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Thread: A Legacy of Secrets

  1. #1
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
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    Arrow A Legacy of Secrets



    (Names in Chinese and Vietnamese)

    The Yip Family

    Howie Wong as Yip Chi Tin/Ye Zhi Tian - Diep Chi Thien(Mind, Heaven)
    He Ching as Chor Wai Sam/Chu Hui Xin - So Hue Tam (Intelligent, heart)
    Noel Leung as Yip Wai-Ming/Ye Hui-Ming - Diep Hue-Minh (Intelligent, bright)
    Ada Choi as Yip Wai-Ying/Ye Hui-Ying - Diep Hue Anh, (intelligent, hero) nicknamed Rui-Hua/Sui Fa( lucky flower)

    Suet Li as Tong Sou Ching/Tang Su Qing - Duong To Thanh (Lam Ting-Yip’s mother)
    Jackie Lui as Lam Ting Yip/Lin Ting Ye - Lam Dinh Diep
    Felix Wong as Cheung Chung Kai/Zhang Song Xi - Truong Trung Khai (4th MoDang hero)
    Marco Ngai as Yan Lei Ting/Yin Li Ting - Han Le Dinh (6th MoDang Hero)
    Joyce Tang as Yeung Bat Fui/Yang Bu Hui - Duong Bat Hoi
    Tony Leung as Cheung Mo Kei/Zhang Wu Ji - Truong Vo Ky
    Kitty Lai as Chiu Man/Zhao Min - Trieu Minh
    Louis Koo as Chiu Tin Hung/Zhao Tian Xiong - Trieu Thien Hang

    From the Wah San Sect(Flower Mountain Sect)

    Patrick Tam as Yeung Kwok Fung/Yang Guo Feng - Duong Quoc Phong
    Nick Cheung as Kwok Bing/Guo Bing - Quach Bang
    Wong Wai as Yan Jung Gwai/Yin Zhong Gui (Yeung Guo Fong’s martial younger uncle)

    The Bak Family

    Unknown as Bak Hung Tin/Bai Xiong Tian(Conquer of the Sky)
    Derek Kwok Jing Hung as Bak Suet Lung/Bai Xue Long - Bach Tuyet Long (White Snowy Dragon)
    Melissa Ng- Dong Li Mei/Dung Lai Mui (Beautiful Plum Blossom)
    Eddie Cheung as Bak Ying Pui/Bai Ying Pei (White, Hero, Abundant)
    Irene Wan as Bak Bing Sau/Bai Bing Xiu/Bach Bang Tu'(White, Cold, Graceful)
    Kristy Yeung as Bak Yim Lin/Bai Yan Lian -Bach Diem Lien (White, Beautiful, Lily)
    Cherie Chan as Chan Mei Ling/Chen Mei Ling - Tran My Linh

    Go here to view the visual Character list:

    Note: For those who have never seen or read Heaven Sword & Dragon Sabre --- Felix Wong’s character through Kitty Lai’s characters are from Heaven Sword & Dragon Sabre. This story takes place 7-8 years after Ming Dynasty has created.


    Have you ever known anyone to be so mysterious as to never show their anger in front of others and acts very cool, calm and collected? I believe that those are the people for whom we should watch out for because you’ll never know if you’ve become their enemy and when they may strike against you as their enemy. You wouldn’t want to be either their enemy or their friend because you could never get too close to the "tiger." Certainly, loving a person with such character traits is also dangerous. There are many secrets that each of us keeps hidden from both our enemies and our loved ones. Why? For reasons to protect ourselves and the ones we love from harm. Some secrets can be very deceitful and scandalous...some, even murderous!
    I know a very big cast but I have to use them to best fit all the ideas I have in store. I hope you all will support me.
    Last edited by Suet Seung; 06-23-03 at 12:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    Great! When's the first chapter coming out? <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
    Cyril Connolly

  3. #3
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
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    As the young lady slowly let the dirt flow down through the cracks of her fingers, warm tears of acid gradually made her vision a blur. The flowers that she had handpicked and placed around her sister’s grave were now blown into the air and no longer flowers but single petals flying in swirls as the wind continue to blow them far and farther away.

    “Just when we became family again, you decided to leave us forever,” said the young lady as she felt her chin trembling, she covered her mouth with her right hand. The young man seeing how devastated and sad, the young lady was quickly kneeled down beside her and put the baby in one arm and embraced the young lady in the other.

