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Eric Moo makes no apologies for his "socially responsible" sharp tongue

By on January 29th, 2010 | Chinese Entertainment, newsfeed

Eric Moo is straightforward about being straightforward. “This is staying true to your own point of view, [you have] to be accountable to the facts.”

But before he passes any comments – and criticisms – on others, the veteran singer-songwriter and record producer never forgets to criticize himself first, which he believes is “necessary to continuously change and correct yourself.”

Currently promoting his latest album The Classic, which took him five years to prepare, he confessed that it was a “very challenging” process for him. He recorded some of the tracks 10 or 20 times before he was satisfied with it, and even consulted an experienced vocalist in Beijing to further improve himself.

While he may come across as charismatic and confident, the white-haired one (he claims it’s real) is actually humble and grounded. “Being a singer is incomparable to an athlete because you do not have a…

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