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Thread: The Sword And The Exquisiteness by GU LONG

  1. #241
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: This is not an update

    Originally posted by Athena
    From now on mum's the word on spoilers and such. The reason why I'm translating this part so rapidly is because I'm nearing one of my favourite parts in this novel...............
    Heheh. You too, eh? I have this tendency too.

    The upcoming part of the novel(next 10 chapters or so) is definitely the best.

  2. #242
    Senior Member TigerWong's Avatar
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    Yeah, it'll be great! Definitely my favorite parts as well. Even though I know the story already, it'll be exciting to read again.

  3. #243
    Member Acidbeastonfire's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Goofy
    Acid, don't forget my fanfic either although I confess that I get attached to the translations here that I am neglecting my own story.

    forget???i'd forget my own name first! i've mentioned sometime back, i have to start from scratch on ur fanfic coz the details got all fuzzy when u took a short break from it. & i hate following a story if i got to back track all the time to refresh my memory on the characters as i'm reading along. So one fine day i'll park my a** on a nice comfy place away from civilization & savour the story
    "Man is his own star; and the soul that can
    Render an honest and a perfect man,
    Commands all light, all influence, all fate;
    Nothing to him falls early or too late.
    Our acts our angels are, or good or ill,
    Our fatal shadows that walk by us still."

  4. #244
    Senior Member eeyore's Avatar
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    I just read the Jin Yong and Gu Long thread... now, is this mean this story here is going to be SAD ENDING? I know I'm not suppose to ask but, could anyone give me a hint.... just say happy or sad ending.

    Oh, I dunno if someone already asked this, how many chapter all together in this story?

    Spring Summer Autumn Winter.
    Pair ducks nest fly together.
    Clemencies. Summer life, feather winter white.
    Green meadow in spring, before the autumn bite.
    Watching the red gown.
    And none else, alone.

  5. #245
    Senior Member Han Solo's Avatar
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    Originally posted by someguy44
    Han - you're not indicating that I was force to read this translation are you? Actually, I wasn' t force if that's what you're implying. I originally did it out of love and care for my cyberspace other half. Now, I'm doing it mostly for myself. I want to share all her joys and sorrows in cyberspace! I think she quite enjoys this book and so do I. It's not like the usual Gu Long story.
    I don't mean that. I originally wanted to say that nothing could force me from reading the translation, not that i was forced to read. Anyway, doesn't matter right, the hands not responding to the mind.

    This story is good, rather unique in its pacing and plot, and you realy should read this, even if you do not know Athena.

    BTW, changing your atavar?

  6. #246
    Senior Member Anonymous's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Thks

    Hiya gys,
    Thx Athena for a HUGE translation.
    To TigerWong:
    Agreed with u regarding progression of more powerful fighters; however, also appreciate the main hero more because this really shows his growth.
    1. How does the EVIL MYSTERIOUS CULT work? Yu FangHe could control DragonKing? Seems there is a hierarchy structure ...
    The Dragonking was trembling he couldn't help himself and said:"I cannot tell you. I can't tell you!"
    The voice continued:"Don't forget you belong to me. Your soul and body are mine."
    The Dragonking laughed loudly and said:"No, I belong to chancellor Yu. I can't betray him and I won't betray him if I do I will die."
    2. Why is Zhong Jing [Huashan Disciplle] following Guo Pianxian? Is Zhong Jing hypnotized by Guo Pianxian like Jin Yanzi?
    3. Is this how XiaoFeng does a U-turn/reflect on projectiles/objects?
    he generated a Yin power to his left palm and a Yang force to his right palm.
    ... he soon pushed out his right palm repelling those metallic objects ... Suddenly Yu Peiyu changed the energy to his right palm from Yang to Yin. The repelled objects were hit by a gentle force and made a U turn and flew towards Guo Pianxian.
    4. In the battle with Guo Pianxian, I thought Yu Peiyu knows the NO-TECHNIQUE method [aka no-stance method]? Like Dugu9Swords, shouldn't he be able to counter-attack any technique? Also, notice how Yu Peiyu relied on [physical?] strength and inner strength to fight off the un-counter-ables... [Dugu QuiBai's default method if all else fails?]
    Now his stances became fierce and robust, Yu Peiyu recognized this form and thought:Shaolin's Arhat Tiger Subdueing Fist!
    Then he changed style again, now he used the Gigant Wave Fist.
    After two stances he changed styles again now his fists aimed at the shoulders of Yu Peiyu, but suddenly he quickly changed positions and were headed for his chest.
    Guo Pianxian laughed:"Do you recognize this style?"
    Yu Peiyu had no alternative to counter this technique and used his palms to receive his two fists. Guo Pianxian felt an enormous surge of energy coming through Yu Peiyu's arms and was staggered backwards.
    Guo Pianxian turned to Yu Peiyu and smiled wryly:"Your martial arts aren't that refined either. You just have tremendous strength and in combination with good internal strength. I've never seen anything like this before. I am no match for you."
    5. Interaction between Guo Pianxian and Yu Peiyu shows again villains have more dimensions.

