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Thread: DGSD Chapter 41. Fight at Shaolin.

  1. #1
    Senior Member CC's Avatar
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    Default DGSD Chapter 41. Fight at Shaolin.

    Thought I'll dump my rough translation here.

    DGSD Chapter 41.

    Ding Chun Qiu having murdered Reverend Xuan Tong and Xuan Nan, was a great enemy of Shaolin Temple. Upon hearing that he had arrived at Shao Shi mountain, a great buzz arose within the ranks of the assembled monks.

    Xuan Sheng loudly exhorted "Everyone must exert themselves bravely today! We must capture alive that old bandit Ding to avenge brothers Xuan Tong and Xuan Nan!"

    Xuan Ci spoke in a loud and clear voice "Guests have come from afar, let us show proper ceremony before showing force." The assembled Shaolin monks replied with a "Yes!" and Xuan Ci continued "Assembled brothers and friends, let us all go forth and witness the the famed techniques of the Xing Su Sect and the Murong Clan shall we?"

    The assembled heroes had already been itching to rush out to spectate and were just waiting for those words. The lower ranked monks, with the impatience of youth immediately rushed out like a nest of angry wasps. As the assembled heroes and Dali clansman and other visiting reverends each rushed out, the metallic sounds of the elder Shaolin monks preparing their various weaponry could be heard.

    The 4 generations of Xuan, Hui, Xu and Kong Shaolin monks brandished their weapons and rushed out in groups. As they reached the inner gates, the monks stationed at the middle of the mountain rushed up to report "Xing Su Sect has members numbering over a thousand, they have encircled the party of Murong Fu at the mid-mountain pavilion and are attacking fiercely." Abbot Xuan Ci nodded his head and walked to the edge of the flagstone path to gaze down the mountain, what he witnessed was a sea of human heads easily numbering more then a thousand.

    A sudden shout was carried over the mountain breeze "The Great Immortal of Xing Su Sect is personally leading today's battle! Victory is assured! You mangy lot of ugly clowns dare to defy the Great Immortal? Quickly cast down your weapons and beg for mercy! If the Xing Su Immortal waves his little finger, Shaolin Temple shall collaspe!"

    The newer members of Xing Su Sect had yet to learn any skills of the sect. What they first learnt was to shout flattery and brown nosing skills. With over a thousand people chanting and shouting, the mountain was filled with the song and praises of the Xing Su Immortal. With his long white beard flowing and his eyes half closed, Ding Chun Qiu swayed with the chants and looked almost intoxicated.

    Xuan Sheng directed the chi from his Dan Tian and loudy shouted "Assemble the Great Luo Han Formation!" Five hundred voices replied "Assemble the Great Luo Han Formation!" With a flow of red robes and flashes of grey movement five hundred monks spread out in formation across the mountain side.

    The assembled heroes have all heard of Shaolin's Luo Han Formation, yet for hundreds of years, the Luo Han Formation had never been witnessed by even a single outsider. They now saw different groups of monks, dressed in various colours of red, grey, yellow and black, holding various weapons running swiftly across the mountain, surrounding the Xing Su Sect members quickly.

    The Xing Su members outnumbered the monks, yet the majority of them were new recruits. They might have had some capability in single combat but they had no experience at all in formation fighting. Thus they all panicked and the chants of flattery for their master faltered. More then a few fell totally silent, thinking in their hearts about changing the chants to "Great and Holy Shaolin Reverends" instead.

    Abbot Xuan Ci spoke up "Xing Su Sect's Mister Ding visits Shao Shi mountain as an enemy of Shaolin. Respected heroes, please consider standing aside and letting Shaolin handle these intruders?"

    The various fighters loudy replied "The old wierdo of Xing Su is an enemy of the martial arts world, everybody hates him, lets kill them all!" With that, the entire crowd drew their weapons.

    At this point, Murong Fu and Deng Bai Chun had already killed or injured over 20 Xing Su members. Seeing that help has arrived, they jumped back from the fight and the Xing Su members made no attempt to advance.

    Duan Yu had weaved his way through the crowd and rushed up to Wang Yu Yan. "Miss Wang, should danger arise, I will escort you out." Wang Yu Yan blushed and replied "I am not injured, and no one has sealed my arterial points. I.... I can walk by myself......" Glancing at Murong Fu, she continued "My cousin is highly skilled in martial arts, more then sufficient to protect me. Master Duan, you had better leave."

    Duan Yu felt uncomfortable and thought to himself "What ability do I have to compare with your cousin's skills?" Yet he felt reluctant to walk away. Quickly changing the subject "Well.....well....ah, Miss Wang, my father has arrived and is standing outside." Duan Yu had went through many dangers
    and situations with Wang Yu Yan and spent a lot of time with her, yet he had never mentioned his own status and family history to her. In his mind, Wang Yu Yan was a goddess and he was a mere mortal. So what was a prince when compared to a goddess?'

    Knowing that Duan Yu had risked his life many times to save her, Wang Yu Yan was secretly grateful to him. Yet she had never held him in any kind of regard. He was merely a bookworm who had managed to learn a magical set of footwork skills and a set of inner energy swordplay which was sometimes effective and sometimes not. Worried about her cousin being suspicious, she asked "You father has arrived from Dali? You and your father must have not met for a long time?"

    Duan Yu happily replied "Yes! Miss Wang, shall I bring you to meet my father? He will definitely like you when he sees you" Wang Yu Yan blushed deeply and said " I will not." Duan Yu enquired "Why not?" Seeing that she was not answering, he tried to cheer her up "Miss Wang, my sworn brother Xu Zhu is here too, he has become a monk again. Even my disciple is here, this is really exciting!"

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    Default part2

    The Shaolin monks had spread out in the Luo Han Formation, guarding to the left and right, shouting to the front and rear. A few members of the Xing Su Sect charged westwards, but all were quickly repelled and injured.

    Ding Chun Qiu commanded "Everybody keep still!" In a loud
    and clear voice he said "Abbot Xuan Ci, your Shaolin Temple claims itself to be the leader of the martial arts world, but in my opinion is sadly lacking!"

    The Xing Su members immediately chanted "The Xing Su Immortal has arrived, the damn Shaolin monks shall all die a horrible death and be without a burial place" "All martial arts stems from our Xing Su Sect, only the Xing Su skills are geniune, all else are unorthodox and demonic learnings. Those who do not learn Xing Su skills are doomed to become cattle ghosts and snake spirits and are seeking their own doom" Suddenly, someone sang and shouted at the top of their lungs "The Great Xing Su Immortal, his goodness fills the land, his might shakes the universe, he is unmatched in the past and the present!" Over a thousand voices joined in the song along with the sounds of drums and flutes, the resulting noise was heated and loud. Such a spectacle had never been witnessed by any of the assembled heroes.

