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Thread: Fiery Ice, Frozen Heart - Wuxia RPG #2

  1. #1
    Senior Member IcyFox's Avatar
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    Default Fiery Ice, Frozen Heart - Wuxia RPG #2



    Adapted From: Create Your Own Wuxia Character Game! #2

    This fan-fic is based on the Wuxia RPG played by a number of members on Spcnet from April 2006 to July 2007 in the Wuxia Fiction forum. Although the general storyline is complete, it still has to be polished and organized to form a continuous narrative due to the vastly different writing styles/specialities of the numerous contributors.

    The original story thread:

    The original discussion thread:

    ( Of course, visit those threads only if you want spoilers! )

    Please take note that I'm only one of the many contributors to the original RPG, so my job here is primarily as the Narrator of the story. Therefore I cannot guarantee that this particular narration is in the same spirit of what the original contributors intended.

    To the original players:
    I encourage you guys to drop me a line if my narration doesn't do your literary works the justice it deserves, and I will try my best to accomodate any proposed changes you might suggest.

    Last edited by IcyFox; 07-15-11 at 03:39 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member IcyFox's Avatar
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    Brief Character Profiles

    Player: TommyH
    Character: Sima Fei, 14, Male
    Affiliation: None.
    Note: TommyH started the game.

    Player: Single Whip
    Character: Wang Zong Yue, 24, Male
    Affiliation: Wudang Sect.

    Player: druid
    Character: Wang Jian Yi, 25, Male
    Affiliation: Wudang Sect.

    Player: Allen D
    Character: Li Kang, 28, Male
    Affiliation: Demon Waltz (?)

    Player: yittz
    Character: Shui Dou Yi, 42, Male
    Affiliation: Red Cross.

    Player: Da Bao
    Character: Ban Meihua, 20, Female
    Affiliation: Brothel (?), Ancient Tomb Sect.

    Player: strife_au
    Character: Xue Yun Zen, 18, Male
    Affiliation: Realm of Divinity Cult.

    Player: yang_kang
    Character: Bei Xing, 42, Male
    Affiliation: Shaolin Temple.

    Player: patricia n
    Character: Yuan Yueyou, 20, Female
    Alias: Lin Changcong, 45, Male
    Affiliation: Wulin History Museum.

    Player: skyron
    Character: Qing Yuan, 18, Female
    Affiliation: Her Father's House.

    Player: xsniper
    Character: Xie Jun Lang, 30, Male
    Affiliation: BAD GUYS

    Player: kidd
    Character: Li Xiao Sheng, 18, Female
    Affiliation: Red Cross?

    Player: shipotian
    Character: Huai Shan, 20, Male
    Affiliation: Tian Ci Sect

    Player: jianhu_xiaoyao
    Character: Yuan Jie, 35, Transexual?
    Affiliation: BAD GUYS

    Please tell me if I missed anyone... Thanks!
    Last edited by IcyFox; 07-27-11 at 09:12 AM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member IcyFox's Avatar
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    Post reserved for promo posters/images/music/etc.

  4. #4
    Senior Member IcyFox's Avatar
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    As mentioned earlier, I'm the Narrator, so you can picture me to be like the kind of storyteller at the village inn telling everyone about my fantastic experiences in Jianghu when they gather round the fire while sheltering from the snow or whatever.

    1. I will use Pinyin for all character names, and also for martial arts moves or sects/clans/schools if they sound funny in English. This is analogous to using the SI system - having both SI units and Imperial units in the same setting can be confusing, so I'll just stick to one system. (I will also try to provide the names in the Chinese script for readers who might be interested.)

    2. I will update the character profiles in order of appearance, but I won't copy their entire life stories here, because there are so many characters, and because I don't want to give away too many spoilers. Edit: Since many players created >1 character, I decided to group characters according to their creators, in the order of the players' first participation in the game.

    3. Character rankings will probably be updated on a chapter basis (sometimes less regular if the rankings don't change much over a few chapters). As a disclaimer, this ranking system is based on the Narrator's judgement only! This should not be taken as a definitive or authorative word on how skillful the characters are in their martial abilities.