  7. #247
    Senior Member TigerWong's Avatar
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    No technique or Intention doesn't necessarily mean being able to counter all techniques. I think those were both some of the things DGKB incorporated into his teachings, but that doesn't imply that one was the result of the other.

    BTW - I like how you come up with thoughtful comments about the stories.

  8. #248
    Senior Member Athena's Avatar
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    To Anonymous:Zhong Jing actually fell in love with that creep.

    Yu Peiyu said casually:"I am not a man who only makes friends with people because they rich and powerful."
    He walked towards the door.
    Guo Pianxian yelled:"Friend, please wait!"
    Yu Peiyu stopped walking but didn't turn around, he said calmly:"Are you going to try to kill me, because we couldn't become friends."
    Guo Pianxian said:"I don't need to try and find out whether I can kill a certain or not. But....why do you keep me at arm's length."
    Yu Peiyu sighed:"I don't want to fight you because of your.....connection with the Baihua Association. As for being friends, well I wouldn't dream of imposing."
    Guo Pianxian asked:"Do you find me vile and repulsive?"
    Yu Peiyu said:"Well, aren't you?"
    Guo Pianxian smiled:"Poison can kill people but if you use it correctly it can also be used to cure people. Do you agree? Fight poison with poison! Evil people work the same way, change its direction and the outcome might not be as bad as you think."
    Yu Peiyu thought over his words and said softly:"Fight poison with poison."
    Guo Pianxian said:"With your abilities and if we work together within three years I can promise you. We will rule Wulin."
    Yu Peiyu said calmly:"I do not have such ambitions."
    Guo Pianxian said:"A man should always try to build an empire of his own. To be successful in life. If Yu Fanghe can become the chancellor of Wulin why can't you and I become it too? Furthermore this Yu Fanghe may look like a gentleman but there is something sinister about him. Sooner or later I will find out his secrets......"
    Yu Peiyu turned around and looked very excited and loudly said:"Allright! It's a deal. From now on we will join forces and unite ourselves against those hypocrites. I want them to know who Yu Peiyu is."
    Guo Pianxian was a bit startled by his sudden change but soon he felt happy too and put out his hand and said:"It is a deal! We won't regret this. No one will be allowed to back out of this alliance" And started laughing loudly.
    Yu Peiyu laughed:"Do I look like a man who will go back on his words."
    A voice from the roof laughed:"I don't think the two of you are able enough to rule Wulin."