    The sadness and pain in the young lady’s heart subsided as the baby in the young man’s arm started to cry too, as though sensing the lady’s sadness and loss.

    “Don’t cry Tin-Yee, Auntie will take care of you,” said the young lady as she gently took the baby out of young man’s arm and turned to face her sister’s grave once more.

    “Don’t worry, sister , I will take care of Tin-Yee until she has grown up with wisdom, said the young lady as she wiped the tears off her cold cheeks and slowly stood up. Together the man and woman slowly walked down from Yuk Nui Fung(Jade Girl Mountain) with the two month baby.
    Author's Note:
    This prologue takes place takes place in the endings of the story. You might wonder why I have the ending at the beginning of the story. Here's why, this is the type of story like some Incurable Traits with Frankie Lam and Felix; it has the ending at the beginning to get the viewers curious, I guess and well I thought those methods were cool <IMG SRC="smilies/tongue.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0"> I'll post chapter one soon! Charbydis! <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">
    I just love how you Captivate My Mind

    Self reminder - Update blog more often and continue editing/writing for TOV fanfic.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    Nice poster!!! Who are the couple in the leftmost?
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  5. #5
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
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    .:Chapter One: The Foreseen Future:.

    Sixteen years before...

    It was a cool spring afternoon and it had just finishing raining. The Yip Family was traveling by carriage on an open road, heading towards Wubak province. It was close to sunset when they finally reached their destination. The head of the family, in his late twenties, was clad in a white and gray robe. He had already stopped at three inns and failed to find a spare room for his family to rest for the night. He was terribly disappointed, but luckily the last inn owner that he had approached directed him to the largest and most refined inn in the area called the Lucky Dragon Inn.

    Upon arriving, he stopped the carriage in front of the inn and jumpped down from the seat as a waiter came running towards him.

    “Mister! Welcome to the Lucky Dragon Inn!” said the young waiter.

    “Waiter, do you have room for my family and I to stay for a few days?” said the man as he gave the waiter the reins to the horses and walked to the back of the carriage.

    “Yes, Mister. The inn still has plenty of rooms. How many rooms would you like?” said the waiter.

    “Do you have a room with two beds? My family would like to room together during our stay here,” said the man as he turn to face the waiter again.

    “Yes, I believe we still have a large room with two beds. Sign in and someone will show you to your room.”

    After the Yip family had emptied their belongings from their carriage, the waiter then took it around back. They signed in and decided that it was better to have dinner in the privacy of their room instead of in the inn's large and very busy restaurant.

    In a room across from the Yip family‘s.....

    A beautiful woman with majestic features and a noticeably pale complexion walked into the room. Her husband was just laying out the rice bowls and dishes that the waiter had brought in earlier for their dinner. When she sat down at the table, her husband saw that she looked very pale and asked if she was ill.

    “Man Man, are you okay? Let me check your pulse," said the husband.

    Her husband pondered as he took her pulse. To his surprise she wasn’t worried at all, and suddenly he understood why.

    “Man Man, we’re having a child! After eight years of traveling all over, I thought we’d never have children,” said the husband.

    “Mo Kei. Silly, we agreed that after we had our fun traveling throughout the different provinces and had enough vacationing, we’d start our family," said Man Man.

    “Wait! When I checked your pulse, I knew that you were pregnant for two months now. How long have you known?” asked Mo Kei.

    “Only one day....” Her husband gave her a look of disbelief.

    “Okay... okay... two months. I just wanted it to be a surprise for your grand sifu, your uncles and you. If you had known before, would you have let me travel with you so far from home?”

    Her husband just smiled and finally said,"My mom has always been right to say that ‘Beautiful women know how to trick people’...Okay, Man Man, I admit it...however...I would have taken you with me anyways. I just couldn‘t let my pregnant wife stay on Ice-Fire Island all alone,” said Mo Kei as he gently walked her to the bed.

    “Mo Kei, I am only two months along. I can still walk fine.”

    “Well, don’t you like to be pampered, Princess Chiu Man?”

    “Oh! Mo Kei...I am not a princess anymore,” said Chiu Man smiling as she put her arms around him and laid her head on his chest.

    “Man Man...tomorrow morning I will go to the herb store to buy you some herbs to keep you and the child healthy.”

