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Thread: The Forbidden City – The City Of Disillusionment (幻滅紫禁城)

  1. #201
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suet Seung View Post
    Whoa. 27 chapters already?! I forgot, it is miss Charbydis who writes and gets many chapters out. Melanie has to catch up with your speed.
    I try to get one a week unless I get bogged down with work or family matters. I feel that the longer a plot sits without being developed, the less lively it is going to be when written out.
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
    Cyril Connolly

  2. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by charbydis View Post
    Why do you hate Ghost Face?

    Do you prefer the name Ghost Mask? Cos I was thinking Ghost Face along the lines of 鬼面人. Tell me what you prefer and I can change it.
    Actually, I was commenting that I heart the character you created. But while my eyes read Ghost Face - the name that registered in my brain was Ghost Mask. To think I even scrolled back up to make sure I get the name right. He reminds me a lot, mannerism and the way he fights, of Ekin's martial brother, the one without hands, in the movie A Man called Hero, which I thought was super cool.

    Although I am very touched you offered to change the name, change it only if you feel it will better suit your character. I guess it is no contest which name I preferred if I'm auto editing what my brain processes. I actually re-read the section a couple times before I finally registered the name Ghost Face and understood what your comment mean.

    As to Yeung Ming Hung, coveting the master's women is not the actions of a loyal minister. Although he has no impure thoughts yet, it is only a matter of time. The long road back to the border with two beautiful ladies - he is a lost cause.

    I was going to wait and see, but I cannot resist. Since you like Lau Gan so much, are you going to make Yeung Yat Qing (Yang Yiqing) evil? That will be so cool.

  3. #203
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suzaku View Post
    Actually, I was commenting that I heart the character you created. But while my eyes read Ghost Face - the name that registered in my brain was Ghost Mask. To think I even scrolled back up to make sure I get the name right. He reminds me a lot, mannerism and the way he fights, of Ekin's martial brother, the one without hands, in the movie A Man called Hero, which I thought was super cool.

    Although I am very touched you offered to change the name, change it only if you feel it will better suit your character. I guess it is no contest which name I preferred if I'm auto editing what my brain processes. I actually re-read the section a couple times before I finally registered the name Ghost Face and understood what your comment mean.

    As to Yeung Ming Hung, coveting the master's women is not the actions of a loyal minister. Although he has no impure thoughts yet, it is only a matter of time. The long road back to the border with two beautiful ladies - he is a lost cause.

    I was going to wait and see, but I cannot resist. Since you like Lau Gan so much, are you going to make Yeung Yat Qing (Yang Yiqing) evil? That will be so cool.
    Okay then. I will keep Ghost Face.

    No. Yeung Yat Ching will be a protagonist and Lau Gan will remain a villian. I don't like playing too much with real historical characters and giving them a bad name (like how Jin Yong made the reverred taoist Yin Zhi Ping a rapist and hated by wuxia lovers for many years). Everyone knows that I am a villian-lover so I am more biased to villians in my writing, however I think it is a bit disrespectful if I defame a good real person but it is okay if I make a well-known villian appear more humane.
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
    Cyril Connolly

  4. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by charbydis View Post
    Okay then. I will keep Ghost Face.

    No. Yeung Yat Ching will be a protagonist and Lau Gan will remain a villian. I don't like playing too much with real historical characters and giving them a bad name (like how Jin Yong made the reverred taoist Yin Zhi Ping a rapist and hated by wuxia lovers for many years). Everyone knows that I am a villian-lover so I am more biased to villians in my writing, however I think it is a bit disrespectful if I defame a good real person but it is okay if I make a well-known villian appear more humane.
    Aww.... so disappointed. I am totally the type of reader that would be excited to see a story written about Yue Fei being the bad guy and Qin Kui being the good guy (provided the twist makes sense). Not to be disrespectful and defame, but a story is just that - a work of fiction. I love it when writers shine a different perspective on generally accepted good and bad historical figures.

