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Thread: The Sword And The Exquisiteness by GU LONG

  1. #261
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    I guess that Silver's father was the man that trapped Yu Peiyu and Jin yanzhi in the cave.
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  2. #262
    Senior Member TigerWong's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Athena
    To Tigerwong and Meh: What should I do now? Because I always felt that sentence in my copy was a bit out of place. Because she didn't seem like 16, 17 years old. 15, 16 years old is more like it. I think they added that part to avoid certain confusion later in that story. Because a marriage between a 12, 13 year old is a bit too bizare for wors in my opinion.
    I think I will make a concession by making that person a tad older. Sort make her a bit younger than in my copy but a bit older than the Internet version.
    Do you both think this is a good idea.
    So 15, 16 is okay I suppose. She does like very petite.
    Actually the version I checked said 11 to 12. I don't think 15 is that different than 17, so either way would feel the same to me. But I think the spirit of the story intended for her to be a young girl just discovering adolescence. I know it's a bit bizarre and unsettling (although GL stories pushes the limit with all kinds of matters as you know... , in LSF a young girl of 12 also gets into bed with the hero), but probably in the old days girls got married younger (although maybe still not THAT young). Anyway, you're the all-powerful translator so you can do whatever you like. My vote is to keep it true to the novel, but then your copy says 16, 17 so who knows. Perhaps the publisher also felt uneasy and changed things.

  3. #263
    Senior Member Athena's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone for your loyal support!
    I still have to edit the previous two chapters. Why are there only 24 hours in a day?
    To Tigerwong: To be honest I never really felt that she was 15 either. I believed she was Qu Feiyan's age, tops (Smiling Proud Wanderer; the granddaughter of Qu Yang).
    I too think the publisher had some reservations about a marriage between a grown man and a 12 year old. I think I will keep her age 15, a bit more neutral. The part where she was mentioned she was 16, 17 was later on in my novel. This part is the same but why won't these publishers just align themselves.
    All these different prints/copies are driving me peanuts!

    Silver Blossom asked:"Why aren't you sleeping yet? It is quite late now."
    The girl just hemmed.
    Silver Blossom asked:"Why won't you light the candles?"
    The girl just shook her head, the sick man smiled:"We don't have any candles."
    Silver Blossom said:"No candles?"
    The sick man sighed:"My life is hanging on a silk thread, why should I need light. I rather await death in the dark, that way I will feel more assured."
    He sounded very weak and he really did sound like he was going to pass away at any time."
    Silver Blossom said:"Aren't you afraid? I mean a bunch of strangers coming into your home."
    The sick man smiled:"I'm a dying man why should I fear anything else anymore."
    Silver Blossom said:"You're right! There are many advantages of being a dying man. For instance I was going to kill you but now I don't have to anymore."
    She put her hand the girl's head and asked:"Aren't you afraid?"
    The girl thought for awhile and answered:"If my third uncle dies, I don't want to live anymore either."
    Silver Blossom said:"You're not afraid either."
    The girl said resolutely:"No."
    Silver Blossom laughed:"If you're not afraid, I suppose you won't scream and so?"
    The girl said:"My third uncles likes peace, I never speak loudly."
    Silver Blossom praised:"Marvellous! That way you will live longer too."
    She now ignored the two, and was observing the family Li inn.
    She could hear that Yu Fanghe and Tang Wushuang were still playing go.
    Yu Peiyu asked gently:"Little Miss, what's your name?"
    The girl said:"There is no need exchanging names. We have just met and will probably never see each other again. No need for formalities."
    Yu Peiyu was surprised that she would say such wise words, and looked at her. The girl looked at him too for some time and said:"But since you asked I might as well tell you. My name is Zhu Lei'Er (Lei as in tears). I often cried when I was a little girl so hence this name."
    Yu Peiyu wanted to say something but Zhu Lei'Er continued:"But now I don't cry anymore. Maybe I have run out of tears."
    Yu Peiyu sighed:"How long has your uncle been ill?"
    Zhu Lei'Er said:"For about 7 years now."
    Yu Peiyu said:"Have you been taking care of him all that time?"
    Zhu Lei'Er nodded, Yu Peiyu asked:"Isn't there someone else to help you out?"
    Zhu Lei'Er said:"My third uncle only has me as his only relative."
    Yu Peiyu sighed and thought:Seven years ago this girl was about 8 years old or so. She had to spend her childhood taking care of her sick uncle.
    Yu Peiyu felt sad for her.

    A new day dawned, Zhong Jing slept in the arms of Guo Pianxian. Guo was looking at the sick man and was looking pensive.
    Silver Blossom strechted herself and said:"The two are still playing go, when will the finish the game. At this rate they won't be finished untill next year."
    She turned to Zhu Lei'Er and said:"Be a good girl and prepare some congee and some dishes for aunties and uncles."
    Zhu Lei'Er said:"No, I won't leave third uncle."
    Silver Blossom smiled:"Be a good girl and listen! As a child you have to listen to grown-ups."
    Zhu Lei'Er said:"No, I won't go."
    Silver Blossom said very gentle:"You are not afraid of me, are you? That's why you won't listen to me, right?"
    After saying this she slapped Zhu Lei'Er very hard, leaving a imprint on her sweet little face.
    But she still didn't move, Silver Blossom smiled:"What? Didn't I slap you hard enough?"
    She raised her hand and was about to slap her again but this time Yu Peiyu grabbed her hand.
    Silver Blossom sighed:"I knew you would interfere."
    Yu Peiyu said coldly:"If you want me to stay on your side, you would be......"
    Zhu Lei'Er yelled:"Ouch! You slapped me very hard."
    Silver Blossom said:"Now, you're feeling pain?"
    Zhu Lei'Er rubbed her cheek and said:"It hurts."
    Silver Blossom looked at her and forgot about breakfast. She thought:Now she feels the pain, is there something wrong with this girl?
    The sick man sighed:"You should have listened to her, if you did you wouldn't get slapped. Go downstairs and prepare breakfast."
    Zhu Lei'Er said:"It is because my third uncle told me. I wouldn't cook for you even if you threatened to kill me."
    Yu Peiyu watched her as she went downstairs and sighed.
    Silver Blossom smiled:"She reminds me of when I was a little girl. But if she is like me the breakfast will be very lethal. I'll check on her now."
    Yu Peiyu frowned:"She's just a young girl."
    Silver Blossom laughed:"When I was her age, I had already poisoned at least 70, 80 people."
    Yu Peiyu said coldly:"She is not afraid of you, but you seem to be a bit afraid of her."
    Silver Blossom couldn't explain her worries about that girl. Somehow she felt uncomfortable around her.
    She was silent for a moment and smiled:"Anyway it never hurts to be extra careful."
    Yu Peiyu sighed:"I'll go instead of you."