    Amidst the noise, the sounds of galloping horses could be heard approaching. As the sound of hooves got louder and clearer, four immense yellow flags could be seen as four horses galloped into view, their riders each grasping a flag which fluttered in the wind. Upon each flag could be seen five huge black characters "Chief of Beggar Sect Zhuang" The four riders dismounted and planted the flags at the highest point on the cliff. Each was dressed in Beggar Sect garb, with pouches slung across their bodies and flags grasped in their hands as they stood without a sound.

    The same thought raced across the crowds mind "The Chief of Beggar Sect Zhuang Ju Xian has arrived!" Seeing the poise and measure of these four flag bearers and comparing to the crude shouts and chants of Xing Su Sect, the onlooker couldnt help but feel respect.

    As the four flags were raised, over a hundred riders galloped up the mountain. Leading the group was over a hundred six pouched disciples, followed by 43 seven pouched disciples and over 10 eight pouched disciples. A moment later, the 4 nine pouched elders approached. Everyone dismounted silently and stood apart. Unless there was urgent business to attend to, the Beggar Sect never rode on horses or carriages. Seeing
    this strange sight, many of the senior heroes present shook their heads silently.

    With the sounds of whipping and galloping, two sturdy and healthy looking horses rode up. The left horse carried a young girl wearing purple robes, looking glamourous and cultured, yet her eyes were devoid of brightness. At a glance, Ruan Xing Zu immediately shouted "Ah Zi!" Forgetting that she was disguised as a male, she had shouted out in her normal feminine voice.

    The left horse carried a man dressed in bright embriodered robes, his expression was stiff and wooden. The assembled heroes could all see that he was wearing a mask of human skin and was not revealing his true face. Everyone thought "This person must be the Beggar Sect Chief Zhuang Ju Xian. If he wants to wrest the leadership of the martial arts world from Shaolin, why is he not showing his true face?" Some secretly
    thought: "This person must be a famous and powerful person, Zhuang Ju Xian must be an alias. If he can become Chief of Beggar Sect, surely he could not be some nameless youth?" Others thought: "He must not be very confident of winning this battle, the mask must be for him to conserve his reputation should he be defeated by Shaolin today." Some even thought :" Could he be former Beggar Chief Qiao Feng; he has regained power in Beggar Sect and seeks to create trouble for Shaolin and the heroes of the Central Plains?" Although some deduced that "Zhuang Ju Xian" could be linked to "Ju Xian Manor" they could only think of Qiao Feng and how he killed the You brothers and how Ju Xian Manor was subsequently burnt down. No one even imagined that the new Chief of Beggar Sect could be the young master of Ju Xian Manor - You Tan Zhi.

    Ah Zi heard her mother's call, but as she had other business to attend to and the time was inconvenient to reunite with her mother, she acted as if she heard nothing, saying: "Elder Brother Xian, I seem to hear people chanting 'The Great Xing Su Immortal, his goodness fills the land, his might shakes the universe, he is unmatched in the past and the present' Has the little rascal Ding Chun Qiu and his toadies arrived too?" You Tan Zhi replied :"Correct, his disciples are in great numbers too." Ah Zi clapped her hands in glee, laughing :"Great! This is great, this saves me from making a journey, no need to make the long journey to Xing Su Lake to settle scores."

    At this point, the beggars who came on foot had walked up
    the mountain. All of the five, four and three pouched disciples, stood together behind You Tan Zhi and Ah Zi.

    Ah Zi made a motion with her hand and two Beggar Sect members immediately unfurled two large purple flags. Upon each surface were written six dark red characters : "Master of Xing Su Sect - Duan."

    As the two purple flags unfolded, there was a large commotion from the Xing Su members, someone shouted : "Xing Su Sect Master is Immortal Ding, the four corners of the world know it, where the hell is this person named Duan who claims to be Master? Totally shameless! How can the title of Sect Master be self proclaimed? Which little devil proclaims itself as Master, show yourself and your elder here will turn you into meat paste!" Those who shouted thus were the newer members of Xing Su Sect. Shi Hou Zi, Tian Lang Zi and the older members all knew Ah Zi's history and knew that she had the support of Xiao Feng, thus they kept quiet in fear.

    The monks and heroes seeing that an extra Master of Xing Su Sect has appeared, were secretly glad that this devilish sect was having internal problems.

    Ah Zi clapped three times and proclaimed : " Listen up all Xing Su Sect members : The rules of our Sect is that the position of Master goes to the mightiest. Whoever is strongest within the Sect takes the leadership. Half a year ago, Ding Chun Qiu fought with me and I smashed him completely and he grovelled and bowed to me 18 times on the floor, greeting me as teacher and respectfully handing over the leadership to me. Did he not tell you all this? Ding Chun Qiu! How dare you! As senior disciple you should be a model for your fellow disciples, how can you rebel
    against your teacher and cheat all the disciples?" Her voice was clear and crisp and all on the mountainside could hear every single word.

    Seeing that she was only a blind young girl of 16 or 17 years, how could she become Master of Xing Su Sect? Everyone was stunned by her speech. Duan Zheng Chun and Ruan Xing Zhu exchanged startled looks. They knew that their daughter was a brought up under Ding Chun Qiu and was wicked, devious and cunning beyond measure but with only mediocre martial skills. To rebel against her master and insult Ding Chun Qiu in public would surely be suicidal and there was not enough Dali soldiers and fighters here on Shaolin to protect her from Xing Su Sect.

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    Senior Member CC's Avatar
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    Default Part 3

    Under the hard stares of such a large crowd of heroes and figures from the martial art world, how could Ding Chun Qiu take the grave insult to his position when Ah Zi unfurled her flags proclaiming herself as 'Master of Xing Su Sect'? A mad fury arose from within his bosom but he stifled it with a smiling face and a concerned expression : "Little Ah Zi, our sects leadership mantle is worn by the strongest fighter, that much is definitely true. Since you desire the position of Master, surely you have some solid skills to back it up, why don't you come over and cross
    three strokes with me?"

    In the flash of an eye, a figure appeared not more then three feet away from Ding Chun Qiu. It was You Tan Zhi! Even with Ding Chun Qiu's sharp senses, he did not see how he had suddenly appeared, thus it was in shock that Ding was forced to retreat a step. With a single step, Ding Chun Qiu had floated back 5 feet, yet You Tan Zhi was still only 3 feet away and matching him step for step. The person demonstrated a solid kung fu base, causing Ding both fear and worry. In his haste, he reached out his hands to grab the nearest Xing Su member before he could even ask the human skin masked man "The person I challenged is Ah Zi, why do you interfere?" Grabbing the nearest body, he flung the person out.

