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Thread: Triumph in the Skies

  1. #1
    Moderator Em's Avatar
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    Default Triumph in the Skies

    I'll be doing the ep summaries for this series, but here is the long synopsis from TVB site to whet your appetites!



    Tong Yik Sum - Francis Ng Chun Yu
    Ling Wan Chi - Joe Ma Tak Chung
    Lok Yi Shan - Flora Chan Wai Shan
    So Yee - Myolie Wu Hang Yee
    Tong Yik Fung - Ron Ng Cheuk Hai
    Tung Hei Yan - Michelle Ye Xuan
    Man Ho Chung - Sammul Chan Kin Fung
    Tse Lap Ho - Bosco Wong Chung Chak
    Ko Chi Wang - Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming
    Tong ??? - Shek Sau
    Ying Shi Mei - Mary Hon Ma Lei
    Ling Cheuk Ji - Woo Ding Yan
    Tung Ting - Rebecca Chan Sau Chu
    Kam Chak Tai - Lok Ying Kwan
    Ching Yat Tung - Tang Chi Fung
    Yau Wai Kei - Margaret Chung Lai Kei
    Bui Ka Lo - Louisa So Yuk Wah
    Szeto Hin - Edmond So Chi Wai
    Tang Wai Nei - Natalie Wong Kei Ying
    Chee Sheung Man - Deno Cheung Chung Chi
    Tong Wan Miu - Fung Hiu Man
    Chow Wan Tin - Lau Wing Kin

    Story Synopsis

    The old Hong Kong Airport area was where the star of our story Tong Yik Sum grew up and with the aeroplanes flying over his head every day made him fall in love with them. Later, due to a breakdown between his parent's personalities, his mother left him for a faraway place, leaving Sum with a wish to become a pilot to be able to bring back his mother and reunite his family. His family background caused the intelligent and sensible Sum to become even more responsible and from a young age, he is able to look after his father. Through this hard work, he gradually reaches his goal in becoming an airline pilot.

    As a senior first officer, Sum's wish all along is to become the first Chinese captain and thus is very strict with his work, with very high expectations from himself and because of this, he is highly respected in his work. As far as Sum is concerned, when flying a plane, to follow every process and procedure is not a difficult thing and with experience it has become second nature to him; conversely, on his communication skills with other people, he finds it hard to grasp, especially when it comes to affairs of the heart, proving the separation of his parents had a deep and lasting effect.

    Sum's childhood friend Ling Wan Chi became an aircraft enthusiast with him and then went on to become a pilot as well, but Chi has a different philosophy on love. Chi with Sum that they should seek out true love, but he will not take things a step at a time like Sum and lose out on some golden opportunities. He will take the driving action and even though others see him as the flirtatious pilot, he has his principle in that he is flirtatious but not rude, he takes this 'branding' in his stride. In the same airport, flight attendant Lok Yi Shan also has the dream of finding true love, but her fate is that she has not yet met with it. Until Shan meets obstacles with her work and decides to resign and ake a holiday, where she meets Sum and Chi under the arrangement of destiny and starts a journey where they all seek out their true love...

    Rome, Italy. A lively and romantic city that seems to suggest that a hot romantic love affair is about to begin. Sum arrives in Rome through work and a Chinese person in a foreign place will have special memories of everything he meets. Sum and Shan meet by coincidence and the sentimental Shan sees this as the arrival of her destiny, with Sum also developing an unusual feeling for her. In the bustling romantic atmosphere of a foreign land, the two spark off a heated love affair and experience for the first time a taste of passion and a promise of love. However a great misunderstanding causes Sum and Shan to believe that they have been deeply misled and what started as a love sent from the heavens has become a great disappointment. Sum returns to Hong Kong with his colleagues deeply upset and hurt and the sensitive Shan is left alone in the foreign place, feeling very sorry for herself. At this point, she meets with Chi who has arrived later and under his enthusiastic pursuance, Shan overcomes her unhappiness. In the words of Chi, Shan's appearance is a blessing, a confirmation and he quickly chooses her as a target, selecting her to be his partner for life.

    During the short time that Sum was in Rome, the most memorable thing for him, apart from Shan was a youth - Ying Fung. In an incident, Sum developed a very strong dislike towards Fung and felt that he was always lazing about and not serious at all. Altogether, this trip to Rome was a terrible experience for Sum and moreover, his bad times created a chance for his good friend Chi to meet and start a love affair with Shan. The reunification of his parents reveals to Sum that when his mother left all those years ago, she was carrying his younger brother Tong Yik Fung when she left and what is more surprising is that Yik Fung is the Ying Fung that he met a year ago in Rome.