    Chiu Man did not want to spoil the quiet and tranqulity of the moment and just smiled wearily.

    Back in the Yip family's room. . .

    After they had finished eating their dinner, the Yip family quickly got ready for bed so that they'd be ready to continue their trip the next morning. Wai Sam (He Ching), the mother of her sweet daughters, Wai Ying and Wai Ming gracefully spread a blanket for her two daughters, ages eight and six, respectively.

    “Mama, is Auntie Sou Ching nice?” asked little Wai Ming as she climbed into bed.

    “Ming Yee, of course she is very nice. I grew up with her and I've known her since she and I were orphans. It was only later that Sifu found us and decided to take us in as his disciples. And since then, we’ve been taught herbal medicines and enough martial arts to protect ourselves in the Mo Lam world. Now, you must go to sleep. In your poor health condition, you must go to sleep and not tire yourself too much or your illness will only torture you. Sleep my dear ones,” said Wai Sam.

    “But mama how longer do we have to travel until we reach Auntie Sou Ching’s bamboo house? How come we have to go to Auntie Sou Ching to cure my illness, if you are also Grand sifu’s disciple?” asked the curious little Wai Ming.

    “Mui Mui, for a little sister you sure have a lot of questions flowing through your mind,” said Wai Ying as she climbed into bed besides her little sister.

    “Unfortunately, your mom when she was younger never studied hard to carefully learn and master all of Mok Chin Bui‘s (Elder Mok‘s) herbal medicines and cures. So we have to rely on your mother’s si jie’s skill," said Chi Tin playfully to his wife and matter-of-factly to his daughters.

    “Yip Dai Go (Elder Brother), that's not fair telling the little ones about me. What role model will I be to them now?" asked Wai Sam as she went over to their bed and pouted

    “Now, now, I am just telling them the truth. Shouldn’t our daughters know the truth about their mother, so when they grow up they would have learned from the mistakes of the past?”

    Wai Ying had grown tired and decided to sleep, but Wai Ming was still laying there watching their parents playfully tease each other. ‘I hope I will be as beautiful as mama and marry a handsome gentleman like papa when I grow up,’ she thought to herself as she watched her parents, admiring their chemistry and romantic interaction. Soon after, the family of four was asleep.

    The next morning the Yip family gathered down stairs to eat some breakfast before they would return to their rooms to pack and continue on their trip. Chi Tin had just finished ordering some dim sum (dumplings) and tea for them to help fill their hungry appetites.

    Suddenly, a blind old woman dressed in a majestic looking purple robe walked into the inn, steadily tapping her walking stick around her on floor until she felt the table next to her and sat down. A waiter was walking by her table and just as he was about to go pass, she grabbed his waist belt and said," Waiter, I would like some of the best tea you have here and some dim sum.”

    “Yes, ma’am. You will have it immediately,” said the waiter, nervously.

    The restaurant was getting crowded as more people were coming in for breakfast. Wai Ming had playfully squeezed a grape she had found on floor and all the juice squirted on her jie jie(big sister).

    “Wai-Ying, look what you did to your beautiful new clothes. Come, let’s go get you changed," said Wai Sam.

    "But mama it wasn’t...” She stopped and looked at her innocent looking mui mui (little sister) and then faced her mother. "I am sorry, mama. I did not mean to dirty my clothes.”

    Although Wai Sam saw that look that her older daughter gave to her younger one, implying that it was really her younger daughter’s fault for the mess made on Wai Ying’s new white and pink robe, she let it pass. For this was exactly what older sisters did for their younger sister -- watching out for them and taking the blame. Being the mother of two sweet daughters, she would let everything pass, and quickly got up from her seat to take Wai Ying upstairs to change.

    “Wai Ming, you must stay and sit here while mama and your jie jie go upstairs. Chi Tin said to his younger daughter.

    “Wai Sam, don’t worry I’ll watch over our baby," he continued to his wife, smiling.

    Not long after the two, mother and daughter, went up the stairs, the young and scrawny waiter had brought hot tea and dim sum for both tables -- theirs and the old blind lady's.

    After receiving their order, Chi Tin nodded respectfully towards the waiter and looked down to see his little daughter already munching on one dumpling and was about to eat another one when her father stopped her.

    “Ming Yee, wait until your mother and big sister return," said Chi Tin.