    Yu Peiyu saw Zhu Lei'Er in the kitchen she was washing the rice and was preparing breakfast. He felt very sad for that she had to endure so many hardships at her young age.
    Yu Peiyu said in a gentle voice:"Do you keep the entire house tidy and clean every day?"
    Zhu Lei'Er said:"I can't stand dirt, if I see something disgusting I will hate it. But who wants to hang around disgusting people if they had a choice. Do you agree?"
    Yu Peiyu said:"You're right." But Zhu Lei'Er words were hinting towards his present situation.
    Zhu Lei'Er said softly:"But why are you in the company of disgusting people?"
    Yu Peiyu didn't know what to say, this strange young girl was a very wise and knowledgeable person.
    Zhu Lei'Er said:"Although I don't go out often but I see a lot of strange things happening. I always tell my uncle what I see, that way he won't feel lonely."
    Yu Peiyu asked:"Do a lot of strange events happen here?"
    Zhu Lei'Er said:"For example I saw a pretty young woman using a strange method killing four vicious robbers some time ago"
    Yu Peiyu said:"You must be talking about the woman who slapped you."
    Zhu Lei'Er said:"Did someone slap me? I have forgotten that. If you're hit and you cannot take revenge. The best way is to forget, so you won't feel bad about that."
    Yu Peiyu said:"But what about feeling pain?"
    Zhu Lei'Er said:"If you're hit you're bound to feel pain. I believe feeling pain later is better than feeling pain right away. Because that way you can take away the joy your attacker has."
    Yu Peiyu was stunned that a young girl like her had so many strange thoughts and ideas.

    Suddenly there was a loud noise coming from next door, Yu Peiyu said:"Let's see what is going on?"
    Yu Peiyu saw a lot of Wulin people entering the family Li inn. Silver Blossom said:"What do these people want here?"
    Guo Pianxian said:"Everyone wants to see the chancellor of Wulin playing go with the leader of the Tang Clan. If word gets out everyone will rush over here within three days."
    Silver Blossom said angrilly:"Who is the son of a ...... who spread the word."
    No one answered her of course.
    Yu Peiyu knew of course that Yu Fanghe must have spread the word himself. He wants to assure the Tang disciples that their beloved father, teacher is allright and is playing go near their own mansion.
    This way the fake Tang Wushuang will easily become the real Tang Wushuang.
    They could hear some Wulin people say:"This is the new chancellor of Wulin. He looks very impressive and distinguished. No wonder that even Hong Lianhua praises him."
    Some other people were asking:"Could we ask chancellor Yu to speak to us?"
    Lin Shoujuan said:"Well, this is an interesting game they're playing. By the looks of it they will be busy for another few days. But after the game chancellor Yu is too happy to able to talk to you, if you have any problems he will happy to be of any assistance."
    The people were cheering and felt that Yu Fanghe was a true gentleman.
    The talking went on:"That is Mr. Lin Shoujuan, the Flowered Chestnut Sword. His daughter is a famous beauty in Wulin."
    "Right, wasn't she supposed to marry young master Yu. The son of the chancellor."
    "Yes, that was the idea. But Yu Peiyu died at Murder Manor."
    "Didn't chancellor Yu want to take revenge?"
    "It seems that Yu Peiyu was very strange and bizarre. Chancellor Yu was very disappointed in him. Perhaps it is a good thing that he's dead. That way Miss Lin doesn't have to marry a madman."

    Yu Peiyu was angry and sad, but he couldn't do anything. Silver Blossom said:"When will these people leave? How long do we have to wait here?"
    Yu Peiyu said:"Not long anymore." He got up and started to walk downstairs.
    Yu Peiyu said calmly:"No need to hide and wait anymore. I think it is time to be a bit more daring and open."
    Silver Blossom laughed:"What are you talking about?"
    Before she knew what happened, Yu Peiyu was downstairs and opened the door. He walked to the family Li inn.
    Zhong Jing was filled with amazement:"What a bold move."
    Guo Pianxian smiled:"With a friend like me he is bound to be brave."
    Silver Blossom said in a melancholic tone:"Before he had you as his friend he was a very brave and courageous man."

    When Yu Peiyu entered the inn everyone looked at him in awe, they had never seen such a handsome young man before.
    Yu Peiyu just put up a smile and walked straight ahead, Lin Shoujuan approached him and said:"May I help you? The chancellor is....."
    Yu Peiyu interrupted him:"My name is Yu Peiyu."
    When everyone heard the name Yu Peiyu they were all shocked. Lin Shoujuan looked pale and Yu Fanghe and Tang Wushuang looked up. They both gave Yu Peiyu a good look.
    Yu Peiyu was certain now that Yu Fanghe didn't recognize him and this Tang Wushuang was a fake too.
    This Yu Fanghe smiled:"Yu Peiyu? It's surprising that you have the same name like my late son."
    Yu Peiyu looked at Tang Wushuang and Yu Fanghe and his heart was practically bleeding but smiled:"That is a coincidence and I feel honoured."
    Yu Fanghe asked with a smile:"What can I do for you, young master Yu?"
    Yu Peiyu said:"I came here to retrieve something."
    Yu Fanghe stroked his beard and smiled:"What is here that belongs to young master Yu?"
    Yu Peiyu said:"Some time ago when I lodged here I accidentally left a parcel here."
    Yu Fanghe thought it was quite funny and said:"A lot of people come in and out in an inn, I do hope your belongings are still here."
    Yu Peiyu said:"With your permission chancellor Yu, I would like to...."
    Yu Fanghe smiled:"If it still here, of course you can retrieve it."
    Yu Peiyu smiled:"Thank you, chancellor Yu. Sorry for the inconvenience."
    Suddenly it seemed like Yu Peiyu's body shot up, without bending his knees or anything. He flew up the beam and took the parcel.
    This style of the art of levitation was called The Heavenly Meteoric Rise, the form of this art is studied by numerous people in Wulin. The disciples of Shaolin, Wudang, Diancang all knew it.
    Yu Peiyu used this no to show off his martial arts but to conceal his martial arts school, just in case.
    Yu Fanghe praised:"Excellent!"
    When everyone heard that the chancellor was praising they too called out.
    Only Silver Blossom was not paying attention to this, she had her eyes fixed whether her parcel was still there. Suddenly she was very happy, she saw that Yu Peiyu had retrieved the parcel.
    Last edited by Athena; 06-26-03 at 10:22 AM.
    So huge, so hopeless, to conceive
    As these that twice befell
    Parting is all we know of heaven
    And all we need of hell.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

