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Thread: Xiao Yao Jianghu [The Carefree Wanderer]

  1. #1
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    Default Xiao Yao Jianghu [The Carefree Wanderer]

    Xiao Yao Jianghu [The Carefree Wanderer] is an adaptation / extension of the Swordsman 2013 series. The story focuses mainly on the next generation young heroes.


    Chapter 1
    Chapter 2
    Chapter 3
    Last edited by Xiao Dongxie; 01-06-15 at 04:31 AM.

  2. #2
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    Default Chapter 1

    The wind subsided and large snowflakes fell rapidly, twisting in a joyful dance around the trees. Under such cold weather conditions, the villagers of Licun town stayed indoors to keep themselves warm.

    Twenty miles outside the town, there was a small house at the top of a hill. It was said that the place was occupied by a blind man, beautiful woman and a boy. No one knew who they were and they hardly interacted with any outsiders.

    That night, a horse carriage tootled along a narrow twisting and turning path leading to hill top.

    Seated next to his wife Dongfang Bubai, Linghu Chong looked out of the small window in distress.

    A smile appeared on Dongfang Bubai’s face as she lightly patted her husband’s shoulder. “Chong Ge, don’t worry. I am sure that Lingshan is alright,” she comforted him.

    Linghu Chong furrowed his brows and sighed, “Yan’er [note: Dongfang Bubai’s actual name given to her by her parents was Dongfang Yan, lit. charming], I dreamed about Xiao Shimei [little martial sister] last night. I am worried that she…”

    Dongfang Bubai interrupted, “Impossible. It must be that you have been thinking too much during the day, so you dream about it during the night. Lingshan is a good person. Nothing bad will happen to her.”

    Linghu Chong reminisced about the incident at the atrium on Mount Song ten years ago and could not help but to feel depress. That night, he accompanied Yue Lingshan to Mount Song to look for Lin Pingzhi hoping that they would reconcile.

    After a long heart to heart talk at the atrium, Lin Pingzhi was touched by Yue Lingshan’s unyielding devotion. He apologized to her for stabbing her with his sword. He highlighted that he was only trying to make her hate him and leave him. He did not want her to spend the rest of her life with a handicap. To his surprise, Yue Lingshan did not hate him at all. She insisted that she would stay by his side no matter what. She hope to raise their infant together.

    Lin Pingzhi was taken aback when he heard that she was pregnant. He then recalled spending a night with her just before he started learning the Resisting Evil Swordplay. Thankful to heaven for bestowing him a child, he agreed to bring Yue Lingshan to the northern desert and live in the outer pass.

    As they were on their way up north, the Lin couple bumped into Yue Buqun. A fierce battle broke out between them. Yue Buqun was determined to kill Lin Pingzhi because he wanted to silence anyone who knew about him learning the Resisting Evil Swordplay. The battle ended with Yue Buqun killing Lin Pingzhi, making his daughter a widow.

    Shortly after Lin Pingzhi’s death, Yue Lingshan gave birth to a son and moved to the northern region. The infant is named ‘Lin Haoyang’ by Dongfang Bubai, hoping that the boy will be a person of great man when he grows up. Linghu Chong offered the take care of both mother and son but Yue Lingshan rejected. She did not want to trouble him anymore.

    About a month ago, out of the blue Yue Lingshan sent a pigeon message to Linghu Chong and told him that she was very ill. Naturally, Linghu Chong was worried and decided to rush to the south to see her.

    Linghu Chong noticed the sour countenance on Dongfang Bubai’s face. He reached out and held her hand tightly. “Yan’er, I know that you do not like Xiao Shimei. But no matter what, she is still my shimei. If I just let her be ill and not do anything I will never have peace for the rest of my life.”

    Dongfang Bubai looked away and let out a snort. “You and Lingshan are childhood sweethearts. Aren’t you afraid that I will be jealous?” she said indifferently.

    Linghu Chong’s expression suddenly changed. Looking at his wife’s childlike behavior, he could not help but to laugh. “Dongfang Jiaozhu is a generous and beautiful. She would not be jealous of a small matter. Furthermore, the happiest thing that ever happened to me was to marry you. I am only pitying Xiao shimei. She is all by herself and has no one to depend on.”

    Dongfang Bubai turned back at Linghu Chong and looked him in the eyes intently. “Linghu Daxia (chivalrous hero), I see guilt and fear in your eyes. Are you sure that you are not lying?” she knitted her brows, and asked in a mischievous tone.

    Instead of trying to explain, Linghu Chong leaned in and kissed Dongfang Bubai on the cheek.

    Caught off guard, Dongfang Bubai blushingly let out a snort, “You are a daxia. How could you sneak on me like that?”

    Linghu Chong smirked, “I learned to sneak up on people after knowing you. Not sure if it is fortunate or unfortunate.”

    Dongfang Bubai responded with a sneer, “Just make sure that you don’t do this in front of our children. I don’t want Wuque and Piaoxue to pick up all your impropriate habits.”

    “That is not impropriate. I am certainly going to impart all our martial arts and drinking arts to them so that they will bring glory to us,” he said with a grin.

    Speechless, Dongfang Bubai nodded at him apprehensively, and muttered, “Heaven...I have a bad feeling about this...especially the drinking part…”


    Upon reaching the hilltop, Linghu Chong and Dongfang Bubai exited the carriage and walked into the small house.

    As soon as they pushed the door open, they saw a boy sitting beside next to a bed, keeping a pale looking woman company.

    The boy hurriedly got up from the bed, narrowed his eyes and glared at the Linghu couple. “Who are you?” he asked aloud.

    Linghu Chong and Dongfang Bubai ignored the boy and glanced at the woman lying in the bed instead. The woman was indeed Yue Lingshan.

    Yue Lingshan lethargically reached her hand out and spoke in a low voice, “Haoyang, don’t be rude.”

    Excited to see his xiao shimei again, Linghu Chong strode toward the bed and gave her a smile. “Xiao Shimei, happy to see you again. You don’t look well. We should bring you to see a physician at once,” he said in a warm tone.

    Yue Lingshan held in her tears and replied in an emotional tone, “Da Shige, it’s good to see you again…”

    As Dongfang Bubai continued watching them, her heart beat suddenly increased. Unable to contain her emotions, she abruptly walked over to the bed, reached out for Yue Lingshan’s wrist and checked her pulse.