    Yu Peiyu knew it was Silver Blossom, she could move again. Yu Peiyu didn't use much force to seal her acupoints.
    Guo Pianxian was shocked but didn't show it and asked in a sinster way:"In your opinion what is still missing?"
    Silver Blossom smiled:"Me!"
    She gently descended from the roof and looked ever so charming, Guo Pianxian was also surprised to see such a beautiful young girl.
    Silver Blossom asked:"What do you think?"
    Guo Pianxian nodded:"Not bad, not bad at all."
    Silver Blossom sighed:"Unfortunately I don't have a mirror, otherwise I would like to see for myself."
    Zhong Jing was angered by Silver Blossom and asked angrilly:"Who are you? What do you want? Why were you eavesdropping on us?"
    Silver Blossom smiled:"You gave me quite a scare. Don't talk to loud I scare easily."
    Zhong Jing said:"Allright! Leave!"
    Silver Blossom laughed:"No need to get jealous, if I really wanted to steal away your man. All I have to do is wiggle my finger and he is mine."
    Zhong Jing was very angry but didn't know what to say. Yu Peiyu said:"You shouldn't bully honest young woman like Miss Zhong."
    Silver Blossom giggled:"I knew my young master Yu is a real gentleman, please don't get angry with me. I'm only afraid of you in this entire world."
    She looked at Guo Pianxian and said:"He and I both lost at the hands of young master Yu. If young master Yu wants us to sit down we wouldn't dream of getting up."
    She easily aligned herself with Guo Pianxian with just a few words. Yu Peiyu knew she was up to her old tricks but didn't know what to do with her. So he sighed:"What are you thinking of?"
    Silver Blossom said:"I just told you."
    Yu Peiyu said:"Do you care to explain that?"
    Silver Blossom smiled:"If the both of you want to dominate Wulin, you're still missing one important aspect. But if I join forces with you.....We will surely succeed, we will become unstoppable."
    Guo Pianxian laughed:"You want to join our alliance."
    Silver Blossom smiled:"I'm your fourth friend."
    Guo Pianxian examined her and said:"With your credentials you can even be the concubine of the emperor, but being my fourth friend.....You're not fit yet."
    Silver Blossom said:"What? Am I not as good as your lovers?"
    Guo Pianxian said:"Lovers and friends are two entirely different things. I have so many lovers that I lost count, but I only have three friends. Two of them are long dead now."
    Silver Blossom asked:"What does it take to become your friend?"
    Guo Pianxian asked:"What do you have to offer?"
    Silver Blossom said:"Although I'm not the most beautiful woman in the world, but I can make men very happy. Care to try?"
    Guo Pianxian smiled:"I'm sure you are, and I will soon find out. But still not enough."
    Silver Blossom continued:"I'm also a very powerful woman, with one order I can call up about 3000 men at my disposal."
    Which is true as an elder of the Heavenly Silkworm Sect she can easily call up her disciples.
    Guo Pianxian said:"Extra help is always good, but we need to feed those extra men too."
    Silver Blossom said:"I'm also a very rich woman and if you don't believe I will show you."
    Guo Pianxian said:"You're getting close."
    Yu Peiyu said:"That's not enough."
    Silver Blossom looked at him and said:"Don't forget I'm a vile woman. If you want to fight poison with poison I'm your woman....Besides sometimes the best man for the job is a woman."
    Yu Peiyu thought about what she said and smiled:"You're right. Accepted."
    Silver Blossom asked Guo Pianxian:"What about you?"
    Guo Pianxian laughed:"You're number four."
    Silver Blossom clapped her hands and giggled:"Now, who dares to oppose us? Whoever is in our way we regret the day he/she was born."

    Exactly one day ago Yu Peiyu would have never dreamt he would become friends with Guo Pianxian and let alone join forces with the likes of Silver Blossom and Guo Pianxian. However now he thought differently.
    At the gathering of Lake Huang all the orthodox Wulin people have been subjected to Yu Fanghe. They see Yu Fanghe as their leader, how can Yu Peiyu fight him. Yu Peiyu has no power and no support. He has to take another route to battle his enemies, fight poison with poison.
    He now found out that the leader of the famous Tang Clan was in fact no better than Silver Blossom. Or even worse than her.
    By joining forces with this lot he has gained a few strong allies against his so-called righteous enemies.