  4. #264
    Senior Member someguy44's Avatar
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    Athena mui - I don't think there is any need to edit anything at this point. I beleive the rest of us would rather prefer you keep translating and edit only when you're done with the story or the volume. Or, you can have someone else edit for you. I like to volunteer if I wasn't so unsure about my grammar. hehe

    Like darkscer said, "Quantity over Quality!"

    Hmm... Something's not right about that little girl. She doesn't seem like who she should be.

    Btw, how come half of Silver Blossom's treasure is only contain in a little parcel?

    Last edited by someguy44; 06-26-03 at 03:04 PM.
    No longer walking amongst the living...

  5. #265
    Junior Member
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    the other half was taken my her pops in the grave

  6. #266
    Senior Member Athena's Avatar
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    It is rather big parcel, I didn't really get into the size but it was quite big.
    The hierarch of the Heavenly Silkworm Sect isn't the old man with one arm. (The one who lured Jin Yanzi and Peiyu into the cave).
    So huge, so hopeless, to conceive
    As these that twice befell
    Parting is all we know of heaven
    And all we need of hell.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

  7. #267
    Senior Member someguy44's Avatar
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    Originally posted by XiMen ChuiXue
    the other half was taken my her pops in the grave
    That's not what I meant. I mean a treasue that huge, even if it's half, is only contain in a "little parcel"

    Btw, is that guy really her dad or is Goofy's women's intuition incorrect? hehe
    No longer walking amongst the living...