    Her movements were so fast and silent that no one saw her coming.

    Linghu Chong gazed at Dongfang Bubai and asked anxiously, “Yan’er, how is Xiao Shimei?”

    Dongfang Bubai looked at Yue Lingshan and said softly, “You have been ill for a long time? Your pulse beat is very weak.”

    The boy standing behind them interrupted, “We don’t have money to see a physician.” His voice was filled with sadness.

    Linghu Chong reached out for Dongfang Bubai’s arm and asked, “Yan’er, is there a way to save Xiao Shimei?”

    “If we can find that shazi [fool] Ping Yizhi we might have a chance. He is the only one under heaven who can bring the dead back to life,” Dongfang Bubai answered.

    Hearing that his mother has hope, the boy went up to Dongfang Bubai and said excitedly, “Gugu [aunt], where does this Ping Yizhi live? I will go and find him right away!”

    Seeing how filial the boy was, Linghu Chong gently patted the boy’s head and sighed, “Ping Daifu [physician] comes and goes without leaving a trace. It is almost impossible to find him.”

    Dongfang Bubai disagreed, “I have a way to find that shazi but I am only worried that Lingshan will not be able to wait for so long.”

    Yue Lingshan took a deep breath to gather her strength and said in a low voice, “Da shige, it's already good that you're here with me.”

    Linghu Chong stooped down beside the bed and looked at her intently. Tears started running down his cheeks. "Don't worry, I will do whatever it take to find Ping Daifu.”

    “Don’t waste your time...I know that it is time for me to go and meet Pingzhi…Da Shige, I want to ask you for you must promise me."” Yue Lingshan muttered. Her voice was becoming fainter and fainter.

    The boy ran over to the bed and got down on his knees. He reached out for Yue Lingshan’s hand and burst into tears, “Niang [mother] you must not leave hai’er [son, referring to self].”

    Dongfang Bubai knew that Yue Lingshan only had a very short time left in this world. She stepped forward and said in a low voice, “You want us to take care of Haoyang?”

    Yue Lingshan shifted her gaze from Linghu Chong to Dongfang Bubai. Smiling faintly, she said, “Saozi [older brother’s wife] is indeed….intelligent. But no...I would never trouble you all. I only hope...that you can bring Mount Hua and let Liang Shixiong [senior martial brother] take care of him.”

    Linghu Chong gripped Yue Lingshan’s right hand and said, "Da Shige promise."

    Dongfang Bubai coughed lightly and interupted, “We will not bring him to Mount Hua.”

    Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan were startled.

    “We will bring him home with us and take good care of him. We will not let him be bullied. We will love him like a son,” Dongfang Bubai continued with a wide smile.

    Linghu Chong was surprised by Dongfang Bubai’s words. He never expected his wife to be compassionate toward Yue Lingshan who was merely a stranger to her.

    A faint smile appeared on Yue Lingshan’s face as she slowly said, "Saozi, thank you...thank you so much…” She then gazed at Lin Haoyang and said, “Haoyang, you must promise niang ...that you will listen to Shishu [martial uncle] a good boy.”

    The boy shook his head and started crying, “Niang you cannot die. Hai’er needs your care…”

    Yue Lingshan suddenly noticed Lin Pingzhi’s image outside a small window. She slowly extended her hand and said smilingly, “Pingzhi...just wait a little longer...I will come...and accompany you real soon...are you happy to hear this...Pingzhi…”

    Finishing her last words, she dropped her hand to the bed and slowly closed her eyes. Her breathing had also stopped.

    Linghu Chong's heart just sank. He wanted to cry but he couldn't. He extended his hand and gently stroked her cheek. "Xiao Shimei, don't worry. We will take good care of Haoyang. No one will bully him."

    “Niang!” the boy yelled and broke into sobs.


    After burying Yue Lingshan behind the small house next to Lin Pingzhi’s grave, Linghu Chong and Dongfang Bubai took Lin Haoyang back to their home at Mount Wuliang, Yunnan.

    On the summit of Mount Wuliang, there was a large flower garden full of red and pink roses. The roses smelled wonderfully fragrant and were delicately beautiful. There were also two yuan-yang ducks swimming leisurely through a small pond. Seeing such lovely scenery, for a moment Lin Haoyang thought that he was in some sort of paradise.

    The Linghu couple led Lin Haoyang into a manor up ahead. The moment they had entered, a boy off a table that he was sitting on and hurriedly ran toward them.

    “Tie [father]! Niang! You are back!” he exclaimed happily.

    Dongfang Bubai reached out for the boy and gently stroked his cheek, “Wuque, why are you lazing around instead or practicing your calligraphy or martial arts?”

    The boy smirkingly answered, “I already did.” He glanced at Lin Haoyang and asked curiously, “Tie, Niang, who is this?”

    Linghu Chong put his hand on Lin Haoyang’s shoulder and said with a smile, “Wuque, this is Haoyang. From now on he will stay with us.”

    The boy was excited that he had gained a friend who was about the same age as him. He noddingly greeted Lin Haoyang with a smile.

    Still grief stricken by his mother's passing, Lin Haoyang was not in the mood to socialize. He gazed at the boy expressionlessly without saying a word.

    A much younger girl exited a room and walked up to Dongfang Bubai. Pulling Dongfang Bubai’s sleeve with both hands, she said happily, “Niang. you are back!”

    Dongfang Bubai held the little girl in her arms and nodded with a smile. “Yes Niang is back. Paioxue, did you all listen to Tong Shushu while we were away?” she asked in a serious voice.

    The little girl nodded, “Of course we did. Tong Shushu made us candied haw in a stick.”

    Linghu Chong crossed his arms and muttered under his breath, “So you are saying that if Tong Shushu did not give you haw in a stick you would not have listen to him?”

    The little girl giggled, “Tie, of course we would.”

    Linghu Chong introduced Lin Haoyang to the little girl, and then said to the three children, “From now on you four must treat each other with love and respect, share good fortune and suffer misery together.” As he spoke, he thought of the past ten years he had together with his xiao shimei while they were at Mount Hua, holding hands and traveling everywhere.

    Dongfang Bubai noticed the expression on her husband’s face, and knew that he was reminiscing the past. She looked at Lin Haoyang and said softly, “Don’t worry. This is not the typical martial art school where there are lots of rules and regulations. There are only two basic rules which your Linghu Shishu personally set, which is, don’t bully the weak, and don’t kill the innocents.”