    OK, that's all for now. I'll update this page if there's anything else you guys should take note of.

    Last edited by IcyFox; 07-18-11 at 12:16 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member tweety365's Avatar
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    Are readers allowed to post comments in this thread? Or is this mainly for posting the edited version of the story? I didn't participated in the RPG so I am greatly looking forward to reading the story. I'm sure it will be a fantastic journey.

    Thanks IcyFox, for taking up this project.

  6. #6
    Senior Member patricia n's Avatar
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    i can't wait to read this!!!! thanks so much icyfox. i would love to help, but i get addicted to things too easily and am too busy to commit to anything. thank you so much!!! =)

    will totally be following this thread. =)

    i so miss the old rpg days. and ditto tweety's question, are we allow to post here too? or should we open another discussion thread?
    Last edited by patricia n; 07-15-11 at 12:45 AM.
    if you have the time and enthusiasm, please join in on the new and fabulous wuxia rpg fic /rpg discussion. (<--- click here)

  7. #7
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    Ooooooooh! what is going on here?
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
    Cyril Connolly

  8. #8
    Senior Member tweety365's Avatar
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    Patricia, which characters are yours?

  9. #9
    Moderator kidd's Avatar
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    Haha. This was so long ago.
    什麼是朋友?朋友永遠是在你犯下不可原諒錯誤的時候,仍舊站在你那邊的笨蛋。~ 王亞瑟

    和諧唔係一百個人講同一番話,係一百個人有一百句唔同嘅說話,而又互相尊重 ~ - 葉梓恩

  10. #10
    Senior Member patricia n's Avatar
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    my character is the historian (aka frail old man). =)

    i had so much fun during this rpg story. oh the good old days. i'm rereading the story now, and i can't wait to see how icy narrates it to make it flow better. i can't believe how many powerful youths are in the story; it strikes me as being very gu long with these randomly strong and skilled characters.
    Last edited by patricia n; 07-15-11 at 03:06 AM.
    if you have the time and enthusiasm, please join in on the new and fabulous wuxia rpg fic /rpg discussion. (<--- click here)

  11. #11
    Senior Member IcyFox's Avatar
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    Default Chapter 1


    Sima Fei groaned as he watched two kids on the street eating candy-on-a-stick. His stomach groaned as hunger overtook him and he dashed towards the two kids quickly. As he reached them he grabbed one stick with his left hand and the other with his right and ran for it.

    But before he was able to escape, several adults had already caught sight of him. They blocked his path, each of them having a disgusted look on their faces. They started yelling at him with words that lowered his ego until it couldn't be lowered anymore.
    More adults came and soon enough people were spitting on him and kicking him. He moaned with both fear and hunger. He started to weep silently at first then cried out loud. At the sound of the noise people started feeling guilty that they were beating a kid so they stopped and left the crowd.

    A man who had just seen the scene decided to go over to the boy. He had been too far away and the crowd obstructed his view so he couldn't really see what had happened earlier. The man walked over to Sima Fei very fast, as if he was going to attack something.
    The man immediately put his hand over Sima Fei's shoulder and pulled part of his shirt open. "How did you get this tattoo? Who are you?” the man shouted while pointing to the now-exposed tattoo of a demon on Sima Fei's back.

    Sima Fei was scared and tried to struggle free. Strangely, even though the man's palm seemed as light as a feather, Sima Fei could not get away from his grasp. The more he struggled, the heavier the man's hand became. The man was none other than Wang Zong Yue.

    At that time, another person yelled out from the rooftop nearby, " Let him go, or else!"
    With this distraction Sima Fei quickly shook Wang Zong Yue's hand off and hastily joined the mass of people who were shopping along the street. Wang Zong Yue gasped when he realized that Sima Fei had escaped. He quickly looked back at the roof but spotted no one!
    Wang Zong Yue knew that he would not be able to find Sima Fei in the middle of the crowd. So he started walking absent-mindedly pondering about what just happened. As he walked, his eyes fell upon the back of someone walking ten feet ahead of him. "There is something oddly familiar about the way that person moves," he thought, "Although I can’t recall who or why. I'd better follow him from a distance."