    You Tan Zhi leapt back over 10 feet and twisted to grab a person too, a 3 pouched disciple of Beggar Sect was caught and flung out like a huge projectile towards Ding Chun Qiu. The two tossed bodies collided in mid air and all onlookers knew that the impact must have shattered the bones of both disciples and caused them their lives.

    As the two bodies collided, a sharp sound was heard and everyone could smell a nauseating stench, sickening and vomit inducing. Some of the gathered heroes held their breathes, some retreated, some pinched their noses and some applied various medications as they all realised that both Ding Chun Qiu and Zhuang Ju Xian had injected poisonous energies into their 2 disciples. The two bodies slumped to the ground like boneless heaps, motionless and obviously devoid of life.

    Having exchanged the first blow and neither coming out on top, both Ding and You were secretly fearful. In unison they both retreated several feet and each turned to grab a disciple to toss out. The two tossed disiples again collided in mid air and emanated a noxious stench, meeting instant death.

    The skill which they both displayed was a dark and evil art from the Xing Su Sect called the 'Fu Shi Du' (Poison of the Decayed Corpse), grabbing a live being to hurl towards the enemy after injecting a severe poison into the now dead person's blood. Should the enemy use his palms to ward off the projectile, he would come into contact with the corpse and surely be infected with the poison. Even if the corpse was blocked by a weapon, dodged or blasted with a long distance palm strike, it would be difficult to avoid being affected by the poison.

    After You Tan Zhi had allied with Quan Guan Qing, he had naively let Quan find out about his background only after a couple of days. Quan saw that You Tan Zhi's inner power was matchless but his fighting techniques were non-existent, rendering him useless, thus he hatched a plot. He told Ah Zi that You Tan Zhi's kung fu was unmatched and invincible, and asked Ah Zi to show him her Xing Su Sect skills so that You could give Ah Zi some advice and pointers. Both You and Ah Zi were young, one naive and one blind. Both fell for the plot. Thus You Tan Zhi managed to
    learn the 'Fu Shi Du' skill of Xing Su Sect.

    The essense of the 'Fu Shi Du' skill lay solely in having a huge reserve of inner strength and poisonous energy to kill a person by grabbing and to inject poisonous energy into the corpse. The simple theory was understood by all in Xing Su Sect but non
    could attain the necessary internal strength to execute the skill. Ah Zi's purpose when catching poisonous insects and snakes outside Nanjing was to practice kung fu, however she had yet to master the basic poison palms, much less this 'Fu Shi Du'.

    Although Ah Zi was bright and cunning, she was blind and could not see You Tan Zhi's expression. Furthermore, her life had been saved by this Master You and Quan Guan Qing sang his praises inccesantly. So it was that she never realised that this invincible Master You was actually learning kung fu from herself. As Ah Zi explained the techniques, You Tan Zhi practised it accordingly. His body contained the cold poison of the ice silkworm as well as the elite teachings of the Yi Jin Jing. Combining the powers of both orthodox and unorthodox, his power was immense and every move he performed was with tree splitting and rock cracking force. To Ah Zi's ears, it was nothing short of admirable. You Tan Zi had also taught her some Yi Jin Jing basics. As Ah Zi practised it, she did not experience great improvements in kung fu, yet she felt improved health and flexibility so she imagined that with time she would gain great benefits.

    You Tan Zhi had long understood that his immense power was derived from the wierd sutra with its strange drawings. In order to earn the admiration of Ah Zi, he practiced hard with it every night when non one was looking. One night, as he was practising according to the drawings, a sudden gust of wind caused the sutra to fly into the arms of a strange monk. In his panic and halfway in kung fu practice, his meridians had clogged up and constricted his movements. "Its mine! Give it back....." he shouted as the monk turned to walk away, however the more excited he
    got, the more severely he was paralysed and helpless.

    The strange monk was no other then Jiu Mo Zhi. As he was intelligent and conversant in Sanskrit, he could understand the Yi Jin Jing unlike Xiao Feng and Ah Zhu, or You Tan Zhi who accidently and blindly followed the strange drawings within.

    You Tan Zhi was paralysed for 12 hours before his arteries were cleared up in a big coughing of blood. He subsequently suffered a severe illness. However he had learnt about 60-70% of the sutra and was able to remember the drawings, thus he continued to practice daily and received further gains in power.

    After Quan Guan Qing had helped You Tan Zhi remove his iron mask, he used a mask of human skin to help cover the burned and scarred facial tissue. Afterwards, Quan Guan Qing brought him to partake in the Dong Ting Lake Great Beggars Meet. With You Tan Zhi's deep inner strength, unorthodox and wierd fighting techniques, no one in Beggar Sect was able to defy him. Thus You Tan Zhi assumed the position of Sect Chief easily and Quan Guan Qing was immediately appointed as Vice Chief of Beggar Sect and promoted to the rank of 9 pouch elder. Although the title of Sect Chief was nominally with You Tan Zhi, it was Quan Guan Qing who took charge of all the affairs of the Sect. However, Quan Guan Qing recognised that many of the members and elders of the Sect were opposed to the situation and killing all of them was not a viable option.

    Thus he concocted the scheme of defeating Shaolin to claim the title of Supreme Master of the Martial Art World in order to establish Zhuang Ju Xian as the number one pugilist of the martial world so as to pacify the opposition.

    You Tan Zhi originally had no ambition to become Leader of the Martial Art World, but Ah Zi's greed and ambition was not diminished the slightest bit by her blindness, thus she vigorously supported Quan Guan Qing's scheme and eventually managed to persuade You Tan Zhi to agree to it. Quan Guan Qing thus began to plan meticulously and secretly invited various heroes and notable persons of the martial arts world to congregate at Shaolin Temple on the 15th day of the 6th Month.

    Ah Zi thought that with an invincible fighter to back her up, she should have no problems defeating Ding Chun Qiu the Old Freak of Xing Su, thus she had prepared her purple flags proclaiming herself as Master of Xing Su Sect in order to flaunt her power and prestige at Shaolin.

    When the Beggar Sect had arrived at Shaolin, they were greeted by the massed hordes of Xing Su Sect. This was not part of Quan Guan Qing's scheme but in order to prevent Ah Zi from any danger, You Tan Zhi launched his attack the moment Ding Chun Qiu spoke.