    The little girl smiled mischievously and interrupted, “Don’t drink too…”

    Linghu Chong placed his hands on his hips and gave her a stern look. “Piaoxue, since when did I set that rule?” he asked.

    Dongfang Bubai and the boy pursed their lips to contain their laughter.

    “Nu’er [daughter, referring to self] did,” she replied cheekily.

    Lin Haoyang’s head was down and he was not paying attention to them at all. He was missing his deceased mother badly. Ever since he was born, Yue Lingshan was the only family that he had. Now that she was gone, the pain that he had to endure was unbearable.

    Linghu Chong noticed the sad expression on Lin Haoyang’s face. He walked over to Lin Haoyang and stroked his hair. “Haoyang, from tomorrow onwards Shishu will teach you all the Mount Hua Sect sword skills which I have learned from your grandfather,” he comforted him.

    Lin Haoyang reached out and held Linghu Chong tightly. “I don’t want to learn anything! I just want my niang!” he cried bitterly.

    Linghu Chong knew how he felt but there was nothing much he could do to ease Lin Haoyang’s pain.

    Seeing how sad Lin Haoyang was, the little girl could not help but to sympathize with him. She gazed her mother and said, “Niang, why don’t we give him a haw in the stick?”

    Dongfang Bubai nodded smilingly. She slowly placed her daughter down to the ground and let her run to the back to get the haw in the stick.

    The little girl returned moments later. She patted Lin Haoyang on the back and handed a haw in the stick to him. “This is for you. Don’t cry anymore,” she said softly.

    Lin Haoyang looked at the little girl in tears. Taking a deep breath to contain his emotions, he reached out for the haw in the stick and said in a low voice, “…”

    End of Chapter 1
    Last edited by Xiao Dongxie; 01-04-15 at 07:38 AM.

  3. #3
    Member Silverhawk's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum xiao dongxie! Thanks for posting another exciting story

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverhawk View Post
    Welcome to the forum xiao dongxie! Thanks for posting another exciting story
    With pleasure

  5. #5
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    Default Chapter 2

    Ten years later...on a bright, and cold morning. The snow was beginning to crust and turn to ice. A young man and young woman happily shared a horse and rode along the road of a quiet village.

    A white shadow figure suddenly appeared from the east; gracefully glided through the air, across the rooftops, approaching them at an incredible speed. With a flick of the finger, the white shadow figure shot out a needle at the horse.

    The young woman and young man caught a glimpse of the white shadow figure approaching at an incredible speed. They started to panic and hurriedly jumped off from the horse.

    The needle whistled through the air pierced the horse’s head, causing the horse neighed in pain and collapsed to the ground. Twitching it head numerous time, the horse finally laid still on the ground and died from the poison on the needle.

    The young woman and young man dropped to the ground and looked at the white shadow in figure shock.

    The white shadow figure elegantly landed on the ground. It was a young woman around the age of seventeen, wearing a silk white gown. She was a tall and slender, had a pair of brights eyes and her skin was white. She was as beautiful as a fairy. She looked at the young man worriedly and asked, "Erlang are you alright?”

    The young man looked back at the young woman in white speechlessly. He did not seem too happy to see her. His name was Zhuo Erlang, the descendant of a famous martial arts family in Hebei. The young woman standing beside him was Wang Shanshan.

    Wang Shanshan stared at the young woman in white and snorted in disgust, “Dongfang Feixuan you are indeed formidable. We ran so far away but yet you managed to catch up with us.”

    A wicked smiled appeared on the young woman in white’s face, as she said, “I applied some phosphate powder on the horse’s hooves. It it was not for the heavy rain you would have died much earlier.”

    Circulating her inner strength her hand, she struck her palm out at Wang Shanshan and strode toward her in big steps.

    The force behind the palm was so intense that it produced a gleam of light, advancing toward Wang Shanshan’s chest very quickly.

    Zhuo Erlang was startled. He hurriedly went in front of Wang Shanshan and raised his arm to block.

    The young woman in white retracted her arm and elbowed Zhuo Erlang’s chest, pushing him away. “Get out of my way!” she yelled.

    With no sword in her hand, Wang Shanshan raised her hand and slashed it down at the young woman in white’s shoulder.

    The woman in white stretched out her left hand to catch Wang Shanshan’s wrist. At the same time, she drew her sword with her right hand and held it at Wang Shanshan’s neck. “I am going to kill you now!” she yelled.

    Suddenly, she felt something sharp pierced her back. She jolted forward and let out a cry of pain.

    Zhuo Erlang had pulled a dagger and ferociously stabbed the woman in white in the back. He blood trickling down from the woman in white's back, and started to panic. He hurriedly let go of the dagger and took several steps back.

    The woman in white slowly turned around to see who was it that stabbed her. The moment she realized that it was Zhuo Erlang, a mix emotion of disappointment and sadness started swelling in her heart.

    Wang Shanshan took the opportunity to get away from the woman in white and hurriedly ran toward Zhuo Erlang.

    Zhuo Erlang wrapped his arm around Wang Shanshan and held her tightly.

    Gazing at Zhuo Erlang with her teary eyes, the woman in white reached her hand out for the dagger and pulled it out from her back. Seeing Zhuo Erlang and Wang Shanshan being so intimate, she lifted her brows and asked in a soft voice, "Erlang...what is the meaning of this?"

    Zhuo Erlang turned his head to look at Wang Shanshan and said, "The woman that I love is Wang Shanshan. If you want to kill her, you might as well kill me too."

    Shocked by his words, the woman in white tumbled a step back and asked confusedly, "Erlang have you lost your mind? Have you been enchanted by this woman? But it's okay. I am not angry with you. Let's go home. I will cure you."

    Zhuo Erlang streched his palm out at her and yelled, "Don't come over! While you were away for four months I met Shanshan and fell in love with her." He paused briefly to look at Wang Shanshan and continued, "I am telling you now that I love Wang Shanshan. I will live and die with her."

    Wang Shanshan looked into Zhuo Erlang's eyes and saw affection and devotion. She slowly closed in and rested her head on his shoulder with a wide smile on her face.

    Dongfang Feixuan was completely devastated. She shook her and screamed in a terrifying voice, "No...No!"

    As Zhuo Erlang and Wang Shanshan heard her screaming, they felt a sudden shiver running down their spine.