    Silver Blossom lead the way, she lead them to a graveyard. Zhong Jing tightly held on to Guo Pianxian's hand.
    She hatefully said to Silver Blossom:"Why are taking us here? What are you planning?"
    Silver Blossom giggled:"Are you afraid little sister? These places can be eerie but also lots of fun."
    Zhong Jing said with surprise:"Fun?"
    Silver Blossom said:"Yes, nights like these the spirits come back and perform a nice dance."
    The wind was howling at this moment and Zhong Jing got the shivers just by hearing the wind.
    She deliberately said:"If they do appear I will dance with them."
    Silver Blossom laughed:"They love beautiful young women like you, I'm sure they won't like it to part with you. They might even take you back to their graves."
    Zhong Jing was shivering, and Silver Blossom was laughing loudly to see her afraid.
    Guo Pianxian:"Very clever of you to hide your treasure here."
    Silver Blossom praised:"Very good! You guessed that I hid my treasure here. We're really made from the same type of wood, we really belong to each other."
    Yu Peiyu sighed:"I do hope that there aren't many people made from that type of wood in the world."
    Silver Blossom smiled:"Don't worry there aren't many. Furthermore two are enough."
    And she smiled towards Guo Pianxian, who returned the smile.
    Zhong Jing angrilly said:"If you want to seduce men, pick a different place!"
    Silver Blossom giggled:"My, my aren't we a jealous little girl!"
    Yu Peiyu frowned:"Did you put your belongings into a grave?"
    Silver Blossom said:"Yes, I found two unemployed bums invited them for some drinks. When they were tipsy and lured them here and told them to dig up a new grave. Anyway I removed the corpse and put my treasure inside."
    She asked Yu Peiyu:"Clever, right? You only have poor people living in this small town. Even grave robbers wouldn't bother in this town. The only things that will know about my little treasure are the ghosts."
    Guo Pianxian smiled:"What about those two bums?"
    Silver Blossom giggled:"You're very sharp. Since they helped me I invited them for another drink just to reward them. Not everyone is lucky enough to taste my special wine. (sigh*) Unfortunately before they could finish the bottle they somehow dropped dead."
    This sort deceiving, killing is absolutely natural to her. She didn't feel ashamed of it, in fact she felt quite proud about it. She even thought it was a funny anecdote.
    Guo Pianxian smiled to Yu Peiyu:"Brother Yu, those two men were willing to work for her. It is unlikely that they were any good characters. I don't mind even if a dozen of those men died, do you agree with me brother Yu?"
    Yu Peiyu didn't know what to say, he just sighed.
    Silver Blossom suddenly stopped in front of a grave and said:"This is it, the 27th grave counting from the east. There is even a little plant which I planted."
    Yu Peiyu casually said:"We trust you on matters like these."
    Silver Blossom said:"There is no corpse in here just some dirt."
    Yu Peiyu nodded, Silver Blossom said:"I know young master Yu doesn't like to rob graves. But digging up dirt is not too much to ask, right?"
    Yu Peiyu didn't speak, but in fact she didn't need to say that. The Yu Peiyu we see before us is different. He understands that in times of chaos extreme measures have to be taken, he isn't that strict anymore with values and etiquette.
    After digging for some time they found the coffin, Silver Blossom said:"This is the coffin. I made a small mark on it, I also remember that the deceased was a young married woman. She was very angry that her husband took a concubine that she got a heart attack and died."
    She turned to Zhong Jing and smiled:"She is almost as jealous as you."
    Zhong Jing grunted.
    Silver Blossom giggled:"I heard that if you remove the body from the coffin the spirit will still rest in it. If I open I'm sure she will look for Miss Zhong. I suggest you stand back."
    Zhong Jing tried to be courageous but still paced back a few steps.
    Silver Blossom who wanted to scream loudly to scare Zhong Jing suddenly shrieked:"AHHHH!"
    There was no treasure but only a decayed corpse of a young married woman. It seemed that she was looking at Silver Blossom and said:"Not only has my spirit returned but my body is back too."

    Silver Blossom said:"Impossible! I....I....put the treasure...the body was....removed....."
    She sat down totally confused and scared.
    There was a note in the hands of the body, Guo Pianxian took out and read: The little tramp drove me to death when I was alive, now that I am dead you want to steal my house as well.
    Guo Pianxian was shivering too, this was too strange even for him.
    Only Yu Peiyu remained calm, he has seen things ten times stranger that this. He asked:"Did someone see you burry the treasure?"
    Silver Blossom who already got up said:""She was still shaking with fear.
    Yu Peiyu said:"That is strange. The only possibility I can come up with is that those two bums came back from their graves. But other than......"
    Suddenly they heard a loud voice saying:"Good wine! Give me another bottle!"
    Another voice said:"It is a good vintage, but after drinking it my stomach hurts."
    In a distant they saw two figures holding red lanterns walking, but in the dark it felt like two red glowing apparitions. It looked very eerie.
    Sudddenly Silver Blossom shrieked:"Those....those are the two is them."