    Wang Zong Yue walked silently behind this figure. He continued to follow him until they reached the edge of town and entered the woods. Wang Zong Yue then realized that something was wrong and the man turned around and looked at Wang Zong Yue with an amused look. "Yes. How are you Brother Zong Yue?"

    "Shi-ge?! (Elder martial brother) Is that really you?" gasped Zong Yue.
    Wang Jian Yi laughed as he patted Wang Zong Yue. "Yes it's me. It's Jian Yi. I haven't seen you, my shi-di, since you departed from Wudang four years ago. Why did you leave?"

    Wang Zong Yue frowned. "I just didn't like Wudang. I don't like Taoism. I don't want to! Anyway, did your Shi-fu Zhang Wuji continue to teach you martial arts?"
    "Yeah, let's not discuss this. Remember that kid with the Demon tattoo?"

    "Yeah..." said Wang Zong Yue. “You were the one who distracted me?!"
    "Yes. We have to investigate further regarding this tattoo..." said Wang Jian Yi.
    "It looks like the tattoo of the legendary Demonic Dragons Sect (魔龙教)," mumbled Wang Zong Yue as he stared at the deep brown eyes of his brother.

    Sima Fei ran down an alley and panted for breath. “How does this guy know he had a tattoo? It must have been another hole in my shirt”, thought Sima Fei. He waited for another five minutes then walked out of the alley and blended back into the mass of people.
    His hunger continued to grow until he finally couldn't hold it anymore. He really needed something to eat, and fast. He glanced around and noticed that there was a noodle stand nearby. He headed towards it. When he reached the stall he just watched while people ate their noodles noisily. He licked his lips as he saw a man leave a tael of silver on the table and left.

    Sima Fei ran forward and grabbed the bowl and immediately drank the remaining soup and sucked the little pieces of noodles. The stand owner thought he was about to steal the money so he quickly grabbed the tael on the table and shooed Sima Fei away...
    "True, it seems very strange that we ‘happened’ to bump into him," said Wang Jian Yi as he studied Wang Zong Yue. "I guess so," answered Wang Zong Yue.

    "Yes yes, this does not brood well. But enough of this, have you been improving in your martial arts? Shall we have a friendly duel?" smiled Jian Yi as he put his sword down. "Haha, I've made some improvements in my Taiji Quan with the help of Shi-shu Zhang Song Xi before I left Wudang. After you, shi-ge!"

    Li Kang watched as the two men fought. The Taiji moves made him very curious. After watching the two men exchange 20 strokes, Li was able to comprehend Taiji, or at least the elementary concepts of it.

    Ban Meihua had only been passing by when she saw the boy with a tattoo, and now she was watching the people fight. She's stayed to watch, but only for a short moment before going back to looking around at the shops. While passing by the noodle stand she saw that boy with the tattoo again, but knowing it was none of her business she just walked by without a word.

    "Friend! Why wont you come out and have a friendly duel with us? You have been observing us for sometime now," voiced Wang Jian Yi. "Huh? What? Someone was watching us this whole time?" thought Wang Zong Yue.

    Slowly, Li Kang emerged from of the bushes. Cupping his hands together, he greeted the two. "Li Kang pays his respects to the two swordsmen. I hope you do not mind me watching your duel."

    "Hahaha. Not at all, friend. So how much do you comprehend? Your face seems too pale for a man of your age. Are you suffering from any illness?" enquired Wang Jian Yi, as Wang Zong Yue studied the stranger.

    "Have you gone seen the famous doctor Shui Dou Yi? I am sure he can cure you."
    "I have heard of his name and I have been seeking him on and off for the last few years, while being treated by other healers. But alas, no, I have not had the fortune of meeting him. He seemed to have disappeared from Jianghu." Li Kang sighed, “Hrm... Would you brothers join me if i were to go search for him?"