  8. #268
    Senior Member Athena's Avatar
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    Guo Pianxian smiled:"Your parcel is there."
    Silver Blossom laughed:"I knew nobody would find it."
    Guo Pianxian smiled and praised:"This Yu Peiyu is really something. He has courage and intelligence, now he has retrieved the parcel in public no one including Yu Fanghe can take it away now."
    Silver Blossom said:"Right, he's coming back now. Damn!"
    Guo Pianxian asked:"What's the matter? Is Yu Fanghe giving him trouble?"
    Silver Blossom cursed:"That sly old devil wouldn't dream of giving him trouble. But he would like to take this opportunity to befriend himself with Yu Peiyu, he is requesting him to stay here and join him."
    Guo Pianxian asked:"What is Yu Peiyu doing now?"
    Silver Blossom said:"He looks very calm and is still smiling......
    He is saying that he will come back when they've finished their game of go."
    Guo Pianxian was surprised and said:"You can hear him talk?"
    Silver Blossom said:"No, of course not. But I can read his lips and deduct the rest what I cannot see clearly."
    Guo Pianxian praised:"You're also a woman with many hidden talents."
    Silver Blossom said:"Damn! The old goat used his sleeve to brush away the go pieces. And he said he would rather talk to a new young hero like Yu Peiyu than play go."
    Guo Pianxian frowned:"This way Yu Peiyu has to stay."
    Silver Blossom was a bit panicky and said:"He cannot stay there, and he can't offend Yu Fanghe at this moment. He looks a bit troubled."
    Suddenly a loud clear voice said:"It would be a shame to stop such a marvellous game of go. I think this game would go into the analects of Wulin, if chancellor Yu stopped now we would all be very disappointed."
    Guo Pianxian quickly asked:"Who is that?"
    Silver Blossom looked pleased and said:"This man has put the go pieces back on the board and on the right places too. He is very smart......."
    Guo Pianxian walked to the window and looked out too, he saw a young handsome beggar. This was of course the famous leader of the Beggars Association Hong Lianhua.
    They could hear Yu Fanghe laughing:"I never though master Hong Lian had such an interest in go, you leave no choice but to continue my game."
    Guo Pianxian quickly moved away from the window and broke out in a cold sweat. Silver Blossom laughed:"Why are you that afraid of him?"
    Guo Pianxian sat down and didn't answer.
    Silver Blossom said softly to herself:"That is strange.....If Hong Lianhua and Yu Peiyu are friens why did he allow Lin Daiyu to injure Yu Peiyu. Why did he just help Yu Peiyu?"
    The door downstairs opened and Yu Peiyu walked up the stairs, when Guo Pianxian saw that he was alone he felt relieved.
    He asked:"Did Hong Lianhua see you enter this place?"
    Yu Peiyu was surprised and said:"Why would he pay attention to me?"
    Guo Pianxian asked:"Doesn't he know you?"
    Yu Peiyu sighed:"How would I know him."
    He felt quite sad not to be able to acknowledge his good friend, and had to quietly sneak away.
    But at least he knew that this Tang Wushuang was an imposter too, he was hoping that the real Tang Wushuang was still alive.
    Silver Blossom took her parcel from Yu Peiyu and said:"We should leave this place at once. We got what we came for."
    Guo Pianxian said:"We can't leave if Hong Lianhua is still around."
    Silver Blossom smiled:"You're afraid but I'm not."
    Guo Pianxian said resolutely:"You won't leave either."
    Silver Blossom smiled very sweetly:"Of course if you're still here, I don't want to go either."
    She kept her hands tightly to her parcel, she was afraid to loose it again.
    Guo Pianxian said coldly:"You can leave if you want to and take your treasure with you."
    Silver Blossom was stunned and said:"What?"
    Guo Pianxian said coldly:"Open it and you'll understand."
    Silver Blossom smiled:"I know what is inside, I don't need to look at it."
    But still she was a bit suspicous after hearing Guo Pianxian's words, she opened the parcel and called out:"NO!"
    There were only roof tiles in her parcel. She almost fainted with anger and Yu Peiyu was surprised too.
    Guo Pianxian was smiling coldly.
    Silver Blossom asked:"How did you know?"
    Guo Pianxian said:"When brother Yu walked up the stairs I knew already that that parcel didn't contain any valuables. The sound of the steps reveal a lot, my ears and eyes are not as useless as your ears and eyes."
    Silver Blossom angrilly said:"Who took my stuff? That day only I knew where I put the parcel away."
    After some time she said:"Could it be Yu Fanghe? .......Yes, of course before the sly dog lodged he must have instructed his men to search the inn."
    Yu Peiyu said:"If it is in his possession, there is no way you can get it back."
    Guo Pianxian only had his eyes on the sick man, and didn't speak anymore. Silver Blossom now looked into the same direction.
    She suddenly saw that the sick man had something hidden under his blankets.
    Silver Blossom laughed:"There is really something wrong with my eyes."
    She walked to the bed of the sick man, Yu Peiyu frowned:"What are you doing?"
    Silver Blossom smiled:"There is something good under the blankets I just want to have a look."
    She wanted to pull away the blankets, the sick man opened his eyes and said:"I can assure you if you pull away the blankets you will suffer a terrible death."
    All of a sudden the sick old man had a heroic, majestic grandeur.
    Silver Blossom didn't dare to pull the blankets and stepped away from his bed.
    The sick man closed his eyes again, Silver Blossom said with a smile:"I really can't remove your blankets."
    She regained her confidence again.
    The sick man said:"No."
    Silver Blossom smiled:"If you tell me that I can't do something, I will do it anyway just for fun."
    The sick man sighed:"Allright! Lei'Er show her."
    Zhu Lei'Er who was still downstairs immediately walked up and looked at Silver Blossom.
    She asked:"You really want to have a look? You won't regret your decision?"
    Silver Blossom said:"No I won't regret it. And yes I want to have a look. I just want to see what kinds of demons or goblins you have been hiding."
    Although she was giggling like usual but she was still a bit nervous.
    Somehow she was afraid of this young girl and this sick old man, she couldn't explain why she had this fear for them.
    Zhu Lei'Er went downstairs took a big bucket of water and took out a little box. She took a bit of powder out of the little box and threw it into the water. The water turned black instantly.
    Silver Blossom had no idea what she was doing and was quite curious.
    Zhu Lei'Er put the bucket in a corner and smiled to Silver Blossom:"Just watch."
    There was something mysterious about her smile, even Yu Peiyu was a bit anxious and curious. Silver Blossom stared at the bucket with fascination.
    Suddenly the blankets were moving, and it kept moving harder and harder.
    The entire room was filled with fear, Zhong Jing held Guo Pianxian's hand tightly. Silver Blossom stuttered:"I....I...don't know....what's under the blankets anymore.."
    Zhu Lei'Er said calmly:"It is too late, you must and shall watch."
    Suddenly a centipede crawled out of the blankets, it was not a very big centipede but it was entirely red. It was so red actually seemed it was glowing.
    After that centipede another 20, 30 centipedes crawled out with different shapes and different bright colours. Needless to say these creepy crawlers were very venomous.
    Silver Blossom giggled:"I thought it was something scary, I played with centipedes like these when I was three years old."
    This wasn't a lie, disciples of the Heavenly Silkworm Sect weren't afraid of centipedes.
    But still she was still a bit afraid, and the other centipedes followed the red one like it was their captain.
    Suddenly 20, 30 scorpions came out and followed the centipedes too, and after the scorpions a large number of snakes, toads, etc. came out of the blankets. Some of these creatures were so rare that even Silver Blossom had never seen before.
    But all of these creatures just slowly marched to the bucket of black water.
    Silver Blossom couldn't laugh anymore, and Zhong Jing shrieked and passed out again.
    Nobody would have guessed that the bedridden man had so many venomous creatures under his blankets. How could he sleep there peacefully.