  5. #205
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suzaku View Post
    Aww.... so disappointed. I am totally the type of reader that would be excited to see a story written about Yue Fei being the bad guy and Qin Kui being the good guy (provided the twist makes sense). Not to be disrespectful and defame, but a story is just that - a work of fiction. I love it when writers shine a different perspective on generally accepted good and bad historical figures.
    I understand what you mean. But I am afraid that the twist may not make sense and my whole story falls apart. It is like "The Lives and Times of a Sentinel" which had great potential to be great but the storywriting could not cover up how ridiculous the plot twist was. I am aware of my limits and know that my writing ability and imagination is not talented enough to do great storytelling like the writers of "Secret Battle of the Majesty".

    I hold tremendous respect for generals and soldiers who sacrificed their lives and freedom to defend their country. I just cannot bring myself to defame Yeung Yat Ching in my story because he is such a repectable person in history, unlike YongZheng who was sitting on the borderline of good and evil.

    Yeung Yat Ching will have faults and flaws and weaknesses but I just cannot make him a villian. I just cannot see how I could allow him to live a long happy life after commiting evil acts.
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
    Cyril Connolly

  6. #206
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    Default Book One: The Fist Of Domination (權傾天下)

    Chapter Twenty-Eight:

    Cast of Appearing Characters:

    Yeung Ming Hung – Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming
    Suen Nga Yin – Natalie Tong See Wing
    So Yee Ha – Sharon Chan Man Chi
    Sexy Assassin - Jackie Lui Chung Yin

    On the dark road out of Beijing, one single horse galloped hastily away from the capital city. It was a large black horse with powerful muscular legs which would allow it to travel long distances with ease. Yet, it was moving uncomfortably at a slower rate as there was now the weight of three passengers on its vast back.

    Yeung Ming Hung stroked the horse gently on the ear with his finger as he urged it to carry on by tugging on the reins. “I am sorry, my dear friend! I know that it is hard for you but we must get as far ahead as possible! I know you can do it!” The horse seemed to understand his words of encouragement and after a short neigh in response, it strived on with it heavy load.

    As soon as they reached the inn where the Ferghana horse was kept, the first wave of Western Faction assassins arrived. After sustaining some more injuries, Yeung Ming Hung managed to slay them quickly before the next wave arrived. They could not take any other horses with them for no matter how much they tried, they could not keep up with the superior Ferghana horse so the poor horse had to carry all three of them on the journey.

    “You are bleeding! “ cried out Suen Nga Yin who had no choice but to huddle up to Yeung Ming Hung due to the lack of space.

    Yeung Ming Hung took one brief look at the small droplets of blood dripping out from his torn shoulder wound and dismissed it. “My wounds are only minor! They will heal with time! The most important thing right now is to get as far away from Beijing as possible! We cannot afford any delays!”

    So Yee Ha was huddled up behind Suen Nga Yin, shivering in her light clothes with the torturing night winds. Suddenly, she let out a loud call of pain as an arrow impaled her back and she fell off onto the ground. Yeung Ming Hung stopped the horse immediately as a dozen Western Faction guards on horseback caught up with them. They were all dressed in the light grey uniform that had newly been assigned to the Western Faction.

    “Accept your deaths!” shouted one of them, pointing a long sword at Yeung Ming Hung.
    Suen Nga Yin had slid off the horse and ran over to check on So Yee Ha. The arrow had broken upon impact with the ground but also pushed its head deeper into her back. There was blood everywhere and So Yee Ha was pale and cold. Still she murmured softly, “Leave me, Nga Yin! Go and save yourself!”

    Suen Nga Yin called out angrily to the guards. “I am a fifth-rank Cultured Concubine of the Emperor! I order you to stand down now!”

    The head of the guards merely laughed at her, “I am afraid that you have lost your rank, my Lady! The Emperor has decided to demote both you and her to common peasant women after you eloped with this bandit! We have clearance from Supreme Commander Lau to kill all of you without hesitation! Prepare to die!” and all twelve horsemen rushed at them.

    “Shut your slanderous mouth, you vermin!” hollered Yeung Ming Hung who charged forward upon his horse into mortal combat with the twelve Western Faction guards. The twelve guards were refreshed and eager for battle whilst Yeung Ming Hung had been fighting on and off since noon.