    Two men walked down the street, with weapons in hand. They sat down at a stall and quickly ordered two bowls of noodles. The old stallholder smiled at the younger men and shouted happily, "It's the Heroes' Conference! I heard the old Leader of Wulin, Hero Zhong, is retiring. Haha! It's most likely there's going to be a martial arts tournament to select the new Leader."

    Li Kang looked at the older man and said, "Well it's not going to be me or you."

    Sima Fei happened to be standing nearby. Upon seeing his antagonist he hastily walked away from them, passing by an inn.

    A young man who was strolling outside the inn saw Sima Fei acting sneaky, so he quickly followed him. He gently tapped Sima Fei on the shoulders, but he could see that Sima Fei was starving. "Hey young brother, what are doing?" asked the young man. "That’s none of your business," replied Sima Fei. The young man thought to himself for a moment and smiled, "Would you like to join me in having a bowl of hot & spicy beef noodles, young brother?" Sima Fei quickly broke into a huge smile, "YES, if you are so kind sir."

    They went into the inn and the young man asked, "What’s your name young brother?"
    "Sima Fei. I’m just a poor beggar. What’s your name and you look like a martial artist with your sword, are you quite famous in wulin?" replied Sima Fei.

    “Well my name is Xue Yun Zen; you can just call me Xue Yun if you want. Hehehe I'm not famous in Wulin, just a wanderer exploring the magnificent wonders of Jianghu" the young man said with a smile.

    At the stall, however, Li Kang suddenly vomited blood and fell to the ground. Seeing their newly-found friend act in this manner, both swordsmen (Wang) rushed to Li Kang and quickly put him in a sitting position.

    Li Kang however was very much conscious and was already generating his own Qi to suppress the spread of the disease.
    "Such high internal strength! Who is this man?" both swordsmen wondered as they checked his pulse.

    Wang Jian Yi then put both palms onto the back of Li Kang, and his 9 Yang Zhen Qi began to flow into Li Kang’s body. Wang Zong Yue was busy checking the pulse of Li Kang to see if his condition improved.

    As Wang Jian Yi exerted his 9 Yang Zhen Qi, Li Kang felt this very soft and gentle Qi flow into his body, spreading all over. This Qi not only help strengthened his own, it greatly suppressed the effects of the disease. Only after a short moment later, Li Kang opened his eyes and said, "Thank you for your help, brothers! I Li Kang am deeply indebted to you!" with that Li Kang proceed to kneel.

    "Please! We do not deserve this! I'm afraid I cannot completely heal you with my internal strength. Come, you need to rest at an inn. After that my brother and I will proceed to the Heroes’ Conference where there is a high chance that Dr. Shui Dou Yi might be present. For now let us find an inn for you to rest," replied Wang Jian Yi as he helped Li Kang up. Together with a smiling Wang Zong Yue, all three men walked towards an inn where Xue Yun Zen and Sima Fei were.

    As they came near the inn, the two brothers immediately spotted Sima Fei. They exchanged quick glances at each other and Wang Zong Yue whispered, “Don’t worry; I won't act so rashly this time. Let's just observe the boy from a distance first."
    The three men then went inside to the inn across the street from where Sima Fei and his companion were, and sat at an empty table where Wang Zong Yue could not be seen by Sima Fei.

    Wang Jian Yi then said to the innkeeper, "Sir, can we have a couple of rooms and some of your dishes?"

    The three waited as their food were being served. Wang Zong Yue's eyes were fixed on Sima Fei and the young man that was having a meal with him. He wondered who this person was, and what possible motives he had. Could he know of the tattoo on Sima Fei as well?

    "Brother Jian Yi, the person talking to the kid looks like a Wulin person; do you think he is up to something?" whispered Wang Zong Yue.
    "Don't worry, we must keep our cool, we must not act foolishly unless we know who and what that person wants with the kid," replied Wang Jian Yi.