    Even Silver Blossom got goosebumps, she played with poisonous creatures ever since she was a little child. But sleeping with hundreds, thousands of venomous critters like this, she didn't have the courage to do that.
    Zhu Lei'Er put two pairs of chopsticks against the bucket and the all these animals used the chopsticks as a bridge.
    The first centipede fell into the black water and twirled in the bucket and crawled out the other side, looking very weak and feeble.
    Now this way every strange critter did the same thing and crawled out again and went straight back to the blankets.
    The water slowly began to change from black to white and it was emitting smoke.
    Guo Pianxian was sweating, and when the last snake returned under the blankets everyone was silent and stunned.
    Zhu Lei'Er took a bowl of that white water and giggled:"The congee isn't ready yet, care for a bowl of water. I put extra ingredients in it, it tastes better than chicken soup."
    Silver Blossom paced backwards very quickly and shook her hands and said:"No, thank you. I will pass."
    She now knew that the powder she put must be some sort of antidote or even another strong poison to balance out the poison of those creatures.
    She also knew that the bucket water was very dangerous, even the mere smell or touch could kill. Let alone drink it.
    Zhu Lei'Er smiled:"Since nobody wants to drink it, I will have to drink it alone. Such a waste that nobody wants to try such a delicacy."
    She drank the bowl of water with with no hesitation, everyone was thinking what is her stomach made of? Iron, diamond?
    After she finished that bowl she said calmly:"My third uncle has been ill for many years, he uses the cold venom of these pets to prolong his life. Please forgive us for being rude."
    Silver Blossom smiled:"What has your uncle contracted? What is the name of this strange illness?"
    Zhu Lei'Er said:"There is no name for this disease."
    Suddenly a voice from outside was calling:"Young master Yu, our leader master Hong Lian would like to speak to you."
    Yu Peiyu recognized the voice it was Mei Simang, an elder of the Beggars Association.
    Yu Peiyu was very happy, and wondered why Hong Lianhua wanted to talk to him about. Guo Pianxian said:"You go downstairs to delay them from coming here. I'm off."
    All of a sudden a voice of woman said:"Young master Yu, please open the door. Madame Hai Tang wishes to speak to you."
    Madame Hai Tang was here too, Guo Pianxian rushed to the window and looked out through a crack and saw a group of men and women surrounding this house.
    Several voices said:"Master Hong Lian and Madame Hai Tang both wish to speak to young master Yu, please open the door."
    Guo Pianxian pulled Yu Peiyu's arm and asked:"Do they know that I am here?"
    Yu Peiyu said with a slight indignation:"How should I know?"
    Guo Pianxian asked:"What do they want from you?"
    Yu Peiyu said:"Again how would I know?"
    Guo Pianxian said:"They have surrounded us, these people have some issues with us. You and I have joined open the door."
    Yu Peiyu sighed:"If I don't open the door, they can storm inside too."
    Some girls were saying:"Young master Yu, we have been polite up till now. But if you don't open the door we will have to use force."
    Silver Blossom smiled and said loudly:"Young master Yu is in the lavatory doing his business...You cannot storm the lavatory as well. You can come back when he's done, why the rush?"
    The girls downstairs giggled:"Very well! We will come back after a short while."
    Yu Peiyu turned to Guo Pianxian and asked:"You don't even want to face Madame Hai Tang. What happened between you?"
    Guo Pianxian was coughing now and Zhong Jing who woke up now looked very worried.
    Yu Peiyu sighed:"Anyhow, they will come back very soon. We have to do something."
    The bedridden man opened his eyes and said:"I have a plan."
    Guo Pianxian was very happy and asked:"You have a plan, sir?"
    The bedridden man said:"Come closer and I will tell you."
    Guo Pianxian walked closer but suddenly backed away again, he too was afraid of this strange bedridden old man.
    Zhong Jing rushed to his help and stood in front of him and said:"Sir, if you have a plan to save him you can tell me. We will be most grateful for your help."
    The man frowned and asked:"Who are you? And to what school do you belong?"
    Zhong Jing was hesitant for a minute but said in the end:"I'm Zhong Jing of Huashan."
    The bedridden man said softly:"Huashan an orthodox school......come closer and I will tell you."
    Although Zhong Jing was afraid of those creatures but for the man she loved she had to be brave.
    The bedridden man asked:"How long have you learnt martial arts?"
    Zhong Jing replied:"About 11 years." She was surprised why he would ask a question like that.
    The man smiled:"Good...good...."
    He suddenly grabbed her hand with incredible speed, even experts like Guo Pianxian and Yu Peiyu were surprised.
    Yu Peiyu asked:"Sir, what do you want?"
    The man closed his eyes and held on to the hand of Zhong Jing and didn't do anything else.
    Zhong Jing couldn't break free from his powerful grip but stayed as calm as she could.
    She asked:"Sir, what is it you want from me?"
    The man still had his eyes closed and said:"Don't open the door."
    Zhong Jing said:"That is your plan?"
    The man said calmly:"You don't have to open the door, because no one in the realm dares to set foot in this house."
    Zhong Jing felt that this man was too arrogant but believed a bit of his words. This man was filled with mystery.
    But she didn't know her face was slowly becoming very pale, and the man regained some colour in his face.
    No one saw the change in their faces and the people downstairs were requesting an audience again.
    Mei Simang said:"Chancellor Yu and old Mr. Tang would like to see you too. Won't you come out?"
    Yu Peiyu wanted to go down but wasn't sure anymore at this point.
    The girl who spoke earlier:"We have no ill intentions, we just like to speak to you. There are so many people who wishes to talk to you why refuse to see anyone?"
    These people weren't here for Guo Pianxian that was obvious now, but they were not willing to break down the door either. But they seemed very anxious to speak to Yu Peiyu. That made Yu Peiyu suspicous again.
    Suddenly there was a soft scream and they saw Zhong Jing fall down.
    Guo Pianxian picked her up and asked:"What happened?"
    She was very weak and looked very pale and couldn't move.
    Zhong Jing stuttered:""
    She couldn't say anything else anymore.
    The bedridden man looked very healthy and strong again but still had his eyes closed. Guo Pianxian understood now, he somehow managed to absorb Zhong Jing's internal strength.
    Zhu Lei'Er was standing by her uncle now, Silver Blossom walked towards Guo Pianxian and Yu Peiyu and asked:"What happened?"
    Guo Pianxian said with fear:"This is the evil skill that absorbs the martial arts of others and use it for themselves. I never thought that this type of skill existed. We should kill him now before all of us will die here."
    Silver Blossom sighed:"If you would attack first I'll certainly help you."
    Guo Pianxian stood there and didn't move, Yu Peiyu who wanted to move heard a voice now.
    It was Yu Fanghe:"They are not willing to come down, they must be in cahoots with them. Let us attack now before it is too late....."
    Madame Hai Tang asked:"Chancellor Yu, are you sure about this?"
    Yu Fanghe said:"We have seen the evidence and heard the witnesses. Master Hong Lian, do you agree?"
    Hong Lianhua didn't speak, in other words he agreed too.
    Yu Peiyu was still confused about what they are talking about when suddenly 10 iron balls as big as water-mellons flew into the house. There was smoke and sparks emitting from them.
    Yu Peiyu, Guo Pianxian and Silver Blossom didn't know what those were and didn't know how to counter them. They quickly moved aside.
    The bedridden man raised his hand and snapped his fingers ten times, they heard a whoosing sound and the ten iron balls flew out the same way they came in.
    Guo Pianxian and Yu Peiyu now understood that this man generated his energy to shoot invisible energy blasts.
    It was unbelievable that he was able to shoot ten blasts, even the famous Divine Finger Snap was not this impressive.
    They have heard of this level before, and never thought they would have the chance to see this level of the energy forming a sword.
    Suddenly there were ten large bangs, even the house shook and they saw sparks of fire everywhere.

