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Thread: Interview with Spcnet Members

  1. #581
    Senior Member
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    I live out of a suitcase, but the heart is at home on the lake.

    Default Interview with Expression - Part One of Two

    Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in a round of applause for the one person who’s truly been responsible for all of the fun and excitement during this process........MADAM EXPRESSION….....

    1. What is your real-life occupation? What do you do for a living?

    I am a scientist turned ghost-writer. I currently utilize my knowledge to write for a living, without the glory, because poverty for passion is a perverse badge of honor I can no longer carry. Aye, this is depressing… in a nutshell, I followed the exodus out of academia to a slightly greener land that remains largely foreign to the public.

    By the way, “expression” actually came from “expression of gene family X”, a project I was working on at that time. But of course, I came to realize it’s a much more versatile username than originally intended, which is, ahem, certain proof of my hidden genius.

    2. What do you do for past-time, other than visiting spcnet?

    I like to sleep, A LOT, which is how granny stays young. I yap with family, A LOT, which is how I remain social despite all that sleep. I like shopping too, but it usually takes me at least 3 viewings before I will finally buy anything. Highly inefficient. Thank goodness. After all these, apparently there is still some time left for me to try a few girly arts and crafts – drawing, paper sculpting, miniatures, mixed media … but being the good lover, I usually focus on one at a time. My favorite hobby in recent years is beading. For some projects, I was able to incorporate jade pieces that I’ve collected over the years into something wearable, instead of locking them away. Pretty artsy huh? I agree! I showcase my masterpieces by painstakingly matching them with different outfits, but unfortunately people went numb after the initial praising phase … so obviously it’s time to explore new ways to garner attention. Again. *sigh*

    I seldom watch tv, but I do like to read, mostly non-fiction. Used to be a hard-core wuxia fan, but have outgrown it. I’ll probably never outgrow Brigitte Lin’s Qiu Moyan 丘莫言 in “New Dragon Inn”, though I admit she’s a silly girl with a cool flute. Hey, I’m not that shallow: I don’t JUST like her flute, I ALSO like her sword and mask. So there. The remnant of my past wuxia passion can also be seen in my continued admiration of the lofty wuxia-ry poets Xin Qiji 辛棄疾 and Su Shi 蘇軾. By the way, Moyan’s flute has Xin’s “Pozhenzi 破陣子” poem carved on it, cool huh?

    Of special note, ahem *drums roll*, I have the noble intention to read or at least skim through most of the notable ancient Chinese texts, but given my multi-timer nature, I doubt it will ever come close… did I just admit I’m a multi-timer? Still, I did have the INTENTION, mind you!

    So, as you can see, I can pretty much shut myself up in my little room all day. No, I’m not that fat. Not at all. Not yet. Stop cursing me.

    3. Why did you initially join SPCNET? What about SPCNET makes you stay?

    Initially: wuxia and old tv series. Stay: colorful members in the lounge. Spcnet still offers the most intelligent and amusing discussions around.

    4. Describe yourself. Do you think people perceive you in the same way? How well does your online personality reflect your personality in real life?

    I’m just a low-key, peaceful nerd who is heavily family-oriented. Sounds like the perfect nun? Aye, wait till you hear me scream at retarded drivers on the road, with my doors locked and windows safely closed of course. Most people view me (I believe) as a no-trouble girl who sits in a corner doing her stuff, but obviously most of them have yet to sit in a corner of my car. Still, I maintain that I am a highly consistent character. It’s just that my remaining self-righteousness tend to stir up tsunamis occasionally -- fortunately and unfortunately, I am usually the only casualty, as people generally don’t pay much attention to me and my random grand theories. For all that I know, my only differences online are that I get to yap more* and do more fun projects like hosting interviews#.
    * I need to think before I speak, but in real life people usually yap on before I had time to think.
    # No responsibility online. How convenient.

    See how yappy I am in this interview? For a girl with a sharp but slow tongue (that’s why people still call her nice), internet forum is her best friend.

    5. Are there any turning points in your life? Any life-changing events? What are some moments in your life that you would consider to be character defining?

    First and smaller one, immigration. I still have culture aftershocks once in a while. Quite stimulating actually.

    Second and much bigger one, grad school, during which I finally got my act together to get baptized. These two events interacted wondrously to remodel my values and character. I realized what I truly need to deal with the external unfairness and absurdity, and the internal disillusionment and pride. Coincidentally, I start visiting spcnet amongst this turmoil; maybe that’s what makes spcnet so special to me.