    When Ding Chun Qiu saw that his opponent was a first class fighter, he immediately used his deadliest technique - the 'Fu Shi Du' (Decaying Corpse Poison) kung fu. Although every stroke of this technique required the sacrifice of a disciple, the opponent would be unable to escape from the deadly poison no matter how he tried to dodge or parry. Only with the greatest lightness skill can an opponent escape from harm by leaping more then 100 feet away. Who could expect that You Tan Zhi had learnt the exact same technique from Ah ZI? Using the Beggar Sect members as sacrifices, he resisted every one of Ding Chun Qiu's attacks. Again and again they flung out their attacks, amidst a great cacophony of smashing sounds, each fighter had flung out 9 members of his sect. 18 corpses lay dead on the ground, faces ashen and pale, their ghastly expressions too revolting to behold.

    The Xing Su Sect members shirked and shrank back in terrible fear, no one wanted to be grabbed and sacrificed by their Master. Although their songs and chants of praise continued on, their voices trembled as their morale plummeted.

    Although the Beggar Sect members saw that the circumstances were pressing, they still inwardly felt that using such evil and unorthodox skills was totally unbecoming of the Beggar Sect, after all, the Beggar Sect had always emphasised justice and humanity above all else. For the Beggar Sect Chief to display such unorthodox techniques in front of so many heroes of the martial world, wasn't it degrading the Great Beggar Sect to the
    level of scum like Xing Su Sect? Some of the members even thought : "If only Chief Qiao was still our leader, he would surely be able to subdue Ding Chun Qiu's evil techniques with orthodox skills."

    As Ding Chun Qiu twisted his hands back to grab the 10th sacrifice, his hands grasped empty air. Turning back his head he saw that the entire group of his disciples had shrank back into hiding. With a 'Hu!' sound, You Tan Zhi had lobbed his 10th strike over! Ding Chun Qiu panicked and leaped into the air, right into the midst of his own disciples. The poisoned corpse of the Beggar Sect member landed right into the crowd and the Xing Su disciples could not scatter in time. Several members were hit by the corpse and their faces were immediately covered in a black miasma of poison. Jerking their bodies as they rolled onto the ground, they met their deaths quickly.

    Ah Zi cackled with glee as she heard the fight commentary from Quan Guan Qing, shouting out she said : "Ding Chun Qiu, Chief Zhuang is my bodyguard. You can't even defeat him, how can you hope to fight with your Sect Master?"

    Ding Chun Qiu felt despondent. He recognised that althought Zhuang Ju Xian had great inner power, his strokes were all identical. It was obvious that he had only learnt some basic theories from Ah Zi and knew nothing of the complex variations and transformations. This battle was only lost due to the cowardly nature of the Xing Su members. Unlike the Beggar Sect disciples who bravely stood their ground, the Xing Su members had all retreated far into hiding. However, with a scheme brewing in his mind, his face broke out with laughter.

    Ah Zi frowned deeply : "You laugh? How dare you still laugh? Why do you laugh?"

    Ding Chun Qiu's laughter contined unabated, but it was just a ploy. Amidst his laughter, a great 'Hu Hu Hu' sound of wind arose as 9 members of the Xing Su Sect were grabbed and continually lauched out at You Tan Zhi. All 9 bodies were flung out as fast as if they had been a volley of arrows.

    You Tan Zhi did not know this technique of 'Chained Pearls of the Decaying Corpse Poison' (Lian Zhu Fu Shi Du) kung fu. He only managed to grab 3 Beggar Sect members to fling out before he had to leap backwards to avoid the incoming corpses. With a great leap skywards and backwards, he was able to escape from the poison, yet it was obvious to the onlookers that he had lost this latest exchange.

    His retreat was exactly what Ding Chun Qiu intended. Swinging with his left hand, Ah Zi suddenly flew out towards Ding Chun Qiu with a surprised cry of shock!

    The onlookers all paled in shock! 'Qin Long Gong' (Dragon Capturing Skill), 'Kong He Gong' (Crane Controlling Skill) and other skills of this type when mastered at supreme levels could be wielded to grab objects from a distance. But the greatest distance where one could hope to grab a human body was not more then 4 or 5 feet away. What was known amongst martial artists as 'Striking Oxen over Mountains' referred to various Masters who could use invisible palms and fists to strike over thin air, but even the greatest of fighters could not transmit their inner force much more then 20 feet away. Yet Ding Chun Qiu had grabbed Ah Zi from her horse at a distance of over 60 feet with one move of his hand! The assembled fighters were all awestruck as they knew that they had no technique even remotely close to what Ding had demonstrated. What they did not know was that this technique of Ding Chun Qiu was more then meets the eye. He has used one of this 'Three Treasures of Xing Su' - the 'Soft Silk Thread'. This thread was made from the silk of the snow silkworm. Each silkworm only produced a minute quantity of this silk, this it was an extremely rare material. The silk was supremely strong, even a single thread would not be easy to break. When Ah Zi humiliated Chu Wan Li with the transparent fishing net, the net was actually composed of small quantities of the snow silkworm silk. This soft silk thread of Ding Chun QIu was composed entirely of the snowsilk worm silk, fine and transparent, it was invisible to the human eye. By tossing out 9 corpses, his aim was to distract the onlookers from seeing him
    use his 'Soft Silk Thread' as much as to push Zhuang Ju Xian back.

    Unseen to all onlookers, Ding Chun Qiu had tossed out his Soft Silk Thread over 70 feet to grab Ah Zi, this was an incredible technique even if it involved trickery. His left hand grabbing on to Ah Zi's back, his right hand sealed her pressure points. The silk thread having long been stored back into his sleeve. Throughout his corpse flinging, silk throwing and body snatching, his laughter was unabated. This was all part of his distraction plan.

    You Tan Zhi was halfway thru his leap when he saw Ah Zi captured. In fright he immediately rushed forward, as the corpses flew by, his left hand pushed against the ground as his right palm struck out towards Ding Chun Qiu with full force.

    Ding Chun QIu thrust out his left arm, using Ah Zi as a shield to block the rock shattering force of You Tan Zhi's palm strike. Although You Tan Zhi's martial arts were strong, his actual fighting experience was non-existent, seeing how his own palm strike was going to smash Ah Zi's bones, he retracted all his power. However, he had struck out with all his force, how was he to retract everything in such an urgent situation. Even a mediocre
    fighter knew that deflecting the palm strike even a bit to the side would avoid hitting Ah Zi, but You Tan Zhi was too concerned with Ah Zi's safety and cared for nothing else. Pulling back all his power, the effect was as if he had hit himself with the full force of the strike. Leaping back, he shouted in pain as a great stream of fresh blood was vomited out.