    End of chapter 15
    Last edited by Athena; 06-26-03 at 08:59 AM.
    So huge, so hopeless, to conceive
    As these that twice befell
    Parting is all we know of heaven
    And all we need of hell.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

  9. #249
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    ha, spooky.

    I like Silver bloosom a bit more, it is good that she got some scare once in a while.

    but I just have good news - Luk series (Damian version) is being released in Thai dubbed next month. Yeah, so I better go break my piggy bank.

    I am so excited I think I won't sleep tonight.
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  10. #250
    Moderator Ren Wo Xing's Avatar
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    Excellent as usual, and getting -very- interesting. When you keep on saying 'bumps' though, is that supposed to be bum?

  11. #251
    Junior Member
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    Wow... These translations are so addictive.

  12. #252
    Senior Member Athena's Avatar
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    Sorry for the typos I didn't really had my head to it when I was typing.
    To anonymous:I really like your observations, I was hoping you would keep doing these little recaps + your own deductions.
    To Meh and Tigerwong: I still have a few questions about this novel. About a certain character, I will send you a pm to make sure I don't reveal anything yet. But here are some thoughts; about the age of a certain character. What is the age of that certain character?

    Chapter 16 Winning against all odds

    Guo Pianxian took her hand and asked:"Did you use the right kind of poison?"
    Silver Blossom shouted:"Disciples of the Heavenly Silkworm Sect never make such mistakes."
    The man carrying the lantern came closer and said:"Do you think mere poison can harm us?"
    The other man laughed:"We came back to take you to the grave with us."
    Now they stood close enough, Yu Peiyu, Guo Pianxian saw that blood was flowing from their eyes, nose, mouth and ears.
    Guo Pianxian shouted:"Well, you've returned from the dead, now you can go back again."
    He waved his hand and ten poisonous needles shot from his sleeve. The two men cried out and fell down.
    Guo Pianxian laughed:"Some ghosts, can't even take a few needles."
    Silver Blossom said softly:"They were already dead once, how come they were still alive."
    Yu Peiyu suddenly thought of something and said:"Could other disciples of your sect have an antidote too?"
    Silver Blossom got up and walked to inspect the bodies and started to laugh loudly.
    Guo Pianxian asked:"Why are you laughing? Isn't that blood on their faces?"
    Silver Blossom didn't answer and smiled:"Father, are you here? Why won't you come out?"
    Nobody answered.
    Silver Blossom said:"Father, you were following me all the time. You must have seen where I have hidden the treasure and when I poisoned these two bums you rescued them. You knew I would return sooner or later so you instructed them to give me a scare."
    She continued to giggle:"Well, I have had my punishment. You almost scared me to death, please come out and let me see you."
    Suddenly a cold voice said:"You dare to keep the treasure to yourself. Don't you know that this treasure belongs to our sect. This is was just a small punishment, for the crime you have commited you deserve to die. If you weren't my daugther I would have taken your life."
    The voice slowly died out.
    Silver Blossom said softly:"He took everything....."
    Guo Pianxian was silent for some time but soon laughed:"A father who scares the living daylights out of his own daughter. What a laugh!"
    Silver Blossom sighed:"Do you think he just wanted to scare me?"
    Guo Pianxian asked:"Well, didn't he?"
    Silver Blossom said:"He thought I was alone, after I would have the scare of my life, in which I would probably pass out. He will have dealt with me according to sect regulations. I would have died without knowing who killed me, that's the way of our sect."
    Yu Peiyu frowned:"But he's your father."
    Silver Blossom said casually:"Father? In his eyes I'm no different from all his other subjects, there is no love in the Heavenly Silkworm Sect only regulations. He didn't kill me today because he still had some reservations about the two of you."
    She giggled:"If he was an emotional man, he wouldn't become the hierarch of the Heavenly Silkworm Sect."
    Guo Pianxian sighed:"Very formidable! The hierarch of the Heavenly Silkworm Sect is indeed a ruthless man. My respects."
    Silver Blossom giggled:"Like father, like daughter. I'm a chip of the old block. I don't blame him for trying to kill me, in fact I feel proud to have a father like him."
    Guo Pianxian coldly said:"You're penniless, what is there to be proud of."
    Silver Blossom giggled:"We do look alike, you're thinking without money I have no use. But you're wrong......"
    Guo Pianxian suddenly asked:"Did you hide your treasure somewhere else?"
    Silver Blossom nodded and smiled:"Well, I didn't know if anyone was following me. So I divided the treasure into two halves and the other half is somewhere else."
    Guo Pianxian asked:"Where?"
    Silver Blossom smiled:"Somewhere you will never guess."