    "Hmm this dish tastes marvelous!" said Sima Fei, bloated. "Well I'm glad you enjoyed it; it is quite a fine meal," said Xue Yun Zen. "Sir, you must have a great time exploring Jianghu, you’re so lucky. How I wish one day I could explore Jianghu and become a revered person, instead of being a beggar with nothing," Sima Fei said with a sigh. "Well I'm sure your dreams would come true one day; nothing happens without a reason, your young life can change within mere moments. I suppose being free and wandering Jianghu is a great life. When I was younger I wouldn't even have thought of what I would become today. Well nothing special but it's not what I had expected," replied Xue Yun Zen gently.

    Xue Yun Zen could feel various different powerful Qi's circulating around the inn; he looked around and smiled at Sima Fei, "Jianghu is a place where you come to expect the unexpected, it's a place of you-die-I-live; you have to be aware of every moment, for that moment may well be your last. For now, young brother, would you like to stay with me?"

    A frail middle-aged man coughed slightly as he entered the inn. Looking inconspicuous, all guests who were dining ignored his insignificant presence as he quietly walked across to talk to the innkeeper, "One room for tonight, please, and please give me the cheapest available room."

    The innkeeper, being the typical greedy businessman smirked as he realized he could still make a profit from this weak looking man. "Sure, sure, let me get the waiter to prepare that room for you as I did not expect to rent out that space anytime soon."

    The frail man looked at the innkeeper and wondered what horrid place he would have to sleep in that evening. He brought his hand to his almost empty pocket and realized that even if he wanted to, he could not afford a decent room. "Thank you, kind sir."

    The innkeeper smiled insincerely, "Why don't you take a seat while we prepare your room?" Turning to one of the waiters, he whispered, "You don't have to worry about serving him. From the looks of it, he can't afford a meal."

    The frail man took a seat where he was ignored for the rest of the night, just as he wanted. Upon walking into the inn, the man already felt four strong separate Qi’s circulating around the room. "Strange," the man looked in the general direction where he thought the Qi originated, "What does this have to do with that boy?"

    When he realized that three men sitting across him were staring at him, he instinctively held onto his old flute.

    "Brother Jian Yi, that man does not seem as ordinary as he appears to be," muttered Wang Zong Yue. Wang Jian Yi brushed him off, "Even if that were so, I doubt we have to worry about such a frail old man. We have more important things to worry about," while nodding towards Sima Fei.

    Li Kang coughed uncontrollably, spitting more blood. He raised his hand to reassure his new found friends, "It's just my sickness acting up. This is quite normal for me."

    Meanwhile, Sima Fei blissfully finished his meal and wiped the oil off his mouth with his dirty sleeves, making Xue Yun Zen grin at his innocence. "Little brother, do you really want to know more about Jianghu?" The child nodded enthusiastically.

    "There's the Heroes’ Conference coming up and the leaders of all of the respected sects in Wulin and many businessmen in Jianghu will show up as a competition will be held for a new Leader of Wulin since Hero Zhong is planning to retire. I intend to go," but before he could finish his sentence, Sima Fei interrupted, "Please big brother, please take me with you." Ever since Sima Fei heard about the conference earlier that evening, he had began to become more interested in observing the competition. Xue Yun Zen smiled and nodded kindly.

    Meanwhile, the frail old man observed the conversation. "Didn’t he mean Hero Zhang, as in Zhang Wuji? Anyway I thought he retired from Wulin decades ago and is now living with Zhao Min. I must go to the conference and see if I can learn more about the sects; there might just be some clue that can lead to those murderers," he thought to himself.
    Just then, the innkeeper tapped the frail man's shoulder, "Ah, mister... er...?"
    "My name is Lin Changcong."

    Wang Zong Yue looked at his companions and exclaimed, "That's right! No wonder I thought he looked suspicious. He is no other then the historian Lin Changcong."
    The innkeeper continued, "Your room is ready."