    End of chapter 16
    Last edited by Athena; 07-01-03 at 04:46 PM.
    So huge, so hopeless, to conceive
    As these that twice befell
    Parting is all we know of heaven
    And all we need of hell.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

  9. #269
    Senior Member TigerWong's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Athena
    It is rather big parcel, I didn't really get into the size but it was quite big.
    The hierarch of the Heavenly Silkworm Sect isn't the old man with one arm. (The one who lured Jin Yanzi and Peiyu into the cave).
    Hmm, I have something to say, but I'll refrain.

    Hey, I thought it was gonna be "mums the word" from now on. Let people think what they will and whether or not their right, they'd just have to find out for themselves.

  10. #270
    Senior Member someguy44's Avatar
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    Originally posted by TigerWong
    Hmm, I have something to say, but I'll refrain.

    Hey, I thought it was gonna be "mums the word" from now on. Let people think what they will and whether or not their right, they'd just have to find out for themselves.
    I agree. I didn't say anything earlier cause I thought I might get slap on the face by Athena. hehe

    But now that you said it first, I can say it.
    No longer walking amongst the living...

  11. #271
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    Originally posted by someguy44
    I agree. I didn't say anything earlier cause I thought I might get slap on the face by Athena. hehe

    But now that you said it first, I can say it.
    Well, now we know who wears the pants in this relationship.

  12. #272
    Senior Member someguy44's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Meh
    Well, now we know who wears the pants in this relationship.


    You want Athena to go postal on me again, Meh?

    Besides, we have our differing opinions when it comes to other matters.
    No longer walking amongst the living...

  13. #273
    Senior Member eeyore's Avatar
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    Maybe because Gu Long stories are unfamiliar to me, I found there's alot of weird character...

    even wierd little girl..

    thanks for update Athena...
    Spring Summer Autumn Winter.
    Pair ducks nest fly together.
    Clemencies. Summer life, feather winter white.
    Green meadow in spring, before the autumn bite.
    Watching the red gown.
    And none else, alone.

  14. #274
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    Did Silver Blossom really love Yu Peiyu? So far, I just get the feeling she's interested in him because her younger sister was. And how he constantly rejects her probably attracts her too.

  15. #275
    Senior Member TigerWong's Avatar
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    Originally posted by someguy44
    I agree. I didn't say anything earlier cause I thought I might get slap on the face by Athena. hehe

    But now that you said it first, I can say it.
    Athena can, I mean slap me anytime.

    Athena: BTW - When I wrote 'I have something to say, but I'll refrain', I didn't mean that I had something more facetious to say. I actually wanted to discuss something about what you had just revealed, but I'll do it via PM when I have time.

  16. #276
    Senior Member Anonymous's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Thks

    Hiya gys,
    Thx Athena for another update.
    To gys:
    The Inn parcel must contain alot of IOUs.
    1. A bold Yu Peiyu kicks Arse. Leadership material [Thumbs up]. Loved how he introduced his infamous name in presence of his current archenemy [Yu FangHe] after the people just discussed his [Yu Peiyu's] demise.
    2. Loved the twist that good people gone to the other [bad] side [Yu FangHe's side]
    3. SilverBlossom is a lip reader.
    4. Like TigerWong mentions, getting more powerful characters
    --- SilverBlossom poison superceded by Zhu Lei'Er [and old man] poison
    5. New martial art revealed:
    --- "absorbs the martial arts of others and use it for themselves." [sucks internal energy]
    --- [after internal energy absorption] this man generated his energy to shoot invisible energy blasts. [old man did after absorbing internal energy]
    --- [after the energy blast] They have heard of this level before, and never thought they would have the chance to see this level of the energy forming a sword. [seems this is only possible if INTERNAL ENERGY is absorbed/transfered, becuz Internal energy requirement seems higher than one person's -- here, the old man needed to drain a victim first]
    6. Mentions "Divine Finger Snap" [East Wicked's technique in LOCH/ROCH]
    Interesting Line:
    Zhu Lei'Er said:"If you're hit you're bound to feel pain. I believe feeling pain later is better than feeling pain right away. Because that way you can take away the joy your attacker has."

  17. #277
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    I seem to deduct incorrectly in everything. but at least, I think the young girl took the parcel b/c she mentioned seeing Silver Blossom killing the Beasts.

    and the story is getting more mysterious.
    good work, Athena.
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  18. #278
    Senior Member Athena's Avatar
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    Mount Olympus, sipping nectar and eating ambrosia