    A person of mediocre inner strength would have lost his life in such a situation, but even though You Tan Zhi was well versed in the Yi Jin Jing, he was in a bad state. As he struggled to catch his breadth, Ding Chun Qiu did not wait but struck out with 4 palm strikes, You Tan Zhi had not stabilised the chi in his Dan Tian when he was forced to punch in defence. Parrying 4 strikes in succession, each parry resulted in a further mouthful of black
    blood spat out. Ding Chun Qiu was merciless in his attack, striking out with a 5th palm strike, he was out to finish off You Tan Zhi.

    Various shouts of 'Stop you old freak!', 'Halt!', 'Prepare to receive my strike!' rang out. Xuan Ci, Guan Xin, Dao Qing and other elder monks and assorted heroes stepped forward as they were unwilling to see this Chief Zhuang die under Ding Chun Qiu's hand. However, they all halted in their tracks when they saw that You Tan Zhi's 5th punch had thrown Ding Chun Qiu backwards a step! What happened was that after spitting out those 4 mouthfuls of blood, You Tan Zhi's inner energy had smoothed out and his 5th punch had combined the poison of the snow silkworm with the power of the Yi Jin Jing in the strike. Matched head to head against such power, Ding Chun Qiu's strength was not a match. If You Tan Zhi was not injured
    and Ding Chun Qiu did not have the advantage of a surprise attack, he would have surely been forced back 5 or more steps.

    Ding Chun Qiu was unwilling to accept defeat and summoned all his energy with a loud yell, striking out with yet another palm. You Tan Zhi stepped forward to meet his palm, shouting : "Release Miss Duan!" HU! HU! HU! HU!, 4 palm strikes shot out, with every strike, he advanced a step, Forcing
    Ding Chun Qiu backwards, he was just one step away from snatching Ah Zi.

    Seeing that his palm strength was inferior and the deathly look on Zhuang Ju Xian's face, Ding Chun Qiu felt fear in his heart. Yet he smiled out and laughed : "I am going to use the Fu Shi Gong again! Watch out!" saying that, he grabbed Ah Zi with his left hand, preparing to toss her.

    In a panic, You Tan Zhi cried out "No, No! Please no!" his voice was agitated and trembling, knowing that if Ding Chun QIu used his Fu Shi Gong, Ah Zi would instantly become a poisoned corpse.

    Hearing his tone of voice, Ding Chun Qiu thought : "So this young fellow has been besotted by this skanky *****, haha! Excellent!" He had originally captured Ah Zi in order to slay her, eliminating her claim to his position. But seeing how worried Zhuang Ju Xian was over her safety, he decided to use her as a hostage to control this highly skilled beggar chief. Speaking out, he asked : "You don't want her to die?"

    You Tan Zhi cried out :" let her go, this is......dangerous..." Ding Chun Qiu laughed out and said : "If I wanted to kill her, its easier then blowing a speck of dust, why let her go? She is my sect's disciple and has no respect for her elders. If I don't kill these kind of traitors, who should I kill?". You Tan Zhi replied : "She...she is Lady Ah Zi, no matter what, you can't harm her, you have already blinded her, I beg you,
    please let her go, I....I will thank you greatly." With his pleading, he showed great concern for Ah Zi and not one bit of the stature expected of the Beggar Sect Chief.

    Ding Chun Qiu saw that he possessed great inner strength and cold yin energy, and his voice was identical to that iron masked man. Yet he wasn't wearing an iron mask and besides, how could that iron masked man become Beggar Sect Chief? Not bothering to think further, he said : "If you want me to spare her life, its easy, just promise me a few things."

    You Tan Zhi frantically replied : "Yes! Yes! Even a hundred, a thousand tasks I would carry out for you." Ding Chun Qiu's heart filled with joy at these words, nodding he said : "Very Good! The first task, you are to recognise me as your Master and become a Xing Su disciple."

    You Tan Zhi dropped on his knees without hesitation, saying : " Master above, disciple Zhuang Ju Xian taps his head in greeting!" Inwardly he thought : "I was originally your student, having kneeled before you already. Whats wrong with paying my respects again?"

    As he kneeled, the assembled heroes gasped in shock. All the beggar sect members felt resent and shock, thinking : "Our sect is the largest sect under the heavens, and is filled with heroic justice, how can our Chief pay respects and greet that old freak as teacher. We cannot allow this person to continue as Chief!"

    A great swell of drums and flutes arose as the Xing Su members shouted in joy, chanting and singing the praises of the Ancient Immortal. Songs and praises of unashamed flattery rang out. It was as if the Xing Su Immortal was greater then the stars and moon, wiser then Ancestor Zhou, Confucious, Buddha and even the Jade Emperor of Heaven.

    Duan Zhen You and Ruan Xing Zhu paled in fear when Ah Zi was captured by Ding Chun Qiu, yet unexpectedly Zhuang Ju Xian was willing to submit himself to save her. Ruan Xing Zhu whispered : "Look at how deep his affection is! not even one bit his match."

    Duan Yu glanced at Wang Yu Yan, thinking : "I have such deep feelings for Miss Wang, with nothing more to give. But compared to this Chief Zhuang, I am nothing. His feelings are of real worth! If Miss Wang was captured by the Old Freak of Xing Su, would I submit to him in public?" His pulse quickened as his blood rushed and he couldn't help blurting out loudly :" Yes! Yes! Of course I am willing!" (GODAMMIT! SOMEBODY KILL THIS PANSY PUNK!!!! HE REALLY SPOILS THE BOOK!!). Wang Yu Yan heard it and asked in curiousity "What are you willing to do?" Duan Yu blushed deeply, mumbling : "Errr, this...."

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Hei... a new translator.... Welcome to the board CC. Hope you enjoy your stay and .. ehm... will translate more for us...

    Btw are you working in conjunction with Han and Moin on this novel???

  5. #5
    Senior Member ProtoM's Avatar
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    wow another translator and more stuff to read now. i guess work wont be bored anymore btw welcome to the forum CC.

  6. #6


    I'm not sure how the arrangement is working out, but do keep an eye out for MAJOR DGSD revisions on my site. I have found a very critical editor who has volunteered to comb through the earlier chapters of DGSD as well as actually translating the Foreward. (Yay, ). However, he wants equal billing for being essentially an editor(booo, ). Hahah, actually, I don't have much problems with giving him equal billing, since what he has to go through is quite tough (as long as my name appear before his. )

  7. #7
    Senior Member Han Solo's Avatar
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    Welcome here CC.