    When he hears that Shan is to transfer from the Australian base back to Hong Kong, Chi shares this with Sum and Shan meets him again as Chi's fiance and the forgotten memories once again stimulate their hearts and feelings. Sum offers his sincere congratulations to Chi and Shan in order to allow Shan to relish in Chi's love. During this time, Fung starts to fall in love with So Yee who works in the aviation authorities, but during his chase, he finds that So Yee only has feelings for his big brother Sum, however he only sees her as a little sister and does not care for her love. As a result, Yee becomes another obstacle in the relationship between the two brothers.

    Applying for the pilot's school with Fung and also full of confidence, externally bold but internally sensitive is Tung Hei Yan. Yan has little confidence in love and men and has a rather rebellious nature, wanting to do better than men in everything and causing some friction with Fung. With a simple and naive outlook on life and having been showered with love from his rich parents who are directors in a large enterprise, Man Ho Chung develops love at first sight with Yan and her rejections only spur his desires on even more, even making him apply to become a trainee pilot to be near her. After many examinations and as she is waiting for the results as to whether she will be selected for training in Australia, Yan finds some clues about her father's identity and heads to Japan to search for him. In order to prove his commitment to her, Chung and some friends go with her and as Fung is at a rough patch with his family, he decides to go along as well.

    Originally thinking that he could put the Rome incident behind him after Chi and Shan's wedding, Sum finds that destiny is taunting him and the road towards a perfect wedding is a complicated triangular love affair. The misunderstanding between Sum and Shan is discovered by Fung and he finally decides to let them overcome their differences and let Shan make a fair choice between him and Sum. Shan's decision brings much relief to Chi, but the experience leaves a thorn in the relationships between the three waiting for the sensitive one to feel the pain and that person is Chi. After this incident, the relationships between the three become even more confusing as Shan and Chi bring together the love between Yee and Sum. With the addition of Yee, this four-person affair becomes an even more difficult situation.

    During the training in Australia, Sum and Fung's brotherly relationship develops into a teacher-student situation. Sum returns to Hong Kong to continue his piloting work and the brothers have a chance to work together. As a group of young pilots take to the skies, Sum and Chi are also affected by their spirit and together they work towards their most important examination. At this vital point, Sum finds out that he has a condition that will affect his ability to continue flying and he is plunged into hesitation and despair as he worries about his career. Fung senses something is wrong and finds out about Sum's illness, he decides that this should not be allowed to continue and using the safety of the aircraft as a reason, he reports Sum to the authorities, saying he can no longer be a pilot. Just as everyone is celebrating Chi's success at becoming the first Chinese captain, the announcement is made that Sum is to be transferred into customer services. The ups and downs of flying are like those in life and to continue to pursue one's goals even at the bottom of a valley, there is a belief that there will be a day when you can fly high again.

    Sum faces the challenges of his new work with optimism and positivity. At this time Yee's concern and support for him touches him deeply, consolidating his love for her. Originally their pairing was the wish of Chi and Shan, but when Shan sees Sum and Yee acting so lovingly together, she starts to feel jealous and this is discovered by the sensitive Chi. Finally, Chi makes a decision to return to his home in Australia in the hope that Shan can make her decision again. On the other hand: Fung, Yan and Chung's friendship is tested. Chung is still madly in love with Yan, but Yan's relationship with Fung has developed from antagonism to that of affection resulting in an awkward triangular affair. An incident occurs that shows Fung his care for Yan is nowhere near that of Chung and together with Chung's inadvertant pressure on him, this makes him decide to fade out and distance himself from the others.

    At this time, Sum and Shan's path appears to be smooth and free from obstacles, however Shan finds out that the more she gives to Sum, the greater she feels the love that Chi gave to her and this is something that Sum can never offer her. Who is the one she loves the most, who is the one who loves her the most, will there be a fruitful result for the love between Shan and Sum? When Fung sees Yee sacrificing herself but pulling back from Sum, will there be more conflict between him and his brother? With Fung, Yan and Chung's love affairs and friendship in a stalemate position, will there be a new development?

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  2. #2
    Member Quinnie's Avatar
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    Em, something wrong with some names.