    "I will kill this woman!" Dongfang Feixuan yelled in anger. She pointed her sword at Wang Shanshan and strode toward her.

    An old monk with white beard suddenly flew down from the air and thrust his finger down at Dongfang Feixuan.

    Dongfang Feixuan sensed a powerful force advancing toward her. Startled by the old monk's sudden appearance, she retracted her sword and hastily strode backward.

    The old monk continued to pursue her, aiming his finger at her face.

    With a quick twist of her wrist, Dongfang Feixuan swished her sword down at the old monk's finger.

    The old monk did not try to evade. Instead, he flicked his finger at the steel blade of the sword and broke it apart.

    Shocked by the old monk's extraordinary move, Dongfang Feixuan dropped her broken sword down to the ground and strode several steps backward.

    Still in midair, the monk gracefully flipped to the back and landed in front of Zhuo Erlang and Wang Shanshan.

    Dongfang Feixuan glared at the monk coldly and shouted, "Where did this smelly monk come from? Why are you such a busybody?"

    A loud and fierce voice came from the air and said, "Very daring! How could you talk to Fangsheng Dashi like that?"

    Wang Shanshan looked above the sky and saw middle age woman in violet flowery gown flying across the roof, approaching them. She gave a smile and called out, "Niang [mother]!"

    The middle age woman in violet flowery gown lightly landed next to the old monk, and rested her hand on the hilt of a short sword fastened to her waist; getting herself ready for a fierce battle,

    Dongfang Feixuan completely disregarded the middle age woman. Her attention was focused to the old monk standing in front of her. She snorted and replied arrogantly, "I have never heard of any Fangsheng. But I would certainly like to see what capabilities does he have."

    Reaching for a needle concealed under her sleeve, she flicked her finger and shot it out at the old monk.

    The needle whistled through the air, flying toward the old monk very quickly.

    The old monk did not make any attempt to dodge. Instead, he casually raised his arm and caught the incoming needle with his index and middle fingers. Exerting some strength to his two fingers, he broke the needle into half.

    Dongfang Feixuan was shocked when she saw how the monk could catch her projectile so easily.
    She could tell that the old monk was a martial arts expert. Nonetheless, she refused to admit defeat. She was determined to settle her score with Zhuo Erlang and Wang Shanshan. Spinning her body in a circle once, she circulated her inner strength to her arm and thrust both her hands out at the old monk.

    A flurry of needles shot out under her sleeve, cut through the air and flew toward the old man at great speed.

    The old monk simply waved his sleeve, and produced a gust of wind which blew the needles away.

    Dongfang Feixuan widened her eyes and stared at the old monk in daze. She just could not believe her own eyes.

    The old man took a step forward and said, "Nu'shizu, why are you so persistent?"

    Dongfang Feixuan sighed bitterly, "I have sacrificed so much for him but yet he abandoned me like I am nothing. If I don't take revenge today I will never be able to face myself in the future!" She paused for a moment to contain her emotions before continuing, "I know that you have high martial arts skill and I can't beat you. You might as well kill me today. Otherwise I will definitely make them suffer for the pain that they have caused me."

    The old monk sensed the rage emitted through her voice, but did not say a word.

    Thinking that the old monk has decided to stay on the side, Dongfang Feixuan let out a loud yell and sprinted toward Zhuo Erlang and Wang Shanshan angrily.

    The old monk suddenly jumped up. With a quick motion of his palm, he shot out a burst of energy at Dongfang Feixuan's shoulder and knocked her down to the ground.

    Dongfang Feixuan threw up some blood and felt a deep pain on her shoulder. She looked at the monk with her teary eyes, and started scolding herself for not putting enough practice in her martial arts. Nevertheless, she refused to give up and walk away. She pursed her lips and used all her strength to pull herself up from the ground.

    Just as she was about to make a move, a bright red shadow figure suddenly streaked down from the sky. The bright red shadow figure strode landed beside Dongfang Feixuan, grabbed her by the arm and then flew away. Everything happened in a flash of an instant.

    Seeing how the mysterious person moved like a lighting, and came and went like the wind, everyone felt a sudden shiver running down their spine.

    The middle age woman in violet flowery gown's face turned pale. She let out a cry of shock and murmured to herself, "Dongfang Bubai...?"

    The old monk looked toward the direction that they took and let out a sigh, "It's true that
    there are skies above skies, and mountains beyond mountains."

    Zhuo Erlang and Wang Shanshan got down on their knees and knelt at the old monk. "Dashi [great master], thank you for saving our lives. We are very grateful," they said in unison.

    The old monk looked down at them and said, "Buddhism talks about fate. Good fate is fate and bad fate is also fate. Meeting you two here today is fate. That is why I am here to resolve your grievances. But the Nu'shizu just now holds too much resentment. And the mysterious person who came to help her is a martial arts expert. Nobody knows what will happen in the future. Hopefully she will be able to think it through."

    The middle age woman in purple saluted the old monk. "Dashi, it has been over twenty years since we last meet. Good to see that you are well," she said with a smile.

    The old monk gave the middle age woman in purple an awkwardly look and asked, "Nu'shizu, have we met before?"

    The middle age woman nodded, "I am Ren Woxing's daughter. We met in the Lingjiu Monastery a long time ago."

    The old monk finally remembered who she was. He nodded with a faint smile and said, "It's all fate. Laona has something important to attend to. Till me meet again." He gave them a bow, turned around and slowly walked away.

    Letting out a long sigh, he said, "The word love blinds people and the world affection harms people. Unfortunately, how many many foolish kids in this world are capable of loving wholeheartedly without any grudges..."

    Wang Shanshan looked at the middle age woman and asked anxiously, "Niang, how come you are here?"

    The middle age woman in violet gave Wang Shanshan and stern look and answered, "You have been away for months. I got worried and decided to come here and look for you." Pausing briefly, she looked at Zhuo Erlang and asked, "Shan'er, you are sure that you want to marry to this man here?"

    Wang Shanshan nodded assertively.

    Zhuo Erlang covered his right fist with his left palm and saluted the middle age woman. "I hope that Wang Furen [madam] will give us your blessing," he said in a sincere voice.

    The middle age woman in violet sulked and sighed, "I was a youngster before too. I know how you all feel. Let us go home and discuss further about this."


    Up at the top of a hill, Dongfang Feixuan lay on the grass and saw a figure in bright red gown standing in front of her. Judging from the bright red gown figure's long flowing hair down the back and slender body stature, she could tell that the figure in bright red was a woman.