  8. #8
    Senior Member CC's Avatar
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    I am just translating the rough gist of the story. You can't compare me with Moin who goes into much more detail (esp. the historical and cultural significances)

    I don't know about the revisions too. Makes me wanna stop translating until the revision comes out. I wonder if chapters 40-43 will be revised much, since a lot of the fighting capabilities of the top fighters are revealed there. Maybe JY will revise it to better illustrate who was really better, but knowing him, he'll end up creating more arguments.

  9. #9
    Senior Member CC's Avatar
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    Default some more Cap. 41

    Standing up after he had tapped his forehead in greetings several times, You Tan Zhi saw that Ding Chun Qiu was still holding on to
    Ah Zi and that her face was contorted in an expression of severe pain. In a hurry he begged : "Master, please release her!" Ding Chun Qiu laughed coldly and answered : "This wench is too disrespectful and uncontrolled, how can I spare her so easily? Unless you help her atone for her sins through meritorious deeds by helping me with a few tasks." You Tan Zhi immediately promised : "Yes! Yes! What orders does Master have for disciple?" Ding Chun Qiu answered : "Go forth and challenge the Shaolin Abbot Xuan Ci to a duel and kill him."

    You Tan Zhi hesitated and replied : "Disciple bears no grudge or hate towards Shaolin's Abbot, although Beggar Sect wants to challenge Shaolin for supremacy, there is no need to spill blood and slay lives." Ding Chun Qiu took on a solemn expression and scolded : " You dare to disobey my orders? It is obvious that you had false intentions when you acknowledged me as Master!" You Tan Zhi only cared for Ah Zi's well being, all thoughts of justice and righteousness eroded from his mind as he hurriedly replied : " I obey! But Shaolin's martial arts are extremely high, disciple will try his best......Master, you........must keep to your word, please do no harm Miss Ah Zi." Ding Chun Qiu only replied without emotion : "Slay Xuan Ci or not, all depends on you, Slay Ah Zi or not, power lies with me." (*****This is the best I can do,
    Ding's words are actually a pun since the mandarin words for 'all' and 'power' sound exactly the same*****)

    You Tan Zhi turned around and loudly proclaimed : "Abbot Xuan Ci of Shaolin, Shaolin Temple is the head of all martial sects, Beggar Sect is the largest sect in the martial world. Both reside in the Central Plains yet ther can only be one supreme. Let us pit ourselves against each other today, and the winner shall be declared as Supreme Leader of the Martial World while the loser shall submit to the orders of the Supreme Leader without fail." Sweeping his gaze across the assembled heroes and pugilists, he added : "Heroes of the world, you are all gathered here
    today at Shaolin, should anyone have any objections, please feel free to challenge Supreme Leader." With those words, he acted as if he was already the Supreme Leader of the Martial World.

    Although the verbal exchange between Ding and You were not spoken aloud, those with deep inner cultivation had heard every single word clearly. The senior monks of Shaolin were all angry and indignant upon hearing Ding Chun Qiu command You Tan Zhi to challenge their Abbot. Having seen the earlier display of prowess, they knew that this Zhuang Ju Xian possessed demonic strength which Xuan Ci might not be able to overcome, furthermore, any unorthodox and evil techniques or tricks which he may might prove even more difficult for Xuan Ci to resist.

    Xuan Ci did not want to fight, but Zhuang Ju Xian had openly challenged him in public, making it hard for him to decline. Folding his arms in greeting he said : " For several hundred years, Beggar Sect has been the praise of all heroes in the martial world due to its integrity and justness. The former leader of your esteemed sect Wang Jian Tong had a deep relationship with my temple. Our temple has been slow to congratulate Leader
    Zhuang upon his ascension, for that we must offer our apologies humbly as the blame is solely ours. The humble members of our temple have always held Beggar Sect in high regard and for hundreds of years, Shaolin and Beggar Sect had never clashed. Why would Leader Zhuang act thus today? Heroes of the world, please judge on this matter." (***** Xuan Ci used a lot more scholarly language, my rough translation doesn't really do it justice*****)

    You Tan Zhi was young and inexperienced, without proper schooling or skills, how was he to debate with Xuan Ci? However, he had been taught some lines by Quan Guan Qing before coming to Shaolin, so he replied with the words that had been drilled into him : " Our Great Song Dynasty has Liao to the south, XiXia and Tibet to the west, Dali to the north, all gazing like Tigers waiting to pounce." He had mixed up 'Liao to the north and Dali to the south' swapping their directions. Upon hearing his mistake, the crowd all burst out in laughter and fits of coughing.

    Lucky for You Tan Zhi, his mask hid his embarassment from the world. Feeling extremely awkward, he made a few sounds of "ehm..ehm.." and continued : " Our Great Song is few in soldiers and weak in generals, the country is frail. It is all up to us heroes of the martial world to unite and fight off our country's enemies and root out the traitors." Seeing that his last few words were reasonable, the crowd all mumbled " That is correct,
    that is correct."

    Hearing this, You Tan Zhi's morale surged and he continued : " The past few years have brought misfortune and ill luck, the responsibilities on everyones' shoulders have increased, we should all band together to fight the dangers. However, the various sects and clans have all been fighting themselves, causing disunity. All it took was a single Khitan Qiao Feng to come and cause trouble and the heroes of the Central Plains all reeled in defeat, and now we hear that from the western region comes a Xing Su Old..... Xing Su Old...... that Xing Su Old.....errrrr, he murdered two high monks of Shaolin and...he errr...this errr............."

    Quan Guan Qing had taught him to say "From the western region comes a Xing Su Old Freak, he murdered two high monks and Shaolin was unable to do anything about it." You Tan Zhi had memorised these words very well, only after he had blurted them out did he see the mistake, stuttering after phrase "Xing Su Old..." and unable to complete the phrase.

    Amongst the assembled heroes someone shouted out "HE IS THE XING SU FREAK, AND YOU ARE THE XING SU CLOWN!!!" as the crowd broke out in roaring laughter. (*****Jin Yong didnt say who shouted those words, but I bet it was Bao Bu Tong*****)

    The Xing Su sect members loudly chanted " The Xing Su Immortal, Virtue fills the World, Might shakes the Universe, Unmatched in Past and Present! " With a thousand voices chanting loudly in unison, they drowned out the laughter of the assembled crowd.

    As the chanting voices of the Xing Su sect died down, a single solitary voice arose from the assembly of heroes. In a neighing and unpleasant voice he sang loudly : " THE XING SU IMMORTAL, VIRTUE FILLS THE WORLD, MIGHT SHAKES THE UNIVERSE....." using the same rhythm and style as the Xing Su Sect members. The Xing Su disciples were extremely pleased when they heard someone from another sect sing the praises of their leader as it was much more glamourous then them singing their own praises. As their morale soared, they beat hard at their drums and blew
    lustily on the flutes to accompany the solo person singing, only to hear the person shout out the fourth verse ".....FARTS LIKE A DOG!" In their shock, the Xing Su members did not stop playing their instruments in time and their drums and flutes accompanied the person's chant to great effect.