    You really need to be completely demolished before you can reconstruct something better; I take myself much less seriously by the time I get my degree.
    Last edited by bellamia; 09-12-08 at 05:57 AM.

  2. #582
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    I live out of a suitcase, but the heart is at home on the lake.

    Default Interview with Expression - Part Two of Two

    6. If you knew you had 3 months to live "Would you come to spcnet and tell the forum you are going to die?" Are spcnet people important enough for you to know you’re alive or not? Or will you just disappear…If you have one week left to live, would you sign on to spcnet at least one time if you had the physical power to do so?

    It depends on whether I’m in the “spcnet-active” phase at that time. If active, I’ll probably PM a few members to say goodbye, and send around my pre-illness photo so everyone admires how pretty I used to look Mwhuhahahaaa... But really, it is not that bad, when one realizes life is a temporary assignment.

    7. Have you had your heart broken? How did you cope? Or were you the one breaking hearts?

    Realization, yes. Heart broken, not really. You see, I was never really into romance stuff; I guess you do need to form the habit when you’re still young. After a certain stage, you’d start thinking it’s not essential to your well-being at all… I know, I speak like a granny. In fact, I suspect I may have skipped the stage of raging youth altogether blahblahblah… alright fine, I admit, I AM A MULTI-TIMER, and after ALL the lovers lined up in #2 (plus typing this never-ending interview) I really have NO TIME LEFT for baby-sitting…ahem I mean dating. Okay? Honest?

    But of course, on top of that, I value peace, enjoy lots of privacy, and have a strong inertia to resist change. And to me, romance = trouble$. Me no look for trouble. Naturally, this abnormal attitude has received violent criticisms from peer dating-hopefuls , and naturally also, expression can’t be bothered to change her attitude just because of some rant by desperate singles. And who ever told you I am normal anyway?
    $ I would have said “guys = trouble” but I recall in time that tact is a virtue I own. Sorry, that dollar sign is just a footnote symbol.

    8. Who is your favorite male and female SPCNET member?

    Favorite female: Yon. Expression is forever grateful for Granny Yon’s care and friendship when she first joined spcnet.
    Favorite male: I always have a soft spot for guys who find me sexy. If you fit in this description, this is for you =>

    9. What is your motto in life? And are you a goal oriented person? What are some accomplished goals that you are most proud of achieving?

    Yes, I’m a goal-oriented beaver that likes finishing up projects. I also thrive amazingly in routine and enjoy repetition …given that I get paid. In terms of achievements, I’m particularly proud of pulling myself down from the pedestal I created for myself when I was young. Sounds confusing, sure, busy cleaning up the mess now so give me a break here. Don’t really have a motto, but something I’ve repeatedly experienced in recent years, “all things work together for good to those who love God”. And no, I don’t love God just so that all things work for me you utilitarian.

    10. Do you look like Sonija Kwok in real life? Sonija used to be a beauty queen, what is you opinion on beauty pageants? How would beauty queen Expression answer the infamous question “If you had one wish what would you wish for?” And lastly, what cause(s) would you advocate as Miss. Spcnet?

    Lol I don’t look like Sonija at all. That reference originated at the time when Spcnet members gave Sonija the nickname “Freaky Lips”, which I used as an alternate identity in the old Spcnet Fight Club and Judge Expression’s Courtroom threads. But of course, that really has no bearing on my attractiveness whatsoever. Truth is, I find myself looking quite a bit like the young Brigitte Lin, with my shades on and the lights off.

    On beauty pageants… 15 sec remaining? Okay, I’m your friendly neighborhood conventional nerd. I can’t talk straight in skimpy clothes, I can’t walk straight in skimpy clothes, and I can’t stalk straight in skimpy clothes. Now just hand over that Miss Spcnet crown already. And that scholarship/award/whatever = CASH. NOW.

    “If you had one wish…” => A million more wishes please. I like insurance. What? You mean that’s not allowed? Cheesy reply? In that case my wish is for you to die! What? Anyone will die eventually?! Fine, die… uninsured!

    Causes/mission: To continue raising the bar for Sophisticated Entropic Posting, and to ensure junior spammisms pay due respect to Spammaster Expression. Oh, we are not allowed to openly advocate spamming?… what’s with all these rules!… fine, then just bow to Expression without cause! And let all rules be re-interpreted by Judge Expression!