    Tong Yik Sum (Samuel) - Francis Ng Chun Yu
    Ling Wan Chi (Vincent) - Joe Ma Tak Chung
    Lok Yi Shan (Isabelle) - Flora Chan Wai Shan
    So Yee (Zoe) - Myolie Wu Hang Yee
    Tong Yik Fung (Issac) - Ron Ng Cheuk Hai
    Tung Hei Yan (Zita) - Michelle Ye Xuan
    Man Ho Chung (Donald) - Sammul Chan Kin Fung
    Tse Lap Ho (Chris) - Bosco Wong Chung Chak
    Ko Chi Wang (Roy) - Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming
    Tong Wong (Philip) - Shek Sau
    Ying Shi Mei (Cammy) - Mary Hon Ma Lei
    Ling Cheuk Chi - Nancy Wu Ding Yan
    Yip An Ting (Tina) - Rebecca Chan Sau Chu
    Kam Chak Tai - Lok Ying Kwan
    Ching Yat Tung - Tang Chi Fung
    Yau Wai Kei - Margaret Chung Lai Kei
    Bui Ka Lo (Ruby) - Louisa So Yuk Wah
    Szeto Hin - Tai Chi Wai
    Tang Wai Nei - Natalie Wong Kei Ying
    Chee Sheung Man - Deno Cheung Chung Chi
    Tong Wan Miu - Fung Hiu Man
    Chow Wan Tin - Samuel Lau Wing Kin

  3. #3
    Senior Member Lucky_Doraemon's Avatar
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    wow thnx very detailed Em
    Yan Kuan
    Wot more do u want?!

  4. #4
    Moderator Em's Avatar
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    Thanks for the corrections Quinnie!

    Here are the first couple of eps...

    Episode 1 - Yik Sum meets Yi Shan

    Shan is a member of the ground staff at the airport and she asks her colleagues for a special love doll (Triangel) because this will signify good luck in love. Sum and Chi are pilots and they each have different personalities and outlooks on love, but this does not affect their friendship. Sum finds the doll that Shan is looking for and prepares to bring it back to Hong Kong for her.

    Sum and Chi are flying back to Hong Kong and on the way, one of the passengers Yee suffers from acute appendicitis and with the weather turning bad, the passengers start to panic. As co-pilot, Sum tries to put everyone at ease and he leaves a lasting impression on Yee. Hong Kong Airport is on emergency standby and await the landing of the plane. Yee is well looked after and develops an interest in working at the airport. Whilst looking after Yee, Sum accidentally loses Shan's doll, which is picked up by Yee. Sum calls Shan to tell her he has lost her doll and she is very disappointed.

    Sum's mother Mei left him and flew away when he was very young because she couldn't stand his father's flirtatious personality and this made Sum set his ambition to be a pilot so he could go and seek his mother. Sum misses his mother a lot and is unhappy that his father Wong likes to meet younger women and the two often argue. Sum receives some information that his mother is living in Rome so he decides to take a trip there, Chi asks him to pass on a message to his girlfriend there that he wants to break up with her. Shan takes a vacation and goes to Rome to visit her friends as well as to look for the Triangel. Sum meets Shan in Rome and Shan accidentally loses her bracelet. Sum finds it and gives it back as the two develop good feelings for each other, however Shan mistakes Sum for Chi. Sum meets Chinese youth Fung and the two have an argument, parting unhappily. Shan and Sum meet again on Rome's streets and decide that they are brought together by destiny.

    Sum comforts the illness-struck Yee
    Sum is not happy with the flirtatious Wong

    Episode 2 - Sum's dream comes true

    Sum meets Shan again and under the romantic atmosphere, the two hug and kiss and become lovers. Chi's girlfriend also looks for Sum and Shan mistakes him for being an unfaithful person. Sum also mistakenly thinks that Shan has another boyfriend and the two break up. Later, Shan meets Chi and he falls in love with her at first sight as the two quickly become lovers. A year later, Chi takes Shan to meet Sum and the two feel awkward as they refuse to acknowledge each other. Shan thinks that a year ago, Sum used Chi's name in order to split up with his ex and deepens their misunderstanding.

    After the care she received from the airline staff a year ago, Yee has become very interested in working with the airlines and has gained a job with the airport. However her performance is not good and she is often scolded by her superiors. Yee tries to overcome differences between a pair of passengers and this causes a delay in the airport operations and she almost doesn't pass her trial period, but she feels it is worth it. Yee meets Sum again, but she daren't approach him and just keeps the doll to think about him. Her cousin Bor persuades her to go and pursue her real love. Chi is totally devoted to Shan and does not want to pry about her past and changes his flirtatious ways for her in the hope that he can be with her forever. He gives her many different dolls but they are not the one that Shan wants.

    Wong is a romantic man, but he is a perfectionist for his work and in order to seek inspiration, he heads to Rome, where he meets his ex-wife Mei. The two rekindle their love and decide to reunite. Mei tells that when she ran away, she was pregnant and gave birth to a son, Fung, but all this time he had been calling her his big sister. Wong tells Sum that he has remarried and Sum is very unhappy. Wong secretly arranges for Sum to pilot Mei back to Hong Kong and makes his dream come true. As the family are back together, it should be a happy occasion, but Wong and Mei do not know how to explain to Fung about his background. Sum is not pleased with Fung's lazy attitude and Fung does not like Sum either.