    The crowd was rolling on the ground with laughter and the Xing Su members were cursing bitterly. With a captivating smile Wang Yu Yan giggled and said : "Third brother Bao, your composition was most excellent!" .

  10. #10
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    thanks CC - this bits might help to hurry up Moin.
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  11. #11
    Senior Member CC's Avatar
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    Here is some more. I don't quite like the way JY wrote this chapter. It jumps around from action and narrative too much. If anyone can think of better english names for the kung fus, please tell me!


    During the great commotion as the crowd was roaring in laughter, You Tan Zhi had hurridly sought Quan Guan Qing's advice and now shouted out : "Our Great Song Dynasty is in grave danger, yet the brothers of the martial art world suffer from disunity and are constantly oppressed by foreign cults.
    Thus the Beggar Sect proposes that a Supreme Leader of the Martial World be appointed, so that in cases of danger, all will listen to his commands and chaos will be avoided. Abbot Xuan Ci, don't you agree?"

    Xuan Ci slowly replied : "Leader Zhuang's words are filled with reason, but I humbly seek to clarify a point".

    "What?" asked You Tan Zhi.

    Xuan Ci continued : " Leader Zhuang has acknowledged Mister Ding as teacher and can be considered a Xing Su disciple, is this correct?"

    "That...that is my personal business, it has nothing to do with you."

    Xuan Ci stated : "Xing Su Sect is from the western regions and is not part of the Great Song Dynasty. The question of whether our Great Song should elect a Supreme Leader of the Martial World is therefore not the business of the Xing Su Sect. Even if the heroes of the Central Plains decides to elect a Supreme Leader, you are not qualified to be one as you are a Xing Su disciple."

    The assembled heroes all shouted "Right! The Abbot of Shaolin speaks wisely. You are a lacky and crony of the Xing Su Sect, how you possibly be our Supreme Leader?"

    You Tan Zhi was left speechless and unable to reply, he could only glanced at Ding Chun Qiu and look at Quan Guan Qing, hoping that they would extricate him from this tricky situation.

    Ding Chun Qiu gave a cough and spoke up : "The Abbot of Shaolin is mistaken in his words. I am from the Shan Dong district and Xing Su Sect was solely founded by myself, so how could it be a foreign cult? Xing Su Sect might be located in the Western regions, but that is only a temporary abode. You claim that Xing Su Sect is a foreign cult, in that case even Confucious himself would be considered a foreigner, how laughable! Speaking of
    western foreigners, isn't the founder of Shaolin Damo from Tibet in the western regions too? Even Buddism originated from the Western regions, I think the real foreign cult here is Shaolin Temple itself!" Against these words, Xuan Ci and the assembled heroes had no words to reply.

    Quan Guan Qing quickly spoke up : "The origins of the world's martial arts are truely hard to trace. Some skills from the western regions have been passed to the Central Plains and some skills from the Central Plains have travelled to the western regions. Our Chief Zhuang is from the Central Plains and Beggar Sect is rightfully a Sect from the Central Plains, thus he is suitably qualified to act as a leader for the martial arts world. Abbot Xuan Ci, today's situation can only be settled by a test of martial might and not by verbal debate. Who is truly supreme between Beggar Sect and Shaolin can only be determined if the 2 leaders exchange strokes for even arguing for half a day will be futile. If you are wise and enlightened, you will realise that Chief Zhuang is beyond your league and can always admit defeat and nominate him for Supreme Leader. There is no need to come to blows." With these words he was implying that Zuan Ci knew he was not a match and was trying to shirk his way out of a fight by argument.

    Xuan Ci walked forward several steps and spoke : "Chief Zhuang, you are leaving me with no choice in this matter but to fight. However I am mindful of the good relations between your esteemed Beggar Sect and Shaolin Temple and regret having to show disrespect today." Facing the assembled heroes he declared slowly but clearly : " Heroes of the world. You can all bear witness today that Shaolin has no intentions to oppose Beggar Sect but the Chief of Beggar Sect is leaving me with no other choice."

    The assembled heroes all replied in unison : " We are all witnesses. Shaolin has acted in all propriety today."

    You Tan Zhi was only concerned with Ah Zi's safety and only thought about killing Xuan Ci quickly to appease Ding Chun Qiu, so he shouted : " In a contest of might, the strong survive and the weak perish, who cares about propriety, come up quickly and fight!"

    He had been lazy and unwilling to study as a child and after his father's death had wandered the world and suffered opression and bullying without a strong and just mentor to guild him. In the past year, mingling with Ah Zi had only tainted him further. His love and respect for Ah Zi had caused him to be totally muddled when distinguishing right and wrong and all he learnt from her were the wicked and evil ways and techniques of the Xing Su
    Sect. All the fighting techniques of the Xing Su sect were based on gaining victory through devious methods. In addition, Quan Guan Qing's advice to him was also all based on underhanded and ruthless tactics and over time, a promising disciple of a reputed sect had been transformed into a coarse bully who could not distinguish right and wrong.

    Xuan Ci remarked : "Chief Zhuang's words are totally not in keeping with the noble and just traditions the Beggar Sect has displayed over the years!"

    In a flash, You Tan Zhi had advanced over 10 feet, shouting : "Just fight if you want to fight or back off and admit defeat." In between his words he kept glancing at Ding Chun Qiu and Ah Zi as his heart was still unable to bear the anxiety.

    Xuan Ci replied : "Very well then, I shall now humbly prepare to witness Chief Zhuang's 18 Dragon Slaying Palms and Dog Beating Stick techniques. This would also be an excellent opportunity for the gathered heroes to witness the skills which the Beggar Sect Chiefs have carefully handed down over the years."

    In shock, You Tan Zhi involuntarily retreated 2 steps. Although he had been elevated to Chief, he had not learnt a single stroke from either the 18 Dragon Slaying Palms or the Dog Beating Stick skills. All he occasionally heard were the Sect Elders coldly remarking that these 2 techniques were the ultimate skills of the Beggar Sect. The Dragon Slaying Palms may occasionally be taught to someone who was not Sect Chief but the Dog Beating
    Stick was a skill reserved only for the Sect Chief. In hundreds of years, not a single Beggar Chief was deficient in either skill.