    When Lin Changcong saw his ‘room’, he sighed, for it was just one section of the barn. "Thank you." The innkeeper gave him an insincere smile again, "Good night."
    Though the bed would have been uncomfortable for any other person, Lin Changcong had already grown accustomed to the lifestyle and fell asleep soundly.


    Sima Fei clutched his stomach and a sad expression crept up on his face. Xue Yun Zen noticed this and smiled, "You want more noodles?"
    "Yes! Yes! Thank you Brother Xue!" exclaimed Sima Fei happily. As Sima Fei devoured his noodles, he asked Xue Yun Zen, "So when is this Heroes' Conference?"

    Xue Yun Zen thought for a moment then said, "It should be the eighth of this month. May I know what day is it today?"
    "The sixth! Only two days to go!"

    An hour later, everyone had retired to their rooms. Restless, Wang Zong Yue could not get his mind off the tattoo on Sima Fei. He went to Wang Jian Yi’s room and past by Li Kang, who was in deep meditation, keeping his disease under control.

    "Brother Jian Yi, maybe we should check up on those two kids later just to make sure nothing happens tonight. The Heroes’ Conference is in two days and I have a strange feeling about it," Wang Zong Yue said softly.

    "Wulin is in a mess at the moment there are so many sects who call themselves righteous but in fact they are ones who seek greed and fortunes, and please themselves in whichever ways they like. I suppose we should just check to see that there’s nothing wrong," replied Wang Jian Yi.

    Just then Li Kang awoke from his meditation and came over. "Sorry to interrupt but there’s something about that guy with Sima Fei that seems a little bit suspicious. I could barely feel any Qi radiating from him as if he is somehow hiding it."

    "Indeed, yet he looks like a pretty decent fighter but he seems to have only the Qi of a little above an average human? It's either he’s a common wanderer or he is on purposely hiding his Qi to avoid detection," replied Wang Zong Yue with an intense look, "Anyway let’s go check up on them."

    "I'll come as well," said Li Kang. "It's okay brother Li. I think Brother Zong Yue and I can handle this, you should get more rest to help with your disease," said Wang Jian Yi.
    The two made their way out of the room. As they approached Sima Fei’s room they suddenly heard a person speaking to the innkeeper and they tried to listen in on the conversation.

    "I just need a room for tonight, anywhere will be fine," said the mysterious man.
    Suddenly he looked up and said, "Why act so mischievously at this time of night, friends?"
    Surprised that the man sensed them hiding there, they got up and walked down the steps.
    "I'm sorry, but there was no malice intended, sir, we were just passing by and heard you talking" said Wang Zong Yue.

    "The two of you look like Wulin people, am I correct?" asked the mysterious man.
    "Yes, I am Wang Jian Yi and he's my shi-di Wang Zong Yue. I assume you are a Wulin person as well?" replied Wang Jian Yi.

    Suddenly the mysterious man launched a Luohan Fist at Wang Zong Yue, and he quickly responded with his Taiji Boxing and deflected the attack back at the man.
    The man smiled and said, "Great martial arts. My name is Bei Xing I wander throughout Jianghu trying to rid of its plague. It’s quite a honour to see such a young man with such talent for martial arts, I suppose your shi-ge is even greater in field of martial arts."
    "Haha. Hello, friend. Are you also stopping here for a rest before attending the Heroes’ Conference?" asked Wang Jian Yi.

    "Yes I am. Are you going too?" Bei Xing replied.
    "But of course! Say friend... wasn’t it Shaolin's Luohan Fist that you used just now? Are you a Shaolin disciple?" enquired Wang Zong Yue.

    "Not really; it’s a long story. Perhaps you two Wudang disciples would like to join me for a drink?" smiled Bei Xing. All three looked at each other and laughed.
    "Sure! Why not?" replied Wang Jian Yi. After exchanging a few pleasantries, the new friends sat down to enjoy some wine. Then they chatted late into the night.


    The next morning, Sima Fei and Xue Yun Zen quickly ate breakfast and went outside to the morning market. Sima Fei yawned loudly as he wiped his eyes, "Why are we up so early?"
    Xue Yun Zen looked at Sima Fei, then smiled warmly. "Don’t you want to go to the Heroes' Conference?"