    Sum and Shan share a passionate kiss

    Shan and Chi meet through a misunderstanding

  5. #5
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    Episode 3 - Yi Shan cannot forget Yik Sum

    Fung puts on an elder generation attitude, much to Sum's amusement and the two are constantly arguing with their relationship very poor. Mei and Wong see this and want to tell them the truth, but cannot bear to. Mei gives Sum his birthday presents from over the years and the mother and son overcome their differences.

    Sum apologises to Shan and says that they should forget their past, Shan agrees. Sum and Shan are selected to be the "Flying Stars" in the airline's promotional video, but they both do not want to do it. During filming, there is an accident and Shan is nearly injured, luckily Sum dives to the rescue and Shan develops feelings for him. Everyone in the company gossips about how Sum performed a daring rescue and this stirs up Shan's thoughts. Sum tells of his childhood dreams in the promo and Shan is touched, but in the clip, Chi tells openly of his love for Shan, but she responds with reservation. Lo sees that Shan is torn between Sum and Chi and persuades her that she should talk to Sum about it.

    Wong takes Fung to look around his kitchens in the hope that he will find his future path, however he only cares for playing and Wong is disappointed. Mei and Wong spoil Fung and Sum cannot stand for this, deciding to go against him and causing headache for his parents. Yee plucks up her courage to talk with Sum and thank him for his help. She returns the doll to him, but when Sum finds out that the doll has become Yee's lucky charm, he gives it back to her and she is very happy. Shan arranges to meet Sum and asks for an explanation, however she doesn't get the chance and loses her bracelet. Sum finds it and passes it to Chi to return to her. Chi takes the bracelet and a newly bought doll to Shan, who is very touched and believes that they have true destiny together, accepting his proposal.

    Mei brings out all the birthday presents over the years to give to Sum in one go.

    A group of dashing pilots film an advertisement.

    Episode 4 - Wan Chi finds out about Yi Shan and Yik Sum's relationship

    Sum cannot stand Fung's laziness and troublemaking and forces Mei to send him away, Mei can only reveal that Sum and Fung are brothers. Sum is shocked and tells his parents to explain Fung's identity to him, but they cannot open their mouths and use a second honeymoon as an excuse to put it off. Sum tries to persuade Fung that he should decide on a future and Fung has a thought, deciding to apply for pilot training, making Sum think that he is intentionally antagonising him.

    Fung, Chung and Ho meet through a misunderstanding and the there are bad feelings between them. Yan works in the company owned by Chung's father but is made redundant by company cutbacks and represents the employees in talks with the company. She meets Chung who is attracted by her tough exterior. Yan is unemployed, but encouraged by her mother Ting to apply to become a pilot. Yee's cousin Bor is an aeroplane enthusiast and a good friend of Sum. Sum tests Fung and takes him on a flight on a light aircraft, Fung feels very unwell and makes a fool of himself, but this on the other hand makes him even more determined. Yee knows that Fung is Sum's relative and offers her support as the two become good friends.

    Chi accidentally sees Sum and Shan's photograph in Rome and becomes suspicious over their relationship. Stuntman Siu Hak goes to perform on the mainland and his wife sees him off at the airport, not wanting to see him go. Later his wife faints and Shan helps to look after her, finding out she is pregnant. She tries to convince Hak not to perform, but the plane is already preparing for take off and pilot Sum refuses to let him off the plane. After much hard work, Hak decides to stay with his wife and Shan is happy for them. Lo sees that Shan is troubled by her emotions and suggests that she should be faithful to Chi, Shan calls Chi in Rome, but he is troubled and does not answer her call.

    Mei's words: "Fung is your real brother!" shocks Sum

    Fung and Chung meet Ho through an argument

  6. #6
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    Who is Tung Hei Yan (Zita) - Michelle Ye Xuan? And what is her role in this anybody know?

  7. #7
    Senior Member Chi Mei's Avatar
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    Originally posted by yinyee168
    Who is Tung Hei Yan (Zita) - Michelle Ye Xuan? And what is her role in this anybody know?
    Michelle Ye Xuan = Michelle Yip Chuen (Ye Xuan is just the Mandarin pinyin). You know, she's the leading actress in "Eternal Happiness" (Man Lai Quan) and "Lofty Waters, Verdant Bow" (I think her name was Ah Nam). I think she plays a pilot in here and four guys (Sammul, Bosco, Roy and Kenneth) all fall for her

  8. #8
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    Default Episode 5 - Fung applies for pilot training school

    Fung quietly goes to take lessons for flying a light aircraft and with good results, he gains in confidence. Sum gives a lecture on recruitment for pilots and enters into a discussion with Fung at the talk, making Sum quite angry and think that Fung is unsuitable to be a pilot because of his young arrogance. Chi gives the photographs that he found in Rome to Sum and Sum admits to him that he knows Shan, but because they only spent a little time together, their feelings for each other are not very deep. Chi makes it clear he will not give up on Shan and wants a fair competition.