    That would be all. Thank you for your detention.

  3. #583
    Senior Member
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    I live out of a suitcase, but the heart is at home on the lake.


    LOL. You did not disappoint me with the length of your answers, dear. Granny has such a GREAT sense of humor. I love it! I will be back later to ask question....
    Last edited by bellamia; 09-12-08 at 06:35 AM.

  4. #584
    Senior Member remember_Cedric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jadebunny9 View Post
    Sigh, what a pity. All the cute guys are always taken first. Either that, or they're dead or gay. =\
    Yes, indeed. But he is not so cute in personality. He is very humourous and is an active volcano too.

    Quote Originally Posted by sniffles View Post
    Never mind my pedantry. I just like to nit-pick.

    It's cool that you identify Jason and the Argonauts as one of your favorite animated films. I'm a big fan of stop-motion animation myself, especially when it's from the great Ray Harryhausen.
    I don't see it as nitpicking but I do respect your set of standards. So, it makes me curious and wanting to know more. Sharing is always good.

    Quote Originally Posted by PJ View Post
    Question for JadeBunny, Cedrey, Candide, Bella, and Kidd:

    If you could have any key malfunction on your keyboard, which key would it be?

    The backspace. I remember that many times that stupid function screwed up my entire page of "Thesis". Ju see, I'm a scatterbrain. At that moment of passion, I squeeze out all my available brain juice and enthusiasically typing away..... until when I make a single mistake, conveniently press down that [backspace] browser acknowledged my "assumingly" Page back command and screw me up entirely.

    When I click Page forward, my "thesis" are gone..... all gone!

    It's ok now. I've already physically disabled all the [backspace] on my keyboards. I hate [backspace]; I find the Mouse Highlighting function + Delete smarter than the stupid [Backspace].
    What can I say? I'm still standing! No weapon against me shall prosper! I am more than a conqueror!!!

    I don't care to sit by the window on an airplane. If I can't control it, why look?

  5. #585
    Senior Member expression's Avatar
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    This pseudo-concludes this Interview Series (hopefully we'll hear from Kay in the near future).

    Special thanks to bellamia and remember_Cedric, who helped make all this possible.

    A round applause for all interviewees and readers pleeeeeeeease!!!!!!!
    I love you all! Yes, YOU who make this event a great success!

    And now, let the hangover begin! And keep posting any questions you have for the interviewees!
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  6. #586
    Senior Member Boo's Avatar
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    It's funny that you mentioned Yon. I've been trying to remember her name in the past few days but couldn't pinpoint it. Anyways, you remind me of her in several ways. I was going to say that earlier but couldn't remember her name She was very nice and welcoming, and always calling herself a granny like you do now.

    Your interview just sucked me right in. I ramble like that too. It's ok though, I think it's a common trait to all great minds
    "What is meant to be will always be."

  7. #587
    Senior Member PJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by expression/bellamia View Post
    By the way, “expression” actually came from “expression of gene family X”, a project I was working on at that time. But of course, I came to realize it’s a much more versatile username than originally intended, which is, ahem, certain proof of my hidden genius.
    Ahhhhhhh! How could one have foreseen the raison d'etre behind your lovable name? It is simply unfathomably brilliant that your name came from a scientific phenomenon that I'm intimately familiar with.

    Anyway, my favorite gene is chemokine receptor CXCR4. What's yours?
    忽见柳荫下两个小孩子在哀哀痛哭,瞧模样正是武敦儒、武修文兄弟。郭芙大声叫道:「喂,你们在干甚麽?」武 修文回头见是郭芙,哭道:「我们在哭,你不见麽?」

  8. #588
    Senior Member expression's Avatar
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    EXTRA! I just got word from Kay => her interview is on the way!
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    Check out my creations and read the legendary Judge Expression's Courtroom Service.

  9. #589
    Senior Member expression's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bellamia View Post
    LOL. You did not disappoint me with the length of your answers, dear. Granny has such a GREAT sense of humor. I love it! I will be back later to ask question....
    Thanks for your help Bella! I thought I'd contribute at least by a loooong interview!

    Quote Originally Posted by Boo View Post
    I've been trying to remember her name in the past few days but couldn't pinpoint it.
    Interesting. I did pick up the granny title from Yon.