    Her father’s strong and firm voice made her drop the dumpling, making it roll on the floor towards the old blind woman's table, hitting her left foot. Wai Ming got out of her chair to retrieve the dumpling just as her mother had returned with her sister. Chi Tin’s eyes looked up at his wife, while Wai Ming quickly went over to the blind woman's table. She squatted down over the spot on the floor where the dumpling came to rest and was about to reach down for it and eat it when an old wrinkly hand grabbed her wrist.

    “Little girl, you shouldn’t be eating that after it has fallen on the floor," said the old blind woman, dressed in a majestic looking purple robe.

    Chi Tin and Wai Sam smiled seeing that the old woman had stopped their daughter in time. But, the old woman continued to hold Wai Ming’s wrist with one hand and started to feel her hand with the other.

    “Ah... little are a very special one with a very special destiny. A man...son of a Golden Lion will be the one who will cure the sickness which you've had for all your young life and you will become his disciple," said the old blind woman, as if in a prophecy, as she continued to feel little Wai Ming’s hand.
    Last edited by Suet Seung; 07-10-07 at 06:07 AM.
    I just love how you Captivate My Mind

    Self reminder - Update blog more often and continue editing/writing for TOV fanfic.

  6. #6
    Senior Member TKL's Avatar
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    i like your first chapter so far, especially the special appearance of Mo Kei and Chiu Man (well, they are my favourite couple in wu xia novels, and because I like the portrayal of Tony Leung and Kitty Lai...hmm why don't you have these two characters in your poster? well, here my obsession runs loose again) Anyway, I will stop by frequently to read this fanfic and do post next chapter soon)
    Last edited by Suet Seung; 07-10-07 at 06:08 AM. Reason: Clearing out the old html remaining in the msg.
    If a man could be at two places at one time, I'll be with you
    Tomorrow and today, beside you all the way

  7. #7
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
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    TKL: Cheung Mo Kei and Chiu Man are just special guests in my fanfic. Sorry! But I'll let you know they will appear at least 2 or 3 chapters in my fanfic. Thanks TKL...I appreciate your comments! <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">
    I just love how you Captivate My Mind

    Self reminder - Update blog more often and continue editing/writing for TOV fanfic.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    Good so far. <IMG SRC="smilies/thumbsup.gif" border="0"> I hope you still write the roundrobin one though. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  9. #9
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
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    We'll see....if I can still write in LOK when my fans over at winglin...are rushing me to update. I'll try to see what I can add in LOK sometime next week. I'll also be working on the next chapters of ALOS my fanfic. Anyways....thanks for comments.
    I just love how you Captivate My Mind

    Self reminder - Update blog more often and continue editing/writing for TOV fanfic.

  10. #10
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    What happened to the rest of the story? <IMG SRC="smilies/frown.gif" border="0">
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
    Cyril Connolly

  11. #11
    Senior Member Floo..'s Avatar
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    what's round robin???
    <IMG SRC="smilies/help.gif" border="0"> i'm very much clueless..
    back w/ a vengeance ^_^

  12. #12
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    Like the Legend of Kilin where anyone can post his own piece to continue the story from the previous post. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0"> It's fun, you should try it. <IMG SRC="smilies/thumbsup.gif" border="0">
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  13. #13
    Senior Member C Monster's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Good beginning, White Krane. It looks to be a very promising story. I like the chemistry between the two sisters already. Even though the characters were not identified in the prologue... I get the impression that it's connected to the two Yip sisters, right?

    Good luck with the rest! Post soon.

  14. #14
    Senior Member Swordmaster87's Avatar
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    under the sun!


    Great work, WhiteKrane, I just got a chance to read over your story now. I like the part of Chiu Man and Cheung Mo Kei's appearance. <IMG SRC="smilies/wink.gif" border="0">
    One question, is the parents of the two girls gonna die? Because if there's two generations in most stories, the parents would die.

  15. #15
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
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    I can't tell you much about the parents, if they both die or'll just have to read the next three or four chapters to find your answer....nothing is definete somethings seem that way but it isn't...(hehehe don't you just get annoyed when people beat around the bush? ehehheh)

    I just got back home last night and wrote at least half a page of the next chapter already. I'll probably post it as soon as I am done. <IMG SRC="smilies/tongue.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0"> Glad you like it so far... <IMG SRC="smilies/wink.gif" border="0">
    I just love how you Captivate My Mind

    Self reminder - Update blog more often and continue editing/writing for TOV fanfic.