    Chung is greatly attracted to Yan and gives her the pay that the company owes her, Yan is very grateful. Bo applies for the pilot training, but he lacks confidence and Yee hands him the Destiny doll as a gesture of support. Sum and the others take part as examiners and Fung is very resentful, but tries his best at the assessment. All the students have a similar performance, but Sum is extra picky with Fung. The other assessors persuade him not to have preconceptions of Fung and find Bo's results are poorer. When they find out the relationship between Sum and Fung, their attitude towards him changes.

    Chi tells Sum that he will be proposing to Shan, Sum congratulates his friend, but feels upset. Yee is responsible for looking after some children, but she accidentally loses one of them and receives a complaint from a client, luckily Fung helps her out but she has to face the wrath of Lo and Bo feels guilty for borrowing her lucky doll. Yee is worried she will lose her job and Bo goes with her to apologise to Lo. They meet Shan, who helps defend her and Lo finally agrees to give her one more chance. Yee recognises Shan as the airport worker who helped her in the past and is very grateful to her. Shan sees Yee's doll and is curious, after asking about it, she finds out that the doll was a present from Sum and was originally brought back for her. Shan realises that Sum was in fact her true love after all.

    Chi: I will not let go of Shan!

    Yee lends the doll to Bo.

  9. #9
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    Default Episode 6 - Fung finds out the secret of his identity

    Shan wants to tell Sum her feelings, but cannot find the words. Wong and Mei return from their second honeymoon and Sum forces his parents to tell Fung the truth but they hesitate. The students are shown around Aviation City and increase their knowledge of planes and the company and encourage their interest in becoming pilots. The results of the assessment are announced and Bo has failed and is very disappointed. Yee tries to comfort him and he agrees to work hard and never let go of his dream to fly.

    The pop stars Twins are sisters who have lost each other at an early age, but have finally been reunited. Special preparations are made at the airport for the occasion for the reunification and for the press to get their story. When the sisters meet, the scene is touching and everyone is very happy for them. Sum is very troubled with the dilemma over Fung's identity and confides in Chi, telling him that he and Fung are brothers, Yee who is passing overhears them. Chi wants to introduce Shan to his parents, but she refuses making Chi very uncomfortable. Lo tells Shan she must treasure Chi but she has her reservations.

    Yan grew up in a single parent family and her mother Ting refuses to reveal who her father is, only saying that she was born in Japan. Yan wants to find out the identity of her father and takes the opportunity before she starts training to go to Japan on vacation and find her father. Chung and Ho are also planning a trip abroad and when they find out that Yan is going to Japan, they decide to go with her. Yan invites Fung to join them, but he considers.

    Wong and Mei decide to make a videotape to tell Fung the truth, but before Fung has watched it, Yee has already told him that he and Sum are brothers. Fung is angry at his parents for hiding the truth from him and in a spate of anger, decides to go with Yan and the others to Japan. Chung takes opportunity on the way to show his affections towards Yan, but Yan is not moved and this irritates him. On the plane, they meet Yee and Bo and they all decide to go travelling together.

    The Twins sisters are reunited.

    Let's all go on vacation to Japan.

  10. #10
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    Default Episode 7 - Sum and Fung make peace

    Chung and the others arrive in Japan: Yee and Bo head to visit their brother and girlfriend respectively and Yan goes in search of an uncle. Chung wants to stay with Yan and he follows her and Fung isn't really bothered where he goes. Fung is both shocked and angry at his parents for hiding the truth and calls back to Hong Kong. Sum takes the call and Fung scolds him strongly puzzling Sum. Fung and Yan share their problems and Fung accompanies her to search for the person, when Chung sees this, he is quite put out. Sum finds the video tape that his parents have left for Fung and finds out that they did not manage to tell him the truth themselves, he is very unhappy. Afterwards, Sum receives a call from Yee and learns that he has gone to Japan, she also admits to accidentally letting out the secret about Fung's identity and causing so much aggrevation for the family has made her feel very bad.

    Yee invites Fung and the others to her brother's home, Fung accepts and she takes the opportunity to apologise to him, but Fung does not understand. Sum decides to go to Japan to look for Fung and Mei makes some of Fung's favourite cookies for him to take along. Yan goes to the temple to pray that she will find Kam Chak and at this time she meets a friendly Japanese man and the two become friends. Sum arrives and finds Fung, offering him the cookies as an apology, but Fung refuses them and runs away in anger. Yee sees this and comforts Sum, making up her mind to help the brothers make peace.