    "Who are you? Why did you take me here?" Dongfang Feixuan asked angrily.

    The figure in bright red snorted and answered in a soft chilling voice, “I did not mean to save you. I was only following my rival and coincidentally bumped into you. By right I should not have saves you. You are such a fool. How could you sacrifice your own life to fight a monk that you cannot possible defeat? Losing your life over a man who does not love you at all is silly. Not only does that man you like look ordinary, he is also utterly heartless. How could there be such a big fool like you under heaven?”

    As Dongfang Feixuan listened to the figure in bright red, tears started rolling down from her eyes. She agreed inwardly that these words were very true. “You are right. Actually I like Erlang not because of his looks. After leaving the mountain, he was the first man that I met. He used to care a lot for me and like me. He promised me that he will protect me and make me feel happy…We swore that we will live and die together...” she said bitterly.

    “Live and die together?” the figure in bright red murmured with a cold smile. It slowly turned around and looked at Dongfang Feixuan.
    Dongfang Feixuan saw that the figure in bright red was an indescribably beautiful and elegant middle age woman; but she appeared to be cold and indifferent. ”Who is this woman? Why did a this woman suddenly come out of nowhere to rescue me?” she was deeply amazed.

    The middle age woman in bright red was indeed Dongfang Bubai. She smiled coldly and asked, “Yatou, what is your name?”

    Dongfang Feixuan replied indifferently, “Dongfang Feixuan.”

    Dongfang Bubai knitted her brows and pursed her lips; staring at Dongfang Feixuan astonishingly. “What is your grandfather and father’s name?” she asked in a chilling voice.

    “I have no idea who they are. I lost my family when I was very little. My shifu [master] found me in Henan and took me in,” Dongfang Feixuan answered.

    Dongfang Bubai sighed inwardly, “Henan? That is my hometown...retribution...retribution...Yilin and I became an orphan because of xiaodi [younger brother] and now xiaodi’s daughter has become an orphan…”

    Shedding a tear, she turned away and said in a domineering voice, “Members of the Dongfang family will not admit defeat so easily. You must stay alive and do what you have to do. Do not sacrifice your life for a man who does not appreciate you. You are utterly sincere and I like it,"

    Dongfang Feixuan saluted her with a bow and asked, “Can I ask what is qianbei’s [senior] honorable name?”

    Dongfang Bubai clasped her hands behind her back and replied indifferently, “You don’t need to know who I am,” Sympathizing Dongfang Feixuan, her niece, she started to recite some meditation formula aloud. It was the Sunflower Manual’s inner energy cultivation formula.

    Scratching her head bemusingly, Dongfang Feixuan listened to the formula and recited it back to Dongfang Bubai aloud.

    “If you practice according to this formula, in less than five years you will a first class martial arts expert,” Dongfang Bubai said. Leaping into the air, she flew away without leaving a trace.

    Dongfang Feixuan looked around and called out aloud, “Qianbei! Thank you for your kindness! I, Dongfang Feixuan will not forget you!”


    A tavern in Luoyang town was packed with guests.

    Lin Haoyang and Linghu Piaoxue sat at a table on the second floor next to a window, looking at the street below.

    "Where did Niang go?" she said in worriedly.

    Lin Haoyang drank up the tea and said, "Shibo [martial aunt] has formidable martial art skills. I doubt anyone can harm her. You worry too much."

    Linghu Piaoxue nodded in agreement. Compared to her father, her mother's martial arts was far more superior. "I guess we should just wait for her here," she said.

    "Someone is talking about me behind my back," a tender and clear voice rose from the stairs.

    Lin Haoyang and Linghu Piaoxue looked toward the stairs and saw Dongfang Bubai approaching. Her steps were so soft that none of them could hear it at all.

    Linghu Piaoxue ran over to her mother and grabbed her arm with boths hands. "Niang, were did you go just now?" she asked curiously.

    Dongfang Bubai sat at the table and made a face at her daughter. "I thought I saw someone familiar so I went after the person," she answered.

    Linghu Piaoxue noddingly said, "I see."

    Dongfang Bubai gave at Lin Haoyang and said, "Haoyang, your relative's home is not far from here. Your shishu insisted you should go and visit them to let them know that you are alright. We will wait for you here."

    Lin Haoyang pursed his lips and hesitated. "Shibo, you and Piaoxue are not coming with me?" he asked.

    Dongfang Bubai grinned, "Sha Haizi [silly child], you are no longer that eight year old boy that we met years ago. You can go alone. Furthermore, your Shishu has already taught you all the Mount Hua Sect sword skills. I am confident that there isn't anyone who can harm you."

    Lin Haoyang just did not feel comfortable going to see his so called relatives that he has never met alone. He took in a deep breath and said, "Shibo, let's go back to Mount Wuliang instead." After spending the last ten years with the Linghu family, he felt that they were the only family that he had.

    Linghu Piaoxue looked at him in surprise, "What? You are afraid that they will eat you up?"

    Lin Haoyang retorted condescendingly, "If there is anyone to be afraid of, that person would be you."

    Linghu Piaoxue gave him an angry look and raised her hand, "If you tease me again I will beat you up."

    Dongfang Bubai crossed her arms and looked at the two teenagers with a grin. They have once again amused her. "I am wondering if the two of you can go through a day without arguing," she mocked.

    Lin Haoyang shakingly sighed, "Our Linghu da xiaojie is fierce and unreasonable. I doubt that we can."

    Dongfang Bubai made a face at them and said, "Haoyang, why don't you want to see them? They are famous people in the Jianghu and most importantly they are your relative. There is a good chance that you will gain lots of benefits."

    Lin Haoyang shook his head and replied indifferently, “Shibo, Haoyang was thinking hard while we were on our way here. My niang has never mentioned about them to me before. I did not even know that they existed until shishu brought this up. it would be odd for Haoyang to suddenly show up at their doorstep and tell them that I am their relative. The only family that Haoyang have is you, Shishu, Wuque and Linghu da xiaojie.

    Dongfang Bubai and Linghu Piaoxue looked at each other pleasingly.

    “Haoyang appreciates what we have done for him and that is rare. If Chong Ge hears this he will be very pleased,” Dongfang Bubai said to herself.

    Linghu Piaoxue crossed her arms and frowned, “Why did you not mention this while we were at home? It was a waste of our time coming all the way here.”

