The Legend of Ching Lady


Section:TVB Series

Number of Episodes:20

Chinese Title: 呂四娘

Average Rating:       (out of 2 ratings)


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The Legend of Ching Lady

Reviewed by: hkopinions January 29, 2008

Rating: 4.0 out of 5

Cast Dodo Cheng Ray Liu Simon Yam Austin Wei Ha Ping Cheung Lui Intro This series is based on a historical character, Lui Sei Liang (Dodo Cheng). It takes place during the Ching Dynasty in the reign of Emperor Hong Hei (Ray Lui). Sei Liang is caught between her loyalty, her love and revenge for her family. The series has well known casts and portrays the story almost to perfection. What about the story (Spoilers!) Lui Sei Lang is the daughter of a well-known and rich family. Her father (Guan...

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Apop Harris

03-14-2013 05:11 AM


Very strong cast! Ray Lui was not a typical villain and he was a great actor. Dodo Cheng was amazing as a leading lady, Simon Yam played character transition very well. His chemistry with Dodo Cheng in this movie might be a reason why they were chosen to be Zhang Wuji's parents in Heaven Sword & Dragon Sabre 2006. I don't know why this series wasn't so popular, maybe because too many great series at the same time in the TVB golden era..?

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