    Fung helps Yan to seek her uncle and finds out that the Japanese man was Kam Chak all along. Yan is nervous and does not want to identify him and is grateful to Fung who helps her to find out the truth. Sum looks all over for Fung and Yee tells him that Fung has entered the forest where Black Bears have been sighted. Sum is worried and rushes into the forest to find him and when Fung finds out, he rushes in to look for Sum. The two brothers finally make up and Sum is grateful to Yee for her help.

    Yee knows she has caused trouble and apologises to Fung.

    Sum makes the long journey to Japan and hands over the cookies of love.

  11. #11
    Senior Member _karrot_'s Avatar
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    ~Where _snow_ Fallz like Feathers from Heaven~


    EM U ARE AMAZING! thx so much!!!!! keep up yur good work
    --- lil kassie has dreamed off

    ...catch a falling star...

  12. #12
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    Default Episode 8 - Shan misunderstands Sum once again

    Brothers Fung and Sum are reunited and Yee holds a party to celebrate, Sum recites a poem to help create some atmosphere and Yee is very impressed. Yan visits Kam Chak and finds he is also a pilot, he encourages her to work hard for her ambitions. Sum asks Fung to think carefully about whether he really wants to become a pilot, but Fung is full of confidence. Chi proposes to Shan and as she is considering she receives a text message from Sum and she feels very awkward. Lo tells Shan she should not be so undecided. Chi is jumpy and asks for advice from Lo, but she is unable to assist.

    Fung returns to Hong Kong and moans to his parents, asking Wong to return the many years of fatherly love to him, Wong agrees. Sum warns Fung that he must plan for the future carefully, but Fung insists on going down the path of becoming a pilot. Chi tells Sum that he has proposed to Shan and Sum hesitantly offers his good wishes to his friend. Chi finds out accidentally that Shan has prepared an email to Sum asking him to come and meet her, in a moment of urgency, he deletes the mail. Mei is thankful to Sum for bringing Fung back but Sum is worried about whether Fung will successfully qualify to become a responsible pilot.

    After Bo's failure to enter the training school, he applies to become a bird shooter at the airport instead. Chung's father refuses to allow him to become a pilot and Chung is very unhappy. Yee urges Fung not to be so biased against Sum and Fung says he has the utmost respect for his brother and wants to get to know him through flying, Yee offers her support for him. Yee and Bo go to visit Sum and his family and leaves a deep impression with Mei and Wong. On Chung's birthday, Yan gives him an origami present and he is very happy. Chi's ex-girlfriend Mimi returns to look for him and meets Sum. Sum tells her that Chi has a new girlfriend and is preparing to get married and asks her to let go. Mimi says that she is having financial difficulties and Sum offers a helping hand, but this is all seen by Shan and Lo.

    Chi proposes to Shan

    Fung: You owe me twenty years of birthday presents!

  13. #13
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    Default Episode 9 - Shan decides to marry Chi

    Shan decides that Sum is an unfaithful person and decides to accept Chi's offer of marriage, Chi is so happy he is crazy. Sum often thinks of Shan and dreams about being with her, then he feels guilty. Sum is sent over to Australia to become a trainer for the cadets and Chi takes some holidays to go to Australia with Shan to hold his wedding.

    Fung signs up to officially becomes a cadet, but on the way he meets a rather flustered Yee who has found a will belonging to a passenger and she wants to stop him from committing suicide. Fung offers his help and although they rescue the passenger, he is late for the ceremony and without listening to the reason, Sum is very unhappy and Fung does not explain. Yee feels guilty that Fung was late because he wanted to help her and is worried this will affect his career, so she tries her best to explain to Sum and he agrees to give him another chance.

    Bo is employed as a bird shooter and Lo mistakes him for being lazy on the first day at work, he is unable to explain. A drunkard causes trouble in the airport and Lo and the others go to assist, in the confusion Bo is injured by Lo and she feels very awkward. Lo sees Yee's doll and tells her that the doll originally belonged to Shan and that it was the mark of love for her parents, so Shan believes that it will bring her true love. When Yee hears this, she thinks that her own selfishness in keeping the doll before caused the misunderstanding between Sum and Shan and led to them not to be together. Bo urges her not to feel guilty and suggests this may just be their destiny, but Yee still feels uncomfortable. Yee arranges for Shan and Sum to meet and lets them both explain to each other, but the two decide to forget about what happened in the past and start anew, telling Yee not to worry about it. Fung and the others set off for Australia and Sum looks very serious, warning them not to go too far.