    But still, they were no match for Yeung Ming Hung and his trusty golden spear. Just as he finished off the last guard, a flash of red sped past his neck. He turned and found a short wooden arrow embedded into the trunk of a nearby tree, with a distinct red feather for its tail, identical to the one lodged in So Yee Ha’s back. When his head turned back to front, a dark figure clad enitrely in black had silently landed before him with a sword in hand.

    His hair was tied back with a leather strap but strands of his fringe billowed across his handsome but expressionless face. The assassin must have been hidden in the shadows as he watched the other guards battle with Yeung Ming Hung, have the advantage to attack by surprise.

    Holding out his left hand at his opponent, he said coldly, “Give me the roster!” He twisted his arm slightly, revealing some tight wires that were connected to a wrist contraption that would fire deadly arrows when stimulated.

    Yeung Ming Hung kept a strong front though he was secretly aching all over. “Another cursed eunuch that likes to attack people from behind! If there are any more of you around, just come at me all together quickly so I can get rid of you once and for all!”

    The assassin smiled deviously and replied confidently, “I am the last of the batch sent to pursue you. I see that you are injured and I will not take advantage of you. But I cannot return empty-handed. If you are able to withstand three hundred stances from my sword and still stand with the roster in your possession, I will let you all go!”

    Yeung Ming Hung leapt off his horse and brandished his golden spear formidably. “I can finish you in two hundred moves if I want! But before we begin, let the ladies leave first!”

    The assassin nodded. “They are free to leave. I have no qualms about injuring innocent unarmed women, but it is beneath me to take their lives.”

    Yeung Ming Hung helped Suen Nga Yin and the wounded So Yee Ha onto the Ferghana horse. They caught each other eyes and an unspeakable wave of emotion overcame them, like lifelong friends separating for good.

    Suen Nga Yin said softly, “We have known each for less than a day yet we have been through so much life and death moments. I hope that fate would let us meet again after this departure.”

    Yeung Ming Hung smiled grimly. “The horse will take you to a safe place where you can contact your parents to collect you. Change your name and location so the Emperor can never find you. Don’t worry about me. Please take care of yourself and Lady So!”

    As the horse trotted off, Yeung Ming Hung suddenly called out, “Remember what I had told you at the inn! Remember!” Suen Nga Yin turned her head and patted the saddlebag with assurance.

    “You finished ogling at her yet!” teased the voice of the assassin, watching all from behind.

    “Shut up!” defended Yeung Ming Hung red-faced, wielding his spear and he charged at his opponent.

    The assassin did not unsheath his sword until Yeung Ming Hung’s thirtieth stance, which aimed all attacks at his throat. It was a dangerous move for the spearhead could suddenly change direction and strike at other nearby vulnerable positions such as the heart, the lungs, the eyes and the meridian. Everything was a whirl of gold as Yeung Ming Hung handled his weapon with both speed and accuracy.

    But the assassin had observed him for a long time and suddenly lashed out at the moment he found a weakness in the move. He stabbed his sword into the vacant area between Yeung Ming Hung’s hand and the spear handle. With a twist, he forced Yeung Ming Hung’s wrist to turn and let go of his weapon. As soon as the handle left his hand, the assassin made twenty clean swipes at his unarmed opponent all over his body.

    Luckily, Yeung Ming Hung was an agile person and narrowly escaped from the blade every time. With one smooth kick to his spear on the ground and it sprung up, shooting itself at the assassin who had to drop to the ground on his back to avoid the diagonal attack. The spear bounced off a nearby tree and leaping up, Yeung Ming Hung caught it with one hand.

    In a perplexing flurry of gold and silver, the two skilled men lunged at each other with a series of swipes and stabs, easily reaching two hundred blows. They were both equally skilled and were unable to injure each other despite the rapid exchange of attacks.

    All of a sudden, the assassin deterred the spear with his sword and with the other hand, dug deep into Yeung Ming Hung’s clothing from the chest. Yeung Ming Hung immediately twisted away to stop him from reaching the roster but it was too late. The left hand of the assassin closely clenched around the folded piece of paper as it victoriously emerged from Yeung Ming Hung’s clothing.