    Lin Haoyang responded with a condescending sneer, and said, “Shibo always says that to travel a thousand miles beats reading a thousand books. You should thank me for giving you a chance to come to Luoyang.”

    Linghu Piaoxue looked away and let out a snort of disgust.

    Dongfang Bubai grinned widely, “Enough. Haoyang is right. Since we are here, we might as well do some sightseeing before going home.”

    End of Chapter 2
    Last edited by Xiao Dongxie; 01-04-15 at 09:59 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2014


    Nice first two chapters. Please update soon.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Certainly refreshing compared to the other ongoing swordsman fiction. Thx

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryosuke View Post
    Certainly refreshing compared to the other ongoing swordsman fiction. Thx
    I agree. At least two other writers are making use of what was written by DFX and improvising it.

    Thank you for writing something different.

  9. #9
    Junior Member Dongfang Guniang's Avatar
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    Just dropping by to show some support 加油!

  10. #10
    Senior Member szfong's Avatar
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    Thanks for the update! Please update soon...

  11. #11
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    Blurry, Ryosuke, Yuan Qiao and Szfong i am happy to share my work with you all. Just thought i should add this little part before ending chapter 2, it would make more sense. Here goes


    A tavern in Luoyang town was packed with guests.

    Lin Haoyang and Linghu Piaoxue sat at a table on the second floor next to a window, looking at the street below.

    "Where did Niang go?" she said in worriedly.

    Lin Haoyang drank up the tea and said, "Shibo [martial aunt] has formidable martial art skills. I doubt anyone can harm her. You worry too much."

    Linghu Piaoxue nodded in agreement. Compared to her father, her mother's martial arts was far more superior. "I guess we should just wait for her here," she said.

    "Someone is talking about me behind my back," a tender and clear voice rose from the stairs.

    Lin Haoyang and Linghu Piaoxue looked toward the stairs and saw Dongfang Bubai approaching. Her steps were so soft that none of them could hear it at all.

    Linghu Piaoxue ran over to her mother and grabbed her arm with boths hands. "Niang, were did you go just now?" she asked curiously.

    Dongfang Bubai sat at the table and made a face at her daughter. "I thought I saw someone familiar so I went after the person," she answered.

    Linghu Piaoxue noddingly said, "I see."

    Dongfang Bubai gave at Lin Haoyang and said, "Haoyang, your relative's home is not far from here. Your shishu insisted you should go and visit them to let them know that you are alright. We will wait for you here."

    Lin Haoyang pursed his lips and hesitated. "Shibo, you and Piaoxue are not coming with me?" he asked.

    Dongfang Bubai grinned, "Sha Haizi [silly child], you are no longer that eight year old boy that we met years ago. You can go alone. Furthermore, your Shishu has already taught you all the Mount Hua Sect sword skills. I am confident that there isn't anyone who can harm you."

    Lin Haoyang just did not feel comfortable going to see his so called relatives that he has never met alone. He took in a deep breath and said, "Shibo, let's go back to Mount Wuliang instead." After spending the last ten years with the Linghu family, he felt that they were the only family that he had.

    Linghu Piaoxue looked at him in surprise, "What? You are afraid that they will eat you up?"

    Lin Haoyang retorted condescendingly, "If there is anyone to be afraid of, that person would be you."

    Linghu Piaoxue gave him an angry look and raised her hand, "If you tease me again I will beat you up."

    Dongfang Bubai crossed her arms and looked at the two teenagers with a grin. They have once again amused her. "I am wondering if the two of you can go through a day without arguing," she mocked.

    Lin Haoyang shakingly sighed, "Our Linghu da xiaojie is fierce and unreasonable. I doubt that we can."

    Dongfang Bubai made a face at them and said, "Haoyang, why don't you want to see them? They are famous people in the Jianghu and most importantly they are your relative. There is a good chance that you will gain lots of benefits."

    Lin Haoyang shook his head and replied indifferently, “Shibo, Haoyang was thinking hard while we were on our way here. My niang has never mentioned about them to me before. I did not even know that they existed until shishu brought this up. it would be odd for Haoyang to suddenly show up at their doorstep and tell them that I am their relative. The only family that Haoyang have is you, Shishu, Wuque and Linghu da xiaojie.”

    Dongfang Bubai and Linghu Piaoxue looked at each other pleasingly.

    “Haoyang appreciates what we have done for him and that is rare. If Chong Ge hears this he will be very pleased,” Dongfang Bubai said to herself.

    Linghu Piaoxue crossed her arms and frowned, “Why did you not mention this while we were at home? It was a waste of our time coming all the way here.”

    Lin Haoyang responded with a condescending sneer, and said, “Shibo always says that to travel a thousand miles beats reading a thousand books. You should thank me for giving you a chance to come to Luoyang.”

    Linghu Piaoxue looked away and let out a snort of disgust.

    Dongfang Bubai grinned widely, “Enough. Haoyang is right. Since we are here, we might as well do some sightseeing before going home.”

    End of chapter 2


    I have paste it at the end of chapter 2 too, in case some of you missed it.

  12. #12
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    Default Chapter 3

    Thunder roared, and lightning streaked the dark sky. Raindrops fell so hard it bounced upward from the wet soil.

    Under such bad weather conditions, Dongfang Feixuan sat inside a rundown temple in meditation, practicing the formula imparted to her by Dongfang Bubai. A burst of vigorous cold inner energy penetrated the top of her head and flowed into all channels and acupoints, The intense cold energy blended well with her own inner energy; which belonged to the Yin energy category, except that the Sunflower Manual inner energy was far more profound; completely overpowering her own inner energy.

    After about an hour, the sound of soft footsteps could be heard. A group of men in black hooded robes; wearing mask that covers their faces, leaving only their eyes visible, appeared outside the rundown temple.

    Dongfang Feixuan remained seated on the floor. From the sound of the men’s light steps she could tell that they were well versed with martial arts. Since she has not recovered completely from her internal injury, she decided not be act rash.

    A sudden gust of wind whipped against the decayed door and shattered into pieces.

    Twelve of the masked men in black hooded robes sprinted into the rundown temple and stood around Dongfang Feixuan in a circle. The swords in their hands flashed through the air fiercely.

    Dongfang Feixuan glanced at them menacingly. “Who are you?” she asked in a calm and cold voice.