    Shan agrees to Chi's proposal of marriage

    Lo tells Yee that the doll was originally for Shan

  14. #14
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    Default Episode 10 - Yee heads to Rome to investigate the truth

    The cadets undergo various levels of training and increase their knowledge of flying as well as their determination to become pilots. Sum is very strict to all the trainees and they all have to work extremely hard. Fung opposes Sum whenever he can and this frustrates Sum, he urges Fung to put more thought into his studies, but Fung pretends not to hear. Tung tells Sum that he should let go of his prejudices and teach the group well. Sum offers special tuition to the female cadet and Yan is very grateful. Yan wants to send a letter back to Hong Kong, but they are short on time and Chung borrows a bike for Fung to cycle out to the city to post the letter. Fung is late back and Sum reprimands him, Yan and Chung offer to be punished as well and the friendship grows between the three of them. Sum reports on the situation in Australia to his parents and Fung adds his comment, telling his father that Sum is always picking on him, Wong and Mei scold Sum and he is left rather aghast.

    Yee cannot forget the incident between Sum and Shan and tries to find out the story behind the Triangel. She strongly believes that she has destroyed the destiny between them and she should make up for it. Yee decides to take a trip to Rome and investigate why Sum and Shan split up that day. Yee goes to visit the places that Sum and Shan previously visited and asks about the details of what happened that day, finally she realises that Shan had misunderstood Sum and Sum had misunderstood Shan and the two had split up over a very small matter. She decides to play matchmaker and bring them back together.

    Chi and Shan prepare for their wedding in Australia and Chi's parents are overjoyed, but his sister Cheuk Ji is quite hostile towards her future sister-in-law. Chi calls out Sum who is also in Australia and tells him that he will be holding his wedding ceremony in his home. Sum is rather shocked and upset, but still wishes them the best of luck. Sum meets Shan again and feels awkward, he asks her to be love Chi seriously and she becomes very angry as the two depart unhappily.

    Fung must be very brave to impersonate Sum

    Fung complains to his father across the oceans

  15. #15
    Moderator Em's Avatar
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    Default Episode 11 - Chi opens up to Shan

    Chi and Shan hold their marriage ceremony and Sum is inwardly unhappy. At this time, Yee calls from Rome and tells of their misunderstandings making Sum think again. Chi and Shan meet Mimi and Shan tells of how she saw Sum asking to split up with her in Rome and then seeing him send her away with money in Hong Kong, making her believe he is not sincere with his love. Chi is suddenly enlightened and realises all the misunderstandings have stemmed from when he asked Sum to end his relationship with Mimi, he then asks Mimi about the incident where Sum offered to help her on his behalf and this makes him feel extremely guilty.

    Chi decides to tell Shan the truth and let her choose her own path. Shan is shocked and goes to seek Sum for him to explain the truth. Sum tells her that if it was not for all the misunderstandings, he would definitely have had a relationship with her and Shan understands. The two do not want to hurt Chi and decide to keep their memories in their hearts, their longing departure is witnessed by Fung. When Shan returns home, Fung is overjoyed.

    Fung and the others take time out from their studies to go sightseeing and meet Sum. Fung knows that he has a lot of problems and wants to help comfort him, but Sum refuses the favour. Tung praises Fung's performance as outstanding, telling Sum to help him, but Fung doesn't know if he can. Some of the cadets spread gossip about the relationship between Fung and Sum and Fung resents this, deciding to work even harder and earn his wings through his own skills. Sum offers a card and his own notes and touches Fung who sends a card back in return, but he accidentally notices the file for the examination questions on the computer. Fung is honest and does not look, but Sum is suspicious. Bo is strongly attracted to Lo and offers to be her chauffeur, but the car is dirty and causes an allergic reaction for Lo, who is both angry and frightened. Bo looks after her and accidentally falls over, making Lo feel guilty and she ends up looking after him.

    Chi takes the chance to tell Shan the truth.

    Shan and Sum unwillingly depart.

  16. #16
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    please can you add more episodes? thanks

  17. #17
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    the photo "Lo tells Yee that the doll was originally for Shan"

    do anyone knows where or what the name of that doll Lo is holding? plz email me ([email protected]) or reply to this post if u know...

  18. #18
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    its called Triangel
    Currently Watching:
    ::The Great Adventurer

    i <3 Kenix!

  19. #19
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    Episode 12 - Yik Fung gets good results

    Lo looks after Bo and their relationship develops. Bo takes advantage of the situation and moves in with Yee into Lo's apartment. Yee misses Fung and Sum who are in Australia and sends her encouragement and good wishes by email. Fung seemss quite lazy and with the exams looming, he is worried about catching up, so he asks Yan and Chung for help. Sum things pooly of his last minute antics. Fung works hard and realises the secret behind studying and becomes confident for the exams, butt he others do not believe that he will work hard.