    Quote Originally Posted by PJ View Post
    Ahhhhhhh! How could one have foreseen the raison d'etre behind your lovable name? It is simply unfathomably brilliant that your name came from a scientific phenomenon that I'm intimately familiar with.
    In response to "what's one thing we couldn't have guessed about you?"

    But seriously, I was totally surprised by your bioinformatics job myself. Given that you're all about ARTS. I still remember those bioinformaticians I worked with ~ Feels like old colleagues now ~ hehe. Too bad I'm not at the bench anymore.

    Anyway, my favorite gene is chemokine receptor CXCR4. What's yours?
    ABC transporters. What a great generic name! Sounds like some kid's too-too-train.
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  10. #590
    Senior Member S Beaver's Avatar
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    so prof. E, you got your grad degree in bioinformatics?
    Watch out! Dihydrogen Monoxide will kill us all!

  11. #591
    Senior Member jadebunny9's Avatar
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    I hate chemokines with a passion. Maybe actually working with them instead of just reading about them might make them more lovable.

  12. #592
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    Quote Originally Posted by jadebunny9 View Post
    I hate chemokines with a passion. Maybe actually working with them instead of just reading about them might make them more lovable.
    chemokines are alright. siRNA and miRNA are the worst! actually, any RNA is the worst!
    Last edited by S Beaver; 09-12-08 at 09:06 PM.
    Watch out! Dihydrogen Monoxide will kill us all!

  13. #593
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    English please.
    This account is retired.

  14. #594
    Senior Member expression's Avatar
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    so prof. E, you got your grad degree in bioinformatics?
    Nah, it's good o' Biochemistry. I'm a plain computer/tech dummy.

    siRNA and miRNA are the worst! actually, any RNA is the worst!
    RNAs are not that bad. At least they behave consistently. Proteins, on the other hand, have individual personalities. No kidding.

    So Beavie, you're doing research too?

    English please.
    Lol sorry Foxy, allow us scienterrific folks indulge ourselves for a moment here.
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  15. #595
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    Quote Originally Posted by expression View Post
    So Beavie, you're doing research too?
    considering how i dislike the miRNA and whatevers stuff...and how i dread benchwork, research is a nono for moi!
    Watch out! Dihydrogen Monoxide will kill us all!

  16. #596
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    Quote Originally Posted by expression View Post
    EXTRA! I just got word from Kay => her interview is on the way!
    Essie, did Jennie say when she will submit her response?

    PS: I swear granny, you really had me fooled with that picture of Sonija Kwok. I didn't recognize Sonija from that picture, thus, I really thought it was you. However, I find Brigette Lin's beauty much more appealing than SW.

    Questions for you - as a writer, do you get to work at home? In addition, can you please elaborate on the subjects/contents of your writing? Has any of your work been published? If so, where can we get it?
    Last edited by bellamia; 09-14-08 at 01:31 AM.

  17. #597
    Senior Member remember_Cedric's Avatar
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    Sorry for my belated response..... there ya go!

    Quote Originally Posted by dictionary View Post
    Do you have any pets?
    No, not anymore. I can't commit at the moment. No commitment, no pets. I feed the stray cats in my neighbourhood.
    What do you think about BSL (breed specific legislation)?
    I think it's reasonably acceptable. Having big dogs locked up in small homes is a torture for the doggy. The dog may fall into depression due to boredom. (My neighbour’s 3 year old Husky is a good instance.)

    Quote Originally Posted by bellamia View Post
    1. It’s quite apparent that you dislike your daytime job, what will it take for you to walk away from it and pursue your love of arts permanently?
    Yes, it's a torture for me to stay any in here longer.

    Being recognised of my talent is important. I can include my achievements in my resume. I’m moving slowly on my portfolio as I'm taking part in any contest coming along so I can prove myself.

    In this Siggraph Asia 2008 contest, deadline is 29 Oct 2008, I’m going to tell Siggraph what Wuxia is all about in 3D motion.

    FB is also a lead for me to know other animation enthusiast from other countries.

    Actually, I’m leaving my current job by end of this year. After my 6 years of service, I finally saying bye bye to the Penguin.

    2. You’re very obsessed with animals, is it important to you that your partner shares the same passion for animals?
    No, it doesn’t matter, as long as this potential person is not an animal-abuser or hater. Just as someone who shares the same passion as me, for animals, may be a buddy than a life partner. I look into other parts of the personality and our chemistry.