  16. #16
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    Whitekrane, before I go to your website and finish reading, tell me a little bit more of the plot. I'm currently in exam-mode, so a little summary would ease my anxiousness and addiction before I have time to read the rest. Give me a general summary, for I want to continue with the details later on my own when I'm done dealing with the human body. THANKS.
    Have you told your mother you love her lately? If not, do it!

  17. #17
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
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    .:Chapter 2: Son of the Golden Lion:.

    As the old blind woman gave her predictions of her future,Wai Ming just stood there in a daze until Wai Ying came over and tried to remove the old woman’s hand from her little sister’s wrist. Although the old woman was old and considered feeble, her strength still surpassed that of the eight year old girl. She grabbed hold of Wai Ying’s arm and started feeling her hand while Wai Ming successfully pulled herself away.

    Chi Tin, seeing the struggle between Wai Ying and the old woman, immediately picked up his younger daughter and asked her if she was okay. Wai Ming did not answer. She just stared at the old woman now holding her sister. Wai Sam came over to the old woman's table and was about to ask her what she was saying and doing, but interest in the predictions about her older daughter made her stop and carefully listen.

    "Wai Ying!" said the old woman, staring into the young girl's eyes as if she could see her... or see through her!

    Wai Ying looked into the old woman's all white eyes with such surprise that she would know her name!

    "Yes, I do know your name," said the old woman as if she were answering a question not asked. After pausing, she continued "I also know that you’re quite the protective one, aren’t you? Your childhood ends very soon and big decisions will present themselves to you constantly throughout your life." She then slowly released Wai Ying wrist, reached for her walking stick, rose from her seat and slowly walked out the inn, tapping the floor around her as she went.

    Before she was out the door, she turned and said as she seemed to stare her blind eyes directly at Wai Ying from across the room, "Protective one, you must remember that your fate as a good or evil person lies on a very thin line. Chose wisely." With her final words, she disappeared out the door and into the crowd of people outside.

    "I wonder who that old lady is and why she would say all those things," said Chi Tin as he carried Wai Ming over to their table. Wai Sam, seeing that the woman was gone, came over to her older daughter.

    "Ying Yee, are you okay? Did the old woman hurt your wrist?"

    "No she didn’t hurt me," said Wai Ying slowly.

    Wai Sam walked her daughter back to their table.

    The Yip couple sat quietly, as each thought to themselves about what had just happened to their daughters and what was said by the old blind woman, while the family continued with their breakfast. They couldn’t stop thinking about what the old woman meant by Wai Ming’s illness being cured by a man who happens to be the son of Golden Lion -- which was a ridiculous thought!

    Then, the last prediction the old woman made was even more peculiar. Wai Ying is only eight years old, how could her childhood end very soon and how could she have any chance of being an evil person if her parents are with her to teach and to guide her to be a good person?As it was before, the Yips couldn't possibly know what the other was thinking.

    After looking at his wife to see that she too was having the same thoughts, Chi Tin decided to find out who that woman was and ask her directly about what she meant with her words.

    "Waiter! Waiter!"

    The waiter quickly came running and stood next to Yip Chi Tin.

    "Yes, mister. Is there something that you need?"

    "Do you know who that old blind woman was?"

    The scrawny waiter considered the question for a while and seemed hesitant to answer.

    "Well, do you or do you not?" asked Chi Tin as he grew restless, demanding an answer.

    "No one knows who she really is, but her predictions have always come true. Some are afraid to know the truth about their future. So they only like to hear good things from people like her. That’s why some would rather go to a fake fortune teller because these people can’t accept the truth about their future."

    "Aiya! You little monkey boy! What do you think you’re doing? Slacking off, huh? Go back to work now! " yelled the owner of the Lucky Dragon Inn.

    Wai Sam looked at her husband and asked, "Do you think all those predictions will come true?"

    "I don’t know, but such superstitions like fortune telling are just for fools. We are the ones who makes our future. I think we should finish eating soon and start packing," said Chi Tin.

    "You’re right. We must start packing soon," said Wai Sam with agreement as she smiled brightly at her beloved husband.