    “You can save yourself the trouble by stop asking for our names. After tonight you will no longer exist in this world,” a man responded.

    Hearing his words, Dongfang Feixuan could not help but to laugh coldly, “How arrogant. Let’s see what capabilities do you have!” She raised her right arm and swept it out in an arc.

    The men felt a strong burst of energy shooting at them and found themselves flying backwards. All of them landed on their backs, one after another.

    “This witch has formidable martial arts!” a man let out a cry of shock.

    Disregarding their safety, the men leapt up from the floor and charged forward bravely.

    Dongfang Feixuan smacked her palms down on the floor, propelled herself up into the air and performed a lightning fast sweeping kick in midair; hitting the men in their faces one after another. The internal injury which she had sustained certainly did not affect her martial arts capabilities at all.

    Just as the men tried to pull themselves up from the floor, they felt something sharp piercing into their flesh. Letting out a soft cry of pain, they fell back on to the floor. Their legs twitched a couple of times and then all movements stopped. There were small black dots on their foreheads. Apparently, the black dots were made by the needles shot out from Dongfang Feixuan's sleeve.

    Dongfang Feixuan folded her right hand behind her back, looked away and let out a snort, "You overestimated your own capabilities."

    Afterward, she went over to the men and searched their bodies. Pulling out a wooden emblem from one of the men, she noticed the shape of a half moon covering a sun embedded on it. "Divine Sun Moon cult? I have no enmity or discord with them. Why did they want to kill me?" she said to herself.

    After that night, more members of the Divine Sun Moon Cult went after her but none of them were able to kill her. As soon as she killed a group of them, another group would appear right after; pursuing her all the way from Luoyang to Sichuan.

    Somersaulting down to the ground, Dongfang Feixuan lightly stepped on the grass blades and sprinted across the forest; producing a rustling sound in the air.

    Soft and fast footsteps were approaching very quickly. It appeared that a group of men in black hooded robes armed with sabers appeared. It was members of the Divine Sun Moon Cult. They ran across along a narrow path, chasing after Dongfang Feixuan.

    After running for a long distance, they arrived at the foot of Mingyue Gorge.

    Dongfang Feixuan immediately pulled a tube out from her pocket and shot a burst of bright flame into the air; alerting her martial sisters residing on the mountain.

    A man abruptly halted his steps and raised his arm; signaling his companions to stop. "We have entered the Mingyue Gorge's territory,” he alerted them.

    “Jiaozhu [cult chief] has instructed us to bring that mo’nu [demoness] back to him dead or alive. If we don’t accomplish this, how are we going to return to the Black Wood Cliff?” another man insisted.

    “Everyone in the Jianghu knows that Mingyue Gorge is not a group to be messed with. Their zhuren [chief] is a formidable martial artist and an eccentric person. I suggest that we report back to jiaozhu and await his further instructions.”

    The group of men reluctantly turned around and left.

    Seeing that her pursuers were gone, Dongfang Feixuan let out a snort of disgust, “Bunch of cowards!”

    Afterward, she climbed to the top of a hill, and walked along a narrow plank road built on the dangerous cliff leading to a settlement. As soon as she appeared outside the gates, a group of eight girls in white robes armed with swords flew out from a hall and gracefully dropped in front of them.

    One of the girls raised her sword and pointed it at Dongfang Feixuan. “Shijie [senior martial sister], shifu [master] has already expelled you from our school. Why are you still coming back?” she asked in a fierce voice.

    Dongfang Feixuan narrowed her eyes, glared at the girl menacingly, and said indifferently, “Shimei [junior martial sister], do you really think that you can stop me from entering? Even if you practice your martial arts for another ten years you would still not be able to defeat me.”

    A loud, long sigh resonated from the large house up ahead. “Feixuan, don’t waste your energy anymore. Wei’shi [your master, referring to self] has already expelled you from our school. You are not allowed to come back again.” a female voice said.

    Dongfang Feixuan let out a sigh of regret, “Shifu, I admit that I am wrong. You are absolutely right. Men are the worst poison. I have suffered because of this. In future I will not sneak out and leave again..Shifu, please give di’zi [apprentice, referring to self] another chance...”

    “Foolish! Foolish! You still do not understand. The red mark on your arm has already disappeared. There is no way you can return to the gorge again. Even if you do come back I am confident that you will not be able to stay.” Pausing for a brief moment, the female voice sighed and continued, “Please leave. In future, don’t come back to Mingyue Gorge again. Take it as our master apprentice has been severed. From now on you are on your own.”

    Gazing at the large house with her teary eyes, Dongfang Feixuan retorted, “Shifu please don’t do this.. As long as shifu believes me, I will definitely be able to stay.”

    “Very well. I want you to vow that you will never leave the gorge again. If you ever leave, you will be engulfed in a sea of flames. Make this vow and I will let you return.”

    Dongfang Feixuan gazed at the large house in astonishment. She did not expect her master to come up with such shocking condition. “If I don’t leave the gorge how am I going to take revenge on that woman who stole my man?” she muttered under her breath.

    Unable to let go of her hatred, but wanting to return to the mountain, she got down on her left knee and said, “Shifu, please allow di’zi to leave the gorge one more time.”

    “I have already said that you won’t be able to let it go. If that is the case, you can leave.”

    Dongfang Feixuan refused to believe that the person who had raised her and treated her like a daughter would be so mean to her. “Shifu!” she called out.

    “I have decided. There is no need to say anything anymore. Leave at once. From now on, you are no longer a descendant of the Mingyue Gorge. You are not allowed to use our sect’s name to create trouble. Although you have the highest level of martial arts among your peers and I am getting old, but our sect will still have a way to eradicate those who tarnish the name of our sect. Your hear me?”

    Eyes burning with anger and tears, Dongfang Feixuan pulled herself up to a standing position, turned around and walked away dejectedly. She felt as if the whole world had turned against her. “I will prove to you all that I will not fall so easily,” she said to herself assertively.

    The large house door was pushed open. A girl wearing a soft yellow bright robe stood at the entrance. She appeared to be around the age of fifteen or sixteen. Her face was very beautiful even though it looked a little pale. Looking at Dongfang Feixuan with sad eyes, she muttered under her breath, “Jiejie [older sister]...”

    An old woman with a gray hair in a white robe came out and stood behind the girl. With a sad and angry countenance was, she gently patted the girl’s shoulders, and said in a soft voice, “Feiyan, don’t worry. Even though you and Feixuan are blood sister but as long as you don’t break the rules I will keep you.”