    3. Are you a vegetarian?
    *guilty* (Sorry goatie…..I promise the energy I gain from eating you will not go into waste. Please forgive me because you were yummy.)

    So, what does it take or how much is it going to cost for you to spill?
    In public forum *shakes head*.....not until when I discover that I'm meeting the angels.

    Quote Originally Posted by PJ
    More strange question:

    -If you could hop on the train to go anywhere tonight, what kind of music would you be listening to as you ride the train?
    Home by Michael Buble. It's nothing fantastic but I just like it. Especially it rains and I'm stuck in outdoors....... I'll this chorus.... "Let me go hommmmmeeeeeeee..."
    Last edited by remember_Cedric; 09-14-08 at 02:47 AM.
    What can I say? I'm still standing! No weapon against me shall prosper! I am more than a conqueror!!!

    I don't care to sit by the window on an airplane. If I can't control it, why look?

  18. #598
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJ View Post
    If you could have any key malfunction on your keyboard, which key would it be?
    I'd say any key from F2-F12. I really honestly don't know the purpose of any of them. Yes, you're looking at a computer-challenged person here.

    Quote Originally Posted by jadebunny9 View Post
    Bella should have included that question for SC in her interview. Now we're all stumped.
    Aiya, I didn't realize there was so much confusion about SPCNET's gender. I'd always thought Spcnet is a girl, because she writes like one. By no mean, there is no negative connotation attached to this observation. But I do think that by analyzing a person’s writing style, you can get an idea of the person’s gender, at least for me anyway.

    Btw, I did PM her the question for clarification.

    Quote Originally Posted by jadebunny9 View Post

    I have a question for Bella, and everyone else too:

    I was listening to Supermarket Love Affair today while stuck in traffic, and I suddenly remembered your own very cute rendition of it with the other girls. So my question is...have you ever experienced anything like what happened in the song?
    You had listened to it? You can recognize my voice?

    LOL. The answer is no. I find the scenario extremely corny and cheesy, or maybe it's just Linda Trang Dai in the video that made the scenario so darn comical. Have you seen that video, Bunny?

    Quote Originally Posted by GuGu View Post
    I lub you too bellbell! and if you're ever traveling around my place let me know so that we can grab a drink or something. i haven't been to a bar for awhile but i'll go anytime with you! ^_^
    Babe, you need to tell me which state you live in first!

    Quote Originally Posted by PJ View Post
    More strange question:

    -If you could hop on the train to go anywhere tonight, what kind of music would you be listening to as you ride the train?
    During night-time, a nice ballad is always soothing to the spirit.

    Quote Originally Posted by expression View Post
    An excellent observation of the genders trinie.

    I forgot to ask Bella this:
    - You mentioned decorating your new house. What style are you going by (classic/traditional, hip & modern, shabby chic, oriental, contemporary, minimalist...)? And in what color combination? Which room is the most importrant for you? In your mind, is there a particular piece of furniture/decor that is to die for?
    Initially, I'd so many plans, but right now there are none - or more like I'm just going with the flow. Time constraint is an issue since I’m hardly ever home, so it’s difficult to start/complete any new idea at the moment. My personal taste in interior decoration is simple elegant. I prefer simplicity, so less is definitely more!
    Last edited by bellamia; 09-14-08 at 03:19 AM.

  19. #599
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    Quote Originally Posted by remember_Cedric View Post
    In public forum *shakes head*.....not until when I discover that I'm meeting the angels. sounds like we have another player on board.

  20. #600
    Senior Member PJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bellamia View Post
    I'd say any key from F2-F12. I really honestly don't know the purpose of any of them. Yes, you're looking at a computer-challenged person here.
    LOL, does that mean you hit F1 for help quite often?
    Now that is a key I never hit (only by mistake, and it's annoying).

    Most normal computer users probably don't find much use for any of the F1-12 keys. However, I do use them under certain programs:

    F1 - I made this run the Run command in TextPad

    F5 - Run code in Visual Studio.NET
    F5 - Find Again in TextPad

    F6 - Compile code in Visual Studio.NET

    F8 - Find & Replace in TextPad

    F9 - Check for new email in Lotus Notes

    F11 - Make the current window Full Screen
    忽见柳荫下两个小孩子在哀哀痛哭,瞧模样正是武敦儒、武修文兄弟。郭芙大声叫道:「喂,你们在干甚麽?」武 修文回头见是郭芙,哭道:「我们在哭,你不见麽?」

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