    "Yes! Yes! YES! Of course!" shouted Sima Fei.
    "Then we'll have to get you a weapon and some better clothes. Okay?"

    Sima Fei started to feel embarrassed and then nodded. They entered a tailor shop and quickly bought a decent gown for Sima Fei and then headed for the Blacksmith shop. Dozens of weapons lay on the racks as a man hammered on an anvil. "Hello," he greeted Xue Yun Zen and Sima Fei.

    "Morning. Little brother, which weapon do you want?" asked Xue Yun Zen as he studied the weapons on the racks. Sima Fei looked around and quickly picked out a broadsword. "This one!"
    "This one it is," said Xue Yun Zen as he handed the Blacksmith two taels.

    Last edited by IcyFox; 07-15-11 at 01:13 PM.

  12. #12
    Senior Member Melanie's Avatar
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    What is RPG? Is this sort of a round robin wuxia story?

  13. #13
    Senior Member IcyFox's Avatar
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    WOW, so many responses even before the narration has started!

    @tweety365: Of course all readers are welcome to post! I can only speak for myself, but I suspect the other players will be equally delighted to have other readers tell them how wonderful their works are.

    @patricia_n: HI! I know I was supposed to do this like 4 years ago, but never really had the time. So now I thought, alright, just for the heck of it...

    @charbydis: Hi! Just treat it like any other fan-fic here. (Just that the story behind this fan-fic is about as interesting as the fan-fic itself. Hahahaha)

    @kidd: Great to see you here! I hope it brings back more fun memories than cheesy ones.

    @Melanie: It was a round-robin Role-Playing Game, but the storyline has been completed for some time, so I thought I'd re-cast it in fan-fic form.
    Last edited by IcyFox; 07-15-11 at 03:42 AM.

  14. #14
    Senior Member patricia n's Avatar
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    I' rereading the rpg fanfic and realize that the tournament part is looooooonnnnnnnggggg. So many characters showing off their skills. Can't wait to see how you tackle it.
    Last edited by patricia n; 07-18-11 at 04:54 PM.
    if you have the time and enthusiasm, please join in on the new and fabulous wuxia rpg fic /rpg discussion. (<--- click here)

  15. #15
    Senior Member IcyFox's Avatar
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    I just updated the Profiles page for this chapter. Will add more profiles as they get introduced into the story.

    Quote Originally Posted by patricia n View Post
    I' retracing the rpg fanfic and realize that the tournament part is looooooonnnnnnnggggg. So many characters showing off their skills. Can't wait to see how you tackle it.
    Thanks for scouting ahead. Still, I think the main challenge will be after that when everybody branches off into separate sub-plots (but the players were posting simultaneously in real-time).

  16. #16
    Senior Member Allen D's Avatar
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    this is so exciting
    Formerly DuGu Qiu Bai

  17. #17
    Senior Member Allen D's Avatar
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    i think it'd be cool to rank the characters (strength wise) as they appear.
    Formerly DuGu Qiu Bai

  18. #18
    Senior Member IcyFox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allen D View Post
    this is so exciting
    Hi Allen, welcome!

    By the way, I think I still owe you an apology for how your character's storyline was concluded.

  19. #19
    Senior Member IcyFox's Avatar
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    OK, by 'popular' demand...

    Character Rankings
    1. Xue Yun Zen
    2. Li Kang
    3. Wang Jian Yi
    4. Wang Zong Yue
    5. Bei Xing

    Note: Character rankings will probably be updated on a chapter basis (sometimes less regular if the rankings don't change much over a few chapters). Also, this ranking system is based on the Narrator's judgement only! This should not be taken as a definitive or authorative word on how skillful the characters are in their martial abilities.
    Last edited by IcyFox; 07-18-11 at 12:18 PM.

  20. #20
    Senior Member Allen D's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    my house


    it's cool....i like the 'loner' ending
    Formerly DuGu Qiu Bai

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