    Hiding a treasure in a coffin was strange and eerie enough, where could this other place be?
    Silver Blossom lead them to a small village, Guo Pianxian, Yu Peiyu and Zhong Jing were surprised.
    Silver Blossom smiled:"You were thinking I was leading you to some dark mysterious place, but now our business is right here in
    this small town."
    She continued:"This is the Family Li Village, up ahead is the family Li inn. I lodged there some time ago for a few days."
    Zhong Jing asked:"You hid the treasure in an inn?"
    Silver Blossom said:"Correct, I used a large black cloth to wrap up my precious belongings and put it on a beam on the roof top."
    Zhong Jing scoffed:"Some safe place! Even a small child can find it."
    Silver Blossom laughed:"Sister Zhong, you're an intelligent girl. But there are many things you still have to learn. Ask him?"
    Zhong Jing turned to Guo Pianxian, Guo explained:"No one will go look for the most obvious places for anything valuable. They expect you to put somewhere secretive."
    Silver Blossom said:"No one will expect me to put the treasure on the roof top of the main hall in this inn."
    Silver Blossom smiled:"Do you understand now?"
    Zhong Jing sneered:"I will never understand these underhanded tricks."
    Silver Blossom said:"You're right, you just know how to become jealous."
    Zhong Jing was furious but again didn't know what to say.
    Silver Blossom said:"We should go up the roof of the neighbouring residence. From there we can see whether it is safe to go in."
    Guo Pianxian praised:"You're also a very cautious woman."
    Silver Blossom said:"Cautious people live longer. Besides the three of us are very cautious men and women."

    The four of them had no difficulty getting up the roof, this was the same spot where Mei Simang and Jin Yanzi spied on Silver Blossom and the Four Beasts.
    However just like Mei Simang and Jin Yanzi they were stunned too about what they saw.
    They saw a fairly large group of men and women standing around two old men. The two old men were playing a game of go.
    The two players are Yu Fanghe and Tang Wushuang.
    The people watching are all famous martial artists, the four of them were absolutely shocked and Guo Pianxian and Zhong Jing were also very much afraid.
    Guo Pianxian was also surprised to see Yu Fanghe and Tang Wushuang playing go. He thought their secret meeting was about something important. It seems they were just playing a game of chess.
    Yu Peiyu was startled to see Tang Wushuang, he wondered if this Tang Wushuang was an imposter too.
    Silver Blossom was the most disappointed and shocked and sighed:"Of all the places why must they play go here! We can't retrieve my stuff."
    Guo Pianxian said:"Let us leave!"
    Silver Blossom said with surprise:"Leave?"
    Guo Pianxian whispered:"We don't know when they're finished, and when they're done they won't leave immediately. We can't stay here the entire time."
    Yu Peiyu said:"We won't leave."
    He was determined to find out whether this Tang Wushuang was real or a fake.
    Silver Blossom added:"Right, we should stay here and wait."
    Guo Pianxian said:"They can see us in the morning."
    Silver Blossom retorted:"Not if we stayed in a room."
    She gently moved to the window of this house and found out the window wasn't closed. She pushed it open and entered, Yu Peiyu felt trespassing was not the right thing to do. But there was no other alternative. It was pitch dark inside, Silver Blossom took out her flint and lit one of her candles.
    She assumed the residents of his house were asleep but when the light was lit. Four eyes were looking at her, she was startled and almost dropped the candle.
    The house looked clean and there was a large bed, in the bed was a sick looking man.
    And sitting next to a bed a young girl who looked about 12, 13 years old. She kept looking at these trespassers with her bright and pretty eyes.
    Last edited by Athena; 06-26-03 at 10:12 AM.
    So huge, so hopeless, to conceive
    As these that twice befell
    Parting is all we know of heaven
    And all we need of hell.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

  13. #253
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Wow, a lot of updates. I'm now addicted to a double daily dose of S&E. I can't picture the horror of Athena leaving the forum for more than 2 days

    Thanks again!