    The Yip couple did not give the old blind woman's predictions another thought and they started to go up to their room with their daughters walking beside them obediently after their meal. Wai Sam started packing all their belongings while Chi Tin went to bring the carriage to the front of the inn. Wai Ming, seeing that her family was almost done with packing, decided to go out to the carriage first. She could not have known that her next action would begin her destiny as someone else’s student. As Wai Ming pranced outside the room, she bumped into a lady who was followed by her husband.

    Chiu Man felt something hit her stomach. She looked down to see a little girl of about six years old in a blue and white robe with two small round eyes staring up at her. Chiu Man bent down to speak to the girl while Cheung Mo Kei (Tony Leung) stood by and watched.

    "Are you okay, little girl?" asked Chiu Man (Kitty Lai).

    But the girl didn’t respond. At first, she only stared at her. Then the girl began to lightly shiver and seemed to turn more and more pale by the second.

    "Are you okay, little girl?" asked Chiu Man again as she reached down to touch Wai Ming’s forehead and cheek. Both were cold to the touch.

    Cheung Mo Kei, seeing that the girl needed immediate help, reached out to take her pulse, just as Wai Sam and Wai Ying stepped out of the room in front of them.

    Wai Sam and Wai Ying saw that the man was checking Wai Ming's pulse and immediately rushed to Wai Ming’s side, both with worried looks all over their faces, as the man and woman stood up and watched.

    "Wai Ming! Mommy’s here! Don’t worry!" said Wai Sam as she cradled her young daughter in her arms.

    "Has she always had this illness?" asked Cheung Mo Kei.

    "No. Wai Ming was already a very weak baby and we’re lucky that her life has been sustained for this long. One winter, when she was much younger, she caught pneumonia. We were able to cure some of her sickness at the time. But, oddly, it would always come back," said Wai Sam.

    "I think I have a way of healing Siu (Little) Wai Ming. May I?" asked Cheung Mo Kei as he reached out to take Wai Ming in his arms.

    Wai Sam was left with not many choices. If there was even the slightest chance or hope for her daughter to be cured of her illness and torment, she would grab the chance in an instant. She gently handed her precious daughter over to the beardy man in his mid thirties. Chi Tin (Howie Wong) walked towards her, wondering what was happening. She quickly explained to him as Cheung Mo Kei carried Wai Ming into the Yip family’s room.

    Chi Tin was also glad to hear that there might still be hope for his younger daughter after all, and quickly went to Cheung Mo Kei to cup his hands in greeting and introduce himself just as Cheung Mo Kei was finishing his treatment of Wai Ming and gently laying her head on the ceramic pillow.

    "My name is Yip Chi Tin and this is my wife, Chor Wai Sam. This is my older daughter, Wai Ying, and the younger one that's taken ill is Wai Ming."

    As he returned the gesture of cupping his hands and intoducing himself, Mo Kei turned to face Chi Tin and said with a smile "My name is Cheung Mo Kei and this is my wife, Chiu Man."

    Both husbands and both wives sat down to talk, while Wai Ying sat quietly in Wai Sam's embracing arms and listened.

    "Ah... are you not the former yet famous leader of the Ming Sect and godson of Golden Hair Lion, Tse Sun (Ta Ton from Heaven Sword Dragon Saber)?" asked Wai Sam as she began to recognize the couple seated with them.

    Mo Kei did not answer. He looked at Chi Tin and just smiled.

    "That’s right! And your wife must be the smart and clever Princess Chiu Man. I am sorry, but we’ve been living a peaceful and secluded life the past eight years and have not heard much recent news flowing from the Mo Lam world," said Chi Tin.

    "You’re mocking us. We’ve heard of your famous titles as well, " said Chiu Man as she smiled respectfully.

    "My wife is right. I've heard of your titles before as we traveled through the provinces. Yip Hing (Brother Yip), I’ve heard that your family has a very powerful yet lesser known kung fu style called the White Crane Sword. The attacks are very fast and the defense is swift yet graceful like a crane," said Cheung Mo Kei (Tony Leung).

    "And Wai Sam's jie jie was one of Doctor Mok Jan Lung’s students. I think that your si jie's (older marital sister's) healing abilities have almost surpassed Mok Chin Bui’s (Elder Mok’s) teachings and skills as well," said Chiu Man to Wai Sam.

    "Dear, I think we must get on to more important matters like Siu Wai Ming’s health," said Mo Kei, reminding his wife that there was still a little life needing their help.

    "Brother Cheung, is there really a way to get rid her illness?" asked the concern Chi Tin.