    But the back of the spear spun around and hit the hand, sending the paper spinning high up into the air. Both men leapt up at it, attacking and defending with both hand and weapon at each other as the piece of paper was knocked around by the continuous battle.

    In the midst of the duel, Yeung Ming Hung called out to the assassin, “It is three hundred moves already and I am still standing! I win!”

    The assassin smiled as he tried to stab at the roster without success. “No, you don’t. The roster is not in your hands yet! I win!” and he reached out to grab at the falling piece of paper

    Yeung Ming Hung flicked the roster upwards again with the spear handle and shouted, “You dreaded eunuch! Do you not know that many innocent men loyal to the Great Ming Dynasty will be executed once this roster reaches the eyes of the Emperor? You traitor!” He kicked the assassin down on the shoulder and propelled himself up towards the roster.

    His fingers were just about to touch it smooth surface when the assassin replied, “So says the man who is in love with the Emperor’s woman!”

    Yeung Ming Hung’s mind involuntarily went blank at those words and he was kicked aside by the assassin who dived upwards and somersaulted to collect the roster.

    The assassin smiled as he unfolded the poster, and it quickly drained from his face when he realised it was a list of tasks that Eunuch Chan wanted Siu Hung Chi to help out with.

    Crunching the list with anger and hurling it at the ground, the assassin saw Yeung Ming Hung had left hurriedly with his Lightness Skills after sending the remaining horses in the opposite direction back to Beijing. The sight of the horses alerted him to a vital clue as he recalled Suen Nga Yin patting the saddlebag confidently just as she left.

    “The saddlebag!” he gasped and he sped off stepping amongst the tree branches after the girls.
    Author's Note:

    Sorry for the long absence. I was sick and feverish and my boss needed help with his presentation so I could not update for weeks.
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
    Cyril Connolly

  7. #207
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    Default Book One: The Fist Of Domination (權傾天下)

    Chapter Twenty Nine:

    Cast of Appearing Characters:

    Yeung Ming Hung – Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming
    Suen Nga Yin – Natalie Tong See Wing
    So Yee Ha – Sharon Chan Man Chi
    Sexy Assassin - Jackie Lui Chung Yin
    Lau Gan _ Gilbert Lam Wai Sun
    Ghost Face - some dude

    Suen Nga Yin had her hand on the saddlebag the whole time. Shortly after they had left the inn, Yeung Ming Hung had feared that he would soon be overwhelmed by the increasing numbers of pursuers and devised a plan to deter them while she and So Yee Ha escaped with the roster.

    She remembered his every word. “There is a small wooden bridge across a deep ravine. Stop there and burn the roster to ashes. Throw the ashes into the ravine. There is no use burning it when you are on horseback – the wind will just blow it out. Then keep going on horseback for more guards will be certain to come after you. But don’t worry, I will have a way to catch up and protect you! As long as I am alive, I will not let them harm a hair on your head!"

    With her other hand, she was supporting So Yee Ha behind her who was slowly bleeding out, yet muttering, “Leave me!” Suen Nga Yin gripped her freezing hand tightly in encouragement.

    Before they knew it, they had arrived at the wooden bridge and Suen Nga Yin quickly pulled on the reins. The Ferghana horse stopped immediately. Leaving So Yee Ha slouched forward on the horse’s head; she slipped off onto the ground and retrieved the precious roster from the saddlebag. She blew on the candle that was in the saddlebag and the wick ignited itself with a small orange flame. She stepped onto the wooden bridge with caution and looked down at the ravine. It was dark and gloomy – so deep that she could not see the bottom of it.

    But just as she held the roster to the flame, an arrow shot past her and put out the flame. Suen Nga Yin dropped the roster in surprise as the assassin leapt out of nowhere and snatched it away.

    Almost immediately, Yeung Ming Hung jumped out from the tree branches stabbed his spear at the assassin. The spear tip cut into the flesh of his palm and then flicked the roster away from his reach. Yeung Ming Hung stretched out his hand just in time to grab before the silver sword slashed down at it. But all the action seemed much for the worn rope that held the bridge up for many years and the rotting wooden boards underneath their feet gave way.

