the first two parts. from i saw so far, the storyline isn't much different.

    on a side note, i think she made XYZ dumber than she is. in episode 3, she wore a feminine garment (like an ancient bra) OUTSIDE of her dress. she's innocent alright but she's still a woman who uses such clothing too, no? and they spent too much time on pooping. geeeeeeezz

  10. #210
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    I just finished watching epsidoes 7-8 and must say I'm actually very ANNOYED by the Benjamin character. He seems soo superfluous to the overall story. His overabundant screen time is taking a big toll on the development of other important characters such as ErKang and YongQi. His interactions with Xiao Yan Zi are supposed to provide the "comedic effect" in the drama, but I found them so mundane and forceful. It's not even funny, but painstaking to watch. Wish I can just erase his presence from the screen, cuz he keeps on popping up in EVERY freakin scene. He's like omnipresent or something. Qiong Yao seriously NEEDS to reduce his screen time!!! I'm praying he'll just FADE OUT in later episodes.
    Last edited by JoleCole; 07-19-11 at 11:53 PM.
    Need to stop being lazy...

  11. #211
    Member pookagege's Avatar
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    Benjamin appears third character in the opening theme, I think he won't fade out that easily. Maybe we gonna see him till last episode.

  12. #212
    Senior Member swtaznlaydee's Avatar
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  13. #213
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swtaznlaydee View Post
    Oh dear! Has anyone actually watched the Vietnamnese version? Is it the same stor? I wonder why Vietnam would do a Qing series?
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
    Cyril Connolly

  14. #214
    Member charm101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pookagege View Post
    Benjamin appears third character in the opening theme, I think he won't fade out that easily. Maybe we gonna see him till last episode.
    and how the hell did he get third...before other characters, like Zi Wei, is beyond me.

    there's a vietnamese version? it looks horrible!

    ep 3:
    ep 4:

    Credit: AliceChen's World

  15. #215
    Senior Member munianci's Avatar
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    oooohhhh Alec Su

    No one has ever been able to match up to him in that Qing do. It's not possible for anyone to look remotely attractive in Qing, but OOOOHHH Alec Su! Ahhh those beautiful Alec Su memories... Unfortunately Alec Su's hotter-than-hotness makes his successors look errrr...

    I'll reserve my judgment until I've sat thro all 98 episodes of this. Admittedly the new XYZ is better than expected...

    Quote Originally Posted by swtaznlaydee View Post
    My avatar is a tribute to the world's hottest stallions - Peter Ho, Kevin Cheng, Nic Tse.

  16. #216
    Senior Member bluesky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charm101 View Post
    and how the hell did he get third...before other characters, like Zi Wei, is beyond me.

    there's a vietnamese version? it looks horrible!

    ep 3:
    ep 4:

    Credit: AliceChen's World
    Is there a link to the website for those eps that already released.

  17. #217
    Member charm101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesky View Post
    Is there a link to the website for those eps that already released.
    yea, alice is uploading it at her blog: up to episode 4 right now.

    but she waits for the higher quality mkv file. 540p recorded version. that's all i know.

  18. #218
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    LOL the vietnamese version is hm....weird LOL
    It's not a series but only MVs ^^

  19. #219
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    you can try on youtube, it's up to episode 10

  20. #220
    Member tae's Avatar
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    Pretty entertaining so far. However there are a few things that's getting on my nerves.

    1) Lack of developments on important characters and relationships. Instead of focusing on the important things like the relationship between Zi Wei and Xiao Yan Zi which is like the root of the whole goddamn story, we get useless scenes like Xiao Yan Zi on a toilet, the Annoying Four (yes, that's what I'm gonna call them from now on), and oh yes, let's try too hard to show how cute Xiao Yan Zi is by turning her into a goddamn retard who doesn't even know how to wear a bra properly. It's weird because instead of spending time on the important plot points, QiongYao opted to spend massive amount of time just to get a laugh or pretty much the same thing in HZGG2. If you like that, you would love this remake.

    Yes, I like Xiao Yan Zi. She is pretty much my favorite character in the entire series but I rather that she has less screen time than to see her act so stupid. I had enough of that in HZGGII, thank you very much.

    2) Benjamin. Yes, he gets his own little section. Where do I even start? How about the fact that he has twice the amount of screen time than all the other male leads when he isn't even one of the core characters? He was the first male to be introduced in episode one and ever since, he's been in every single episode. He's with Yongqi every time, he's in most of Xiao Yan Zi's scenes (and she has a lot), and he's just...everywhere! He's the palace painter and yet somehow he's on the hunting ground, in the shooting area, in the classroom, everywhere, with everyone. Not to mention, Xiao Yan Zi likes to visit him a lot too (yeah because we need as much Benjamin as possible /sarcasm). I am so tired of him, so tired that I practically cheered every time he exited. Then I tried to skip his scenes in episode 10 only to find that I've skipped almost the entire episode. That's how much screen time he has.

    I was pretty miffed when I saw the opening and he was the third introduced, before Zi Wei. You know Zi Wei, that girl who is like kinda important in HZGG. You can even argue that she was the main character in HZGG because the story was essentially about her journey to find her father and all the obstacles she had to overcome to get there. But apparently Benjamin is more important than her now despite bringing nothing new to the story. His character is pretty much just a combination of Ertai, Zi Wei, and Yongqi.

    Lastly, his character has had far more interactions with Xiao Yan Zi than the supposedly important people in her life--like oh I don't know, her future husband and sworn sister. So far, the only relationship that's getting enough development is his to Xiao Yan Zi due to his massive screen time. Everything else is secondary and gets 2-3 minutes in each episode. Seriously, I have to ask, why is there so much time spent on a relationship that isn't even fundamental to the plot while you ignore the relationships that are actually relevant? Ooh Benjamin has a crush on Xiao Yan Zi, oohh. Oh yeah? So did Ertai in the original and he didn't get a scrap of screen time for that.


    3) Oh yeah, did I mention the Annoying Four? I don't think they are funny at all. -_-

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