    "Yes, I will use Gau Yeung San Gung (Grand Nine Solar Manual/Cuu Duong Than Cong) to help her, but I think she is too young to endure my strong internal energy all at once. Perhaps it is better for her to learn it and to practice using it until she gets well," said Cheung Mo Kei as he propped Wai Ming in a sitting position.

    "Brother Cheung, don’t you think she is too young to be learning martial arts?" asked Chi Tin.

    "Not at all. If she remembers only some of what I teach her, then I'll be glad to pass on to her all the Gau Yeung San Gung. One of the benefits of learning it is that it will help her to build strong internal energy and to learn other kung fu styles and techniques much easier and faster than those who spend years learning any other kung fu before reaching a level of proficiency. But most importantly, it will help to keep her health in check," said Mo Kei.

    Cheung Mo Kei asked the Yip couple if the would stay at the Lucky Dragon Inn for a few more days and then sat down to use Gau Yeung San Gung to heal Wai Ming and to get her conscious again. Cheung Mo Kei asked Wai Ming to repeat some phrases and parts of Gau Yeung San Gung, and surprisingly, she was able to recite it all back word for word!

    "Brother Chi Tin, you have a very smart daughter. I think it's now a good time for me to ask if I can accept your daughter as my first student," said Cheung Mo Kei as he laughed with glee. Chi Tin could only smile and nod, then turn to his little daughter who had just gain consciousness.

    "Ming Yee, from now on he is your sifu. Kneel down and offer your sifu some tea," said Chi Tin as he handed the bewildered Wai Ming some hot tea.

    Still a little bit bewildered, Wai Ming slowly held up the cup of hot tea in her small hands and said,"Sifu, please have some tea."

    Three days went by and Cheung Mo Kei was able to teach Wai Ming and she was able to recite back the entire Gau Yeung San Gung and able to meditate on her own. Her health was also gradually getting better.

    That third night, the Yip couple waited until after their daughters were asleep to discuss some important matters.

    "That proves it, Yip Dai Go. Those predictions made by the old blinded woman were true and Wai Ming has now truly became the disciple of Cheung Mo Kei, who happens to be the godson of the Golden Hair Lion King, Tse Sun!" exclaimed Wai Sam.

    "Prediction or coincidence, it was a good thing for Wai Ming. Her health is gradually getting stronger everyday. She looking better than she has in a long time. However, I think it's time for us to leave and continue our journey to visit your si jie," said Chi Tin as he closed his eyes to sleep.

    "Okay, but...aye! What about Wai Ying?" asked Wai Sam.

    "She‘ll come with us too," Chi Tin mumbled tiredly and quickly fell asleep.

    'Aiya, Chi Tin. Why did you go to sleep so fast? I was going to ask you what then if the prediction about Wai Ying came true. I guess we can always wait and see what happens it the future,’ thought Wai Sam to herself as she also felt very sleepy and drifted into a deep sleep until the next morning.
    Author's note: I'm currently working on the next chapter now...and almost finished...perhaps tommrow I will post it.. And please get your tissues ready death meets some people in the next chapter.
    Last edited by Suet Seung; 07-10-07 at 06:08 AM.
    I just love how you Captivate My Mind

    Self reminder - Update blog more often and continue editing/writing for TOV fanfic.

  18. #18
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    Sep 2001
    White Camel Mountain


    Oh no! Not Cheung Mo Kei and Chiu Man! I hope they aren't going to die! <IMG SRC="smilies/bawling.gif" border="0">
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
    Cyril Connolly

  19. #19
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001


    Charbydis: They just serve as special guest appearence! They're not going to die! Silly wumon!! eheheheh <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">
    I just love how you Captivate My Mind

    Self reminder - Update blog more often and continue editing/writing for TOV fanfic.

  20. #20
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001


    Perhaps I need to rephrase that author's note.

    There will be some fighting scenes and death in the next chapter. Tissues maybe needed. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/frown.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/drool.gif" border="0">

    Anyways,as of now, my cable modem and tv cable is not working and I've called and they'll send someone to fix the problem soon so hopefully, i will be online tonite or tommorow? I dunno but let's hope for the best eh.... <IMG SRC="smilies/tongue.gif" border="0">
    I just love how you Captivate My Mind

    Self reminder - Update blog more often and continue editing/writing for TOV fanfic.

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