  14. #254
    Senior Member someguy44's Avatar
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    You can't picture it? Imagine how I would feel?

    Not only for the translations of this novel, but for other more obvious reasons.

    Nice update btw Athena. I want more though. hehe.
    Last edited by someguy44; 06-25-03 at 09:01 PM.
    No longer walking amongst the living...

  15. #255
    Senior Member BluLotus's Avatar
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    Yea, more is good. Quantity over quality, hehe.

    Thanks for translaing!
    AKA: Frantasy

    Translating: Ni Tian Xie Shen (逆天邪神) – Against the Gods by Mars Gravity @

  16. #256
    Junior Member
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    Thanks Athena,
    I am your loyal reader also. Really appreciate your works.
    Although since I knew this forums my internet and my phone bill is rising but it is really worth at all.

  17. #257
    Moderator CrazyT's Avatar
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    The story is getting more and more interesting...can't wait to see what happen next. Thanks for all your hard work!
    I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

  18. #258
    Senior Member TigerWong's Avatar
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    San Francisco


    Originally posted by Athena
    To Meh and Tigerwong: I still have a few questions about this novel. About a certain character, I will send you a pm to make sure I don't reveal anything yet. But here are some thoughts; about the age of a certain character. What is the age of that certain character?
    Athena, I doubled checked my sources and the answer I gave you is correct. At least in the versions I'm looking at. I'll send you a PM with the details.

  19. #259
    Senior Member Athena's Avatar
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    Sep 2001
    Mount Olympus, sipping nectar and eating ambrosia


    To Tigerwong and Meh: What should I do now? Because I always felt that sentence in my copy was a bit out of place. Because she didn't seem like 16, 17 years old. 15, 16 years old is more like it. I think they added that part to avoid certain confusion later in that story. Because a marriage between a 12, 13 year old is a bit too bizare for wors in my opinion.
    I think I will make a concession by making that person a tad older. Sort make her a bit younger than in my copy but a bit older than the Internet version.
    Do you both think this is a good idea.
    So 15, 16 is okay I suppose. She does look very petite.
    Last edited by Athena; 06-26-03 at 06:22 AM.
    So huge, so hopeless, to conceive
    As these that twice befell
    Parting is all we know of heaven
    And all we need of hell.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

  20. #260
    Senior Member Anonymous's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Thumbs up Thks

    Hiya gys,
    Thx Athena for another round of updates.
    To TigerWong and Athena:
    I use comments as part of an interactive experience, as well as to get the flavor of Wuxia down
    1. LOVED this twist: Bad boys/girls turn to good gys; heroes with attitudes, with Yu Peiyu leading them.
    --- Yu Peiyu turned cyberpunk [Music playing: MichaelJackson's "you know Im bad" ]
    --- So far the team did: opened the grave, intruded an apartment in an inn.
    2. When SilverBlossom don't kill anyone, she's enjoyable as a character.
    3. Strange why SilverBlossom is scared now ... been killing ALOT of people ...
    4. Those 2 bums almost like Highlander: The Movie [where ConnerMcLeod repeatly rises up after a frenchman repeatedly shot him each time] Halloween or what?
    --- Loved how the mastermind is SilverBlossom's FATHER, especially when no one got killed.
    5. Really liked how a situation goes from worst to hope [ie. SilverBlossom's Father got the treasure, and then BAM! half of the treasure is still available.
    5. Dont usually like too many COINCIDENCES [ie. meeting Yu FangHe and Company at Inn] but didnt mind:
    --- could be because they are EVIL and entitled coincidences as part of their plots ...
    --- Or maybe the strange situation -- playing Go

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