    Chapter 17 Comings and goings

    Silver Blossom asked:"Were those the secretive weaponry of the Thunderbolt
    Guo Pianxian nodded and said:"If those things exploded inside all of us would be dead right now."
    Zhu Lei'Er smiled:"Now you understand why my third uncle borrowed Miss Zhong's internal strength. She lost her 11 years worth of internal strength but my uncle saved your lives too."
    Although the windows were broken, Zhu Lei'Er closed the curtains she didn't want the people outside gawking at them.
    The bedridden man put his hand under the blankets again, and he looked pale and weak now. If they didn't see it they wouldn't believe this man was capable of shooting invisible energy blasts with his fingers.
    Yu Peiyu asked:"Sir, what kind of unsolved issues do you have with Yu Fanghe?"
    The man replied:"He is not fit to be my adverysary."
    Yu Peiyu asked:"But why does he want to kill you, sir?"
    The man said"How do you know that they aren't here for you?"
    Yu Peiyu sighed:"Of all the places in the world why does Yu Fanghe had to play go in these little town and in this inn. I thought that was strange, but now I know he came here to deal with you, sir."
    The man closed his eyes and ignored him.
    Yu Peiyu said:"Furthermore it is strange that you would choose this place to nurse your wounds. I do not know what is special about this place."
    The man still remained silent.
    Zhu Lei'Er suddenly said:"They are not here for third uncle, they are here to deal with me."
    Yu Peiyu said with surprise:"You? But you're just a young girl?"
    Zhu Lei'Er smiled:"Do you really think I'm very young? I'm a bit older than you think."
    Yu Peiyu said:"Even if this Yu Fanghe is a monster, he is still the chancellor of Wulin. He wouldn't call up so many martial artists to deal with a young girl."
    Zhu Lei'Er scoffed:"Some chancellor of Wulin. My third uncle and I don't even think he is worthy of our attention."
    The chancellor of Wulin is a prestigious post, practically everyone in the realm of martial arts had to respect and acknowledge the status of Yu Fanghe. Could it be that this young girl had a even higher status than him?
    All of a sudden Silver Blossom screamed:"They are gone. They have all left."
    Guo Pianxian looked out too and said:"Yes, you're right. They're gone."
    Zhu Lei'Er said casually:"They think my third uncle has regained his martial arts, they don't want to die here."
    Yu Fanghe, Madame Hai Tang and other martial arts experts were afraid of this bedridden man. Who is this man anyway?
    Guo Pianxian picked up Zhong Jing and said:"We should go too."
    Zhu Lei'Er said coldly:"You should go before it is too late."
    Yu Peiyu said:"But if they come back....."
    Zhu Lei'Er said loudly:"My third uncle doesn't need your help. As for me....I don't care about being alive or dead anymore."
    Zhong Jing said weakly:"But why did you steal my martial arts?"
    Zhu Lei'Er said coldly:"You came begging to us, don't come crying to us the next time."
    Zhong Jing started to cry again.
    The bedridden man said:"Return their belongings."
    Zhu Lei'Er said:"Those are mine, why should I give them back."
    The man said:"What use do we have for those things? If some people consider them a treasure let them keep it."
    Zhu Lei'Er walked to a closet and took out a large parcel, she threw it in front of Silver Blossom. Silver Blossom saw it was her beloved treasure and quickly picked it up and walked downstairs.
    Yu Peiyu kept thinking who are these people? What do they want in this small town? Why were Yu Fanghe and all those other people that afraid of this sickly old man?
    The four of them walked out of the house, Silver Blossom was extremely happy. All the houses and shops had their doors shut tightly and no one was walking outside.
    Suddenly Guo Pianxian blocked her way, she quickly held on to her parcel tightly and asked:"What do you want?"
    Guo Pianxian sighed:"Women! I don't want your parcel."
    Silver Blossom smiled:"What is it that you want?"
    Guo Pianxian said coldly:"I just want to leave this place as soon as possible. I don't want to be carried away here."
    Silver Blossom giggled:"I'm afraid your hands are full, but if you want to carry me I don't mind."
    Guo Pianxian said coldly:"If you keep going this way all of us will be carried away. Like corpses."
    Silver Blossom asked:"What do you mean? Can't we leave this place?"
    Guo Pianxian said:"We can't leave this town at this moment."
    Silver Blossom said:"I too know that Yu Fanghe and others are still around here, in fact they must have surrounded the town."
    Guo Pianxian said:"You must think that they won't harm us because they are not planning to deal with us."
    Silver Blossom said:"What do they gain by stopping us? Furthermore you two will certainly not leave me behind."
    Guo Pianxian laughed.
    Silver Blossom smiled too, Guo Pianxian said:"If you want to go, I won't stop you. Let me remind you, you won't go far with that big parcel."
    Silver Blossom didn't walk anymore and looked disappointed.
    Guo Pianxian said:"If you want to leave, you'll have to leave your parcel behind. But I know you treasure that parcel as much as your life."
    Silver Blossom angrilly said:"Now I know why the old goat returned the parcel to me. They don't want us to go."
    Yu Peiyu said:"Now you know his intentions why don't you return the parcel to them."
    She said:"He knows I won't part with my treasure. Furthermore without the treasure I won't bear to part with young master Yu and Mr. Guo."
    Silver Blossom asked Guo Pianxian:"Shall we go back?"
    Guo Pianxian answered:"We're lucky that all of us are still alive. Going back? You must be joking."
    Guo Pianxian now would rather take his chances with Hong Lianhua than facing that sick old man and that strange young girl.
    Silver Blossom said:"Now what? We can't leave this place but also we don't want to go back to that eerie house. Should we find another empty house here? I hope this time we won't find any strange sick old men or some strange young girl."
    Guo Pianxian smiled:"This time I will find us a new hideout. A hideout no one will guess. We're going to the inn."
    Silver Blossom smiled:"Very clever! They won't go back to the inn again and it must be the safest place in this entire town."
    She looked at Yu Peiyu and said:"Well young master Yu are going to join us?"
    Guo Pianxian said:"I know he will join us."
    Silver Blossom said:"How come?"
    Guo Pianxian explained:"Yu Fanghe will come back sooner or later and we can watch two parties fight each other. We will only gain advantages. And brother Yu is full of questions at this moment, brother Yu wants to get to the bottom of this, right?"
    Yu Peiyu smiled:"Also there is nowhere else I can go now."
    When they entered the inn, the waiters and proprietor were gone, they must have been scared away.
    Guo Pianxian went to the kitchen and saw that they were still things cooking on a fire.
    Silver Blossom said:"A lot of people died in this inn, it is not surprising that the waiters, cooks and proprietor ran off."
    She put her parcel between the firewood and used hay to cover it up.
    She took a bowl and filled it with congee, Guo Pianxian did the same and gave a bowl to Zhong Jing. He said:"Eat some."
    Zhong Jing said:"I don't like congee."
    She hit the bowl out of his hands and started to cry again, and wept:"I've lost all my martial arts, I'm no different from an invalid. You will leave me sooner or later I might as well die."
    Guo Pianxian softly consoled her:"I don't need your martial arts to protect me, it doesn't matter that you lost your martial arts."
    Suddenly they heard a noise, Guo Pianxian looked out of the kitchen window and saw two men cautiously walking towards the house of Zhu Lei'Er.