    The bridge immediately broke into two halves; each section crashing violently onto the sides of the ravine. Both Yeung Ming Hung and the assassin were able to hold onto the rope on opposite sides of the ravine, but Suen Nga Yin bumped her head in the impact and lost her grip. Yeung Ming Hung swung his golden spear and impaled the back of her clothing to support her from falling, but the fragile material was slowly ripping with her weight.

    Yeung Ming Hung himself was having trouble for with his left hand, he had to maintain grip of both the rope and the roster at the same time with the weight of two people. Any sudden movement and the rope will break and both will plummet to their deaths.

    The assassin took the opportunity to leap across the width of the ravine and landed next to Yeung Ming Hung.

    Taking hold of the roster, he stated, “You have two choices. Either you lift that spear to attack me let her fall to her death. Or you let go of the roster and save her. What will it be?”

    The blood from Yeung Ming Hung’s wounded shoulder was streaming down onto the spear handle, making it harder for him to maintain a firm grip. Suen Nga Yin was slowly sliding downwards as she gazed up at him. There was fear in her eyes as the spear handle slid down further. Yeung Ming Hung let out a groan of pain as he ignored the searing sensation in his shoulder to swivel the spear to a more horizontal position.

    “Let go of me, Hero Yeung!” Suen Nga Yin begged him with tears in her eyes. Yeung Ming Hung turned to look at the assassin who smiled at him deviously, waiting for him to make a decision. Yeung Ming Hung was torn between the two choices but he was running out of time. Life is full of tough decisions and no one can avoid it.

    Yeung Ming Hung hollered in frustration as released his grip on both the rope and the roster and plunged downwards. He wrapped his left hand around Suen Nga Yin as the fell whilst he dug his spear as deep as he could into the rock face to stop their fall. They only fell a little and quickly found some rocks for footing. Yeung Ming Hung had exhausted all his might and fell unconscious onto the shoulder of Suen Nga Yin, who took hold off the spear and supported him up.

    The assassin grinned triumphantly as the roster was finally in his hands. But he never expected that a person had leapt off the surface into the ravine just to drag him to his death.

    “Yee Ha!” Suen Nga Yin screamed as she saw her friend use the last of her strength to twist her hands around the assassin’s arms to keep him from reaching out to take hold of something. Both bodies struggled against each other as they plummeted into the ravine together. The roster fluttered after them. Suen Nga Yin could do nothing but watch helplessly.

    All of a sudden, an arrow shot out and impaled the roster to the rock face. The assassin had struggled free of So Yee Ha’s grasp. Like Yeung Ming Hung, he drove his blade into the rock face to stop his descent. He was aware of the unconscious woman on his back but did not shake her off. Instead, he shot out consecutive arrows into the rock face as steps and used Lightness Skills to climb up with ease. He took the roster with him as he disappeared into the night with So Yee Ha sprawled on his back.

    Suen Nga Yin and was still trapped in the ravine. Shaking Yeung Ming Hug violently, she called for him to wake up. The blood from his wounds had stained her clothes red but he was still non-respondent. She quickly bit him on the hand and he let out a cry. “Wake up!” she yelled at him.

    Yeung Ming Hung slowly came too and immediately asked, “Are you all right?”

    Suen Nga Yin smiled with relief. “I am unharmed but we are stuck in this ravine. The assassin has left with both the roster and Yee Ha. What shall we do?”

    He grimaced with pain as he took a look at the surroundings. “Come on!” And he used the arrows that the assassin left behind to take them both up to the surface. As soon as they were safe on the grass, he collapsed again with fatigue.

    Meanwhile not too far away, two highly skilled fighters moved speedily across the forest treetops, stepping lightly only upon the frail twigs of the canopy. Lau Gan released several palm blows at Ghost Face who did not even bother on fighting back and concentrated on running for his life.

    “So I have heard that thanks to you, the Emperor is now addicted to hallucinogenic drugs! Did you admire your own work with what happened in the garden of the Palace of Abundant Longevity today?” cried Ghost Face hoping to distract his aggressive pursuer.