    The girl looked toward the old woman and nodded in silence.


    Up on the Linghu Family Manor, Lin Haoyang and Linghu Piaoxue were practicing their martial arts at the courtyard individually.

    Out of nowhere, a shadow figure flew down from the air and landed in between them.

    Linghu Piaoxue was the first one to react. With a quick motion of her arm, she reversed her sword and stabbed the shadow figure’s chest.

    The shadow figure reached out a finger and flicked the blade of the sword away.

    Lin Haoyang immediately went forward to help. He jumped up and hacked his sword down at the shadow figure’s head. His move was fast and fierce.

    The shadow figure leaned sideways to dodge and sent out a finger at Lin Haoyang’s ribs.

    Using his swift reflexes, Lin Haoyang retracted his sword and swished his sword downward at the shadow figure’s finger.

    The shadow figure bent it’s finger and flicked it out at the blade of the sword, knocking it away. Afterward, struck a palm out at Lin Haoyang’s shoulder and pushed him to the back.

    Lin Haoyang felt a slight pain on his shoulder. He hurriedly took several steps to the back.

    A sudden blur dark blue streaked across his eyes. Linghu Piaoxue held a twig in her hand and swiftly stabbed stabbed the shadow figure three times. The shadow figure stepped to the left and right, evading the stabs.

    Afterward, it raised it’s right hand and chopped twice toward Linghu Piaoxue’s head. Linghu Piaoxue circled the twig above her head; parrying the chops.

    Lin Haoyang recognized the shadow figure’s moves. Those were the two moves out of the Mount Hua Swordplay which he had learned from Linghu Chong..

    The shadow figure and Linghu Piaoxue exchanged dozens of fast and fierce moves; fighting from the ground to the air. Parrying, slashing and stabbing exquisitely. The force behind their moves were so intense that it produced gust of wind that swept across the horizon.

    Linghu Piaoxue who was also well versed with the Mount Hua Swordplay, countered the shadow figure’s moves with the Jade Maiden Swordplay. Her sword moved swiftly and smoothly with no interruptions All the moves were executed as if they were all part of one big move. The speed she had displayed was unimaginable.

    The shadow figure however did not seem to have any problem fighting back. Dodging to the side, it thrust the twig out at Linghu Piaoxue’s waist. Linghu Piaoxue stepped to her right to dodge the attack, and at the same time thrust the twig toward the thighs of the shadow figure.

    Both fighters were quick as a flash, fighting with all of their skills. As the fight went on, their movements became faster and faster, spinning around in a blur motion all over the courtyard.

    Watching from the side, Lin Haoyang couldn't help feeling dizzy from looking at them.

    Exiting a room, Linghu Wuque saw his younger sister engaged in a fight. He jumped over a railing and strode toward them to join the fight. Raising his arm, he shot his middle finger and index finger out at the shadow figure’s chest.

    The shadow figure grabbed Linghu Piaoxue’s wrist and used the twig in her hand to parry Linghu Wuque’s stab. Linghu Wuque quickly retracted his fingers and thrust it at the shadow figure’s waist. The shadow figure raised his knee to block the kick and followed through with a lightning fast kick.

    Linghu Wuque shuddered in pain and stumbled backwards.

    Linghu Piaoxue reached out for her older brother from behind and propped him with her hands. Afterward, she leapt toward the shadow figure and slashed the twig downward at its head.

    The two of them exchanged another two hundred moves; moving around each other in circles, making it seemed like there were tens of people attacking her with lightning fast chops, stabs and palm strikes from different directions.

    The shadow figure leaned backward and strode forward to evade swift horizontal slash by hairs breath, and at the same time struck its two fingers out at Linghu Piaoxue’s waist; sealing her acupuncture point.

    The fight was over and the shadow figure emerged as the winner.

    Lin Haoyan, Linghu Piaoxue and Linghu Wuque raised their heads and saw that the shadow figure was in fact Dongfang Bubai.

    Linghu Wuque frowned and said mockingly, “I was wondering which martial arts expert came.”

    Dongfang Bubai crossed her arms and glanced at her son strictly. “Where did you go while your sister and Haoyang were practicing their martial arts?”

    Linghu Wuque gave his mother a wide smile, and replied, “I went to accompany your beloved husband for a few cups of maiden red.”

    “Drunkard,” Linghu Piaoxue teased mockingly.

    Dongfang Bubai shook her head and sighed, “Other than Haoyang, all the men in the house are drunkards. How unfortunate.”

    Linghu Wuque placed his arm around Dongfang Bubai’s shoulder, and said in a childlike tone, “Niang, it’s better to be an drunkard than to go around the Jianghu fighting with the sword all the time.”

    Dongfang Bubai laughed softly as she listened to her son. She could not help but to agree with him but refused admit it. Pinching her son’s cheek lightly, she replied condescendingly, “Stop giving excuses. You better put in more time practicing your martial arts instead of drinking wine with your father. Imagine one day you meet an enemy and your family are not with you.”

    Linghu Wuque shrugged and replied with a smirk, “Niang, I doubt that such coincidence will happen.”

    Dongfang Bubai clasped her hands behind her back and made a face at her son. “You better hope that you find a formidable martial artist as a wife so that she can protect you,” she remarked with sneer.

    Linghu Piaoxue reached out and held her mother’s arm with both hands. “Niang, let’s not get unhappy about these drunkards. Nu’er will accompany you water the plants in the back,” she said with a wide smile.

    Lin Haoyang folded his arms and leaned against a pillar. “Looks like Piaoxue inherited Shibo’s ghostly movements. I wonder what would it take for her to impart me her skills,” he thought in silence; eager to bring his martial art skill to a higher level.

    Linghu Wuque extended his hand and lightly smacked Lin Haoyang on the back. “Haoyang, why are you day dreaming? Father has just opened a pot of wine which he made personally. Come and join us for a drink,” he said.

    Lin Haoyang hurriedly buried his thoughts and replied, “Very well.”

    End of Chapter 3

  13. #13
    Member Silverhawk's Avatar
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    Thanks for the chapter

  14. #14
    Senior Member Mandred Skavenslayer's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum. Always nice to have fresh talent

  15. #15
    Senior Member szfong's Avatar
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    Thanks for the new chapter... Can't wait to read chapter 4?

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