    Guo Pianxian saw that both men had rather good martial arts, they were sent here to investigate and to spy on the sick old man and Zhu Lei'Er.
    Guo Pianxian opened the kitchen door and smiled:"Why won't you come in?" He quickly went inside again.
    The two men looked dazzled, Guo Pianxian wanted to lure them inside and question them about Yu Fanghe's motives.
    But the two men didn't come in, normally seeing such a situation the two men would immediately come in and investigate but now.....
    Silver Blossom was also surprised and said:"That's strange. Are they afraid of us?"
    Guo Pianxian said:"One of those men is a Diancang disciple. His name is Guo Chong, The Red Cherry Blossom And The Green Willow Sword, he is a rather famous Diancang expert......"
    Silver Blossom smiled:"I think he's a just coward and what a long nickname?"
    Guo Pianxian was also surprised and he leant forward to look outside and he saw that Zhu Lei'Er came down and was plucking flowers.
    Both men looked at Zhu Lei'Er completely captivated by her, and forgot everything else.
    Guo Pianxian was surprised, although Zhu Lei'Er was a beautiful young girl she was still very young. How could she mesmerize two 30, 40 year old men.
    Suddenly Zhu Lei'Er got up and walked back to the house slowly, her movements were most graceful and elegant. She suddenly turned around and smiled in the direction of Guo Pianxian.
    Guo Pianxian suddenly forgot her age, forgot everything else and wanted to go to her too.
    Fortunately his internal power was quite powerful and couldn't regain himself, he saw that those two men already followed Zhu Lei'Er into the house.
    Silver Blossom said softly:"She is good! She is a little enchantress she is able to seduce two men that easily. At her age I could only follow men."
    She turned to Guo Pianxian and smiled:"Fortunately our Mr. Guo has good internal strength, otherwise you would be number three."
    Guo Pianxian coldly said:"It isn't because I have good internal energy but because I have seen many types of women in my life."
    Silver Blossom said:"What does she want with those men?" All of a sudden she understood and said:"Of course she is luring them to the old sick man, their internal energies are soon to be absorbed by him."
    Guo Pianxian nodded.
    Silver Blossom laughed:"The poor fools!"
    Guo Pianxian turned to Yu Peiyu and said:"That's why Yu Fanghe lead so many martial artists against them."
    Yu Peiyu said with a wry smile:"She must have done this more than once."
    Guo Pianxian said:"By the judge of it she must have done this numerous times."
    Yu Peiyu sighed:"Because of this incident Hong Lianhua had no choice but to comply to Yu Fanghe."
    He doesn't know about the other martial arts experts but he does know that Hong Lianhua is very suspicious about this Yu Fanghe.
    Guo Pianxian smiled:"It is hard to believe that an adolescent girl has such abilities, in my opinion Hong Lianhua may not be her match."
    Silver Blossom laughed:"Anyhow I don't care how powerful she is, I still managed to slap her once."
    She raised her hand and showed them how she hit her, suddenly she turned pale. It looked like she was slapped this time.
    Yu Peiyu and Guo Pianxian were shocked to see her like this, Silver Blossom was looking at her hand and was trembling.
    They looked at her hand too and were stunned. This normally beautiful white hand was now red and green and looked like a claw of a strange beast.
    Yu Peiyu quickly asked:"How do you feel?"
    Silver Blossom said frantically:"I can't feel my hand anymore, why didn't I noticed this before. When did my hand change?"
    Guo Pianxian asked:"Can you still move your hand?"
    Silver Blossom stuttered with fear:"I....I....believe so.....but....but...."
    Guo Pianxian picked up a rolling pin and used it to hit her hand, anyone who gets hit on the hand by a rolling pin will cry out. But Silver Blossom didn't feel a thing.
    Guo Pianxian frowned:"Can you feel the pain?"
    Silver Blossom said with fear:""
    She sat down on the floor and started crying, Guo Pianxian picked up a butcher's knife and hacked at her poisoned hand. But there was no blood and her hand wasn't chopped off.
    Her hand was as hard as a rock, she cried even harder.
    Guo Pianxian smiled wryly:"My good Miss, that slap of yours has brought disaster on your head."
    Silver Blossom cried:"But when I slapped her I didn't feel anything strange."
    Guo Pianxian sighed:"That is the lethal part about it, the poison entered your body without notice. If you noticed it at that time there might be a way to save yourself."
    Silver Blossom sobbed:" too la....late now?"
    When it comes to poison her knowledge is a bit more profound than Guo Pianxian but she was in a frantic state and was hoping that it wasn't too late.
    Guo Pianxian shook his head.
    Silver Blossom begged:"I know you're an expert in using poison too, please help me!"
    She ran towards Guo Pianxian, Guo quickly avoided her and said:"Yes, it is true that I'm an expert in using poison. But even I don't know what poison this is....Good Miss, it is too late for you don't drag us along with you. Please don't touch us, I suggest you go and find a peaceful place and wait for death."
    Silver Blossom sat down again and looked sad and disappointed. She was a broken woman, Yu Peiyu said:"Come with me!"
    Silver Blossom said:"Where are you taking me?"
    Yu Peiyu said:"Although none of us can give you an antidote but the person who poisoned you must have an antidote."
    Silver Blossom said softly to herself:"Yes...yes.....I just slapped her, there are no animosities between us. She will save me."
    She was consoling herself.
    Guo Pianxian said loudly:"Brother Yu, do you want to go back to them?"
    Yu Peiyu said:"Yes."
    Guo Pianxian said:"Those two are very mysterious and dangerous, we were lucky to escape from them once. This time you might not be so lucky."
    Yu Peiyu smiled faintly:"If I had to die, I would have died at least ten times now."
    Guo Pianxian frowned:"It is worth risking your life for a woman like her."
    Yu Peiyu answered:"I would do the same thing for you, brother Guo."
    Guo Pianxian shook his head:"I've never seen a man like him, I don't know whether he is....."
    Suddenly Silver Blossom yelled loudly:"Hong Lianhua, Madame Hai Tang! Guo Pianxian is hiding in the inn. Come quickly, he is in the kitchen!"
    Guo Pianxian cursed angrilly:"The B-I-T-C-H-!"
    He carried Zhong Jing and had no choice but to follow Yu Peiyu too, Zhong Jing sobbed:"Why are you still so concerned about me? I've lost my internal energy I have no martial arts anymore. Why are you still so caring towards me?"
    Guo Pianxian said coldly:"If you would stop talking, I would be even nicer."
    Last edited by Athena; 07-01-03 at 04:59 PM.
    So huge, so hopeless, to conceive
    As these that twice befell
    Parting is all we know of heaven
    And all we need of hell.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

  19. #279
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    so, Silver Bloosom got her own medicine now. wonder why the young girl didn't try to seduce Yu or Guo earlier in the house. As this turned out, she was quite friendly and mercy toward this group of strangers who dropped in on her.

    everything is still a mystery.

    Tigerwong, after this story ends, I would love to hear your view concerning the pararell between it and DGSD.

    and did I tell you that I am getting a Luk Siu Feng series?
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  20. #280
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    Not the seducing tricks again.. x_x

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