    Xuan Ci said : " I shall use Shaolin's Grand Titan Palm (Da Jing Gang Zhang) to receive Chief Zhuang's Dragon Palms and the Demon Subduing Buddhist Cudgel (Jiang Mo Chan Zhang) to receive Chief Zhuang's Dog Beating Stick. Ah! Shaolin and Beggar Sect has been friends for so many generations, these few skills have never been pitted against each other, I am so ashamed to face up to the former leaders of both sects!" Slamming his palms together, this was the opening move from the Grand Titan Palm called "Showing respect to Buddha" (Li Jing Ru Lai), his face was amiable and friendly but the belts and strings on his robes were shooting out horizontally to the left and right, showing the deep inner power of the stance.

    Without replying, You Tan Zhi struck out with a long distance palm blow with his left hand as his right hand followed with another palm strike. The right palm strike arrived first even though it was initiated later in an attempt to trick the target. The palm strikes from both parties clashed in mid air and dissipated against each other with a loud 'Bo!" and the sounds of cloth ripping could be heard as the belt strings on Xuan Ci's robes flew apart in 2 directions. You Tan Zhi's twin palm strikes covered a large area and although Xuan Ci's "Showing respect to Buddha" stance dissipated the force of the palm strike aimed at his body, his belt which was stretched out and away from his body was torn by the force of You Tan Zhi's strikes.

    The Shaolin monks and assembled heroes all cried out : "This is Xing Su Sect's unorthodox kung fu! It is not the 18 Dragon Slaying Palms! It is not Beggar Sect Kung Fu!" The Beggar Sect disciples all called out "We cannot use Xing Su skills in our fight with Shaolin! Chief! Please display the 18 Dragon Slaying Palms! Using Xing Su skills is a disgrace to our Beggar Sect."

    Hearing all the shouting, You Tan Zhi felt great hesitation in his heart and could not follow through with his second stroke.

    The Xing Su members quickly shouted : "The divine skills of the Xing Su Sect is much mightier then the Beggar Sect's 18 Dragon Slaying Palms. Why use the weaker skill? Brother Zhuang, attack again! You must naturally use the divine kung fu taught by our kind Master to slay that old monk!" "The divine skills of the Xing Su Sect are invincible! Stinking Dragon Palms! Not worth a dog fart!"

    Amid the noise and clamour of the various shouts, a loud and robust voice suddenly rang out clearly from somewhere down below the mountain slopes : "WHO CLAIMS THE XING SU SECT KUNG FU IS MIGHTIER THEN THE 18 DRAGON SLAYING PALMS OF THE BEGGAR SECT?"

  12. #12
    Senior Member minutemanwayne's Avatar
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    Uh oh here comes Xiao Feng
    Yo momma cat

  13. #13
    Senior Member ChronoReverse's Avatar
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    Time for XF to open up a can of whoopass

  14. #14
    Member Acidbeastonfire's Avatar
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    get ready to rumble folks!!
    thanks for the translation CC.
    can't wait for the next bit!
    "Man is his own star; and the soul that can
    Render an honest and a perfect man,
    Commands all light, all influence, all fate;
    Nothing to him falls early or too late.
    Our acts our angels are, or good or ill,
    Our fatal shadows that walk by us still."

  15. #15
    Senior Member Han Solo's Avatar
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    In shock, You Tan Zhi involuntarily retreated 2 steps. Although he had been elevated to Chief, he had not learnt a single stroke from either the 18 Dragon Slaying Palms or the Dog Beating Stick skills. All he occasionally heard were the Sect Elders coldly remarking that these 2 techniques were the ultimate skills of the Beggar Sect. The Dragon Slaying Palms may occasionally be taught to someone who was not Sect Chief but the Dog Beating Stick was a skill reserved only for the Sect Chief. In hundreds of years, not a single Beggar Chief was deficient in either skill.
    Hem, HR certainly was the start of not knowing both skills tradition in the beggar clan.

  16. #16
    Senior Member CC's Avatar
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    Well, YTZ was the first certaintly, not HR. Even if it was a farce, he was the official Beggar Sect Chief even if there was some dissent.

    And following Xiao Feng's death, its quite likely the next one or 2 guys would not know both skills. Maybe in the 3rd revision JY would clear it up and explain how Xu Zhu helped transmit the Dragon Palms and who the heck else transmitted Dog Beating Stick.

    Come to think of it. 270+++ years of inner energy melded with 18 Dragon Slaying Palms. That makes Xu Zhu probably the single biggest palm hitter ever.

  17. #17
    Senior Member Yang Guo's Avatar
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    Default Re: .

    Originally posted by CC
    Well, YTZ was the first certaintly, not HR. Even if it was a farce, he was the official Beggar Sect Chief even if there was some dissent.

    And following Xiao Feng's death, its quite likely the next one or 2 guys would not know both skills. Maybe in the 3rd revision JY would clear it up and explain how Xu Zhu helped transmit the Dragon Palms and who the heck else transmitted Dog Beating Stick.

    Come to think of it. 270+++ years of inner energy melded with 18 Dragon Slaying Palms. That makes Xu Zhu probably the single biggest palm hitter ever.
    He's Goku!

  18. #18
    Senior Member Han Solo's Avatar
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    Default Re: .

    Originally posted by CC
    Well, YTZ was the first certaintly, not HR. Even if it was a farce, he was the official Beggar Sect Chief even if there was some dissent.

    And following Xiao Feng's death, its quite likely the next one or 2 guys would not know both skills. Maybe in the 3rd revision JY would clear it up and explain how Xu Zhu helped transmit the Dragon Palms and who the heck else transmitted Dog Beating Stick.

    Come to think of it. 270+++ years of inner energy melded with 18 Dragon Slaying Palms. That makes Xu Zhu probably the single biggest palm hitter ever.
    Forgot about YTZ.

    Btw, XZ's inner power should not exceed 250 years, based on assumption that Tian Shan Tong Lao is about 90 odd, her apprentice brother and sister both around 70+.

    Also, i'm willing to be a volunteer editor for you. So if you got anything just PM me here.

  19. #19
    Senior Member CC's Avatar
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    Her apprentice sister was close to 90 too. At least 80+. Can't remember how old Wu YaZi is.

    And after he received their energies, it was said that he benefitted _greatly_ from studying the stuff like the Xiao Wu Xiang Gong murals on the chamber walls. So he might have expanded on his freebie inner energy base. Esp. if Xiao Yao inner energies are like Chuan Zhen where you improve more if you have more inner energy.

    Oh, if you are free to be an editor, feel free to cut and edit and paste the stuff here onto the other forum. Hate the word wrap there.

  20. #20
    Senior Member Yang Guo's Avatar
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    According to the 96 version... I think their ages were like 96 93 and uh... Li somewhere in between

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