    Lau Gan smiled as he delivered another blast of energy. “He takes the Five Mineral Concentrate at his own will! He even makes me promise to bring him more each time I leave the Forbidden City! How dare I refuse the command of the Almighty Emperor?” Lau Gan accelerated forwards and overtook his opponent in the chase. Lau Gan had a sinister smile on his face as he landed gently upon a slender tree branch. Ghost Face was trapped!

    “Let me see what your real face looks like under that mask!” he shouted.
    Even though Ghost-Face was terrified, his sharp tongue was not deterred. “At least I have a real face! Much better than those who wear their real face as a mask all day and all night!”

    A close multitude of arrows suddenly shot into the tree tops. If it had been Ghost Face that they were aiming at, he would have died for sure. But Lau Gan was the intended target. He spun around quickly and used his internal energy to repel the arrows. Ignoring Ghost Face who had fled to safety, Lau Gan’s eyes were sharp like the night owl, and immediately spotted the crossbow users hidden in the bushes.

    He dived down at them as they let out another foray of arrows at him. In the blink of an eye, he seized all of them with one hand in midflight and landed with a somersault before the terrified assailants. He threw the useless arrows to one side and shouted confidently to them.

    “You think such measly weapons can do me any harm?”

    And then he realised the tingling sensation on his hand. He looked down at his hand and there were minute splinters that were just visible to the naked eye, embedded into the skin of his fingers and palm. They must been attached to the shaft of the arrow and had broken off when he grabbed them. A feeling numbness now spread slowly up his arm and he quickly blocked several acupressure points to deter the continuous flow.

    There a sound of laughter that erupted from behind him. “I trust that you recognise the symptoms of Kun Lun Sect’s Energy Dissipating Poison! In the time it takes a quarter of an incense stick to burn, the poison would have spread all over your body and block all energy channels! It is your turn to have a taste of being powerless and weak, Lau Gan!”

    Lau Gan had closed his eyes to regulate his breathing. The longer the period between each breath, the slower the poison moved. The flow had temporarily been stopped by the blocked acupressure points but it was only a matter of time before they burst open by themselves. He heard the rapid breathing of thirty-three skilled fighters nearby.

    Despite the dire circumstances he was in, Lau Gan gave his characteristic sinister smile. “Some people are just born failures because they underestimate their opponents. You do often underestimate me, don’t you? Am I right or not, Yau Jui?”

    Author's Note:

    Let's talk about Chinese Candles. You often see them in ancient series where nearly everyone has one and without any matches, the candle lights up. I heard this theory from some forums over the years but I cannot find any proof on the internet that this is indeed the case. But I find it interesting so here it is.

    Apparently during the manufacturing process, the candlewick is dipped in a small amount of white/yellow phosphorus which is a very inflammable and dangerous substance. Phosphorus can react with oxygen moisture in the air and self-ignite. You can find it in matches.

    There is a tight bamboo holder where the candle is kept in. So when you take the cap off the candle, the moisture and oxygen in the air ignites the candle. If you blow on it, the moisture from your breath will acellerate the ignition process. So to stop it, just cut off the oxygen and moisture supply by replacing the cap and you can reuse it another day.

    However, I am still doubtful with this theory as phosphorus reacts with moisture/oils on the skin as well so it can cause chemical burns when touched. Plus the flames gives off toxic fumes as well.

    So why use it so commonly if it is so dangerous? The only explanation I have for this is that the ancient Chinese (who loved to experimented with alchemy in early days like the Warring States) did not extract phosphorus (which glows by the way) in a highly concentrated form and thus the effects were not as severe.
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
    Cyril Connolly

  8. #208
    Senior Member Melanie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charbydis View Post
    Sexy Assassin - Jackie Lui Chung Yin
    I've always liked Jackie Lui, especially with Joey Meng! Will this "Sexy Assassin" have a name and will he have a love interest (preferably Joey Meng)?