    When the exam results are announced, Fung comes top of his class and the other's can't believe it. Sum remembers that Fung was in his room before the exams and suspects that he may have looked at the exam questions. Sum asks Fung abou this, annoying him greatly. Sum advises the examining board and pushes to make Fung resit the exam. Fung proves himself by gaining full marks in the resit and he throws bad remarks at Sum, but Sum stands by his belief of fairness and the two stand their ground. Sum funds the thank you card in the notes that Fung returned to him and realises that he has misunderstood Fung, who also realises his mistakes and the two brothers once again make peace.

    Sum returned to Hong Kong to continue his work and Mei tells him that she has found a job at the airline. Chi returns from his honeymoon and invites Sum to dinner at his new home. Sum refuses, but Chi insists and as he enters Chi and Shan's home, he feels very uncomfortable. Chi meets Mimi who asks him to thank Sum. Shan and Lo have lunch together, but in fact she is avoiding Sum. Yee takes the opportunity and asks him to join them. When Sum sees Shan, they both feel very awkward but Yee is there to break the ice and Chi suggests to Sum that he should consider her, making Yee very happy, but Sum makes it clear that he only sees her as his little sister.

    Episode 13 - Sum punishes Fung by not letting him fly

    As they all undergo training in Australia, the cadets develope a greater interest in planes, but Chung is only interested in wooing Yan and his studies are slipping. Yan puts too much pressure on herself and her results are affected by this. Sum returns to Australia and brings some gifts from home, making the cadets very happy. Chung's father goes to Australia for a business meeting, and Chung is excited about seeing his father, however he just receives a message from his father telling him to leave the academy and follow him into business. Chung is disappointed. Wang tells Chung to consider his future and not just become a pilot because of Yan, but Chung insists he wants to be a pilot together with Yan and she overhears their conversation.

    Sum teaches them stunt flying and in the excitement, Fung flies dangerously. Sum reprimands him for overlooking everyone's safety, banning him from flying for two weeks as punishment. Fung resents this and the two begin arguing again. Yan tells Chung not to waste time on her, but Chung explains that hehas changed from hating flying to loving it and he hopes to become a pilot together with her.

    Everyone's flying skills improve greatly, except Fung who cannot take part because of his punishment. He is very unhappy and everyone tries to persuade him to apologise to Sum. Tung feels that Sum has been too harsh on Fung and should give him a chance. The brothers make up again and go to visit Chi's home, where Chi's father gives them the tape of Chi and Shan's fairy tale wedding day to take back to them in Hong Kong. When he watches the tape, Sum feels very sour.

    The flying exam draws near and Yan is very nervous. She emails Chak who sends her a lucky charm, Yan is touched. Yan usually takes anti-sickness pills when she flies, but Fung replaces her tablets with vitamin pills so that she does not have to depend on drugs. Yan is very grateful for his help. After much hard work, they all pass the exams with flying colours and Sum holds a party for them.

  20. #20
    Moderator Em's Avatar
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    a little island east of america and west of europe


    Crazy8 - Sorry, but I have deleted your post as it was a bit off putting. It just spoils the many hours I spend translating these eps. If you would like to repost, please use the TVB forum.

    Fung, Yan and Chung meet an aviation disaster

    At the celebration party, Sum follows the tradition and pushes everyone into the pool because they are having a happy evening. Yee misses Sum and when she receives Fung's email, she is disappointed because there is no news on Sum and becomes the brunt of Bo's jokes. A mentally-afflicted person arrives at the airport and Yee observes him offering her assistance. Shan and Yee assist a pregnant woman giving birth at the airport and the lady is grateful to them, choosing to name the baby girl Yee Shan, making them very honoured. Yee emails a picture of the baby to Fung who is happy for them, but Sum sees Shan in the picture and becomes agitated.

    The cadets undergo even more rigorous training and make many mistakes through their lack of experience, Sum orders them all to improve. Sum splits them up into groups for flying practice and Fung, Yan and Chung are placed together in a group. Fung refuses, wanting to fly alone, but is met with a scolding from Sum who points out that with his impatience, Yan's reservations and Chung's indecision, they will each mke up for the others' shortcomings. The three work together to design a flight plan. Fung opts for more an aggressive technique and when Sum finds out, he is worried, but Tung says that he should believe in Fung. When Sum sees that they have a good plan and are well prepared, he is comforted.

    On the day of the flight, the weather turns bad and Yan and Chung are worried. Fung decides to face what comes and Sum seems calm, but is observing them closely. Fung decides to fly and Chung and Yan agree, so the three begin their first flight. On take-off, the weather worsens rapidly and there is a malfunction on the craft, but luckily, the three keep their calm and overcome the difficulty. Sum and the other tutors praise them. They all complete their training and return to Hong Kong. At their graduation ceremony, they are all happy, but Chung's father is absent due to his business and Chung is very disappointed.

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