    Ghost Face - some dude

  9. #209
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
    I've always liked Jackie Lui, especially with Joey Meng! Will this "Sexy Assassin" have a name and will he have a love interest (preferably Joey Meng)?
    Nope! Don't like Joey Meng because of the way she talks. The name of "Sexy Assassin" will be revealed later. I actually don't have a preference pairing for Jackie Lui. I think he is compatible with any actress, so we will see what will happen later on in the story.

    Anyway, are you actually reading or are you just browsing my cast list? And I just popped into to KikoTsukino's HOTY homepage and what on earth? You want to compare Wallace Chung and Yan Kuan to Gilbert?
    Hate you!

    And have you packed yet? Don't want you to go around China naked!
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
    Cyril Connolly

  10. #210
    Senior Member Melanie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charbydis View Post
    Nope! Don't like Joey Meng because of the way she talks. The name of "Sexy Assassin" will be revealed later. I actually don't have a preference pairing for Jackie Lui. I think he is compatible with any actress, so we will see what will happen later on in the story.
    Hey, how about casting Annie Man as his love interest?! That would be a fresh pairing!

    Anyway, are you actually reading or are you just browsing my cast list? And I just popped into to KikoTsukino's HOTY homepage and what on earth? You want to compare Wallace Chung and Yan Kuan to Gilbert?
    Hate you!
    I'm browsing the cast list for the later chapters. But I did start re-reading the first chapter, since I've forgotten what has happened. You have a lot of characters, and since I'm not the author, it's hard for me to get everyone straight.

    Huh, I compared Wallace Chung to Gilbert Lam? I don't remember. I will need to go back and read what I wrote on Kiko's page.

    And have you packed yet? Don't want you to go around China naked!
    Nope, I have not packed yet. I will go around China naked if it will get Wallace Chung's attention.

  11. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
    Hey, how about casting Annie Man as his love interest?! That would be a fresh pairing!

    Quote Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
    Nope, I have not packed yet. I will go around China naked if it will get Wallace Chung's attention.
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
    Cyril Connolly

  12. #212
    Senior Member tweety365's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
    I will go around China naked if it will get Wallace Chung's attention.
    I knew you were a fan, but wow, that's hardcore

    Tweety admit defeat

  13. #213
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweety365 View Post
    I knew you were a fan, but wow, that's hardcore

    Tweety admit defeat
    You can always go around China walking nake don your hands to catch his attention!
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
    Cyril Connolly

  14. #214
    Senior Member Melanie's Avatar
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    Yes!!!! I'm proud of being a hardcore Wallace Chung fan!!! He's it, girls! I can feel it!!! My eye has not wandered yet, so Wallace Chung may be the one!!!

    Tweety can never compete with me when it comes to loyalty to Wallace Chung. Her attention wanders too easily.

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by charbydis View Post
    You can always go around China walking nake don your hands to catch his attention!
    Nope, tweety lacks Mel's courage . Plus, I can't do a handstand to save my life. You and your crazy idea

  16. #216
    Senior Member Melanie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charbydis View Post
    I thought you liked Annie Man.

  17. #217
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
    I thought you liked Annie Man.
    Yes.. but not with Jackie Lui! Always wanted an Annie and Lawrence Yan pairing!
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
    Cyril Connolly

  18. #218
    Senior Member Melanie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charbydis View Post
    Yes.. but not with Jackie Lui! Always wanted an Annie and Lawrence Yan pairing!
    Oh, Lawrence would be cool, too. Quite tall and handsome. But I still really like Jackie Lui with Joey Meng. I fell in love with them after watching The Great General.

  19. #219
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
    Oh, Lawrence would be cool, too. Quite tall and handsome. But I still really like Jackie Lui with Joey Meng. I fell in love with them after watching The Great General.
    Out of all, I would still love Erica Choi and Lawrence's pairing the most.
    Annie is quite petite for both Jackie and Lawrence. Annie goes well with Sunny and Frankie.
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
    Cyril Connolly

  20. #220
    Senior Member Melanie's Avatar
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    Oh, yes! Erica Choi! She was absolutely beautiful in that Yang family/Justice Bao drama with Lawrence. I saw the dvd version, so I never knew if their ending scene was cut. In my dvd version, their ending was a bit open-ended. Is that the original ending?

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